Why is everyone on Cred Forums such a textbook tier racist? The same retarded jokes...

Why is everyone on Cred Forums such a textbook tier racist? The same retarded jokes, the same sexism the same "muh hitler" and the same reddit tier "dark" humor. Do they hand you a guidebook on how to be a faggot?

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Its a meme you cunt

Racism is natural

You mean Cred Forums. This board isnt the whole website faggot.

It's impossible for whites to be racist.

Blacks are the most racist because they are the most obnoxious people and they think they're better than everyone else.

Its the same everywhere schizo

Thats what everywhere race thinks faggot

I'm not white you stupid nigger

>op thought this entire site wasn't one big larp

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>t. Software engineer for apple living in a gated community and only exposed to the absolute best members of the respective races

I never said you were faggot

Not even close

Do I give a fuck nigger faggot?

Jesus fucking christ. Learn some new words

Lick my used toilet paper you bitch ass nigger

Russian paid shitposting aims to divide Americans on KNOWN existing faultlines.
The basement dwelling autists are very susceptible to that kind of propaganda and act as useful idiots to further the division. Hence how "we" got Brexit and Trump

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Actually a huge amount of it is paid astroturfing, specifically designed to provoke this type of demoralizing response in all of us. The part about it being largely Russians isn't just a meme, but it isn't just Russians, either. And yes, there is a guidebook.

>You're a faggot because you say things I don't like.

javascript:quote('821490727');Fuck niggers.
Fuck jews.
Fuck whites who convict whites for killing blacks.
Fuck rap.
Fuck r&b
Fuck hiphop
Fuck wiggers
Fuck ms13
Fuck the triads
Fuck coal burners.
Fuck oil drillers.
Fuck the EU.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck all white traitors.
Fuck Muslims
Fuck Zionists.
Fuck Chinks.
Fuck Weebs.
Fuck Autists.
Fuck Gang Members.
Fuck criminals.
Fuck AOC.
Fuck border hoppers.
Fuck diversity.
Fuck multiculturalism.
Fuck vegans.
Fuck communists.
Fuck gun grabbers.
Fuck Jerusalem
Fuck faggots
Fuck trannies

And when this information is posted the paid shitposters are trained to bail on the thread and it usually dies unless the "useful idiots" continue to scrap with someone who is rightly indignant about the racist narrative but ignorant of the state actor malign intent

I grew up in Canada, and early 2000s literally every single black guy was listening to NWA, forming gangs in schools, treating San Andreas like a simulator, wanting to turn their neighborhoods into compton... heard black people talk about how there are too many white people at this school.

The disapproval comes naturally afterwards. I don't have a problem with other races typically


Holy shit this, Toronto is still wannabe compton in the black neighborhoods

Toronto is not part of Canada

Kinda hard to not be racist against humanity's lessers... Especially when they're a huge burden on humanity.

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This guy gets it

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I know you, you motherfucker. Saw you kill Olgard and Vick.

This is accurate, i went to my black buddy's house one day and him and his brother pulled knives on me and told me to shut the fuck and stay seated "as a joke"

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she's right though

This happened to me in Halifax


Honestly I wouldn't be a textbook tier racist if blacks didn't act like textbook tier niggers