Be me

>Be me
>Middle class family
>Trying to get into college
>Play videogames all day cuz no work (family doesn't care)
>Wear noise cancel headphones all day but sill can listen when they talk
>Everytime they talk about me they laugh
>Make fun of me
>Act like I can't hear them

What to do now

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Learn a fucking skill outside of your keyboard and mouse.

>be me
who the fuck else were you gonna be
stupid ass cringe shit that is

I know that feel user. My family is disappointed in me I know they are.

Fuck em. Live your life on your terms. If they're not helping you be confident in yourself, then they are not being good family. Be confident in yourself and write a killer entrance essay. You will meet better people in college. Just get a degree that you can use after. STEM. Good luck friend.

Give examples of what they say

Get a fucking job you pos. They probably make fun of you to light a fire under your sorry ass and that isn’t even working

They always make fun of my look

Always comparing me with someone or something useless

Everytime someone visits my grandparents, they make jokes about me but I have to act like it's fun to laugh about me

But they say I don't need to work because of college

Stfu man. Stop projecting your edge on the poor user.

What do you look like OP

You know the answer to that already, but perhaps you lack the confidence to take action. Games are for immature people, children. A lot of so-called gamers don’t own up to the many responsibilities they could, and probably should, be taking on in order to grow as a person, both in capacity and ability. Even those who are responsible could be doing a heck of a lot more; something actually meaningful. You’re 19, and you want respect. Go and earn it by acting more mature (get a job). Work your ass off to get into college, graduate top class, all the while becoming the best version of you. A lot of mediocre people here are going to tell you “there’s nothing wrong with video games” but I’m telling you the truth. You’re stunting your mental development by living a dull, monotonous, repetitive lifestyle revolving around particular detrimental habits, in this case gaming. I would tell you the same thing if it was drinking or drug use. Be wise and replace “gaming” with “work.” Laziness with discipline. Lack of confidence with fearlessness. Or, go down the path of mediocrity like most people and continue to live as you do, under the authority of your addictions and vices. A life of denial and excuses. You won’t succeed much, you won’t make much of an impact, and you might never get the respect you want.

Get hot girl. Go on murder spree.


>be me
>middle class family
>college paid by parents cause it's cheap af where I live
>don't even attend cause I'm a lazy fuck
>wear normal headphones all day but still can't bother to listen when they talk
>everytime they talk I don't listen cause I don't give a fuck
>they treat me like I'm 13 and they don't have any expectations
>act like I can hear them

How do I keep this going forever ?

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goddamnit OP dont leave the thread already we still have questions

Long hair, genetically big body type but slim and a small beard

Ask anything you want

genetically big body type but slim

You know there is no shame to say youre a tub of lard, we are in Cred Forums most of us are fat fucks


I mean I get the whole toxic family thing, Its honestly not your fault. My mom used to treat me and call me a piece of shit because I wasnt able to get a job either, the truth is I was too depressed and alcoholic to do it, when I was 11 she told me I was destined to be a woman beater and dared me to punch her, etc etc

Now im 25 and finally healing out of all that abuse, but again its not your fault man.

One last thing you are white, correct

Second guy nailed it. College is overrated unless you want to do specific things afterwards. Learn how to do, build, or make something instead. Save a bit, invest a bit, use some to attract fuck able women. Short-term only. Move somewhere where you can afford property and a home. BUY it soon while interest rates are low, and make two extra payments every year. Purchase a nice used vehicle you enjoy with cash. Only use credit when it is secured, and do the math on interest rates. Get off Cred Forums, go to bed.

kill yourself faggot, OPs first priority is to get out of that toxic environment then he can think about all that other fancy bullshit you talk about

why do you care what they think of you. If theyre making fun of you then theyre just shittyy parets.

ever considered the way where you give them no reason to laugh at your sorry ass? rhetorical question, no need to answer. maybe its time to try that though. unless youre ok with things as they are, then by all means - as you were.

sure is summer, even though theres snow outside

>i have to act like it's fun to laugh about me
do you now? and why is that?

Parents make fun of you because you have no friends that play that role..
Get a grip faggot, don't your life so swriously go waste it in something like everyone alse.
Uninstall videogames you are not the same retard you were when u started playing.
By today standars 19 n virgin is ok
If ypu are continuing to be a pussy then at least make sure you can survive with the career you are studying

Stepdad physically abused me as a child, I wasn't able to speak most of the time, so I think that became a part of me, fearing that if i say something they'll go hard on me not physical but emotionally


so its your choice, nobody is forcing you. its quite important to know the difference, even if you dont understand why. untill you stand up for yourself nothing is gona change.

Give yourself a few more years and let's see if you can still live with yourself or if your parents will allow it... your family let's you stay (means they do care and they didn't FORCE you out).. take your time.. but not too much, and find something you want to do (Active search, don't just think about it).. and if they make fun of you... that's their way of venting their frustration.. sort of tough love... if they are assholes (you will figure out once you're fully legal) then its time to make some plans boy..

Even if it's bait you're still a retard. If it's not bait you're a retard^2

Fuck that... I don't know the consequences to you speaking out (Did you speak out? once just to test it), if it's bad I would avoid it too unless I had a plan B in case it all gets fucked.. if you don't know.. you should test that.. don't laugh at first.. small steps and find out where's the limit.. revolting against that shitty behavior might change your life for the better.