Italian fag here. Just diagnosed with corona. AMA

Italian fag here. Just diagnosed with corona. AMA

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why are italians so fucking gay?

Where's this from?

are you doing your part?

Você é o animal que trouxe essa peste pra minha cidade?

Characters are Immortal Sugimoto and Asurpa from Golden Kamui

Taa piji inderculo


Is it actually that bad, or just like a normal flu?
I got H1N1 a decade ago, and it was shitty but not the worst sickness I've ever had.

I just diagnosed you with being a retard.

Di dove?

Not so bad. I caught it early and took very high dose vitamin C. Been barely moving to conserve energy and drinking soup and relaxing. The shortness of breath was scary, but luckily I'm in good shape and already feel better. Definitely not the worst sickness I've had.

How do you feel? Describe the full symptoms, and what the worst part of it is. Get better user

how are you taking it facing your mortality, and if you survive continuing to face your mortality when one day you suffer aa massive heart attack, and IF you survive THAT how does it feel knowing you have been rendered infertile?

che sintomi hai?

How high dose


Are you Chinese or actually Italian?

respirazione difficoltosa. fatica

Figa non sai neanche scrivere il paese più nominato d'Italia nell'ultima settimana, vai a crepare di AIDS coglione

Daje porcaccio dio merda bastardo negro

Sei confinato in casa o in ospedale?

Why aren't you answering anyone's questions you diseased faggot



Se non sei un vecchio di merda e malato, le tue probabilità sono ottime.
Ah giusto, la domanda. L'hai presa perché sei uno stronzo irresponsabile o pura sfiga?

5000 mg per day

Lemme guess. You took emergen-C? Fuckin useless crap. You cant absorb more than about a glass of OJ worth of Vitamin C in a day. All Emergen-C does is give you the shits.

Pura sfiga

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how is he?

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Yeah, not much of a surprise that Italy would be the corona-viruses gateway into europe.

Why are italians such a shitty people?

I mean, anything italy is poor quality. Italian soldiers are known to be cowards when facing strong opponents and rapists/murderers against civilian populations. Corruption in italy is everywhere. Its pretty much the worst non-muslim country in the world.

Why is that? What is it about the italian people that causes everything they do to turn to shit?

arab DNA

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You've clearly never travelled, Sunny

Yeah, probably. They do have a lot of common with the arab peoples.

che sbrodata Carlo

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I think its their history of slavery.

Deep down they think they deserve to be slave-masters rather than workers.

Lmao. Without Latin and the language and high Roman culture we gifted you, all Anglo-Saxon would have remained heathen uneducated visigoth filth. Show some respect faggots. And let me drink my soup in peace

Sto coglione non sa neanche come scrivere la città in cui si trova, sarà un imbecille di merda che non ha un cazzo di meglio da fare che fare finta di avere una malattia.
Posta qualche prova che sei dove dici di essere ignorante bastardo o torna a rubare la pasta al supermercato per prepararti all'Apocalisse

>High Roman Culture
>Bestiality Shows
Checks out. White girls still love Roman Culture.

Sneeze on me

Italy is the most disorganized fucking place i have ever traveled too. The only thing that saves it is the food and culture. The corruption and constant fuck ups in planning is ridiculous over there

Yeah because the rest of the world is so fucking free from Corruption yeah?

>clearly never seen africa

Te sai doido >_>

> Opening door to migrants, some Italians defy government line

looks like they are fuckn

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Come te lo sei preso sto virus idiota?

OP died

a shit hole user, there is no contries there

same Latam

AHAHAHAHAH. E' proprio un coglione davvero sto qui

Quote you

Of course you were. Filthy, filthy italians.

The china of europe.


I work as a junior doctor in hospice codogno. That's probably why ahah

OP here. Headache is getting really pretty bad. Going afk for now. Pray for me haha

lol,muori coglione



Quanti anni hai?

Thanks bro

Ventisette. I should be fine

Che indirizzo hai fatto alle superiori?


Etsa spicy meet a ball

Ho degli amici che hanno fatto l'agrario come te, però più piccoli di età

how scared is everybody of you?

I'm confined in hospital where I work, so noone is exposed to me.

No one is scared among normal people issue is that there are too many mongoloid in this shit hole country


Piss off chink chan

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holy shit dude-