Lately my girlfriend has been rude af to me out of the blue...

Lately my girlfriend has been rude af to me out of the blue, she isn't the same person i started dating and to top it all off she just told me she has this weird app on her phone and it's kinda fun, it's a fucking dating app, Cred Forumsros, what do i do. I love her alot but I'm not a cuck

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Cool story bro, tell it again

Gosh, this is certainly not a fetish wank fantasy thread at all!

Dump her obviously

Basically you're monkey

Like I'm not baiting anyone here, I'm being serious

What's a good livestream service to stream my death

dubs checked tell her to fuck off,there is always something better

Pic is you or your gf?

Cheat on her and dump her but youre too much of a beta cuck

Why the fuck would i cheat on her if i love her u stupid burger, holy fuck you are actually disabled and I'm not a beta cuck by any means

Clearly you need to bounce from that relationship. Because if she's already got the dating app on her phone the she's fucking other dudes. Also get checked for STD's.
If you aren't Baiting. Do exactly what I just said.

I also give 0fucks if you love her. Clearly she doesn't love you if she's fucking around behind your back. Especially with a dating app on her phone. Take no chances and find another chick to out time and energy into that isn't a complete skank.

same here Op
i am going to dump her some day but i just cant find the right time for it, but i’ve made up my mind.

have you done anything that could have an affect on her or is it literally just out of the blue?

Yeah i think you're right, we don't live together rn so i have no idea if she is fucking anyone else or not, i know she "liked" her neighbor alot right before i started dating her

I haven't changed at all, I'm never disrespectful to her, this just happened in the last month or so

damn, gl b/ro

>Op here again
About the std thing someone brung up, i barely have sex with her, she using the "I'm too tired or I'm not in the mood" garbage so i ask her in the day and she still says no, so if she does have them bet i probably won't because i never get any pussy anymore

Thanks user, I'm just gonna get drunk rn, fuck this

>doesnt give pussy
>has dating app on phone

why are you with her

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If this isn't a shit post it's likely she was cheating before she turned into a cunt.

>wandering eye
>dating app
>likes her neighbor
>don't live together
You should get down on your knees right now and thank whatever god is in your heaven that you don't live together. Stop being sad. Take blowjobs and wrapped-dick sexytime when they present themselves, and start searching for another girl. What she don't now won't hurt her. Use your time wisely and accept new offers. Don't be a putz and mope about a girl you have no concrete attachment to. No kids, no marriage, no shared living arrangements. These are not problems, user, they are opportunities.

its over

Good question, like i said to someone else, it's only been about a month since the real bitch in her came out, also to top it off mine and her 1 year anniversary, i spent it alone and she was with her female cousin and her brother

I swear this isn't a shit post, she was also chatting to another guy when we first started dating serious so i told her to delete every male contact on her phone and she said she did but never showed proof

I am supposed to move in with her this summer coming up though Cred Forumsro, i planned out the entire 2020 year and now it looks like it's all fucked, but i am glad i don't have kids or married to her

Sorry user i can't, i know a few people that use this site and they all know me and her so i have to pass

>Knows what to do
>comes on B to ask what to do
Jesus fuck why are there threads like this? Obviously she is looking for an out, and is bored with you.
Protip: Leave her and focus on yourself.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But it's better to split when you're not living together. Plenty of guys got goat-roped into a lifetime of sorrow because they didn't act wisely in situations like this. If you learn anything from the boomers you make fun of, learn that.

I already know she is bored of me, i came here to see if there is any advice that's why

>>Claims not a cuck
You are a cuck

Trips of truth, thanks fren, yeah I'm not about to be roped into some miserable life that i would regret, it just fucking sucks

Advice:. This isn't working out. It was fun but I think we've moved apart. I'll always have find memories.

Move on. Quit being a retarded 20 something

No I'm not, and i never will be

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She's trying to cuck you, you claim not to be a cuck, confront her about her change of behavior or dump her and find a new bitch

>my girlfriend has been rude af
>it's a fucking dating app
>what do i do
Try growing some fucking balls mate.

True, fuck women are heartless

I have already stated to her i am not a cuck and never will be

you made this thread because you know what you have to do, so here's your official validation certificate, signed m00t himself!

I got big balls m8 trust

It's not the balls in your scrotum that count - it's the balls in your heart.

if you have already confronted her and told her how things are then there is nothing else left to do but dump her if she did no go back to how she was before.

That is the realest thing i have ever heard, you're right Cred Forumsro

I'm on the phone to her rn and she literally just said "it's whatever, all i wanted to do is find friends" I'm dumping her rn

pic or didn't happen

I'm on call?

What you do is you start using her dating app to cheat on her

LIES! You don't meet friends on dating sites. You find fuckbuddies. Thats just a fucking stupid immature answer to try to control the situation. She knows this story will eventually become public, and wants to have some deniability of being a cheating cunt.

Time to let her go, mate.
Also, checked

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okay... You got me. Bad and dumb suggestion.

does your willy look like that op?

No user it doesn't

Yeah exactly she also said if u want to break up go ahead i don't care anymore, this fucking bitch

sounds like a win to me bro. Get out on your terms.

Beat her up lol

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proud of you!

Her mind was made up when she downloaded that app, user. Whether she already got some dick is irrelevant, she was actively looking for a "good one" for just fun, or obviously more. If some stud with money clicked her, she'd be in his hot tub in thirty seconds. If he wanted a "relationship", she'd agree to see him whenever he wanted. You can't be involved with a girl you can't trust. It eats you up. You feel like a simp sitting at work knowing she's probably out with randos. If you value any sort of monogamy, this is not the girl for you.

>what do i do
well, boomers can't be choosers, as they say...

Have you considered that she might be a failed replacement by the institute?
A Gen 3 Synth?

She's cheating on you, you are a cuck. It's not a choice, it's just something you are

Thanks user

This sounds like narcissistic personality disorder OP user. She starts of nice cos you're giving her supply, but once she tires, usually after 4weeks - 2months she will be horrible and manipulative. Get out will you can or you will be destroyed. Not joking.

Um, yeeeeeeah dude. This girl is almost definitely cheating on you. If she isn't, she will soon. If you're not a cuck, get out of there man. She's toying with you. Rip the band aid off

U may be onto something here user

Watch that b/ro. (signs you're dating a narc)

Yeah that does seem like likely, fucking bitch

Psssh, don't call me by my name that loud. Please, call me A. Non

>Op here again
Well Cred Forumsros, she hung up the call after crying and punching her wall i think it's safe to say I'm a single man again, thank you everyone, u are all frens of mine

Alright haha

Brave man. Be on guard, she'll try use everything she knows about you to mind fuck you into getting back with her over the next few months.

Just don't go back. Imagine if she got pregnant from a different guy, but she stuck it on you. If you never found that app or stood up for yourself, you could be raising some other guys kid. Run away and don't look back. Don't be one of those guys like "My ex girl got dumped and she wants me back" bullshit. Even if you're single at the time, just let her burn. Don't even carry a grudge, just laugh when the day comes and say NO, and enjoy your potential.

Hey you should seduce her mom and the fuck her in front of your gf to assert dominance.

Yep. Let pigs fuck in the mud. Its what they do.

Go to the gym and start investing with Robinhood. Talk about money and finance all the time and look into starting a side hustle. Stop treating her like your GF and get some female friends and female orbiters. Tell her your ex reached out to you or a co-worker is trying to get with you. Change your outward appearance with new hair/beard and style that is appealing to girls that are teenagers. Basically start living as if you're not bothered by her woman bullshit. Be vulgar and direct with sex without just taking it from her. Try power positions chocking and hair pulling when she blows you be dominate and don't let her do it her way. Since you don't live with her get some throw pillows and shit and start designing in a metrosexual way. When she sees this she will ask why and just say your friend Brittany said that girls like to be comfortable and you thought that made sense then mention that Karen from work is coming by next Tuesday. Be purposefully aloof and download the app she has and say how "weird" it is that you got such and such. I mean fuck with her and take control. Make her know you don't give a shit and make her think all sorts of things are happening with you even if it's all lies. She will reevaluate you and you can make her your zombie. A constant backup plan because you don't want to be without a companion and her pussy is nice. Eventually if you actually change you could get another girl who is loyal then pack her shit up and ghost her. Or you can just do that now and not be a pussy.

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Yeah i won't let anything she throws around get to me, fuck it

Thanks user i will definitely do that I'll try and move on fast and just forget her

For your sake, I hope you do. I'm just trying to pump up your confidence a little, so you don't swish and let her shit on your life. I've been there before and don't wish it on anyone. So, rather than trolling on you I did my good deed for the day. What you do with it now is up to you. But it would be a cold day in hell before I took her back.

Thanks for taking it seriously user, and i am sorry that has happened to you, women are cruel humans

Get a gun.
Spy on her.
Catch her cheating.
Shoot man several times in dick until mutilated.
Shoot woman in the spine and paralyze her lower body so she'll never feel sex again.
Go to jail for a bit, but not for murder.

Doesn't matter. How you deal with these situations builds character and confidence. I understand forgiveness, but not for cheating. This is a person you are auditioning to be a trusted partner, a mother to your children, and someone who can make decisions on your behalf. Sometimes it doesn't work out. But forcing it to work with a liar and a cheat is bad policy, and will lead to big chunks of your life going really shitty. Thats not the kind of person you want to work to help make a nice life, so they can stab your back and misappropriate your efforts.

I agree, thanks for all the advice user i will definitely listen to it

excellent advice!

Dude, you've been given the goodbye look. She's dumping you...

fuck outta my Cred Forums with this good advice shit. but well said. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

I know, sorry. I will now melt back into the crowd and make fun of people for saying stupid things.

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