//Feels Bar is Open\

//Feels Bar is Open\\
What’s been troubling you lately?

Me personally, I have for the past years hated living everyday, slowly going insane trying to distract myself with porn or delusions. Every day feels tedious and unrewarding so my mindset has been set to “Why bother?” but I been trying to get out of it trying to think differently but when things go slightly wrong or unexpected I go back to that mindset.

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Age and race please OP

The pointlessness of life becomes quite obvious with time, does it not? Let's hope a family will solve this issue. Eventually.

Personally, I've been feeling lost lately. I am not certain where I come from or where I'm going anymore. Drugs help. But the pointlessness of life man. It's digging.

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24 white

Ah, good. 25 here. I dont remember where I read it but its because our own consciousness that we need to find ways to cope with existence itself. An animal just eats, fucks, shits and dies, but we are aware of our own meaninglessness so we invented tradition, culture, society to cope. If you think about it, real life is boring as fuck, we are nothing and we will die being nothing, mourned by few and forgotten in half a century. But you know, I honestly dont know if I care about that either anymore.

I'm a substitute teacher, and I want a new job so badly.
What I'm great at isn't hiring, and nothing pays better than what I'm doing now. I can't move for a job, which makes me feel trapped, and for the first time in a long time I am just completely trapped by a fear of my work. I have been turning down basically every assignment because maybe, possibly, potentially I could have a bad day.
I feel horrible and depressed and terrified for the first time in a long time.

user above you here. What are you great at, then. How many niggers in your class

man. is being a teacher as unappreciated of a job as people say it is ?

Samefag wignat cringe

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I mean, teaching and research and academia. I'm a fucking great historian. But there has been one job opening a year for the last few years, and ten graduates every year.

>How many niggers in your class
I'm in an area of California that's mostly Hispanic, so not many. Honestly what I've found is that it's an absolute crapshoot who is going to be good or bad based on race. The two worst students I have ever had were white.

Absolutely. Especially substitutes.

yes... i dont understand whats your point

I've considered studying to become a teacher, but switched last moment due to insecurities about whether or not that's what I want to do with life. Now became a chemical engineer instead.

guess i made the right choice. But still wish to become a teacher and inspire children at some point.

I know I'd be a shit father. So at least I'll be able to raise children in that way.

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I have no advice for you but I can sympathize with your situation, specially living in commiefornia. Whats your favorite historical period and why

Ive just been feeling numb or something, I can travel a lot but it never really feels rewarding. I have quite a few good friends but due to a sort of distrust I always feel like they would be having more fun if I wouldnt be there, even though they have told me that they dont think so.

Im pretty succesfull at life but I dont really have anything to look forward to at all.

Honestly I'd rather live here than just about anywhere else in the US, which is part of why it's so fucking hard to get a job. All of the best people from Alabama and Kansas and Missouri fucking move here and I'm stuck with my dick in my hand.
And I like modern US. A lot of older history is cool, but the historiography for it is all basically set in stone. The historiography for everything from the last 50 years is still very moldable, so it's way more interesting.
Honestly that's definitely a better choice, especially since you could always go into teaching later in life. Especially if you can do math and science.

That's what I was thinking yea. First get into the actual field and then get into teaching once i've made enough money and got enough experience and all.

Still, i feel like teaching was a calling I left to rot. Even at my current job as engineer I function mainly as a conference speaker/contact person due to my skills being into socialising/presenting rather than R&D

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So are you one of those -revisionists- who wish to rewrite history to make it more anti-white and put in textbooks how basically modern america exists thanks to faggots, women and niggers

Seems like all of us, or maybe it's just me, are chasing something. A person, thing, anything.

For once I'd like to wake up and feel fulfilled.

and you will never find that. Artists hate their art, rich people want more money, men who married the girl of their dreams want to cheat. Its human nature

Now that I'm 27 I suddenly realize that I wanna fuck pussy.
So that has been on my mind the last few weeks.

I mean, that's not what's happening with any historians at all, so no.
>how basically modern america exists thanks to niggers
I'm gonna give you a little while to think about this, and then feel free to either answer or don't:
Who do you think built the White House?

Someday I might get into painting. Gotta have the attention span tho. Wouldn't say all of the rich are like that

I actually started painting couple of months back. And yes you do need an attention span but on the other hand you can do it in pieces. So I do it for half hour, drink some shit, do another half hour etc. end result can be nice.