Convince me to vote for Sanders over him

Convince me to vote for Sanders over him.

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because otherwise he'll have spent over half a billion dollars for no reason

literally who? he looks like a background candystore owner from a generic 2010s movie


Both are rich Jews so it doesn't matter

one is 30,000 times richer than the other

Bernie rides the subway and flies coach

Both are richer than me

Yeah, he's a stingy fucking kyke

It's not kyke it's kike christ where do you kids come from


you mean private jet or 1st class

Sounds like a good reason to vote for Bloomberg.

Fuck Crazy Bernie. You're first instinct was right.
If Trump has *maybe* $1 billion, and Bloomberg has $63 billion, then he's going to be TRUMP TO THE 63rd POWAH.

Get in the Bloomberg G6, this plane don't stop until being a Billionaire who wipes dat ass with gold plated toilet paper actually means something again.

Trump is a hawk.
Bernie is a hawk.
Bloomberg is a mouse.
Do you want to spend the latter half of the year watching the titans clash, or watching the mouse get torn to shreds in a cringy display?

I'd vote for Amy. Her droning might just make Trump's brain melt.

would you rather fight someone twice your size or 60,000 times your size? both are bigger than you so no difference right?
would you rather fuck a girl who had sex with 10 more people than you or 300,000 more people than you?

because this fuckwit is just another rich dude trying to buy the presidency so he and his cronies can benefit from it while fucking the rest of us over.

i guess it is if you're a cuckold who wants to see your country reamed by the uber wealthy while you jerk off in relative poverty

Won't bloomberg be more likely to beat trump in the general than Bernie?

Hes not him.
And more importantly, hes not friends with Trump

Jeb Bush has more charisma than Bloomberg.

Please clap.

kike comes from the yiddish word kaykl, spelled with a y. Both kike and kyke can be used faggot.

running a gorrillion dollars worth of ads saying this over and over doesn't make it true

Not necessarily

How many repubs do you think are "moderates" or might not vote for their god-emperor

People either love Trump or hate him, literally no one is neutral in this

However Bernie bros may actually protest the vote if he loses the primary

>buys Cred Forums pass
>doesn't understand why people aren't lining in to support the billionaire

probably got a grey market pass from g2a

(I'm gonna be honest I'm absolutely voting for Bernard, but I have close family members who plan to vote Bloomberg and I want to convince them not to)

what if i told you this was an old kgb plan to destroy the us, first implementing a "free market" leader/ethos destroying any sort of system that matters in a democracy and second implementing "socialism" guide/philosophy overly reacting to the previous destruction causing mass instability attempting to repair the core us systems which have made it a universally grand idea (the american dream)

it's the ultimate irony communism falls to capitalism...but rather in reverse in the us situation

either way it doesnt matter anymore, planet is fucked for humans....we did this to ourselves liek the dumb niggers we are

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5 million stop and frisks under his NYC policy.
He'll get exactly one black voter in the general election, the one who thought a Bloomberg was some kind of sandwich at Popeye's

Voting for Bloomberg over anyone is retarded. He's the pepsi to Trump's coke. Same shit different label.

Why doesn't the KGB work on making Russia less of a shithole instead of making America slightly worse but still better than Russia?

pfff I spit my drink user

Sanders beats Trump every poll...
In literally every poll!

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so why all these troll threads?

No idea, comrade. It is a mystery.

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because to some (the ones that "matter") the fall of the soviet union is not unlike how the germans felt after wwi, moreover russia wants influence especially since its nuclear powered neighbors and majorly economic relevant (india and china)

Like Hillary was beating drumpf?

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clean it up

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He's not Bloomberg.