Wanted felon hiding in Mexico

Wanted felon hiding in Mexico.
Ask me anything

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How is the third world so far? Where are you originally from?

Wanted for?

Where are you hiding?

are drugs cheaper, and if yes, how much?

are you always looking over your shoulder?

How did you get there without getting arrested?

What's up with the Metal Gear Solid reality show?

mexico, learn to read you stupid nigger

I was and addict that got in trouble on and off for years. Caught felonies for two burglaries and was on probation for about 5 years. Relapsed and caught an other two for breaking in to cars. Was looking at 4-12


It's not bad you get used to it. I like it here way more laid back. No crazy issues and not getting in trouble for every little thing.


Nope I'm way South. Just can't get a passport of go to embassy

I had a Mexican freind I said I need to get a way and sober and I'm going to Mexico. He said I can go live with his family. Took a little Mexican bus from Colorado to Texas for about 60 bucks and just walked across the border.

Plans for the immediate future? Already accepted not being able to go back? I fled for a year and came back. Finally free and clear of everything

Weed is cheaper. The weed is a quarter for about 3 bucks. Brick weed though. Not sure about the others. Kicked the black when I got down here been sober for about two years.

I'm gonna stay I have anxiety when thinking about going back. My credits fucked, legal issues and lots of debt. I'd never be able to live a normal life in America again. I did 4 years in the army with 2 of it in Iraq and got hurt so I have a fixed income of disability that goes a long way here.

Why you feel and go back? That's a tough choice to make. Takes courage to go back and face your problems.

Not sure what that is don't watch much tv

I feel it. I remember the rush when I actually went thru with fleeing. Understand the anxiety. I wasn’t up against as much time. Just got off probation in October. There’s no way they can fuck with your fixed income?

Honestly because I missed driving and I was still in the states just across the country. License was tied to one of my charges. Came back did time then house arrest and alcohol monitor once released, then probation with drug tests twice a week. Only thing I missed a ton the whole time was weed. Whole thing would have been easier to deal with stress wise if I could’ve smoked. Now I’m free and clear and license back in a month

Yeah sometimes I feel like pussy running from my problems. But you get in trouble once and your stuck in the system forever it seems like on top of paying tons of fees and a bad record forces you to work with other convicts. I just needed to get out of that city and away from the people and get sober and start fresh. I'm not a bad guy just made alot of bad choices.

I fled because I wanted to go somewhere fun to kill myself, ended up being a strange journey when I got there. 3 months living in the street, sobered up and got opportunities that were a gift. Was living in a penthouse type apartment that some chick let me stay in with her, I left when I was actually doing good there. Still talk to the chick often. Rich girl daddy’s money who I think enjoyed living thru my fuckery.

Nice man. It takes alot of work to complete all the requirements to get of probation and get you drivers license back and lots of money. Good job.

I don’t blame you, I know the feeling. I spent so much time in and out of trouble. Penalty gets worse everytime. I totally get the feeling of needing to get away no matter what. Give yourself some credit for putting your freedom first, takes balls and faith in yourself to handle business when you get there. Nothing matters in the end and your story will be rad

Yeah I got sober too. Yeah then rich girls like bad boys for sure. Like watching us do crazy shit. I'm doing better here then I ever have before. No problems no stress no worries got a good girl and nice place.

Thanks man, tough being back around the old stomping grounds, you know how that goes, but I’ll be saving to move far again but with my shit patched up first. And the rich chicks do love it, it’s pretty funny and cliched lol glad you got a good chick to hold ya down, helps a ton, and a place. All in all that’s solid survival and acting on your feet when shit hit the fan. Respect

Yeah I was telling people I'm going to.mexico to vanish. Everyone's thinking fucking bullshitter. Sold my truck and everything I owned and vanished week later. Got texts about two weeks later people ask me to let them come down and stay with me. Fuck that I vanished for a reason.

THIS lol got the same responses. I went from Ohio to Cali. Just wanted legal weed and a beach to off myself at lol turned into an experience I wouldn’t trade and was worth making my punishments harsher when I returned

I left my car in the impound kek

FBI is finding you're location right now idiot

I appreciate your replies especially since you already been there and done that haha. I could of moved in the states somewhere but if you get pulled over even once and get your name ran they will send you back to be prosecuted in the charging state. Id come back if I had a new identity but those days are long past being able to do crap like that.

I'm to small a fish for FBI.

Happy to share man, it’s a unique situation to be in no doubt, rather alienating. But yeah I was constantly worried about that especially when I was on the streets. Homeless problem is insane out there and all on meth so I had plenty of run ins defending myself that could have landed me talking to cops. Glad I stayed sober or it would’ve been sour. I wish everything wasn’t so tracked now, I would’ve gone that route too lol

Good luck brah

Makes for some cool stories though. Tweakers be tweaking. Crazy fucks. Been one.

Fucking idiot. Amazing you survived this long

Yeah no doubt, vile drug, never been a fan, I get drug induced psychosis very easily, hence the legal problems that would follow lol

Alright OP I’m crashing out. Best of luck with your new life. Stay clean and live well man

Yeah bro omg I have friends like that couple rips off the pipe and the dudes in the trees are watching them again. I gotten it a few times where I'm straight tripping and seeing shit and running from fake cops and wow man that drug induced psychosis is no fucking joke

Go back to Cred Forums proudboy, this thread ain't 4 u