Dungeons and Dragons thread

Dungeons and Dragons thread.
Pathfinder and 3.5 player here.

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5e player and DM here.

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DM, the only way to play.

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I always wanted to get into dnd but im afraid of being too autistic and ruin things

As long as the dungeon master is there to entertain and not kill people out of petty nerdism then they'll work around you. Plus most DnD groups love new faces just because you will play different and you will more than likely teach them a thing or two they didn't know.

Lvl 9 gathlain titan mauler. My nat str is 26 and my nat Dex is 22. I once accidentally punched a hole in a barkeeps face because I forgot to specify non-lethal damage. Keep in mind my character is the size of a hobbit, but wields a colossal sized great sword.

Why be a king, when you can be a God?

3.5 DM checking in.

Next session will be pretty heavily urban, gang-oriented. The setting is low magic. Any ideas to spice up encounters besides regular goons ?

So far I've thought of adding funny terrain, maps with slums-like layers that you can fall through, but I'm short on ennemy diversity

Have you even seen/been in a table where everyone just look at their phones, nobody gives a shit and play nigger rap music the whole session, whats the point why are they even playing

what exactly is low magic

I used a map and pictures of the Paris catacombs in mine. Chased a necromancer through there, had piles of bones make skeleton warrior phalanx and watched the PC's freak out

That sounds nice but I already went for the catacombs with a vampire hunt

I never get why people go with "low magic" and then complain about lack of diversity.
Also, how "low magic" are we talking? Witcher? Kalamar?

Not sure if you're asking in general or in my setting. In general : means that magic/fantastic creatures are rather uncommon and definitely not part of everyday life (more akin to GoT than Harry Potter if you will).

In my setting : most powerful groups or lords benefit from the services of a mage, but practitionners of the arcane are pretty rare and sought after.

One day I'll build one like this... Until then I'll use my poormans version

I didn't "complain", I'm simply asking, chill. Also the urban part is key here, there are more "out there" creatures in my setting but cities tend to be pretty well guarded against non-humanoid monsters.

Yeah I'd say witcher-level.

I mean, I get this position, but I've DMed for over a decade... sometimes I just want to be the player...

Low magic sure, but is it moderately high tech? Psionics? Or, is it built like modern 2000's?

Well, with witcher level you can pretty much go the witcher rout. Wild animals are out due to urban enviornment, you have enough rogues and mooks , so you kinda have to throw in some magic (or maybe magic-non magic, something that stretches logic but doesn't necessarily require magic) creatures. Something like drowners or other monsters that raise up from the dead/murdered etc, or older forgotten mechanical constructs

Sure they might be able to keep out non-humanoids, but every urban center throughout history has had pests. Be they insects, rats, cats, dogs, etc. In a fantasy urban you could even pest flora in the form of slimes, vines, spores etc

Yeah should have specified this. No it's medieval (I'd say 13th-14th century europe), currently in the biggest city in the realm, with rudimentary crime syndicates controlling smuggling/black markets. No psionics.

The drowners might fit in, there's a river which crosses the city.

Things I've already got : vampires, a few mages working for crime bosses, undead in the catacombs, a hag in the slums.

yeah, infected/mutated pests might be cool if I can fit some necromancer/alchemist with a secret lab somewhere underground

I am a 3.5 dm and I prefer playing, honestly. Less hustle, and you have a chance to actually develop a characters story. It is my favorite part of dnd.
I try to develop NPCs, but it is hard to find a balance between properly developing and overshadowing PCs

My general rule of thumb for NPCs is to build a backstory for the major ones, and only throw in a few details like you would hooks for quests during conversations, avoid big exposition at all cost but make players feel rewarded when they do try to learn more about someone by following up on one of your "hooks" or even just piecing things together on their own

checked dub dubs. Doomsday cults, primitive magi-tech transhumanist groups, homunculi mutants, corrupt church priests,

I do myself really like constructs and golems. They often make a very unusual opponent that requires something apart from tank and spank to deal with(at appropriate CRs that is). Also they could be pretty puzzling for players before they exactly find out what they are, since they can completely lack human element and defy understanding. Golem as a mystery killer that is still obeying the orders of it all masters, killing without any apparent link but with a system, that can be only understood through the lens of him following orders that are couple decade(or hundred) years old.

Fuck me, the vampire questline already involved a priestess turned evil x)
I mean I guess it means I'm doing things right. Thanks anyway for the input !

okay, usually when I hear "urban campaign" I think more modern. Ultimately though if you are saying there is no magic, no tech, and mostly just humans in the city, you've kinda pushed yourself into a corner of humans being the only threats.

You will need to make them interesting based on the skills and tactics they use. traps, deadends, ambushes, manipulating the guards/politics to hamper the players, poisons, drugs, etc.

In reality, if you're a DM worth a damn, DMing is a bunch of real work.

A player can just know their character even half-ass and it's fine, a DM needs to know how to play every character and all the monsters. It's real work unless you're just sitting around getting drunk and not actually DMing and directing a creative adventure for a group. It's fine the first couple of levels, "The Goblin Charges!" then by around level 8 or so, unless you're on top of your game, one round can drag for almost an hour with a bunch of spell casters.

I'd rather play with a good DM than DM. It's the difference between getting to enjoy the actual story as presented as a player vs knowing all the contingencies already and just acting it out for everyone else's enjoyment

DMing is (or should be) a selfless task. Though I get that some people just want to DM out of a lazy sense of grandeur.

Holy shit THAT is awesome. I love the idea of a killer being on the loose, but no real mastermind or culprit being found because the golem is following the orders of a long-dead master.

This. I'd say preparations for a standard 5hr session takes at least 10-20hrs of DM logistical planning

To clarify : the campaign isn't urban, they're just spending a few days in town. So I'm expecting 1 to 3-4 sessions here before they go back out into the wild

If you aren't paying AD&D it's because you need the game to fulfill your weird furry fantasies. New D&D is cancer.


>thinking the game is anything else but what you make it to be
>being mad about it

Lol this is so fucking wrong. A five-hour session is ten one-line encounter sentences on a sheet of notebook paper.

Yeah, I do the same kinda, but for me organic development through play is way more fun than even the best pre made backstory.
We have a bard from a bard-rogue player IRL couple, who is currently de facto party leader and center. They begun with a pretty boring (for me) unrequited love story, but, due to rogues dramatic and irreversible death, they completely abandoned that lain, and instead bards development is completely bound to campaign central plot. He has a pretty good arc from beginning as shy, egoistical airhead, and overtime turning into legitimately good, thoughtful and careful friend and leader to people in the party.
Much better development than any that I, or bard player by his own admission could ever write in a backstory.

Nice dubs

Your paper WoW is shit. Play a mans game 2nd Advanced.


Ye olde gang bangers (sword wielding ruffians) are pretty classic enemies. What about some really aggressive prostitutes that dont take no for an answer? A group of rowdy drunks looking to fight might also be believable. Spicing up encounters isnt so much about varying enemy types, but creating unique backstories and motivations for each enemy encountered. Why are these assholes mad at the party? Did they stumble into a secret drug deal? Maybe some guys got thrown out of a bar for being too handsy with the tavern wenches and want to let off steam? That also opens up alternative ways of dealing with encounters besides fighting.

...If you don't care about the over-arching world and story, sure

Wait, so are we still talking about NPCs ? It sounds like you're talking about an NPC that was originally played by someone ?


Yeah. My players really like murder mysteries, so I kinda always looking for interesting hooks for that kind of story.
Last time we had a ranger-werewolf getting rid of his former ranger group, in which some people were bitten. Those rangers decided to keep it secret, since nobody knew who would actually turn.
I actually made the killer the friendliest and most forthcoming member of the group. My players eat that up every time

When did you find out that you were gay?

So far they've drunkenly fought in a tavern and killed a newly recruited gang-member, I'm waiting for a bit of time to go by before the gang retaliates

Nah, that is a PC. Just giving an example of what kind of organic development I like vs pre-written backstory.

This is why i hate you all

I mean, if your players are bots, I guess and like being put on rails.

If this is an underground gang, they'd likely sneak in all sorts of nasties. constructs are great options

>implying you cant fulfill furry fantasies in adnd
gtfo casual fuckboy

Been a player of various games(savage worlds, dark heresy, etc.) for about 10 years. Finally DMing 5e.

Doing curse of strahd, had a number of sessions then life got in the way but finally starting the campaign back up.

any CoS protips? Last thing that happened is the feast of st andral

No, you're just autistic. I'm not trying to play in your weird-ass novel. Give me the bones of an overarching story and let me fill in the details through gameplay. Backstory should be an emergent property of gameplay.

You could always have run ins with a guild that opposes the race of one of your characters or steals from you inviting you into their underworld or theivery or assassination. When I played we would make regular visits to certain city's that hosted different guilds to get away from crawling through caves and necromancer dungeons. Ask your party what they want

Sure, I mean even those characters have a starting point in the campaign and have had a life before that, which has made them who they are today, was my point

5e player here. Currently have a 9 Monk/2 Rogue/1 barbarian Simic Hybrid, a 3 barbarian/2 Druid/2 paladin Kalashtar, and an 11 sorcerer Tortle. My only written backup is a mystic.

DMing with Aspergers must be challenging for you.

Maybe the new guy that got killed was the brother of a higher up, and his brother personally comes for revenge? With your limited setting you really need to add depth to your enemies.

Yeah, but if you try to develop NPCs in that way - it would take up time and attention from PCs, imo. I could be wrong though

Btw the first two characters are for a D&D club that starts at level 5 and we can basically power game however the fuck we want.

-your- backstory, yes. But -you- are a part of a greater narrative

That's why I basically make sure that there is more should they want to dig deeper, but never put their story out there myself

I play/DM 3.5, and I still don't get character builds that are like //////
I mean, I understand the appeal of powerful characters, but how would you eve justify that in game?

>Backstory should be an emergent property of gameplay

Yeah, but as a DM you're supposed to have a firm grasp of that backstory, and be ready for a PC to dig into it.

I've been at games where a DM is trying to do what you suggest and it only ends up putting the party on rails.

Bard rolls nat 20 on knowledge local to know about a town you're entering. Who founded it? When was it foudned? why is there a town here? Let's ask around? In your game, what do you do, just say "It's a town, just a town" It's a dungeon, just a dungeon. It's an owlbear attacking. Why? because it's on the damn encounter list!

anyway, you get the idea. You don't want to play in a novel is fine, but most players want to interact with a fantasy world, not just min/max to hit and damage rolls.

Not in my shit faggot

Pre-pubescent girls use the term fuckboy. BTFO by your own vagina.

That's when you make that shit up. GMing isn't for autistic train-lovers. You have to be able to think on your feet. Session prep should never take longer than half an hour.

That is why you have tables for everything. 1e/2e hybrid ftw!

It sounds like a lot of work - to right out stuff that characters might never see. I can respect that, but I am not sure that this is my style. I do that from time to time, but for example I lost an entire little arc with already made npcs and story due to my PCs beating the fight that I deemed impossible (they were supposed to get to that arc if they lose, that is). I will probably try to recycle it at some point, if opportunity comes.

I mean maybe I'm retarded, but I'd be pretty surprised if you managed to rationnaly explain why a town was founded, when and by whom, and its basic historical events on the fly to satisfy a nat 20 knowledge check. For me, I need a few bullet point for each of these

You are obviously either not a DM, or you have a poorly-developed world. You play game sessions, I build worlds and campaigns

Then you can run any setting with no furries, you fucking dumbo.
Just be honest with yourself and admit that you are clinging to that antiquated piece of garbage because it gives you false sense of superiority and for you diminutive dick

It is, but I actually enjoy it a lot, so yeah, personnal preferences ^^ also as you mentionned, unknwon backstories/missed questlines that you were very happy with can be recycled for a next campaign or even the next town

No, you write faggot fan-fiction that your players don't even appreciate.

Lmao solid 17 on that roast check

Hey guys, any good Pathfinder Adventure Paths like Iron Gods? Love the high magi/tech stuff, but it's rare in Pathfinder adventure paths.

Do any other APs have a lot of that stuff? Ancient Spaceships and such?

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The first two characters come from a D&D club. So there’s no like specific story and you don’t really need story reasons to multiclass. My third character, the pure sorcerer, is for a home game where I can multi class but I really have no reason to.

Just admit that you like easymode D&D. There is no shame in it. Yes there is.

Have a riddle, dumb fuck.
Lions walk.
I walk.
Based on that, can you determine if I am a lion or not?
Pro tip - iq of at least 70 is required to pass this test. Maybe you should consult with nearest adult

if you want tech/high magic stuff I'd try looking into material for other systems and adapting it (like ravnica for 5e, adventure modules for Eberron, etc ..)

Also the first character, the monk, was never intended to be a “build” in the first place. She had reason to multiclass all of those classes and they just happen to synergise well.

A rare visit from the faggot-sphinx. Away with you, sperg.

I hope you are viewing this thread from a computer pre-GUI, otherwise you are just easymode computing.

That's a nigger-tier comparison, smooth brain.

Lions do not talk

I just want to interject. I'm not who you're talking to, but I agree completely. It makes all the difference to be prepared. I can imagine the kind of game the other guy runs and it's not like my games. It would be impossible to "prepare" in 30 minutes for a session. I read the entire book first in case they do something I don't expect, there are contingencies everywhere. I prepare the figs for all the monsters, and have the maps and taverns drawn out, aside from the secret passages they roll for.

I'll literally prepare half the day for a game, or the players suffer by having to wait for me to look stuff up, etc.

It really is work to do it right, and you should be proud to run a good game like that, and be proud of your DM that does all this just so the group can enjoy a good time, free from hangups, delays, or glaring plot mistakes.

A large heap of meaningless and retarded drivel.

>Next session will be pretty heavily urban, gang-oriented
you must absolutely decide what the city criminal ecology is beforehand
any well-structured crime guild or international mafia, any local gangs waging war, who dominates in illegal traficking, black market, drugs, prostitution, what agreements or truces are in place to prevent various criminals from slaughtering each other
and most importantly, what are the ties of all these groups with legitimate powerful people, nobles, merchants, the kingdom's secret services, etc

natural interactions will flow from that, and your world will become deeper in your player's eyes once they meet some friendly old criminal who explains to them what motivated some events they've seen happening

Trips of truth

That is literally exactly what I said. Holy fuck. You legit think that you are a cool guy cause you fucking play a "hardcore" older system. I thought people like that only exist in stereotypical stories about greasy neckbeards playing dnd. Thanks for proving they do exist.
>also obligatory "winning at dnd meme"

You are the gold star of participation personified.

You should just cut to the chase and bot your players too, so you don't have to even think about anything creative like a fantasy game-world. Everything is 5 foot square flat plains and monsters appear randomly like a video game, scaled to party level,

good job, lol, you shuld be able to get to lvl 20 in a weekend, how efficient.

>based on that information
And you apparently can't rid. Thanks for playing.
So it is too hard for you? In the rules of faggot sphinxes I should fuck your ass and eat you for not answering, but even I have standards

Ignoring your weak and unfounded personal attacks, care to explain how that is?

What gold star for participation?
Wait. You think you need to get "rewards" to play dnd?
Are you one of those underdeveloped manchildren that only do things if they get rewards and approval?

I did that. There are different criminal "factions" with different relationships to one-another and different kinds of work/services, different protected areas, etc ...
I'm trying to go for a mafia-lite in that there is a form of code but obviously not identical to the historical mafias(at least the italian ones, that I know a bit about)

>She had reason to multiclass all of those classes and they just happen to synergise well.
You do you bud

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This thread, like modern D&D, has been overtaken by Matt Mercer-style amateur authors. Tables exist for a reason. The game should develop organically.

That charsheet is horrific. The top area is cluttered with a bunch of trash that belongs in a single box "description" and the background needs to be lighter with less scribbling. Perfect example of form interfering with function.


Spotted the smooth-brained neckbeard

>The game should develop organically.
>unlike what that filthy matt mercer is doing
Always nice to heard critique from people who don't know shit about what they are talking about.

My thoughts exactly.

I don't tend to let players multi-class haphazardly. They either have to have reason in their backstory (assuming they start multi-classed) or they need to find a teacher of some sort

greentext time

>Be me
>Playing in a campaign, friend DMing
>Playing a wizard Party is around lvl 12 or so, so kicking all kinds of ass
>Gathering information for our next adventure
>I make a shitty roll, but get some good intel, should have been suspicious
>Rumor has it there is a some lame little demilich named Acererak in a tomb outside of town that has drawn a cult following and people are going missing
>Naturally the party investigates
>The cleric has apparently heard of acererak before but everyone ignores his appeals to skip this one
>We get to the tomb, and dig and dig
>wtf, there's nothing here but dirt
>Eventually find this was a false enterence,
>lol "won't save you from us, demilich!!"
>Get down there, full of traps
>damn, deadly as fuck
>Eventually kill some cultists and get to a room with a bejeweled skull sitting among a pile of treasure

Attached: demilich.jpg (350x335, 27K)

Campaigns have been a staple in D&D from the beginning...

100% agreed.

Which no one is debating. The argument is whether it's better to have everything laid out beforehand or to build as the story progresses.

>I don't tend to let players multi-class haphazardly.
Yeah. Also, that barbarian 1 dip is soooo suspect for "multiclasssing for reason".
Lets just be real and admit that you wanted that sweet sweet rage. When I try to optimize characters I one dip in barb all the time.

That ended as surprisingly and anticlimactically as most adventures in tomb of annihilation.

You're all acting like GMing is brain surgery. This is how simple it is. They players find a town. That town is by a forest, so it is a logging town. Lurpis McMann founded it as he was the most prominent of the logging trade. It had 800 citizens. There is your backstory. now roll on the table to see what other trades are there, this can be done when people ask.

5-10 lines to prepare a session isn't a campaign or world-building. No one in this thread seems to be talking about railroading a campaign.

If you don't have everything laid out beforehand, then you must be a literal creative genius to be able to present a similarly in depth story without any preparation, right? So, don't hate on someone who wants to get it right by preparing beforehand, damn.

Every group can play how it likes, some like big cool story worlds to play in and get lost in the mythos. Some people don't care and just want to build up their character and focus on the party. Neither way is wrong, but if you DM you have to be ready for either style of play.

The #1 rule is to have fun. Just remember that.

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Conan the Barbarian is easily Barbarian/Thief/Fighter/whatever non-combat classes exist for a ruler. Robin Hood is not a thief or a ranger or a fighter. The real question is how do you justify not hopping classes. Classes are stupid at their core and don't match what you see in the inspirational fiction unless you only read branded novels set in the universes created specifically for a particular game.

No, Conan is just a OD&D Fighting Man.

Sounds like a super exciting scenario...

That's not the scenario. It's a town, you mouth-breather.

>You're all acting like GMing is brain surgery.
>You're all acting like good GMing is an art.
Fixed it for you bud.
And yeah, with that style of DMing I would prefer computer to do your job. It can also roll on tables, and isn't a little asshat.

Yeah, I would be much less suspicious of barbarian 1/ anything else
than something/barbarian 1.
I mean, did you live a year in frigid mountains, away from civilisation during campaign? Otherwise that is kinda very suspect.

Ok the second level in Rogue was more so I could not spend ki on dash and disengage. But 1 in barbarian and 1 in Rogue has story reasons. I could’ve easily built a cooler monk build.

Again it’s a club. There’s no dm that lets me multiclass.

The 1 level barb dip came about bc the character is based off an anime called Tokyo Ghoul (edge as fuck inspiration but the character isn’t edge trust me.) Better class dips would’ve been 2 div wizard for portents. Insta fail stun and quivering palm. Or 1 hexblade for better crit range and shield. This character isn’t optimized. And she’s a dex character so I don’t even get much from rage. Just the resistances which makes sense considering the inspiration.

>based off an anime
This thread in a nutshell.

Well at least there’s reasoning and I wasn’t just going for a build.

>The 1 level barb dip came about bc the character is based off an anime called Tokyo Ghoul
I mean diagetic reason, not out of character reason.

Whats its name? Who ruled before? What other points of interest are in this town? Who else is important in the town? What are the relations between citizens? Between this town and the neighboring ones? What are the current risks? How do they interpret the adventuring party? Whos protecting this town? What resources are here for the players? How does this town fit into the narrative of the campaign?

Say they walk into a tavern: Whats the owners name? How long has he been here? What does he look like? What does the building look like? Does he have a family, if so who? Does he have employees, if so who? What does he have to sell? Who else is in the tavern? What do they look like and why are they here at "X" hour?

Just a few questions that might need pre-planning. Each answer to those questions might literally only take one line, but when you extrapolate that over the whole area players can interact with, thats where things get complex.

Granted, throwaway NPC's don't really need anything like this. IE " Oh town guard is wearing standard-issue studded armor and his sash denotes hes a low-ranking officer, he has a hand-crossbow on his hip and a light mace". But any NPC which has relevance needs to have some form of history before the player interacts with them

kek. Sounds like someone got given a riddle by their DM and is outsourcing the solution

I ran a whole campaign based on Slayers once. My players said it was the most fun campaign they ever played. Started at LVL1, so I introduced the party to Martina who setup Lina and party as the BBEG antagonists of the campaign, and they set off on an epic adventure. I made Martina a lvl 1 sorceress, who would always yell out "by the power of THE MONSTROUS LORD ZOMOLGUSTAR" every-time she cast a spell, and the hook was that she was that she was some kind of nobility from her lands, and she had a vendetta against Lina for destroying her Orichalcum Golem and sought her out for revenge.

They never got to Lina, but that shit was fun.

We just have different GM styles. I write these details down as I improv them.

Ok, serious question

Why would you ever restrict your players to a single class? I get not allowing magic in a non-magic world, or technology, or firearms or whatever that is worldwide in the gameworld.

But why no multiclassing? Would you also no all the NPCs or monsters to have multiple classes? All those ranger/fighters ranger/rouges, barbarian/fighters out there disappear or get nerfed?

Now, as a player I never multiclass because by level 7, I'd rather be level 8 than 7/1. That one level dip doesn't seem like a lot, but multiclassing strkes me as having a curve of seriously diminishing returned. sure a lvl 1ranger/lvl1 fighter is badass, but by level 12, I'd rather have another level in main than 11/1

tl:dr why restrict players to one class?

HAPHAZARDLY dude. Not at all.

I think you misunderstand. Multi-classing is allowed at my table, but you don't get to just say "Oh I just leveled up and... I'm going to take a level as a rogue now" when you are a Wizard.

Generally speaking I expect the player to justify/show how their character got to that point, either through training or, the easiest way for example, having another player with levels in the class show them the ropes

Also, if you don't get how certain level-dips can be unbalancing, I would venture you've not played D&D very long

Usually people need a story reason to multi class. You can’t just be like “oh today I think I’ll be a sorcerer.”

I mentioned before that I am playing a Tortle sorcerer. (Draconic sorcerer who’s ancestor was a dragon turtle.) Well originally I wanted to take 3 levels in paladin bc paladin/sorcerer is one of the highest damage outputs in the game. But this was a home game so my dm was like “well why would your character become a paladin?” I never really had any story reasons so I just kept him as a pure sorcerer and now I don’t even want to multiclass. His story has just come so far for him that I want to keep going in sorcerer.


Been playing for a long time, and there's a lot that's unbalanced. I recently tried firearms in a game for the first time, and a pure-classed gunslinger musketmaster at lvl 12 can dish out 4 attacks a round against touch AC (d12+20 +2d6 Holy against Evil) damage without any saves of any kind. Against most mobs, he hits on anything but a 1 (a misfire), and rerolls that once a day because Lucky Musket. He just got Deft-shootist, so he does all that without provoking AoO, too, and going to take Snapshot to be even more powerful.

Nevermind any pure caster past 12th level.

I'm always finding stuff that takes me aback, so I'm curious, what are a couple of the strongest examples you have of level-dips that unbalance the game.

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Makes sense

I guess maybe I've taken a minimalist approach as a player, but it always seemed stronger to me to be one level higher in the main than to dilute it with other classes, especially casters, but I'm curious about the paladin sorcerer combo because I've never heard of it. What's the OP element of that combination?

I mean say in your example, just for the sake of discussion, why would it be better to have a Sorcerer 7/Paladin 3 over a plain Sorcerer 10?

Not the person you replied to, but I don’t think there’s really many 1-3 level dips that can absolutely break the game at least in 5e. 2 Paladin for sure. 3 battlemaster fighter *maybe*. 2 div Wizard but I’d say even that is just good not broken unless you’re applying it to an insta death like quivering palm. But that’s a 19 level build.

Paladin 2 get smites which you can use your sorcerer spell slots with. You get 4th level spell slots MUCH earlier this way than going pure paladin which is your max smite potential.

You also get a decent amount more smites than a 20th level paladin.

A very simple one is the 2-level fighter dip in 3.5

All true, But what gets me about multiclassing and why I don't see it as OP or unbalancing is that, sure our Sorcerer 7/Paladin 3 is the best lvl 3 Paladin EVAR, but Sorcerer could have been lvl 10 instead for the same xp

I guess it's about personal taste.

But even then pal 3/sorc 7 could probably out damage sorc 10.

If we are talking 3.5, cleric is probably the best 1 level dip that is completely fucking broken, dependent on domains.

I must need some education on multiclassing, because I don't see the Overpower. What makes it so broken in your opinion?

Stop jacking off in your players faces.

For the fighter dip you get 2 feats, +2b.a.b, d10 hd, +3fort, shield, simple/martial weapons, and all armor proficiencies.

I level in cleric gives you:
Some nice spells. Nothing earth shattering
Shield and heavy armor proficiency.
Anything that requires divine spell casting (in you are doing dip late - also possibly almost free metamagic for one ability)
Some (1-2 of the following)
3-21 new attempts at turning, depending on domain.
Martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus
Smite evil
Autoactivating freedom of movement
Ability to reroll 1 roll for you or ally
If that is not too much for a single level, I don't know what is

Stop throwing shit in the face of yours

For fun, dip into both of these as a bard/rogue/wizard/sorcerer

Bard/cleric/crusader is absolutely bonkers. One man buffing squad that can dish out a hell of a lot too.

Barbarian 1 level dip gives you pounce and whirling frenzy. For anyone who played any length of 3.5 that is nuff said.

And... what are you dipping from. If you're coming from a caster class to make that BAB meaningful, then you lose 2 full caster levels. From a hybrid, you lose less in casting, but you've probably already got at least d8 HD and either full BAB or 3/4 BAB meaning you'll get either +1 or +0 depending on which levels you take it. Martial weapons are good if you're a thief, but most everyone else you're really interested in getting into combat with will already have those. 2 feats are nice, but are restricted to specific fighter feats. The 2 level dip into fighter is good when trying to qualify for a prestige class with a stupid and disconnected list of requirements and even then will only let you get there a level or 2 early.

how do you get autoactivating freedom of movement at lvl 1 cleric? It's a 4th circle spell.

Started Playing 3.5, 2e later and now 5e

>dm and player

Current pc is a shadow sorcerer oath breaker paladin Ne Sith Lord build

travel domain, duh

Dice goblins! Let me see your dice!

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My dice are 2 hours away but I have 7 sets and an extra d20. Almost enough to roll damage for blight without having to Reroll or borrow

Here is one of my character sheets. I played for years in a 2.5 campaign where the bulk of the player character races were killed off in a cataclysm called the Demon Wars.

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This is my dice chest, for players

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Another character sheet. The first human triple class:once a half elf fighter thief who got reincarnated as a human and once she passed her former levels as a mage,she'd be the new definition of Versatility.

The high level NPCs of the campaign were all based on this old Emerson Lake and Palmer sing,the Court of the Crimson King.


Forgot the pic...

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I've never understood making a character for this. So like, your character is recreated each time you play with a group? How much time do you put into a made up being? If you transfer characters between play groups how do you know they're legit?

Characters are often designed for specific campaigns, and less often used in different campaigns.

so whats the end goal? is the point just to waste time?

Let's take your questions one at a time:
>your character is recreated each time you play with a group?

In D&D the primary kind of game is set in a campaign game world where your player character (PC) will live and adventure with the other PCs. You create one character and that's your character for that world, unless they die or something and you have to build a new one.

For other games/campaign worlds, you'll create new characters. It would get boring to play just one forever and ever and ever, for most players, so they'll try a cleric for one game, arcane caster for another, fighter, or rogue, etc. etc.

You put as much time as you like making up your make believe character, because it's a lot of fun. There are many classes and skills with their different quirks and specialites, and most characters are going to be unique if you roll stats, and so on.

If you transfer characters between play groups, as some people do, it's up to the DM to judge if someone is just making something up or if they can do that.

For the most part, you create a character for each campaign your DM is running, and play with similarrly leveled PCs as yourself through a game campaign with those characters until the end of the story, after about level 18 or so, most people retire their character and focus on a new one, but it's always there in their game world waiting for some uberdemilich alien invasion or whatever would challenge PCs over lvl 20 or so.

It's whatever you want, within the rules framework of the game, which is pretty loose.

Do you play any RPG videogames? If so, its kinda like that, but with real people

People like you who make really nice character sheets or deep character backgrounds get special treatment at my tables

The purpose of the game I think aligns much with its #1 rule:

Have fun.

Just like with literally any game, it's about having fun, and with D&D, believe it or not, socializing with other people in a fun fantasy setting. It's not for everyone, just like golf isn't for everyone, or football.

Do you not have maps for your campaigns either?

Yes but they are fulfilling and I get to see what is happening. I also don't have to be around socially awkward nerds who don't shower.

Go play better games, D&D is trash. Why subject yourself to it when Free League games exist?

Projecting much, user?

About to run a session based on RP -- we've had some very combat heavy sessions.

Players are going to go to a noble family's wedding. They need to gather intel on the family's moves during a time of potential civil war, but also need to figure out a way to blackmail the family.

Only one (maybe two) players will be invited to the full on noble dinner, but they can all attend the ball/dance.

Meanwhile they are going to need to use the wedding as a distraction to raid the vaults and master bedrooms.

Any advice? I'm worried it might fall apart. Notable PCs here are a druid and a Rogue (adventure is kinda for the Rogue as he hasn't been able to steal a whole lot and its his first rogue).

They have a casting of tiny chest so they could potentially smuggle in some stuff.


It just seems like you would want to have a 'main' you progressed with. I guess like in Diablo or WoW.

How is death handled? How easily do you die? Is there ressurection?

I'm not a nerd and I shower. Simply recognizing a type of person exists does not make you that person.

All systems have their good and bad parts

If you're not into socially interacting with friends, then D&D is not for you.

I've played hundreds and hundreds of hours of D&D over the years, and honestly, it's something creative and fun to do while hanging out with friends. It's mostly hanging out with friends, but with the added layer of a fantasy world, where you get to be heros. It's not for everyone. I have acquaintances that I would never consider for a game because their eyes would glaze over the first time they had to add a number to a d20 roll, and they'd be lost.

If you like RPG video games, you'd probably like D&D. Instead of sitting alone in your room with the lights off staring at a screen in the dark, for 40 horus of gameplay, you're instead in a room full of friends, laughing and carrying on.

If that doesn't sound fun, then stick with what you like, it's not for everyone, and doesn't need to be.

cool story bro

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I played D&D between 2006 and 2015. It only convinced me that the game has no good parts that other games don't do better, and worse parts than most other good games. Never going back to that inane and pointless number crunching.

So your friends are all nerds who don't shower and you don't want to be around them? You don't play D&D with random strangers. Or at least, I never have.

Yes, just like all forms of entertainment.

What do you find superior in your system of choice?

He listed "number crunching" as a downside, so you know he's going to trot out some minimalist, free-form shit.

I've actually never met anyone who said they played this game.

It depends on what level they're at. At level 1 resources, there's not a lot of shenanigans available to anyone.

It really depends on your players. I've run games where the first thing the players did was start a fight in a social setting in the middle of town, and the best I had was, they get layed upon by the town guards, and woke up in jail.

Just keep some contingencies in mind for when they fly off the chains on you. Maybe someone also working against the noble family, or some other plot twist available as a contingency to get them out of a pickle. It's really up to you as DM.

Yeah I'm not a super new DM (have about 25 sessions with various groups) but am still a bit new.

They're level 3. They've been employed by a NPC wizard for this so I'm gonna keep him in the backlines. Debating if he should attend with them.

Rogue is Arcane Trickster. I think it'll be OK I just don't want it to stand still. In the vaults I was thinking of having something guarded by a Spectator, I believe they're LN so that could be interesting.

Minimalist can be okay, depending on what you are trying to get out of the game. For me, however, the dice and numbers are part and parcel of TTRPG's

Also, given his play-time in the D&D system, I feel his only experience is with 4e which could exacerbate his negative experience.

Dice rolls are codified to be used only in situations of actual importance and the rules strictly enforce a non-zero impact result to each die roll. This entirely kills "I roll" -> "Nothing happens" which is obnoxiously common not just in D&D but in many 90s/80s trad games.

Reduced rules overhead. I have yet to meet a GM that runs D&D 100% RAW because who the fuck cares, Diplomacy rules are broken, Climbing/Athletics rules pointless, and half the combat rules are a legit drag. 5E improved this somewhat but it is still bloated to Gehenna and back.

Mechanics which make narrative an integral part of the gameplay instead of tangential. This is D&D's biggest sin - it has a massive, bloated rules system, and other than the slowass combat rules which mostly devolve into grid based tactics, none of the rules actually tell you anything about what kind of roleplaying is supposed to happen. D&D is Dead&Devoid of any storytelling mechanics, and for a game about collaborative storytelling, that's absolute garbage.

So yeah. Don't play D&D. There's fantasy themed PbtA games nowadays, or Forbidden Lands/Vaesen (soon) if you don't like PbtA.

Same poster as I have played D&D 3.0, 3.5, 4E and 5E. Mainly 3.5.

Can you rape random people? Are there blacks in the DnD world?

You're looking for FATAL.

Roleplaying games are essentially Interactive Storytelling. Like a video game,you are maneuvering through a scenario with mechanics and probabilities generated by rolls of dice. However,the Dungeon Master controls the narrative and situations,and the players define their responses to situations based on their abilities and their creative application. This can be fun.

A story:my group was playing a module called Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. The plot involved the discovery and exploration of a crashed spaceship. At one point,everyone got radiation poisoning. The situation turned grim. It robbed you of a point of Strength and Constitution every few hours,and a stat falling below 1 killed you. People were putting cursed items on to preserve their lives,a desperate race against time ensued. We found a hospital room manned by a robot,but had no means of communicating with it. I was playing a barbarian fighter who was used to non verbal talking,and pointed at his radiation burns and made sad grimaces at the custodian. The robot understood and sprayed a curative on him. We were saved! Believe me,everyone playing was morose with impending doom before that. That's why I played the game just for moments like these.

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I honestly don't find being a DM hard. I've been doing it for 20 years nearly though. Character development is harder as a DM as far as NPCs. Normally I have a npc or two who stick with the group as like a ship captain or a surveyor. Reoccurring side villains help as well

Op here. I forgot I made this thread but Damn was it a great read for my break.

I just want to be a massive black rapist. It's my life dream.

Lifelong DM here. Run 5e, savage worlds, and all the warhammer rpgs

Yeah, FATAL or VTM

I remember fondly the first Wizard I played, we were in a mansion, and there was a safe where the NPC quest giver good guy kept things, and naturally I was curious what was in there, so I stuck in at night and I was a noob player and a noob lvl 1 wizard so I bombed it and got caught. I had to explain why I was there in the middle of the night, casting acid splash on the good guy's safe, Paladin had me tied up lol So I just go with it off the cuff:

"O-OWLBEARS! Hundreds of them! And they were nijas.... yea.... a-and their ancient Red Dragon Master who defeated my sensei and I swore a blood oath to defeat him and I did, and then the owlbears all disappeared when their master fell, and must have carried him away since his body is gone"

The party looks around at the room, everything perfectly in order, not a sign of any trouble excpet the forced lock and acid splashed safe, and they ask the question: So, why isn't there any evidence of that here?


the dm looked at me with a raised eyebrow and had me roll a bluff check, lol

good times good times.

In realty it's more about what happens in the game world that's memorable than rolling to hit and damage and all that which is what most people focus on. But if you think back to the best parts of your games, remember it's the story, the characters and the plot that's the hooks, and just keep it flowing. As long as everyone is having fun, you could be dancing with owlbear ninja courtesans all night.

Loot the noble family vault and maybe they find some cool gimick? Bag of tricks? some other FUN nonsense shit that isn't just a big pile of jewels, etc. It really doesn't matter, as long as everyone is enjoying it

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How does someone try it out if they don't know anyone who plays?

Dude, anything, you can be an Evil slavemaster in Cheliax ethnic cleansing an entire race, or you could be fighting against them. It's a fantasy game world, so instead of asking, "Are there blacks" the correct question would be "Why wouldn't there be blacks?"

And yes, you can go around pickpocketing and stabbing people on the streets in the middle of town, but it won't be long that the town guards, the army, the Paladin Guild or whoever is coming for you

Check your local game shops. Most have on going games, or adventures league. (I think AL blows though)
I started playing at mine, and now they pay me to run 3 games a week.

The best way to learn is watching a game being run. I'd look online first, for the most easymode examples, watching other players play. some groups are big online, like Aquisitions Incorporated, and many others have a presence online.

Beyond that, just pick a system, get the core rulebook and start reading. Who knows dude, maybe you'll get your friends into it or you'll find someone that's been interested in playing like you but never had a group.

Seems like playing in a home would be better.

Barbarian Half-Orc you say?

Now that I'm old (40) and work most of the time, as many of my friends do, we have all drifted towards having little contact. Which is the only reason I'd consider it. We're all professionals, mostly in the IT industry, but I've always enjoyed nerdy shit, mostly in the form of movies, books and video games.

You asked about getting started when you dont know anyone.
Game shops are the best place to meet people playing.

>none of the rules actually tell you anything about what kind of roleplaying is supposed to happen

Why would you want that?

When you and 2-3 of your friends are in a room together, say out loud in their general direction - does anyone want to play D&D?

Presumably some sort of social disorder.

When the rules inform you of what kind of stories the game is designed for, it becomes much easier to run those stories within the game. D&D is marketed and presumably built to fascilitate high fantasy epic adventures (that's what all the scenarios sold do after all), but it is almost entirely vacuous in that regard for its actual rules, sometimes bordering on HINDERING those kind of stories (anyone enjoy chipping away at an HP pool for 3 hours? so heroic waow).

A combat system does not a roleplaying game make, and that is D&D primary source of conflict and rules arbitration. Skills and most feats are tacked on and have no tangible impact on the game as a whole.

Games with rules which complement the stories you play through them are usually not only easier to play, but also make for BETTER stories.

are these popular?

Nowadays they have beginners box sets with pregenerated characters and monsters and everything packed up and ready to roll for you to get your feet wet with a game of your own without knowing much about it.

Once you get the feel and you and your friends/girlfriend/wife/whoever can pick out a campaign to play through that sounds fun. The sky's the limit on content.

One thing to bear in mind is that, as a turn based group game, you need time. One session easily runs 4-6 hours. For us grown-ups that usually means planning a once a week game, say every saturday evening, everyone gets together and plays and the story pauses at the end of the night and resumes next week, same bat-time same bat-channel!

when it's time to close the book for the night, I always throw out a little "Tune in next week for the exciting continuation! What dangers will our hero's face?!"

good times, good times

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Is there a MEGA with DnD stuff on it?

I'm looking for nice alternative Character Sheets etc...

I assume if you can't make it to a session you fall too far behind? Kind of like mmo raiding?

Nothing in the D&D system necessitates 3 hour long combat, that seems like a poorly designed session. You also say "skills and feats have no tangible impact", seems you might just not understand how to use them?

Rules do not "make" the story in any meaningful way either, its the players and the storyteller. You can TTRPG with effectively -no- rules, but rules are designed to build a framework. For example, there is nothing really stopping you from using core 3.5 to tell a cyberpunk story, or a steampunk one, or a modern one, or a space one. A competent GM can make minor tweaks and *poof* it works.

yeah, you do need a group that's going to commit to the game. It's kinda lame when everyone is excited to play, but the one guy that insisted on playing a cleric doesn't show up, so there's no healing magic that night.

In some cases you can bot someone, but usually it's an all or nothing kind of game where you need your players there. It's very much a team activity.

In some ways, the best aspects of the game can be the most challenging. It being a group game is awesome, but you really need the whole group all at the same time to get the full effect.

You can play with as few as three player characters, though, so it can be a small core group for your main campaign, and if you have other stranglers interseted, you could do them their own campaign, so when they don't show up, you can default to your primary. There's a lot of ways people try to balance the group aspect of it with work and school, but ultimately, everyone should be there from start to finish, so making a schedule and the players keeping to it is important or it can fizzle out like anything.

Depends. You are encouraged to be present to all sessions, but your DM/GM can usually work around your absence assuming you aren't in the middle of something major. When you are at a table of friends, most wont cry " user wasn't here last week! He can't get the level we got!"

But, understand that you are part of the party, and when you are missing they can suffer greatly

I pick pockets, I dont care

Can you be a cook who's a martial arts master? I just want to be able to whoop some ass and have someone ask 'Who ARE you?' so I can reply 'I'm the cook.'

But of course!

I have played lots of freeform games, or near-freeform. I like Prosopopee and A Quiet Year, for instance.

Your argument makes no sense. If you would buy a system that you can homebrew until it works, why not just buy a game that works in the first place? This obsession with D&D is disturbing, there's such a huge variety of games that do all the things you mention WELL without needing to mek about for hours or, please no, delve into d20 Modern.

Poorly designed session is to follow the combat encounter guidelines set out by the game? Have you played 3.5 past level 10, for instance? HP pools scale badly for monsters, multiple players with too many options and too few good ones, the incessant fucking paperwork of tracking health, psi points, available spells... holy shit it is indefensible.

If you opened a roleplaying game that wasn't D&D, you would probably very quickly see what I mean with Skills and Feats being tangential to the game. I would recommend Neotech Edge for this, because it is a complex game that is leagues ahead of D&D in design. Unfortunately it is only in Swedish as of yet.

I think that's where the DMs role really shines.

I'll give you an example. I'm running a game where the players are lvl 13 now and very powerful. They're in a Palace, the king has been subverted by the dark lords in the shadows, they're scouting the palace for clues, and happen upon a feast in session. a fight breaks out in the middle of the day in the middle of the most guarded part of the palace, with the King there. There are over 20 guards, half a dozen captains, another half dozen unique characters, another dozen different people from other factions and a GRAND MELEE breaks out.

It would be positively insane to try to play all that out RAW. and it would take anything but a machine days to calculate every move and attack and everything in a room full of 50 combatants and 3 different factions.

So instead, you know what I did? I stripped the rules and had them attack as groups. One big group of low levels, a group of a dozen midbosses, and a couple of BBEG that were big enough to stand on their own, and instead of a 48 hour fight, it was done in 20 minutes, and it was fast and fun.

You just have to gut it when it's dragging it down, but otherwise, the rules are important, why? because you need framework, or everyone is just literally superman, jumping 200yards in the air, and landing on their feet, etc. because there's no reason why not without rules.

Dude, absolutely. You can even carry around your big iron skillet and I'd let you use it as a light mace in combat.

>waves Staff of Amazing Awesomeness at enemies
>Staff of Amazing Awesomeness turns them to dust
>Nothing beats Staff of Amazing Awesomeness

100% this. I had this rogue who was in prison at the beginning of a campaign, he decided to break and hone the metal tray they served him food on into two makeshift daggers. Over a year of playing, he still used those things as his primary weapons and we worked together to keep them relevant.

I'd take it a step closer and wear yellow sunglasses and bring tasty treats IRL.

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that would be low quality un-hardenable steel, very little carbon

nice. basically the same as my setup

Your story shows the mark of a good GM, but this
>because you need framework, or everyone is just literally superman, jumping 200yards in the air, and landing on their feet, etc. because there's no reason why not without rules.
is simply not true. There are many many frameworks that cut out all the stupid bookkeeping and insanity from D&D-likes without feeling like the land of do-as-you-please. Most Powered by the Apocalypse games accomplish this with the full success/success with complication/fail segmentation of rolls. You are often forced to choose complications or negative outcomes even if you succeed with your action. That doesn't just drive the story forward by always making sure something interesting happens, but also grounds the players to the world even when their characters are successful.

You honestly sound like you don't need D&D, my man. Go buy Forbidden Lands or Dungeon World.

I don't need 15 different rulesets for 15 different types of sessions. One night might be a grand battle, one might be a murder mystery, one might be an escort mission and another might be about infiltrating a guild through guile and words. As the GM, my job is to take the framework of rules a system provides, and hone them to specific situations.

For example one of my wizards once wanted to have a construct as a familiar that he could enchant and empower as he leveled. Did I look for a random system with those parameters and shift the campaign over to that? No, I sat down, fleshed out the bones, ran it by the player, and boom. New system that meshed with (at the time) 3.5.

Or another player which was "in" on a big secret the other players didn't know anything about and needed to be a vampire. *poof* throw together a simple "vampire class" so that he would seem and play normal with the other players, while still fulfilling his role.

You literally cite a "game system" thats about making a map. Please...

I never read "The History of Medieval Prison Trays" I'm sorry. could you send me the link?

Jokes aside, it probably should have been a wood slab or bowl, but I really didn't think he'd do that. He rolled amazingly well and fuck it, it was funny at the time. Turned out to be an ongoing joke/memory so in my books its a win.

Forbidden Lands would suit your needs. I did not rec you A Quiet Year, that's a freeform hippie game meant to be played over an afternoon lol. Coriolis: The Third Horizon and Alien: The RPG also work really well for varied campaign play with much slicker mechanics than D&D, but they are both scifi.

Just watch a lot of forged in fire

I love it, dude. That's the kind of thing that really makes games great and memorable. Those personal touches go a long way to helping a player invest and think about their character.

Fuck! An overhead projector. Here I am trying to figure out how to build a table with a screen in it, because I don't know how to build shit. This is something I can do. I'm a dumbass.

I bet that overhead heating would work well with people averse to soap and deodorant.

> Forbidden lands
>In this sandbox survival roleplaying game, you’re not heroes sent on missions dictated by others – instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. You will discover lost tombs, fight terrible monsters, wander the wild lands, and if you live long enough, build your own stronghold to defend.

Oh great, a system which -tells- me what the game is.. thats exactly what I want... It even has irrelevant information on the character sheet AND limited space for things. Plus it pushes its own "adventure sites", how exciting

Sometimes thats the best part of being the DM... A player has this stupid or crazy idea and I sit there mulling "can I make this work?... it won't be easy buut... if they can tell me how they plan to pull it off AND roll well..." and then they pull it off. You go into detail about their dive off a banister onto a chandelier, swinging across the room jumping at the apex of the swing to reach the gargoyle who has thus far been out of reach, grappling his wings to force him into a freefall... etc etc.

If there is even a glimmer of "but mayyybe they could do it..." I'll entertain basically any idea

Story time. So a friend of mine started dating this pretty but stupid girl. He decided to bring her to DnD. Well she wanted to be a wizard, lvl 8, in 3.5. She hardly picked any fighting spells for our first fight. This bitch started using summoning wardrobe and using non combat spells in the middle of a large fight. Well my other friend was getting pissed at her.
He yells after her 4th turn "fuck this I'm raping this dumb bitch. I grapple her!" he was a barbarian so it was easy. he then yelled even louder "I roll to rip her dress off. I fucking roll to spread open her god Damn legs and I fuck her as hard as I can!" My other friend kept yelling over and over "you raped my girlfriend!" And she cried. I laugh. My friend killed her her character after the rape. After they broke up 2 weeks later the group was back together

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It was more sad than anything. Nerdrage is so petty it's funny.

That's awful. A player like that, you need to start off at lvl 1 so she can learn her class. She was probably simply so overwhelmed, she had no clue what to do.

She could have learned to play, but instead someone chose to humiliate her among friends. That's not cool, man.

tbh she sounded like a fucking idiot if she cried from 'virtual rape'

Local game shop. I've been paid to teach people how to play from two local game stores. It was fun. A few young kids wanted to play so that was cool. Young kids do a lot more with items from the shops than adults. They can't wait to use those marbles or that flint but it was free to them. I made 100 bucks and got fed pizza for 5 hours of work and one shop let's me make payments on anything i want in the store. I hope you don't like fresh air if you go to one.

In reality, you start her off with a group of players who aren't sociopaths.

Yeah I'm sure the smells are interesting.

come on dude, most people's first character is like their Mary Sue wannabe. she was probably pretending it was her in game, and having fun with her wizard getting into charcter, summoning clothes or whatever.

It sounds like she just wasn't properly introduced to the class and just set loose on the party.

I've been around the game for a long time now, but my first ever character was in 3.5 back in the day, and the first thing he did was cast owl's wisdom on himself at the start of combat. The DM laughed at me, and everyone was like, AHAHAHA what a noob, ROFL, and I didn't get it. I genuinely didn't get what the fuck I did wrong casting my character's spell on himself, and they're like "You could have cast it on someone in your party" And I said "I did" It hurt my feelings to be called out at the table for it simply because I didn't understand.

Anyway, I learned a lot after that, but in that campaign, my druid never buffed the party. He always buffed himself and his animal companion. Nobody said anything once it was obvious I knew how to play and was simply playing my way. Fuck that shit. A wizard sin't your party's fireball wand, get the fuck outta here with that.

If you don't want someone in a game just talk to them, you don't need to abuse their characters or whatever passive aggressive shit like that. Do you think she'll ever want to play D&D after her first character is raped by her allies? fuck that

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Nope. You're over thinking it. We told him no and to wait the game would have ended possibly that weekend and she could have watched. We told her no on the wizard and why. We suggested barbarian but they didn't look pretty.
My first game I was lvl 6 and I think she was crying because a fat nerd was yelling at her while another was yelling at him. that sack of potatoes was not our friend. I'm not going lay out details about her doings that proves she's dumb.

Because we knew that shit was going to happen, right?


Still, actual crying from a game you don't give a fuck about? That is an extremely mentally weak person. Everyone would have to walk on eggshells ALL of the time around her.

Just got the weirdest erection

What's weak is these white knights jumping to defend her.

This. If she's trolling just own it, don't cry about it.

Yep. Her character right on the head. My friend did overreact there's no doubt about that but what the hell was I supposed to do? Her boyfriend's jobs is to defend her and it's not like we knew it was going to happen. She wasn't the first or last girl we played with that was new.

If she wasn't your friend and you felt such malevolence toward her, you should have just told her the campaign is full and not let her play. Shit like her party raping her character is pretty offensive, and what's worse, is nobody stopped it, right? So, you all basically just got off on bullying this girl. Come on man, that shit's not fun. She might be a dumbass and have no place in the game, but then why bring her in, just to bully her?

So much white knight. Go back to your "pics you shouldn't post" and "Facebook girl" threads.

If someone isn't taking your game as seriously as you like, and they want to fuck it up, then the proper rebuttal is to remove them from the game, and it sounds like they just did it in an amusing way.

I still don't get what the hell she was doing wrong.

She was new right? couldn't someone have gently pointed out that "we're in combat" And if she didn't have any combay spells prepared that's just an good opening education, she was useless in the combat, but tomorrow she can prepare proper spells, but instead you all bully her into tears, damn guy, you must feel like a real badass tough guy

Bitch we told her no and my friend but he would have flipped the fuck out and it was his house, no one wanted to see that. Like I said. Didn't know he was gonna do it. Like I said boyfriend yelling at him. Was he suppose to punch him to stop a fucking dice roll? How dense are you? FRIEND BRINGS GIRL. WE SAY NO. SHE PLAYS ANYWAY. ONE SINGLE FUCKING FRIEND WITHOUT WARNING RAPES HER. EVERYONE ELSE IS STUNNED. I wasn't laughing at her crying you sick fuck. What kind of person even thinks like that. I was laughing at the whole situation. I mean. How many rape dnd stories have you heard?

Well it sounds like they had a group encounter setup, and she decided to play dress up princess and troll the group into just fucking around. I wasn't there but that's what I'm taking from the initial story. It's kind of dumb to get butthurt about it either way. It's a fucking game lol.

The DM could have taken control of the situation. They didn't. Seems everyone at the table was absolutely retarded

So they were actually that mad? They sound insufferable.

Was kind of my thought. Unless it involves real shit like money, health, jobs, etc, people take shit wayyyyy too seriously much of the time.

Now your ass is just trolling. What would the DM have done? Punched my friend to prevent him from rolling? Telling people to calm down is all you can do.

Ok, that gives more perspective. TBH, it sounded like you all were in on it and decided to just have at this poor girl.

But it begs the question, grappling her and raping her takes more than one round. I would have ruled that it's a full round action to grapple her, and moved on to the next character, on her turn she gets a chance to escape the grapple or so not, instead of railroading into the rape train.

>d&d rape stories

Too many, there was a dm who liked to play on rails, and long story short, there was a player who always tried something random. "I'm rolling to sling this fork into the eye of the BBEG to kill it in one shot" etc, and would keep trying wild off the wall things, just to roll a dice in case he got a 20 and autosucceeded.

Well, instead of talking to the guy and being like "Hey, you know, you're kind of trying to steal the show here from the party with the shenaningans" he gets frustrated and tells him "You failed your roll, the orcs take you and strip you of your valuables, rape you repeatedly and dismember you, your party finds your body floating down the stream" Everyone is aghast, and the guy is just like "If you didn't want me to play you could have just said so, you didn't need to do that"

The point is that, to the sperg, it was all just fun to roll dice, like that sperg girl probably just thought it was fun to play with pretty clothes. It's not an insult to the DM unless he takes it personal.

Anyway, just my 2cents, I wasn't there so I can't really judge.

He could have had a god come down from on high and abduct the girl before he raped her with his celestial member.

Literally say "no, that is not happening". Stop the session for the time, or for the night. Its not that hard. I've DM'ed for 20 years, I've had all sorts of situations come up. If you cannot negotiate a simple situation like that, you shouldn't lead in anything.

The DM could have played it out instead of letting him run away with it. To grapple someone isn't a trifle, even if she is a wizard, that would be one round spent, after which he gets to sit there and think about what to do with a grappled girl once his turn rolls around and everyone including the monsters get to react to the situation.

Shit, dude a lvl 8 wizard has dimensional step or whatever, she could have blinked and been 30 feet away on her round.

Yep. Wasn't there, I don't know the true intent of the girl, or the nature of the guys, but how it was handled definitely leave a lot to desire.

Your ass is high if you think the game was still on after that. In fact one my friends instantly started putting his shit in his backpack. I've been a DM for just as long. You have one nerd raging and another trying to defend his girlfriend. Do those sound like people who listen to words? This all happened way faster then you think.

Level 8 sounds low. What is the scaling, for reference? Just going by what I see in video games.

No one sat around and took turns waiting for a man to YELL on his turn. The game went out the window the moment he started. He didnt do so in turns now that sounds messed up

Level 20 is basically as high as it goes without getting into full on trancended demigod territory.

I've never seen a real player party over level 18 in all my years playing. Level 1-4 is low level, 4-8 is about mid-level, 8-12 is a high level party. Past 12-16 it's over the top power, facing the toughest dudes, past 17+ it's like your party is fighting the alien invasion off by themselves kind of power

As soon as he said "fuck this I'm raping this dumb bitch. I grapple her" the DM should have stopped the session before anything else. Not only could the DM use executive power to nix it right then and there, he could rule-lawyer that idea into the ground like a few other anons suggested.

I severely doubt you've DM'ed 20 years with such a weak understanding of how to handle these kinds of situations.

1-20 is normal gameplay, 21-40 is the realm of demi-gods etc. Most campaigns are usually in the 5-15lvl area from my experiences.

She wasn't trolling. He went full blown stupid on her. Friend went stupid defending her. I really don't see how a DM would have been able to anything more than what he was doing. He was telling them to calm down and didn't even acknowledge the rolls. Other than flipping the table he could have done nothing. Hes our friend not our master in real life.

I don't know what type of table you play at, But if the DM says "none of this is happening, rolls are moot, and we aren't proceeding until we settle down", from my experience the table returns to normal.

Or, were these guys roided up or had some previous beef or something?

The most fun, I think, especially for new players is to start your character off at level 1 and everyone start the campaign at lvl 1, and grow together. It's a lot of fun, and 2 years down the line, you can think back to the adventures with your friends and wax nostalgic about those first few levels running from a goblin, and having 6hp max and your only weapon a rusty dagger, once you're swinging your +1 Keen Adamantine Heavy Mace or wahtever you choose to do with your character.

Much of the fun in the game, like most stories, is the sense of wonder and awe, which scales by level, what you're able to access powerwise, so building up from being a chicken chaser to "The Fiend Slayer" is pretty fun, like any RPG

i somehow cant see a roided up musclehead ever playing something like dnd

I'm bored so I'll bite. The game ended when he started yelling. He didnt have to say the game was over it had already ended. Which is why my friend started putting his stuff up. The yelling one was doing so while rolling back to back not turn by turn. The DM did tell them to calm down in fact I'm pretty sure that's why the whole thing even ended and things went back to normal 2 weeks later and I don't give a damn about your doubt. I won't even question your years of play like some zoomer

True, I should have suggested they were tweakers or something

Normally yes but when you rape your friends girlfriend shit escalates. Has ever happen to you?

You're in a group of people you don't know and one of them starts describing in detail how he is virtually attacking a woman, ripping her clothes off, and raping her. I am a 6'3" 300 pound mountain of man and that would make me uncomfortable as fuck. It's not white knighting to point out when people are not behaving like civilized humans. What would you think of someone who started talking like that in a bar? How about someone on a bus turning to you and saying those things? What changes if you're in someone's home you don't know very well (even if it's different, it's worse and not better)?

It's not white knighting, you just lack a basic human emotional response.

I wasn't there, so I can't judge, but I legit feel bad for this girl, whatever the reason shit hit the fan.

I had a friend of mine, one of the coolest dudes I know, and super chill, we were playing Battlestations (If you don't know, it's a sci-fi space rpg board game) Basically D&D lite, in space. And I don't remember what even triggered it, but something happened in game, and the players were having more fun and disorder than he wanted and he pulls out an IRL shotgun, and we never played Battlestations together again.

Sometimes, people roll a nat 1 on their IRL social interactions I guess, but damn, it makes for a cringe story.

Like this guy I told you about, anyone reading about a guy pulling a shotgun over a boardgame must be insane, a sperg, a fucking tool, but no, this guy is an intelligent, sane adult who just lost the plot for a minute. So I get it. It's just damn...

I can and have. Not roids but an overly buff bouncer who people might accuse of toiding up, but he was actually chill af. Just saying.

Attached: tenor.gif (300x300, 239K)

*roiding up

The DM shouldn't have let him pull the shotgun out.

Well, the ass hat who went psycho was invited back 2 weeks later, so this obviously isn't a normal table.


OK zoomer

Agreed. What's next, using a monster manual for bestiality?

Well roid rage is definitely a thing. I'm pretty fit. Not huge but fairly muscular, 6ft and 220ish, and I've tried a few SARMs that made me feel overly aggressive and dark. Kinda scared me so I stopped.

pathfinder is for huge fags

This is Cred Forums you guys know that right? I'm sure we're all crazy in some way we just thinks it's because "we do it" now go back to your loli thread.

Fucking Christ. It's been a whIle since I've seen a thread get this big.

Op here.No U faggot.

Give goons names and personalities. Doesn't need to be much as long as you actually play it. Give one a whip, and another some grappling ability to fuck around with the players' positioning. Place one or more archers on some roof, make them take cover and only shooy sparingly, and have them run when the thug side starts losing.