You have just been invited to Hitlers birthday party there Will be cake and soda

You have just been invited to Hitlers birthday party there Will be cake and soda
Do you go Cred Forums?

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Hell yeah, Hitler's my nigga

checked probably not

hitler is a homie of mine. We ballin everyday. He was invited to my birthday last year too so its only natural to go to his birthday party aswell. Love you adolf see you later ;)

of course

Fuck no, nigga. Its 420. Too many tryhard buzzkills.

What should I bring him?


I am Hitler, so of course I go

I kill everyone there.

Remove their skin.

Truer then you think. His half brothers included George v and the king of Australia

Born to a Vatican sex slave and the last British emperor, real birth year 1899.

Use blood as ink.

I don’t like him but I’m a slut for cake.

Some corpses burn. Some corpses smolder.

Diarrhea torture.

Human centipede.

Some corpses blew up from close quarter self-triggered rocket explosions

Yeah, and i'm bringing a chew toy for Daisy

Come to think of it, maybe I will go. It would be fun to see the guy at 121 years old, mentally gone, shitting his pants.

Hitler's birthday is 4/20
I'll bring the bud
I know he was against smoking but that was because Jews are behind big tabacco and the poisons they add to cigarettes
Marijuana is free from Jewish manipulation

Nah he passed like a decade ago after a third alias and ran two families at once with two wives post world war. Double life within a double life. Rest in peace

Good to know. Truly amazing bit of detective work there, user.


April 20th is Hitler's Birthday. It's only February 25th. So...... this post is fucking retarded.

Doesnt matter he deserves to be celebrated either way

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hitler is dead, why would I go to a dead man's birthday party?

no, I'm a jew and I'm not falling for that one

1 less person to eat the cake

Sure thing, just don't eat what comes out of the oven. He's a pretty bad cook.

No because it’s a trap to get people

I don't associate with socialists, but I'll send him a fruit cake and a smarmy card.

Or maybe I'll go and have a good time. Fuckit.

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Yes, Hitler was supposed to be a pretty charismatic guy, I might make a new friend!

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In this scenario would I be coming back from the current day? Would I have a little time to prepare? At what point in his life would he be celebrating this birthday, after he's already become the most infamous man on the planet? This is all important shit because if these factors worked out in my favor I would definitely:

>take some time to plan ahead before travelling back from modern day (assuming this is the situation)
>create a trap device using modern tech that is either disguised as an innocuous object of the time that he would appreciate, or is something that appears more modern like a believably primitive cell phone that would no doubt grab his curiosity (he trusts me enough to invite me already so he'd probably inspect it himself)
>travel back in time to his era
>attend Hitler's birthday party
>present him with my gift
>mingle with all these infamous figures of the time just for the holy fuck of it
>let him have a little fun with my gift until I'm clear of danger
>find out when he has it to his ear or whatever once I'm gone by observing his usage through the modern surveillance tech I've incorporated
>push the big rednbutton, and blow his head off
>prove to the allies that I was literally the man who killed Hitler, and then rightfully bask in the glory
>eventually become Hitler 2

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A Nokia with Snake installed and C4 strapped to it as a "battery" would probably actually do it

You never travel backward in time you double nigger, if you travel back in time you change cause and effect and in doing so change your present removing your ability to travel in time.

What you want to do is travel forward and steal bear future tech and become a billionaire shaping the future to your advantage.

Besides Hitler was a bro.

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Why not?

Happy Birthday voor Hitler
[Reupload] Napalm Sticks to Kids

trips demand my attendance

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will the candles for the cake be made out of jews?

>nice trips


Checked holmes,damn right im goin in. Even if the bday party ends up with me being shoved in a gas chamber cause i want to fucking die



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No hard R’s you only get to say Hitla


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Of course I do! It would be an honour!

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there's gotte be alot of weed also I was told is was during 4/20

He also hated brown eyed whites, fun guy huh?

Sure. Snuggling up to the nice warm oven on a cold German night with a mug of hot coco, toss a few Jews into the fire to keep the frigid winter air at bay...sounds like a good time.

Hitler wasn't exactly the Aryan ideal himself, I think his likes dislikes have been exaggerated, much like the Holocaust.

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I still have a couple of months to get him a present.

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