How do I convince my therapist to prescribe me some meds?

How do I convince my therapist to prescribe me some meds?

I've been going to therapy for social anxiety for a month. My therapist (who also is a psychiatrist, and is allowed to prescribe me meds) has been telling me to do little tasks to decrease my anxiety, but I'm not able to do. Besides, going to therapy is also very difficult for me and I's likely drop out unless he prescribes me something.

The thing is that I've only gone to 3 sessions, and I never brought up the issue of meds because I feel like he wouldn't agree that I need them, but I really want them. I feel very shy about telling him that I need them, but that's the reason I went there in the first place, and I really wouldn't be able to face him if I aked him and he said no.

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it’s his job to give you medicine if you need it. just tell him how you feel and that you would like to try a low dose of an ssri or benzodiazepine. if he gives you trouble, change doctors.

Is it really that easy to get a prescription? I think that most psychiatrists will ask me to try therapy for longer than 3 sessions before putting me on meds

As far as I'm aware, I heard that they only give you meds if you self hurt or if you say you think about hurting yourself, that's why I'm asking

some doctors can be hesitant to immediately med someone up. there are side affects and addiction potential, but modern ssri’s have been thoroughly proven and he should be ok with letting you try those, it takes about a month for them to take full effect anyways. are you in the US?

Spain, Europe

NO Faggot this is the worst thing you can tell a shrink

not at all try something like lexapro or paxil. ideally you want an unactivated ssri for anxiety. benzodiazepines will definitely help you if you have milf to severe anxiety but they are harder to get and have a moderate risk of abuse

I don't hurt myself, and I wasn't planning on lying to get the prescription, he already knows I don't do it anyway. I was just exposing why I don't think he'll agree to it.
You're telling me to try these different meds, but there's no way I'm going to tell my therapist the things I want him to prescribe me whose names I heard for the first time in Cred Forums and he'll say of course, that's a good idea

ah ok. europe is a bit different. maybe try to broach the subject by asking him what his policy is when it comes to being prescribed medication and go from there.

just tell him you’ve been doing some research and asking around and would like to try a low dose ssri

Ah, un gallego. Try putting on an act, its not like the shrink gives a shit about you anyway, cry a lot, say you are a mess, the exercises are not working

also try and maybe or get a second opinion from another doctor, i don’t know how things work in spain.

Therapists don't prescribe meds.

That's not smooth at all, but it's a good idea. The difficult part is being brave enough to actually talking to him about it hahah

>Ah, un gallego.
Indeed, but I didn't say it. How did you know?

The problem about that is that I have social anxiety, and I barely can talk to my shrink. Except for yes and no, everything else is difficult for me to say without writing it down.

In Spain medical stuff work differently depending on the region. I wasn't expecting to hear some elaborated reply, just some general advice. I'm grateful to you all guys
I'm being attended by a private company that does both psychology and psychiatry.

You literally said you were from Spain. I understand talking with a shrink is scary, specially because saying the wrong thing can get you involuntary committed or something. Be careful with SSRIs they are not a magic pill that will make your life right, there is a reason there is a pushback against them, they fuck with your brain chemistry forever

But they change your brain's chemistry like smoking does, right? As long as I'm careful, it can't be so bad

good luck user, we love you.

>I want to feel better but I dont wanna work for it
>bad doctor is not giving me addictive life wrecking drugs on my whim
>Better ask fucking Cred Forums for advise!


Thank you

just tell him you think meds will help you and you want to try something, if you want ssri tell him you cant function at all.
if you want benzos for fun say you need help to calm down your massive anxiety attacks that comes once in a while (day, few days, month,ect, depends on how much you want)
it's really easy, he is a legal drug dealer and he wont care.

Mira, Benancio, deja tu empraredado ibérico un momento que vamo hablar en serio vale. No uses drogas tío, sal de marcha, líate con muchachas. Deja el cuatro chan y haz amigos en el mundo real.

I feel like he'll care. He's studied a college degree, and I'm basically telling him that some chemicals are better than his wide knowledge about psychology. I'll try, but I doubt he'll agree.
No puedo hacer eso sin drogas.

Bueno, pero entonces al menos que sean drogas españolas. Te haz metido una línea de azafrán? A que no?

But really, drugs should be your very last last resort. Psy drugs are no joke and can really fuck you up on the long run.

Can they give you medical marijuana?

ssri suck dicks don't take them

I'm already fucked up. Even if the drugs fuck me up, I doubt they make me worse than the way I already am

Why? Do you suggest a different drug?

Meds wont fix your problem, it can give you an easier start but you can’t rely on them forever, you’ll actually need to put in some work at some point. Don’t think about meds as an alternative to those tasks.

I know, but I don't have any friends and I feel very lonely, and I can't deal with this alone. I just think that if I took meds to ease my anxiety and hadbfriends that supported me, everything would be easier.

Akathisia, Dystonia, general movement disorders (these movement disorders can be permanent), gyno, sexual dysfunction, serotonin syndrome, feeling of going crazy if you quit them and probably a lot more. These side effects are way more common than doctors want to admit, pretty much everyone who takes them suffors from on or more.

I mean, I know there are risks. That's why it took me so many time to decide to try to get them prescribed. But I think that the good things they might cause outweigh the bad things that they will cause.

I've had acute dystonia, couldn't move at all my body twisted and cramped up, ever since I still feel like my movement is stiff and it gives me trouble walking. When I quit the meds I felt like going crazy for weeks, like I'd want to punch the next person that slightly annoys me in some way, it took like one year after quitting that I felt completely normal in the mind again(the movement stuff persisted though)

Just warning you.

lol that's exactly what i thought. and it wasn't true at all.

So what should I do? Stay this way forever? I can't live like this

How old are you again gallego

I'm turning 23

Oh he is YOUNG. Old spaniards are hard as nails. Post-destape kids are just your regular postmo weakling fagget.

OP, an SSRI likely won't do shit and it messes you up in all sorts of ways. SSRIs over a long time period put you in this shitty zombie like state which gets even more depressing and anxious than before you had them.

A benzo will help for sure, but you'll soon become tolerant to where it does next to nothing and you'll build a dependance to where you have to be slowly tapered off it if you're on for several years. I was prescribed Ativan for 12 years and couldn't get a proper taper, now I get sick as fuck every other week or so. Last time this happened it went on for almost a year. Less and less doctors are prescribing them these days because of liability.

Those pills might seem like a solution but they're not. I've tried SSRIs for most of my 20's and it was a mess. I've had Benzos for most of my mid twenties to later 30's and it was a mess and still is nasty to get off. I'd of been better off with nothing.

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You know, I dont think you are as fucked up as you think you are. I dont mean to minimize what youre going through, but you dont know REAL pain. When suicide fills your every thought, when every time you fall asleep you pray to never wake up, when you cant even hold a knife without having an intense desire to slash your neck and end it all.

My point is, yea social anxiety sucks, but SSRI are not the answer. you are also going through the so-called quarter-life crisis and figuring out who you are in life.

common anxiety meds can be addictive so he'd be reluctant to just throw them at you like you would an anti-depressant. also
> telling me to do little tasks to decrease my anxiety, but I'm not able to do
you probably can but your anxiety is fighting it tooth and nail. the meds will only even the playing field for you to do those tasks and conquer whatever it is holding you back, it isn't enough to just numb yourself to it with meds and stagnate. you need to do some work on it as well OP, the doctors and medicine can only help you to fix yourself

How much did it take you to become tolerant?
I know people have it worse than me. I've had it worse than I am right now, but I've hit a wall, and I don't think I can go on. And I've had this issues for most of my life. I've never had friends since I was 13, and I'm sick of this. It doesn't matter how much effort I put or how much I struggle, even if I improve, my situation isn't.
I used to be very depressed, and now most of that is gone, because I worked hard to improve, even when I wasn't even able to go to therapy. But I still never talk to anyone, nobody talks to me and I can't go on anymore, I don't have the strength in me to keep on going.
My mind has changed, and my thoughts with it, but nothing else. Nothing that I do helps me make friends, there's no reward for trying to improve. It feels like everything that I've done was worthless.

Why not just write it all down and give to the shrink then???

You posted similarly a few weeks ago and you are no further forward.

If my anxiety right now is not enough to justify taking meds, I really can't imagine what could. I know there are people who have it worse than me, but I really feel like if meds can't help me, nothing can. I actually went to therapy last year too, I'd been planning to go for years and that was the only time I dared.
But it was simply too much for me, and after like 5 sessions, I dropped out. Even if I keep going to therapy now, the same thing will happen again unless I get meds to help me keep going to gherapy.

>It feels like everything that I've done was worthless.

Yea, probably. So what. I went to a strict religious school in Argentina and ended up sheltered too and missed out on being a teen. I was too cool for the nerds and too nerdy for the cool, soccer people, so I was always alone and excluded. I mean I am an introvert and from the looks of it you are an extrovert so I understand it can be hard for you to make friends, when they have had a lot of life experiences you missed out on, but have you considered perhaps taking up a hobbies and being friends with people a bit older who can understand you better. Im talking about things like cooking classes, pottery, drawing classes. It sounds gay I know but the people there are friendly and it can be a starting point

>How do I convince my therapist to prescribe me some meds?
Why do you want to shoot up a school?

This is what's wrong with America.

Yeah hahaha I know. Sorry.
I did try, though. I post at different times of the day so that different people see it, trying not to bother anyone too much.
I know hahah I have actually tried that many times, but it's just too hard for me to go every day to the same place with the same people. I always end up dropping out. In the end, they become friends among themselves, and I end up excluded because I never talked to them.

Not everything revolves around America, you know? Read the thread

>they become friends among themselves, and I end up excluded because I never talked to them.

yea I know im pretty shy about that too, its like first day of school all over again, but the only solution is to ask them questions like what was yesterdays homework or if they can explain a concept to you, even though you already know it, to break the ice and go from there. Once you break the ice you will find that people are more welcoming than you thought

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I know that I'm starting to be a bit annoyingly repetitive, but that's impossible for me right now. Even going there is almost impossible for me. That's why I want the meds.

what about weed

Anyway, thank you everyone for everything. It was really useful for me, even if I'm too weak to follow the good advice. I'll probably leave this thread here, you're rising good points and ideas, but I'm just not at the right place to follow many of them.
I never tried drugs, not even caffeine. But if I'm going to take something potentially addictive and that can cause health problems, I'll go with a legal drug prescribed by a doctor

ok then gallego, good luck. In the end, you are your own savior. Cheers from Argentina

Thank you :) Good luck to you too.

Go to a general practitioner and ask for Xanax. Works every time.

I don't know what xanax is, or its difference with ssri.
The thing about going to a GP is that I'm going to a private therapist/psychiatrist and I'd feel bad about getting something prescribed from a different doctor behind his back

I’m going through the same problem right now and it’s fucking bullshit. If you aren’t about to shoot up a school or kill your self on the spot they will just prescribe you bullshit meds you can get over the counter at a cvs. You can thank worthless drug addicts for all this. I’m 28 and have always worked full time and worked through my anxiety and depression even when it was hell on earth. I finally had a mental breakdown and haven’t been to work in a few weeks. I don’t need fucking Need prescription Benadryl or a home through the fucking woods. I’m an adult with an adult job and I need a script for some benzos for the days where I’m losing my shit and having a panic attack. Sorry OP, they see everyone as a worthless drug addict trying to get a script they can snort or sell so you’re shit out of luck.

This. They will section you in an inpatient program. Don’t do this unless you wanna lose your job

Fucking phone wtf. Hike* not home

I know I said I was going to leave, but I'm still here hahah
To me, the biggest hurdle of all is to actually tell people that I need something prescribed. I haven't tried yet, so I don't know if they'd be willing to prescribe me something or not, but the fear that they might say no and think that I'm trying to exaggerate my symptoms to get drugs is what's holding me back.
It'd be unfair if they did that, though. I've never taken any drug, not even caffeine, I'm not the kind of person that takes dangerous meds because it's fun
I replied to that post, I wasn't planning on doing that, even if I were able to somehow fool him

Same user, yea I’m the same way and it’s why I’m so jaded right now. I got the balls to tell the psychiatrist that a decade ago I was prescribed 1mg Ativan for sporadic panic attacks and they worked amazing. I only had to use them a few times a month tops so flat out asked if that was an option. Figured I’m an adult and can have an honest adult convo. NOPE. Immediately got that look of “I knew he was fucking drug addict” followed by her telling me that “you can’t just ask for prescriptions like that, that’s not how this works”. She then gave me a script for Benadryl. They have zero problem writing you scripts for multiple anti psychotics and anti depressants though with a list of side effects a mile long though! It’s uncanny you made this thread honestly bc I’m about to lie and say that I wanna kill myself so I can go inpatient and actually get the fucking meds I need.

Well, others have said this before, but it's probably a bad idea to say that you're gonna kill yourself if you aren't. Treatment for people who are suicidal is more than just a few pills.
That said, why don't you try to talk with your psychiatrist about it? Maybe if you further explain your situation, she'll understand better, or maybe she's not the most appropriate psychologist for you and you might need to try with another one. I'm just saying this because psychiatrists are smart people, and if they tell you that you don't need a drug, you actually might or might not be better off without it.
Not trying to lecture you, user, I'm on your side, but these drugs have really serious side effects, please check them all carefully before making hasty decisions.