I found my underage cousin on Tinder. What do

I found my underage cousin on Tinder. What do

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Well she says feel free to add her, so add her.

seduce blackmail rape then keep on raping until ure bored

I'd share a bunch of her pics online so she'll learn a lesson.

Underage, but how old?

Let me add and I’ll report back

Swipe right. Feed us pix

Show us her ass

Fake profile. Get nudes. Dropbox.

That can backfire so badly user.

Doubt it


Do what every true Alabaman should do.

OPs cousin is a lost cause
Put her down

Get nudes and dump them here

Just send her the screenshot and tell her she shouldn't be on there underage cause it could fuck up a guy's life if somehow it got out that they fucked. And then see if she'll put her tongue on ur pp or somethin

how? no one will no it's you just do what said

that means she is letting strangers fuck her regulary. hot as fuck if you ask me. match with her and see where it goes, try to get a date.

She's allowed to have underaged sex with other underaged kids, OP. Are you having sex, cuz its sounding wierd.

get nudes