Are there any Italians on here? How are you holding up against the Coronavirus? How's life in Italy, in general...

Are there any Italians on here? How are you holding up against the Coronavirus? How's life in Italy, in general? What are your favorite Italian singers, regions/comuni, and food?

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Italian here. Just before the breakout, four days ago, I went to the Tenacious D concert in Milan. At the moment I just have a sore throat and slight fever. My boss told me to stay home so I just bought some supplies and I'm staying home until I get better. Luckily I live alone with two cats so I dont really need to get out. Pretty sure I dont have Coronavirus but you never know. I'm kind of worried for my parents as they are both over 70 y/o.
Othere than that life's in Italy is pretty cool. Could be worse.
>Favourite food
Polenta, for sure
>Favourite region/comune
Lombardia, Milan of course
>Favourite Italian singer
Probabily Caparezza or De André
Pic unrelated

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Nice. Thank you. Polenta is good, it is underrated to the Americans, for what they think is part of Italian food (mostly pizza and pasta, and a lot generally that has tomato sauce and cheese). I don't see it on most menus unless I go into a more authentic Italian restaurant. I like all the country Italy, I think, but the regions in and around Venezia, Genova, Palermo, Napoli, Milano, Firenze, Trentino, and Bolzano are very impressive. I have listened to a song of De André, before, but I do not remember hearing Caparezza.

I hope also that you recover from your illness soon. Dio ti benedica.


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They have 150 cases and 60 million people.

It's a bad head cold.

Chance of someone here having it from Italy?

Slightly better than getting hit by lightning two or three times in a row.

Quanti cazzo di fake su sto sito di merda, madonna santa ...

Pure comunisti per giunta ...

150 CONFIRMED cases, most likely there are many more who just don't show symptoms yet or their immune system is strong enough to shake it off as a normal fever.

Ma chi cazzo ci crede, o sei un boomer o un comunista o entrambi, chi cazzo ascolta De Andrè o Capa e cazz ?


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How are you holding up against the Coronavirus?
Where I live, the problem is zero. Anyway, apart from the panic of some idiot, the situation in Italy is calm
How's life in Italy, in general?
I worked in France, and South Korea for a few months. I returned in Italy and I'll never go away again, we have problems, yes, but here we are calm and happy. In South Korea they all look mentally ill. To be precise, I live in Umbria, in Perugia.
What are your favorite Italian singers?
Franco Battiato
regions: Umbria and Toscana, famous comuni: Firenze, Roma
and food?
maybe, pappardelle al ragù di cinghiale

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Mass hysteria on TV, internets and broadcast radio.

less than 15 deaths till now, in a country where 1 10,000 people die every year out of flu complications.

Also, everything is a good excuse to not to go to school.

La merda ci sommergerà tutti e farà pure l'ondata tsunami.

Friendly reminder:
Pic Related:

Italy's bigger problems:

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Fascio di merda

>t. negrone comunistello gnè gnè

Cred Forums can rage and panic all they want, but this just isn't that bad

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"In Italia le cose vanno selvaggiamente".

Non ci bastava l'invasione di negroni ed extracomunitari.

Non ci bastava la gioventù rincoglionita all'eccesso da videogiochi, pornazzi, e propaganda comunistoide.

Non ci bastava aver mandato al governo la merda grillina e i piddini non eletti.

Ci voleva pure il Coglionavirus.

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Sei proprio uno sfigato

you have the virus in the country you dumbass. You guys are fucked

We will see. It may go away before summer.