My gf keeps telling me to vote for Bernie but I really want to vote for Bloomberg

My gf keeps telling me to vote for Bernie but I really want to vote for Bloomberg
My gf and me keep getting into fights over this

Any advice?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Vote for Bernie Sanders.

Yeah you can get 2500$ a month by not being a spineless shill

Are you comfortable being told what size drink is appropriate for you? What about being told having weapons is for the police only?


Vote bloomie and tell her you voted for Bernie, are you this retarded?

>socialism bad ree


How can an idiot like you even have a relationship?

Socialism is bad you retarded zoomer.

I'm sorry you and you hand are having issues.

Sanders 2020

Agree to disagree.
Like a mature person.

I'm voting for Bernie, the fuck are you on about?
Bloomberg is the totalitarianist asshole here, I'm not fucking voting for some dumbshit who thinks knows better for me, we get enough of that from the republicans.

>Any advice?

Vote for Trump

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Vote Trump and try again next time.

Not a single Democrat is worth voting for.

Ask scandinavia if democratic socialism is bad.
You fat, brainwashed yank.

Won't happen, retard.

Ask the EU. You stupid commie.

I'm voting Bloomberg because I'm not a fucking sperg who believes whatever the fuck he's told

Vote for them if you like but it will be a significant loss. Maybe the dems can get back in in 2024. Probably will, the cycle and all.

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> yank

Your opinion means shit because you can't vote.

Bootlicker confirmed.

idk why dont you

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Bernie Sanders 2020

Japp, it is so good and stable that you need to import traumatized people with high level of violence and crime rate to destroy it.

Don't be stupid.

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>Maybe the dems can get back in in 2024.

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fire department
> bad
not getting dicked by insurers


reeeeeeee how does tax bracket work.

Maybe if you could read spreadsheets, you wouldn't look so stupid.

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>My gf and me keep getting into fights over this


Scandinavia is not socialist. They have asked people to stop referring to them as socialist.

Obviously didn't/can't read

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>the cycle and all

Or non stop immigration replacing white people

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Bloomberg is a fucking dickwad, Bernie is clearly the right choice

Stop dating a trap

those things aren't Socialism and any actual educated Socialist will tell you that.

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EU would work fine if not for the greedy wannabe capitalists lobbying everywhere.
Yes dismiss conversation and discussions when they're conducted conceptually, that way lies mental growth, surely?
I looked into the mirror and asked myself.
Yep, works fine.
Poitically correct idiocy notwithstanding.
We speak as little about Sweden as possible.

> BoOtLicKeR cOnfIrmeD

You're the real bootlicker, accepting a false promise based on your emotions.

you are a retarded troll.You only pay tax for income above the threshold. But you knew that you despicable fuck.

Murder-suicide seems like a good option.

Oh fuck, Cred Forums is here.

What, you think you can manage someone else's country despite never living there? Why the fuck do you think the Tories made you leave the Union?

OP here
I asked for relationship advice and people are arguing about Trump and Bernie?

I know more people voting for Bloomberg and that's who I'm voting for

How can I get my gf to vote for Bloomberg too?

Get a fucking life? Why should politics be such a big fucking deal to you? I mean, especially on the matter of one vote in a primary process that was rigged last time. The only reason Biden is being shoved cock- first down the throats of little girls rather than the throats of the American people is because they fucked it up so badly with Hillary and because Americans are worn out if hearing about impeachment and how bad white men are.

Fuck all people who are even kind of like you.

and anyone who associates the USSR or Venezuela's polices to Bernie doesn't know what socialism or authoritarianism actually is.

That's a lot of assumptions. Definately a fascist wannabe.

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fuck off. You aren't convincing anybody. You are obviously a paid Bloomberg campaign shill. Don't make me post the mary poppins bloomberg vid

Keep lying, shill. How much the old kike's campaign paying you? Hope it's less than 31k.

apparently Bloomberg is worth 62 billion USD? Golly, If I had that much money, and I were the scum of the earth, I'd probably buy my way into the running too...

Lock her in the cage on Super Tuesday. Tell her to fuck off and spread her nudes. Vote for Bloomberg. It's just stupid to vote for that old angry commie.

stop being a massive cuck and do what she says in this instance

This exactly what the DNC wants dummy. Vote Trump.

Calling your opponents fascists is how you get fucked. You think that old fart is gonna win with his promises? Nope. Bloomberg can just buy the fucking nomination. That'll be fucking hilarious.

you are fucking trash

The unfathomable levels of cuck... lol

Actually, I'm into Yang, but I find the anti- Trump business to be fucking obnoxious.

Discuss =/= manage
Pic related, it's you.

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The liberals want literally everyone on earth to die a horrifically painful death!

The only ONLY choice is GOD-KING Donald Jesus Christ Trump!

Yang gang is the most wholesome political party to date, change my mind.

oh yeah,. lying about how tax brackets have always worked.

No one is this retarded. Its insulting to think you think people are so dumb they might believe you.

Well then, Mr. Eurofag Big Brain man, let's hear your plan.

vote for Trump obviously

They're deader than the alt right

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>alt right
There never was an "alt right"
That was just some shit Hillary Clinton said to describe anyone who wasnt a Neocon

didn't say they're viable. Said they're wholesome. =/=

fuck off feminist


the correct response is "Teal Deer"
this fucking paragraph writing cuck... jesus...

Eesh, it's as if you can't read.

Australia Plan covers mental health = yes
dental and optical are not covered that is true.
Also people in Australia are abandoning Private insurance in droves (large numbers)


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I'm asking you, fucker. What's your plan to save America? Or do you not have one?

Fuck off Ivan

why would you vote bloomberg?


vote Trump is the real answer you fucking faggot. all you welfare faggots throw a fit when he wins 2020 and you'll have to get a job, losers

miss the old Cred Forums? join based autism shitpost server

nigger nigger nigger


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President Bernie Sanders 2020

I never said I did.
Nor is it that simple.
But why should I bother telling you anything?
1) you're not inclined to listen.
2) you think anyone who doesnt' agree with you are either dumb, evil or just wrong
3) you're already angry and thus even less likely to consider any opinion other than your own.

Discussing anything with yanks is hopeless. All you do is scream "you're wrong" at each other until you're exhausted. It's futile.

Bloomberg will get the nomination.

in your dreams. Democrat debates are a joke because they have to fight each other to have a chance against trump, which they dont lel

lmao no

Murder suicide.

Well Cuckleberry Finn the fact that you're even asking is pathetic. Any bitch that controlling should be kicked to the kerb. You don't need to have every opinion the same.

>also neither of those cunts is worth voting for, Bernie is out to lunch on many policies and Bloomers thinks he's god.

Easy. Tell her you vote for Bernie, but in fact don’t. Done

The rest of their candidates are such a ridiculous SJW pussy disaster... a leftwing actually authoritarian version of Trump on even more 1% scumbag steroids makes the most sense in these crazy times.


he literally took 52% right off gross income, not understanding that anything in poverty line (below specified amount) is not taxed as heavily.


it's funny that the demoshits have to argue each other to have a impossible chance to win against trump. it makes them look like children

> You're too stupid to understand so I won't say anything

Then shut the fuck up, Ivan.

Betafags. Stand your ground. You're allowed to disagree.

Considerable less in Denmark compared to the States. Nice try though - nigger got your brain?

Who the fuck cares where the threshold is. No one wants to give 1/2 their money away.

trump will win 2020. cry more demis

The next US President will be Bernie Sanders.

>how does marginal tax work?
>look it up, change you life and stop making stupid arguments

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No, it's going to be Bloomberg you dumbfuck.


you wish, bud

You do realize ballots are secret?

You really can't read at all.
I didn't say you were stupid (but now that you mention it...)
I said you're not inclined to listen.
Also, your preconceptions are showing.
I'm not Russian - not that it matters, you've set your mind to what I am the second I didn't agree 100% with you.
As I said in my previous post - discussion with yanks is futile.


Bernie won’t get one shred of his pipe dream passed.

Fuck off, Ivan. Go collect your vodka from the internet research agency or something.

Not a chance, Eugene. The left is anti-white and more people than ever know this as FLAT FACT. Whites voting for leftists is like blacks voting for Jim Crow laws. Eat no dicks and may your penis grow back!

you ok m8?

I'm fine. Why d'you ask?

I read your comment, called you out for your high horse bullshit, and previously asked what your ideas were, but now you refuse to share them.

Quit wasting my time.

It's Tovarisch, not mate.

Sanders 2020

You don't pay the marginal rate on your whole fucking income moron
>be the 60s
>be a golden era
>Top rate over 70%
>Dumbfucks: Er mah gerd! Erm paying 70% erl mah income!!

Of course not, yanks don't feel solidarity with one another. Something like any social initiatives will be quelled, should he be voted in, he'll be shot.
Your corperate masters won't let social equity exist in your society.

anyone who falls for this shit is literally retarded and should stay out of finance.

Yeah..that got ended for a reason...and then the biggest economic boom the US has ever seen happened.

None of the "good" stuff anyway. But he'll go straight for the guns and open that border up, for damn sure. Any of them will.

it won't matter

>trump 2020

Imagine wanting to vote for your rich asshole boss who pays you as little as possible

>actually believing this

Civil War 2020

you sound mad, did someone touch you in the nono spot recently?

Here I thought it’s just because the left has less of a chance of taking back the senate than Bernie does actually getting elected.

He’s so old and angry he is more likely to get a heart attack than the White House

Are you worth more than $3m? If no, #bernie2020

You sound stupid, did someone drop you on your head as a baby?

Bloomberg is a racist piece of shit and has the same greedy motivations to be president that trump does.

Bernie wants to improve the state of our country so we don't waste money on a failed healthcare system and useless war spending

Be wary of the slander and spin against him claiming that his policies will cost us more money when really his plans are set up to tax the super ultra rich who are able to avoid paying taxes under trump (and bloomberg would do this as well)

Bloomberg? you're right

this. Fuck off midget.

>lying to your partner is beta, reeeee

Is the local Hobby lobby gang coming to bust a cap?

hurt Durr just give that bitch lip service and vote for whoever you like.

i suppose your a supporter of reagan ?

the reason the economy skyrocketed after that is because high end business's paid WAY less tax, and the whole ideology of it was that when the rich get their fill they will trickle down the rest.

what we have seen is unstable economic growth (indicated by crashes occuring sooner and sooner) and an HUGE increase in income inequality.(the economy may be booming, but the rewards of that are not felt by your average citizen like it would have pre 70's)

moral of the story is, the economic upscale is a misrepresentation of wealth in america, because essentially the entire rise went into the pockets of a select minority.

Oh, when pressed about how bad you are at listening, you suddenly show interest to prove me wrong?
Very well:
I suggest a basic, state run social security system, unbiased by business interests, same with basic education - as high a standard as possible, without political influences. Y'know, like the european model.
Open inquiry and the implementation of trained critical thinking.
All the basics should be made equal - a living wage, a place to live, food on the table.
If you want anything beyond that, in the way of luxuries, you have to put in the extra work.
Also no tax havens for the ultra rich - they must pay their bloody taxes like everybody else.

Anything else you wanna hear?

Hillary doesn't want Colonal Sanders, so he has a very slim chance of the nom regardless of what the polls say. On the miniscule chance he's able to overcome her machinations he'll have a heart attack before ever taking office. Bloomberg is far more like Trump than different, a complete megalomaniac

you sound really mad, did someone touch you somewhere recently? I'm here to listen if you need help fren


vote for whoever the fuck you want and tell her you voted for Bernie

in general, smile and nod. if you can vote anonymously, do what ever you want. Let her "win" and then when she tries to fight, calmly say, "I don't feel like talking about politics." and if she continues try changing the subject or saying calmly again that you don't want to talk about that, if she pushes again, leave. I fucking hate election years.

Why, aren't you priceless!

... and this is how yanks "discuss"... it's fucking futile.


and im telling you, the only thing dropping the tax did was make the rich richer, and your to stupid to understand it.

but stay in your cave you troll.

The Russians support both oligarchs.

yall remind me of smite players. sweaty losers and bums.

>projection much

Can’t hear you from the top of this pile of Reagan money

>ever know this as FLAT FACT
As opposed to round facts and toroid facts.


Not to put too fine a point on it, Shmuel, but it's 'tovarishch'.

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The russians don't care.
You just need a boogeyman, because you yanks can ony unite against something.
Not for something.
Pathetic, ignorant people.

>15 y/o triggered baby

oh you poor things, you'll get there one day, just keep working on your comprehension and you'll understand things :)

Those Flat Facts are so hard to assemble, they just never seem to fit right and sometimes the allen keys just spin the bolts in their holes.

You know, the left and right could talk about economics, we all suffer it. But when you bring in the anti-white shit, the pandering to every "victim" shit, the anti-gun shit, the anti-free speech shit, the open borders shit... It's just never going to happen. That is a poisonous platform and since this idiotic grasp at complete power from the left, progress has halted and all we do is fight eachother.

I like the quardrilateral facts the best.

Vote for who the fuck you want. Nobody but you must know who you voted for. That's secret and if someone is pressuring you to vote to what you dont agree with in the first place.

Also Bernie is an dementia ridden asshole. Socialism doesn't fucking work and I wouldn't vote for someone that sympathizes with things like "Cuban Healthcare" or not recognizing obvious left wing dictators.

>supporter of reagan
Light would be such a burden. Reagan now weighs nothing.

I feel for you bro. you just dont get it

if you make less than a few million per year, you will undoubtedly benefit from sanders. just fucking vote for the objectively cooler jew.

THERE'S NO FUCKING RUSSIANS! Holy shit you people are nuts. Turn off the damn TV.

I was older than 15 when reagan was elected

Reagan would be considered a liberal lefty by today's republicans

Dust always collects up in the corners, though.

Trump 2020 haters gunna hate. dummy crats have to argue in debates just to have a chance to win lel

prove it.

progress halted in the 80's mayn, the ability for your average citizen to make it was shredded, and the monopoly of corporations was solidified.

Again with your high hat bullshit. You had the fucking "you're too arrogant" attitude first, Eurofucktard.

> State run social security
We have that, private ones are better

> All the basics should be made equal - a living wage, a place to live, food on the table.

The market will decide that for you, not the state.

> If you want anything beyond that, in the way of luxuries, you have to put in the extra work.

What fucking planet do you live on? You think we don't do that already?

> Also no tax havens for the ultra rich - they must pay their bloody taxes like everybody else.

Politicians have loopholes around anything. Including your politicians.

Continue with your fantasy land list.


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True enough, spherical it is!
Shiny surface, smooth to the touch, harmless when implemented.

Shut up Ivan.

These are not the droids you are looking for.

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...odd how silent you suddenly went.

Well, he did start out in politics as the president of a union after all.

Are you asking to see my old balls?

yall are arguing like the Democrats do; face it, you lost. trump 2020

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You're fucking blind as a bat. What, your perfect European health care not have good ophthalmologists in the plan?

But i'm not a cuck soyboy, pro cuba, with zero understanding of the economy.

I'm sorry you're so brainwashed and genuinely stupid. You asked, I provided, you go "No, ur wrong" like always.
Any and all discussions with yanks is a futile manouvre - the knee-jerk reaction to anything you don't understand is "no u".


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that's not proof there kiddo.

Trump is not a politician and he's not very smart. He is a good salesman though and I'm quite sure he believes both give everyone big fake smiles to everyone. Reading into something so vague and forming a conspiracy theory from it, is beyond brainwashed.

you sound mad, did someone hurt you?


Watch this first

Oh, noes! More miscegenation! That's

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God.. you're an idiot.
Beyond my ability to adequately describe in words. Enjoy your preconceptions, life long stress and social inequity.

You mean like after you've molted?

Ok then. Your loss.
At this point in life I don’t care anymore. I kinda hope you get your health care passed. That way I can stick around and get older than Noah on your dime just to hang around and piss you off.
Thanks for taking care if the bill, sucker.

> He thinks e*rope is a utopia

Have fun with your recession.

you sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?


It's so obvious they hate white people
They want them replaced in tv, movies, everywhere in media, and want everything about white countries to be changed

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It's highly unnatural for a government to push it and media to try to make it a fad. It's base subversion.

Those would be new balls then.


you sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

DNC probably won't give it to Bernie. Either they'll risk their own civil war by going with Bloomberg, or they'll go full CIA asset about it with Buttigug. Bernie will endorse the winner because Bernie isn't a fighter.

As a Trump supporter I find it amusing regardless.

Bloomberg - DNC openly admits it's a whore for money and has no standards, but he's running around trying to buy state legislatures and he's due a sound reprisal.
Bernie - DNC openly admits it's dead and we finally get a chance to make the millennial commies shut the fuck up once and for all. Maybe with an undeniable loss, they'll chimp out and we can legally kill them all.
Buttigug - A million puns and no policy, but possibly the most sane of the bunch which is rare for a CIA asset. He can take a dick, and we'll see if he can take a joke. LGBT might no longer be used as globalist proxy fighters.
Biden - DNC proves they're still old guard and incapable of self-reflection and growth. Perhaps the only one more senile and ineffectual than Sanders. I'm hoping for this one the least as it's just predictable elder abuse.
Warren - It has a vagina, I guess. Basically if you took Bernie Sanders, made his dick 2 inches bigger, his tits a cup size smaller, and called his socialist policies capitalist without actually changing them, you'd have Lie-awatha's Legacy.
Klobuchar - Like Warren but irrelevant
Steyer - Like Bloomberg but irrelevant
Clinton - I'm giving it 1 to 4 that she's gonna dark horse to the top. I kinda doubt it, but not enough to dismiss it. DNC doesn't care about rules when it suits them. Still, a rematch would be mildly amusing, though I think the most meaningful Trump victory will come vs Bloomberg or Bernie.

Even Jake, from State Farm.

So you have no defense? Good. Now fuck off back to Siberia

Nope. Sound a little annoyed yourself though.

I'm just frustrated.
That child can't be reached, so I'll stop trying.
... which isn't helping my mood any.

Show her good reasons and facts to vote for him. Also show her why Bernie is a bad choice.

look up @stupidwhiteads on twitter
It's insane how often it is in tv commercials

you sound mad, did you get hurt bad?

>He is a good salesman
who nonetheless has failed at selling…

And he's currently selling a wall that the Bush Family Wehrmacht built decades ago!

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Nope. Was all that anti Reagan shit for show?
Dusting off what you hate about your grandparents?

Have a black man fuck your gf and then you lick the cum of your gf pussy . Will save your relation ship

>show her why Bernie is a bad choice.


He doesn't know how much all the shit he is proposing would cost and cant explain exactly how to pay for it.

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you sound mad, did someone touch you?

There's nothing to see, just the shrill automatic gainsaying of a toddler, unable to read.
As I said, I've given up, there's no reaching that child.

I switched to the audio captchas

>in similar US counties
What is the "similar"? Why not just average of all US counties? That's a big asterisk *****
They are gerrymandering data

Why would I even bother?
That post shows me exactly how little you listen and understand. As I said, it's futile.
Yanks can't discuss.

you sound mad, did you get touched in the nono part recently? if so, explain.?

Poor people are always criticized.

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No u
no u
no U
no u etc. etc. etc.

Yanks can't discuss.

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Bloomberg is just a more Trumped Trump. Any criticism you can level at Trump also applies to Bloomberg but often more so. That so many on the Left are supporting him just shows that they only thought Orange Man was bad because the TV told them to.

dubs of truth

Sadly, no one touches my old balls unless I pay them. Don’t mind.

Have fun with that fascist Russian name guy, limey.

Ironically close

I hope Boris' version of the gestapo fucking guts you

Not an argument

nah you just cannot win in your arguments. not a yankee either, you're just dumb.

It's their own fault for doubling down on the SJW "marginalized people" bullshit that lost Hilary the election.
People are sick of hearing sob stories about the assholes they watch cheating the system and don't want separate lax standards applied to anyone who is brown or some kind of fuckhead minority group.
Of course that is going to be divisive.
People just want a fair playing field, not this "you can run in here and do what ever the fuck you want" but the fucking feds are going to come after you for every little thing if you are legal tax paying citizen. It's totally ridiculous and the democrats should lose until they get back to representing their own country's people.
At least dickbrain Bernie is actually more nationalistic than the rest of what the democrats have to offer.
If you want to do socialist shit you have to be nationalistic, you are lucky if it even works financially for your own people. This globalist open border socialist crap is the most retarded intentionally nation destroying shit ever.

>poor people

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Oh, you can't read, here, I'll repeat and simplify:
"I'm frustrated.
Child can't be reached, I'll stop trying.
Captcha requiring much clickings doesn't help my mood any."

tell me if you need further simplification.

Our media has the left completely brainwashed. And since they are so annoying about being brainwashed, it just infuriates the other side into being just as childish. Some subversive kike psychiatrist and/or human behaviorist is laughing his ass off at his genius, in dividing us so perfectly.

I'll try that in future.

I don't understand. Are you saying they are trying to make brown people lighter? That's just as bad for white people though!

Okay, it's at that level. I can do that.

"No U"

There is no left in the US. You've all been brainwashed. (((Someone))) has been moving the goalposts when you weren't looking.

Attached: us 2020.png (711x586, 57K)

Democrats: take your taxes for people who dont deserve disability or social security.
Republicans: fuck those leeches.
I know too many leeches sucking the system when they are healthy and fine to work. they fake it for free gvrmt bucks

I'm not even in the argument.
I'm just lurking and being entertained by pic related.

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You are all brainwashed. But you can't see it - which makes sense.

Good, yes, "read".
That's correct.

Most on the center and to the right, avoid the media and only care about populist and nationalist issues.


Your vote doesn't count during a presidential election idiot.


Whatever floats your boat, nigger.

Bloomberg owns a lot of media. hmm doesn't it make you realize he does bad things but it dont make the headlines? he pays it all off.

I no English espanol only main

Just kill yourself

Those count as State Socialism. Learning is good :)

If you are actually interested in not being wrong, then why not watch this lecture on socialism.

Holy shit this thread shows how fucked future generations are.

Why are zoomers so fucking dumb? I get the education system is programming them to be stupid, but Jesus fuck, do none of them question anything?

I'm genuinely terrified for my kid. I can't imagine how fucked the world will be after zoomers run us into communist hell.

Lo que Chente quiso decir es …
Para ser un buen hecho, por más redondo mejor.

Wow that guy sucks

Hey, man, speak for yourself.
I'm almost as old as Bernie.

Your gf is hella smarter than you. She's out of your league. She should leave you. Idiot. :)

>Bernie will endorse the winner
I dont think he will if he actually won. He isnt that big of a pussy.
His supporters are actually going to have to get a spine and tell DNC we will vote for trump, we will burn the place the down before rolling over.

You're precious

it shows through technology. they can look up whatever they want. smartphones tablets whatever. didnt have that back in those days. just textbooks and doing everything the hard way. zoomers will kil themselfs off because of technology

>we will burn the place the down before rolling over.
I literally can hear your kazoos playing while riding into battle

that make not sense??

lul you're literally retarded, aren't you? What the fuck does communism have to do with socialism? Don't like socialism? Okay. Give up:
Your retirement/social security
Your public roads
Your fire/police/ambulances
Your public parks
Your power grid
Your municipal sewer system
Your internet
Your Medicare/Medicaid
Your public education
Your public libraries
Your armed forces (all of them)
Your public transportation
Your unions

What the fuck is wrong with people having a better life and the government actually providing for the voters for which it is supposed to work? You don't like the many socialist programs we already have? Then you may as well move to North Korea. :)


It is all we could afford.

THE UNITED STATES IS ALREADY LARGELY A SOCIALIST SOCIETY. How is this difficult to understand? Oh, right, I forgot. Cred Forums. :)

That's a lie

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For the rich, its bootstraps for the poor.

>Your retirement/social security - failing
>Your public roads - built for commerce and local trade
>Your fire/police/ambulances - to protect the town, not your shitty house
>Your public parks - not yours anymore. Homeless
>Your power grid - you don’t want tit anyway. It’s dirty and you want wind
>Your municipal sewer system - why bother. Already shitting in the streets
>Your internet - not a utility
>Your Medicare/Medicaid - no need. Private health covers more and faster
>Your public education - worthless. You want free college but won’t fundk-12
>Your public libraries - outdated due to internet
>Your armed forces (all of them) - again, not built to protect you
>Your public transportation - can walk faster
>Your unions - yeah.. let’s not even go there

>I'm a socialist!
>I don't know what socialism means!


Those count as State Socialism. Learning is good :)

If you are actually interested in not being wrong, then why not watch this lecture on socialism.

you are both idiots and should vote for Trump

Ask your GF's boyfriend what to do!

Attached: bloomsturdgen.jpg (1417x902, 200K)

The 52% tax rate is only for people making over 10 million per year, not to mention that there are tax brackets.
You're falling for billionaire propaganda and shilling for them for free, retard

Shame you're just trying to redefine an established term in an attempt to normalize extreme positions.

If you're actually interested in not being pants on head wrong, then why not read this:

get high stay high they will lose no matter what, who

Guess your a democrat so there is no hope for you any further. So there is no hope for you or your GF. Please die and give the world a fighting chance

Bloomberg is a Republican pretending to be a Democrat.

Vote for bloomberg, tell her you voted for Bernie

But for real OP you are a fucking idiot if you are throwing your vote on to this billionaire dinosaur boomer

Dump the girl

>no fatasses allowed
sounds like a dream come true

Ask Venezuela

He’s right

he said "girlfriend" not sister

Attached: republican voter.png (500x437, 120K)

You're right, you're only 2 of those 3.

>How can I get my gf to vote for Bloomberg too?
if you are looking real advice on /b about your relationship there is no hope for you


stop being a faggot; politics is for suckers and loosers

lol, triggered?

Vote your conscience. If that (correctly) tells you Bernie won't be able to tax $61tn out of the 1% who only personally earn a collective $1tn a year and that his ideas aren't actually affordable, then vote for someone else.

I hate Bloomberg, but he is the ONLY logical choice under the "D" flag right now. I'll be pulling the lever for him.

61 trillion? Where is this coming from?
Do you know what the annual US budget typically is?
Another Cred Forums faggot afraid for his "self earned success".
Die you fucking misinformed piece of shit.

US annual budget is about a third of that.
Bernie's plans aren't realistically affordable.

Attached: Screenshot_20200225-075712_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 389K)

First, this article is two years old. Projections change.
Second, this is the cost for Medicare for all alone, accrued over about a decade.
Third, this gives no credit at all to the fact that you would not pay your regular insurance costs such as premiums while also paying an increased tax.
Fourth, estimates have a huge range. Some say 20 trillion. So just pick 61? No.
Finally, the US annual budget is NOT 1/3 of 61 trillion.
The US budget for 2019 was about 4.5 trillion. Of that, nearly half is funded via FICA taxes and is non discretionary spending. This is medicaid, medicare, and SSDI.
Well fuck it then, let's just continue to pay more per capita than every other country on the planet for lesser health outcomes. That is our current system.
But Medicare for all costs 61 trillion over a decade, for 6.1 a year, more than the entire US budget? Stop sucking media and insurance company cock and think.

Stomp a tranny to death

Found the cuck

Bernie a Jewish cuck I'm embarrassed for you

>Finally, the US annual budget is NOT 1/3 of 61 trillion.
GDP, you government cuck.

Your GF should find a smarter partner.

>Mexico Institute

GDP was never mentioned in the post.
Annual GDP is not 61 trillion.
Annual GDP is about 21 trillion per year.
So you are saying that 61 trillion over 10 years is greater than 21 trillion GDP per year for 10 years, or 210 trillion total. Therefore, 61/210 is about a third?
Why don't you state that?
So it's not affordable? What are we spending now factor?
Government cuck? Yep we are so exceptional in the US, all other nations cucked by healthcare.
Good try.

GDP was never mentioned in the post. But neither was the US annual federal budget, which you assumed. What he said was "annual US budget", which could be interpreted either way.

Now do your math correctly. What's 1/3rd of 61 trillion? Roughly the GDP. You'd have to divide it 5 again to approximate the federal budget.

So it was pretty fucking obvious what he meant.

Same guy here.
Don't believe me, check yourself.
If you have US health insurance, you likely have it through your employer.
Look at your 2019 W2, box 12c. This is what your employer paid for your insurance. Now add your monthly premium, all copays, and co insurance for the year.
It's probably more than you think.
What if that money was spent towards insurance with better outcomes covering more people? I'm already paying it now, along with my employer.

Dump her. Bernie is gonna end the world

Oh fuck off.
Annual budget could mean GDP?
I misassumed budget to mean federal budget instead of GDP?
These aren't even your comments?
Hope you are getting a reach around while shilling for this guy.
Got any other answers, specifically to what we currently spend?
Sorry I can't match the intellect of the all knowing daytime Cred Forums user.

It was fucking obvious. I gave you a quick correction, because you clearly missed it. Swoosh, right over your head. So I explained it to you like you were a retarded 4 year old and you finally got it, but now you're whining because it was too hard.

Good job, if your job is "moron".

Vote for whoever you want and don't tell anybody. That's the forgotten part of voting. You're not supposed to wear it like a t-shirt.

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You did not correct shit.
I posted the math before you even responded. I had 1/3 of GDP. It was in the post.
You confirmed I had the right number.
So it's over my head?
Budget and GDP are different terms entirely. You cannot state "budget" and mean GDP.
Fine, I'll give you this. Got any other insights in what we currently spend and what we get for it as a nation?
Do you have insurance at all?

>I posted the math before you even responded. I had 1/3 of GDP. It was in the post.
You quite literally
>61/210 is about a third

Just accept you're a moron and move on.

Yes, 61 trillion over 10 years.
From the Forbes article.
21 trillion GDP per year over a decade.
Assume no increase which is conservative. 210 trillion GDP over 10 years.
61 over 10 / 210 over 10 is about 30% or near 1/3rd.
So it costs 1/3 of GDP, as you stated.
Where's your correction?
Still waiting on anything of substance.
I'll move on. You can be right. What do we currently spend as a nation, on healthcare, as a percentage of GDP?
Is this proposal more, less, the same, and how does this affect affordability of the program?