Ok Cred Forums, serious question: Should I fuck my aunt?

Ok Cred Forums, serious question: Should I fuck my aunt?

The last five months she's been really, really flirty and touchy with me. She texts me several times a week and tells me she misses me. She was drunk two weeks ago and touched my dick "by accident" while on the couch with me at a family gathering (no one saw). She's been saying we should hang out for a while now and two days ago she texted me if I want to come over to watch a movie with her on Friday and "snuggle up on the couch again." I know what she means by that and that if I go, she will try to fuck me or blow me or something.

Context: She's a roastie and was always a slutty party girl her whole life. She's 43 now and past her prime though. Still decent look for her age, but not hot like she apparently used to be. She's been divorced for over a year now from my uncle (who I never knew all that well but could easily recognize he was a desperate, submissive beta she was using as a money dispenser). I'm 24, living on my own, and am decent-looking and reasonably fit.

I kind of want to go through with this but is this a mistake? How will I feel after if I do this? Will I regret this? My parents have no idea about any of this and my mom would be probably furious if I fucked her sister. I haven't agreed to it yet, and it's not too late to back out and tell my aunt I'm not interested.

What should I do?

>Don't even bother asking for a photo of her because I am 100% not going to post a picture of her or anyone in my family, period. I just want advice.

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If it were simple sex, maybe.
But she's up to something.

definitely do it. here are your two options

1. Don't fuck her, eventually it gets awkward and you 2 rarely/never speak

2A. Fuck her, if it turns out to have been a horrible mistake things get awkward and you rarely/never speak

2B. It was a great idea and you have anime style regular sex with your aunt.

Theoretically fucking her has higher chances of things going well than not.

Do it faggot

complete the ritual and you will know bliss

Fuck her. She's probably not going to go around bragging that she fucks her nephew. Do all the degenerate shit you've always wanted to do. She'll likely keep it a secret

I'm suspicious of that, too. She might be planning something. She's pretty dumb, though, so I'm not sure what it might be. I was thinking it maybe she's going after me because she's having a midlife crisis and wants to feel young and sexy again by going after younger men (I'm the youngest guy in my family) but that's the best-case scenario.

Maybe, or maybe she'll tell my mom, in which case I have a shitstorm on my hand. My mom knows her sister is a whore, but she thinks I'm her good boy. I don't know who she'd be more mad at.

Based response.

Why would she tell your mom, though?

>my mom would be probably furious if I fucked her sister.

This is by far the best thing I have read in a long time.

I dunno. Thinking worst-case scenario she fucks me then threatens to tell my mom as blackmail to get me to do what she wants. Like I said, she's pretty dumb, and probably a gold-digger given her last marriage. But would she really fuck her nephew just to try and get his money? That seems even more insanely evil and stupid than I think even she's capable of.

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How would this result in her getting money?

Step 1 she fucks you
Step 2 she is disgraced and the family ejects her, maybe both of you
Step 3 no money changed hands at all

If everyone thinks your aunt is a dumb good digging whore and she "accuses" you of fucking her, explain that she's lying and had threatened to blackmail you for money. Will your mom believe her good boy or her roastie trash sister?

>maybe both of you
Oof. I can't even imagine what my cousins and my other aunts and uncles and grandparents would all think of me if I did.
I mean, they would probably shit on her the most now that I think about it, but still.

God damn it I feel like I'm at a crossroad in my life where one choice is the one I'll regret for the rest of my life.

That's a really good point, actually. Unless she films it or something, I have significant deniability.

Tell them she roofied you

Do what the other user said and just say she's trying to blackmail you and lying and shit, just don't let her record video of you two fucking and it should be fine. Why do you think blackmail is even in the cards here, has she got a record of this level of nasty shit in the past?

What does she look like? I know you said no pics (and I 100% don't blame you) but can you describe her? Or post a pic that is the same body?

You're a better man than me. Not only would I agree to watch a movie with her, I'd bring liquor and snacks as well so she can get the taste of my cum out of her mouth

Or you can record you boning your aunt and use that to blackmail her.

You know what? Fuck it, boys. I'm doing it. I'm going to text her back and say I'll definitely be there on friday.

Wish me luck, guys.

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Do it then take a steaming dump on her chest


Good luck, user! Be a hero, do it for all of us! Post update

We get to help name your nephson also


highest kek

By aunt do you mean blood relation, marriage, or just one of those "aunts" most families have? If it's a blood aunt. serious answer: NO do not fuck your blood related aunt by any means. If it's one of those other "aunts" (((non blood related))) use your best judgement and morals and ask yourself if your uncle could whoop your ass and cross multiply by how worth it the pussy/body might be. Closest thing I have to a philosophy chief, good luck. Once again don't fuck blood relation

Thanks. Will post a thread about it friday or saturday, depending on how things go.

I'm going to bring condoms. If I manage to get my 43 year old aunt pregnant while wearing a condom, then that baby was meant to be born

She's my mom's blood-sister. My uncle was fat a beta-male who talked like he masturbated 4 times a day. And they've been divorced for over a year now. My aunt is currently single as far as I know.

Good luck user

Just do anal

Come back with an update or you're a faggot

imagine telling your sibling you fucked their kid. who looks bad there.

Eeeesh, I wouldn't do it but then again I can get pussy when I apply myself so I guess if things have gotten that miserably hopeless for ya you gotta do what you gotta do. I probably wouldn't do a whole lot of bragging about it though, shit like that has a way of getting around. Next thing you know you're giving granny a rim job while grandpa is watching while dressed in a diaper and rubbing maple syrup on his nipples........worst birthday party of my life I don't even wanna talk about the donkey

This you should triple check for recording devices that might be used for blackmail or something

Op here, I actually think I'm going to bring one myself, just in case.

All I can tell you, as an old fag, is I've regretted every fuck opportunity I've turned down.
But maybe that's because I have no idea how it would have turned out if I had.

How would you benefit? Besides some great fap material for your great buddies on Cred Forums of course

video it in the event she claims rape if caught


She knows you're young and full of cum. It's obvious that she will feel total power over her sister aka your mom, by having slept with her sisters son. Also be prepared for the nut trap. She can claim she's on BC, sterile, had tubes burned, what have you, but her getting preggo by you and knowing she would have that forever haunting your mom's memories would be glorious to her.

He answered it:

For the sake of your family, and being free of guilt and shame, DONT do it. Jerk off first and stop thinking with your cum brain. Always think of worst case scenario; whole family finds out, you have the brand of incest on your forehead, no respect and your offspring will always know you as a pervert. Just go on tinder and find someone who looks as similar as you can, fuck them and use your imagination, but don’t actually fuck your aunt.