Hello b, let me tell you a story, I am a descendant of the Annunaki, I have knowledge about certain things...

Hello b, let me tell you a story, I am a descendant of the Annunaki, I have knowledge about certain things, stories passed down from the dawn of man, I am also but a mere mortal as yourselves, but I do have some quirks kicking in my genes from my forefathers, ask me anything, and ill answer it to the best of my ability

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Other urls found in this thread:


why was Enlil a slut

Is this a troll?

Got anything actually useful to share with us?

You mean why was he a faggot*

Shed some light on these stories passed down from the dawn of man.

Haha Enlil, i cant tell you much about how he was, but from what ive been told, he had an inferiority complex that compelled him to crave attention and be lusted upon

Heres a funny story, white people are 1/2 gods, black people are only 1/4, not to be racist, just a fact

So explain the real function of the pyramids.

Also, were there really giants leftover in Afghanistan? What was their deal? Pic related.

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Also, man invented circumcism to mimic the annunaki, the gods didnt have foreskin, so people did it to be more like the gods, thats where the religion part came from, i too was born without a foreskin, just a random little fact im sure no one cares about

1. how much of astral travel is bullshit?
2. who runs the world?
3. what is the biggest secret?
4. what is your social status?
5. are there ways to influence reality?

Since OP is a slow Space-time faggot or whatever, I'll respond to my own shit with some interesting shit. Enjoy.


The pyramids were built to channel energy im told, but thats honestly all I know, supposedly to allow communication of some sort, but ive only heard rumors, that is more of a side story to a later generation of people, but fun fact, the original ancient egyptians also too were white, so the brown people cant even take credit for them, as far as giants go, there were a race of them, as there was a few races of humanoid creatures, but they were few and far between, probably just died out over the years through evolution

Not familiar with astral travel, but there is a dream realm, as far as who runs the world, pretty much just shitty capitalists who have money, the biggest secret? Um, if I had to say, itd prob be that there are some of us amoung you, who technically arent homosapien, my social status isnt super relavent, but I do okay, and there are plenty of ways to influence reality, but none in the ways you probably think

Prune it down and please answer Numbers 2, 3, and 5.

Also, this is not a troll, I am 100% legit, I just dont want people to think im some magnificent all knowing person, it is true i am a descendant, but I am still just a person, I have some things about me that may be a bit unique, but still a man nontheless, but I will answer things to the best of my ability

Nice trips.
But fuck if this is going to be another "ummm so here's a vague answer" thread then I'm leaving. I need concrete answers, so let me ask again, What is the biggest secret? what do you mean by technically aren't homosapiens? what do you mean by half god and 1/4 go, speak your knowledge, you got the audience now is the time to spill your beans you fool.

I got Aids from Enalil. He possed my butthole

The rothschilds rule the world
One true god doesnt exist
You can warp reality and time, but it takes a lot of force and energy, more than we currently have, but you can alter reality by focusing your mind, it might sound silly, but you can directly affect things around you, like luck can be manipulated

Cool. Follow up question: Will the pyramids ever be relevant again?

And the big question for the thread that most are too pussy to ask: If ya'll come back now, what could an enterprising modern human do to assure a place as a low-level servant and be spared whatever apocalyptic scenario might be in store for the vast majority of humanity? Would we be able to remain on earth? Or could we throw on a space suit, some gene mods/ethereal assumption/whatever and come along on some of your space conquests? Seems like it would be a fascinating ride.

Big Nig in the hood is always gonna have folks who want to tag along.

Did we pass the anunaki checkpoint? Did they approve?

It does feel like luck is something hat can be toyed with. Neat.

How can one manipulate luck would they need specific genes or is it in all humans?

Trying to answer everyone quickly, i apologize, but yes actual descendants from the gods, do not posses the rh positive gene that links humans to primates, the annunaki took homosapien dna and manipulated it to make slaves, sort of in their own image, the ones the took for sons, are almost purely god like as far as genetics go, we are just most definitely watered down nowadays


I dont believe the pyramids will ever be relavent again, as there are more modern and easy ways to do anything that needs done now, and as far as them coming back, i highly doubt it will ever happen, they werent the all powerful gods people made them out to be, i just dont think itd be worth their time to even try to do anything,

Dont need any specific genes, its hard to explain, but like if you really want something that should be solely chance, you can make it happen by concentrated will, to a degree, you just really have to believe and want it

Why is everyone being so hard on poor old enlil hahahaha

Ive been told the whole story about planet x, and wether its true or not, i think it was some sort of a translation of bad telephone, and i honestly dont think they ever left, or if they just showed up, i think they were always around, and were just way more advanced, and used their knowledge to trick humans into thinking they were gods for personal gain, fun fact, most rulers of any nation or big government or business, are one of us, and have the rh negative gene that links them to the annunaki, i dont think there is a conspiracy, it just always works out that we tend to be more succesful because of genetics maybe?

Hi, can you tell me what you could say it's the transcendental knowledge that everyone should know from Annunaki?. Also can I follow you on some social media? I really want to learn everything I could.

Haha I dont really want to give out any info about myself, I really am just a somewhat normal person living in the world, but honestly if I had something to say about what they would want to tell you, and its sort of a family motto, might sound a little cheesy, but like literally nothing is impossible, and you can do anything you put your mind to, and its not a matter of a just do it attitude, just a secret to life, is to get out there, and make your reality your own

If people really are that interested and want to talk more, and probably easier, I could set up a kik account just to talk with people who want to ask me anything at all

What kind of quirks are you experiencing as u get older?

More like things I was born with, genetic things like larger organs, setup a little different inside, dual sets of most infrastructure like veins, arteries, tendons and nerves, but probably most significant things is being able to heal at an astronomical rate, not like wolverine or anything, but seriously fast, like bad wounds overnight, immune to pretty much any disease or infection, dont get sunburns or bruise, just little things, but also quite a few what i guess id call brain powers? Not sure what to call it, but just odd things i can sense or do, most odd is seeing sounds with my eyes shut, not crazy colors, but loud sharp noises if my eyes are closed, show up in my head where the noise came from and varies in intensity depending on the noise

Is there anyway that you can prove this isn't fiction? Not trying to attack, I'm actually curious. Maybe you can

I can certainly try if theres any way you think I could?

Yeah why not

So ur a channeler? Or got some spirit guides feeding u shit? Was in a similar boat until they decided to introduce me someone knew; “Lucifer.”

Wait what? Fucking prove it right now, thats all the proof i need. Show us ur foreskinless circumcision-scarless penis.

if you are anikan skywalker why are you on Cred Forums?

Have you tried psychodelics? Do you have a pineal gland?

Changed my old one around, so if anyone wants to, its dmgood77

ARE YOU 5'6 hahahaha

Wait what? How were to told the whole story and then follow it with “i think it was blah blah blah” if u were told fo whole story, its irrelevant what think about it, tell us what ur told about it.

What? Im 6’4” haha

Hahaha yeah, I don’t think so, but its funny thats what proof ya want, i can promise ya, I was definitely born without a foreskin lol

No spirit guides haha, just intuition i think


Never done any sort of drug, and im honestly not sure, most likely do

And that would be something easy to prove correct? Same with double sets of veins and a naturally foreskinless dick.
Do u have double sets of teeth too or odd finger proportions or excessively tall?

I believe he may be good and real as an idea, but as an actual entity, i have no true faith in one supreme being, religion has it all wrong

I did have 8 wisdom teeth i had to get removed hahaha, and 3 sets of teeth, 4 sets of canines, but nah, no tail

Its interesting because this is the first time someone has this such things that are easily proven, so blatantly.
Lacking a gene, larger organs, double sets of veins and whatever else, naturally lacking a foreskin.

If you KNOW this stuff, not THINK it, you can prove it as you’d either already have the prove or the prove is literally attached to you.

So prove it.

Id show my veins if you could see them, but externally i look the same as anyone

Besides my dick, which im not gonna post hahahaha

Prove it, show teeth. I have matching set of top and bottom canines.

Real question that every guy want to know from you, how do you make your dick bigger? Real talk!

You can easily show veins, get a bright flash light. Granted i probably wouldnt believe veins cuz i couldnt say whether or not its abnormal.

But id know a dick without a circumcision scar but also without foreskin when i see it.

So, mind, body and spirit are 3 different things?

My teeth look normal now, i meant i lost two full sets, then another set of canines, and wisdom teeth were all removed, so its not gonna prove anything

You’d probably still be able to see where they were or better yet, you must have some baby/school pictures smiling.
Censor ur face, as long as we can see the teeth.

Also fun fact the multiple sets of teeth thing was misconception, two sets of teeth was in reference to something else back in the day, but deceptive assholes like the people at Ancient Aliens, interpreted it as two sets of teeth in their mouth.

Where does the most of the Annunaki live? And how have they lived hidden/without showing all these years?

Or just post ur penis. Prove you dont have foreskin and a circumcision scar.
Flaccid. Im not even going to say to time stamp it, becuz thats something too specific to fake.

I dont understand what you mean, what i was trying to say, was its like i had 2 sets of baby teeth that fell out, then canines again, there no marks where they were because they are in the normal place, if you meant the wisdoms, theres no marks or anything in there either

They are among us just like I am, or anyone else is

Mind body and spirit, could be thought of as seperate I suppose, but its more like conscious and body, mind is affected by both

Mind is a mix of both i mean

Im sure there’s pictures to prove that then.

Also its irrelevant, because the multiple sets of teeth thing was “sort sort of translation of bad telephone.”
Which you should know about since thats entirely irrelevant to the annunaki.

Also i told you how you could prove ur veins with a flashlight pressed against ur forearm/wrist area.

Or the easiest one is showing ur dick, itd be impossible to not has a foreskin without a circumcision, so its very easy and immediate to prove.

Dmgood77 to anyone interested in chatting on kik

Will you prove it on kik? Cuz otherwise there is no point.
If you cant prove it, ur at best another loser caught up in their delusions or at worst literally technically possessed.

Why would you think there would be pictures to prove that? I could show you a picture of anyones mouth and say thats how it was, and as far as the veins go, i dont think you realize how my skin is, you cant see through it, even with a flashlight, the only reason I even know about half the things in my body is because i spent 3 months in a government lab, where they ran all sorts of tests of me to try and see what they could figure out, because they wanted to try snd synthesize how my blood reacts to infectious diseases, they tested it with everything, and my blood literally dissolves anything they put into it, they figured they could find a cure for aids and other things too, but it never really worked out, since my blood is different than normal people, and the dick thing just isnt going to happen buddy, im not gonna show a picture of it, because thats weird, and I never wanted to make this thread to try and prove i was who i am, just spread some light on things that people may have been curious about or wanted to know, like I said, I am just a normal person like anyone else haha, i just know my lineage, and have stories passed down that most of us dont really talk about for this reason alone, scrutiny

Well, where did you (Annunaki) first habit earth? How did they spread around the globe? How do I know if I'm not one of you?

Which is why i brought up the pictures when u were younger like school pictures, sure u could fake that to, which is why the dick this is the only thing that can definitely prove it. But hey, if u say even a flashlight doesnt show ur veins, not even in ur fingers, then id be close to believing that.

But right now, u sound exactly like i did.
Which means you are in the great deception.
Remember earlier you said the annunaki tricked humans with their knowledge to make then think they were gods.
Well thats you, right now, falling for literally, and i do mean literally, the oldest deception in “the good book” that you will be as gods.
And here you are, falling for it hook, line and sinker, just as i did, but im certain, just like me, nothing anyone else could or has said will sway that, becuz i wanted to believe it.

Any tips on how to focus energy, any tips on the creation process going from thought to matter?

They inhabited everywhere, all the old ancient civilizations had their gods and names for gods, and they were for the most part one of us, and to go back to ab earlier post, there were the created, which is technically where everyone descends from, but they took a certain few and made children, so there are others out there for sure, and if you were a direct descendant, youd know haha

Pics of me when i was a kid, will still look like a normal kids teeth, thats why im confused in why youd think otherwise

And what do you mean falling for it, what did you believe?

You cant create something from nothing, what exactly do you mean?

Also its irrelevant if u “wanted” this to be a prove it thread, if u want anyone to believe u, u have u give us a reason to first becuz 9.99 times out of 10, OP is either a lying(or in this case self-deluded) faggot or a troll.

Then prove it with the lack of visible veins with a flashlight pressed against ur wrist/hands/fingers.

The same shit you believe. It just came in a slightly different package.
It happens constantly, thats what, whatever those things are, do, they make you believe “your as gods” and its sounds so good and makes so much sense, but its honeyed words sold to a customer who’s already set on buyer.

You want to believe this, so any inconsistencies are irrelevant. Nothing i’ll say can sway you, you’ll have to realize it yourself.

You should talk to your relatives about that. The universe is literally energy, everything is. Your body is literally a battery, as long as you are living its producing more and more energy. Sounds like they havent been sharing the important stuff w u

Yea, write about energy, will, consiusn, etc. Common things to know if you are Annunaki that aren't common between humans descendants from apes.


The knowledge about consciousness and the existence of the soul, mind, body and how the three interact should be known to u. Your soul's connection to the infinite is where the knowledge should come from. I dont care if its a larp or not, if it isnt, you should be asking more questions if you have access to those who are older or more experienced then u in these things. Wish i did.

This is totally fake and gay but I too don’t really have a foreskin but was never Cut..... brother?

no bro enil is baal anki is satan

Are you black/have a big dick? Thats the ony time ive seen some not really have a foreskin.
Becuz that can be a thing, but an average size dick without a foreskin or circumcision is impossible

Sorry, just got done work, and should be able to talk more tomorrow, a lot of my replies have been quick and messy, but I will try to address everyone here when I do get the chance

Until you prove it, its irrelevant.

Who cares if he "proves" anything?

So the energy thing...anything?

Im still not sure what exactly you want me to prove, I work overnight and have an hour drive home haha, I cant exactly take pictures very easily at the moment, and I feel like any pictures I would send, would just be held to scrutiny and disregarded anyways, so if youve already made your peace with me being “fake” why continue to harass and badger me about things you would claim to be subjective at best anyways?

......... ..........

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And in case you havnt noticed, ive strictly been trying to advocate the point that they really werent anything super special, just as I am not, there is no grandure or self delusions here, just trying to point out facts or give people some answers maybe

It’s scared me you say that... I have the same thing yet no one ever told me I was anything special

I just dont see why he has to prove anything. Larp, real, what does it really matter? If its a larp you are wasting your time if it makes u angry hes lying. If its a larp and you were entertained, then hey it was free entertainment. If its actually legit, its not like you are gonna turn all Neo by talking w him. So who cares if he "proves" anything?

You don’t think I’m annunaki? I am white.

Everything has a beginning and an end, the universe may be made up of energy, and on a subatomic level, you could argue that everything was indeed made out of energy, but energy does not directly equal mass, which needs matter, that can not blink into existence from nothing

Ask away my friend, and I will answer anything I can

If you truly do, then why wouldnt you be? Also I truly believe everyone has the power and will to harness anything, maybe its just easier for some

Whats matter made up of? You are missing thought in your equation. Thought or conciousness is where the infinite come into the equation. Thought itself cant be quantified thats why its infinite

Becuz at least if you tried you prove it, itd be something, but like i said, it sounds its what i said, you feel for “the great deception” like i did, becuz i unintentionally and somewhat intentionally to believe it.

Its been years since ive seen the shit that help me realized how easy i was to believe whatever i heard.
But if you’re willing here’s a couple that i still listen to.




Its all the same guy but reuploaded by different people. Its the only one I can remember off the top of my head.

OP, yes I am white as well, and to answer the other people who wont stop with the dick stuff, it is also white, average sized, and yes foreskin absent haha

I was born with only half a foreskin.. and have literally been able to manipulate things and people without them having any knowledge.. I have the immune system of a brick wall and all major injuries have healed hyper fast blowing the minds of doctors

Do you have a bag, u're a faggot

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Point of facts? You realize you have to prove facts? Otherwise they are just assertions.
You specifically pointed out how they are special, like not having a certain gene, large organs, double whatevers including sets of veins but somehow arent visible, a foreskinless dick without a circumcision.
As for no grandeur or selfdelusion? Dude? Really that sentence again and then read everything else you’ve said.
You literally said your the descendant of gods that used their knowledge to MAKE HUMANS THINK THEY WERE GODS(/DESCENDANTS OF GODS)

“You will be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Matter itself is made up of energy, atoms, and molecules, that all move, vibrate, and react with their surroundings, the bigger the scale, the more it stays the same, planets, stars, and galaxies, its all as relative to each other regardless of scale, thought and consciousness in themselves could be considered translucent in the means they have no mass, or matter, but at a microscopic level, are simply electrical pulses triggered in the brain, which can ultimately be used to manipulate certain things in your very own environment

Everyone talking about their dicks is hilarious.

Than you may very well just be a brother my friend, do you know if you are rh negative as well?

>keep referring to the rh negative gene

I have a feeling you have a very limited understanding of genetics or biology in general.

Matter itself is made up of energy. Matter is nothing more then energy full stop. We only perceive it as matter bc of the way our mind is wired

I think this guy is just jelly lol, he big mad hes just crazy, and not an actual god lol

Becuz if it’s real, at best he’s was in a similar boat that i was in.
Even now the shit from it stills lingers.
It sounds stupid and cringe and LARP, but... i heard and felt shit, just opening this reply window to say this.
I know how stupid and vague that sounds, but its too gay to type out

Yeah you should stay away from cults it sounds like or anyone claiming to be a messiah lol. Its a Mongolian basket weaving forum, this thread and all the ones on here like this you should stay away from in the future bc it obviously triggers you

What do you mean? What stuff happened to you?

Nigga if u only knew

Weirdly enough I am negative
Yet no one has told me that I’m anything more than human

Is the pending reset of time in april and will you escape the wrath(zoastroic/aramaic veil thinning to show your true form) ?

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Acceptance, Love, or Rage?
Which will lead us?

Hard to say man, I just feel like at this point, nobody is going to believe me, and I could probably say alot more things that just sound ridiculous haha

Might be a stretch but does “top hat man” have anything to do with this?

You have to find it in yourself which path is right for you, you have to believe that what you want, is what you actually want, and let your feelings reflect your lifes desires, but holding onto your negative emotions, will only ultimately drag you down

Who is top hat man lol

He ended up giving blowies to some dude bc he was told he was a god and thats what gods do is they blow each other, like all the time, and its totally cool. Lol


After research i came to the picture of what OP posted. Hes a entity that comsumes light and gives off a fight or flight sense

How dare you keep me from my baskets.
And also, no shit sherlock, ive been around the block, and lurked these kinds of threads, and you can tell difference, 90% are trolls or crazies but this is different, this aint you’re /x/ fag, but hey im probably jusr crazy or retarded.

Dude, i cant commit that kind of shit to text, out of context id sound insane, but if the word of an user means anything to you, do not get involved with any of this shit or anything remotely similar to such things.

— i really wish i was just crazy, right now. I genuinely cannot go into detail.

Cred ForumsRos

This is just another wasted thread with someone who wants to be different, but has nothing different to offer and nothing concrete to prove. Such a waste of time when people post false information like this and cannot answer anything in relation to their own topic.

So what youre saying is mr give me proof is now mr “i cant say anything”

Its shit i cannot prove, so if i say it without proof, out of context, id sound insane.
But i remember one thing that just slightly has some proof, its.... regional at best... but the idea is, how the xbox kinect camera and cameras like it work is by projecting a filed on infrared lights in a grid and detect any anomaly in them.
(Fuck the sounds are getting worse outside)
This is the only one i have saved but if you look into similar vids, you’ll vid a lot.... (there’s a lot of clickbait ones, but even there’s genuine shit there)


If this is true, message me on kik, I know youre the one giving me the most shit on here, but if you do want to talk, you can message me

What have I not answered when asked?

P.S i need to sleep, but do not fall for any of this shit. Dont trust what that shit is.
Once you open that door, its impossible to close.

Nothing id say would sway you and anything i could say, i already have.
You have to come to the realization yourself, i have the few links i sent might help get the ball rolling.

Damn, you got me

Fuck i got outside for a second and where i am i get a good view of the skyline/ocean and there’s this star that shows up that shouldnt be there and when its there orher lights and pretend planes show up.

I chalk it up to military drones doing a psyops,since colorado’s tristate area had a similar issue with military drones but its still weird.

That star cannot be there.

Stars dont just vanish hour laters while the rest have barely moved hours late

Then I would really appreciate someone coming and telling me lol