I think Joe Biden has this one in the bag...

I think Joe Biden has this one in the bag. He will win the Democratic Party nomination for candidate in running for President against Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders bros. and sisters may be very mad, but Biden is going to most likely outlast him, as well as the other candidates that the Democrats are currently still going through to see who wins the nomination. The only other candidates I see as serious as Biden are Bloomberg, and possibly Klobuchar.

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Sanders 2020

What do you like about Sanders that Biden will not plan on doing for you?

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I'm ridin' with Biden.

They're just going to do some dumb shit and lose the election and trump will stay president anyway so who cares

Uhhh.... Sanders' entire agenda? Biden peaked in the Obama era that revolved around centrism and moderacy. Biden might get the nomination, but he will lose the GE for sure.

The Obama era was just a few years ago. Why can't Biden be a good President?

Nah, he won't win. It's looking like Sanders is taking this one. Still voting for Trump dough

Your dementia is more advanced than his.

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biden running for president is elder abuse.

So is Sanders, and any other old folks running, when they can only walk, and some look like they need a wheelchair, soon.

I don't think we've seen Bernie's mental state worsening though, he's still staying sharp.

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I'll vote for whoever Andrew Yang endorses.

I'll give him that, he's a very fast-talking New Yorker, who is now a Vermonter, although I'm not sure if people speak quite close to that, over there, most of the time. Sanders' accent might actually make him seem a bit more energetic, than someone with a slower-paced speaking style, maybe even one of those country/Midwest/Southern accents.

"150 million people have been killed by gun violence since 2007" - senile joe biden

yeah the guy who is so senile he said he was running for senate just two days ago is going to win the nomination. lol.

Biden is still pretty close to the kind of Democrat candidate that typically ran during the 2000s for office. About the biggest change is that he now endorses the LGBT movement, and the more recent version of the Feminist movement, which he had done almost a decade ago, alongside Obama. I think that these older Democrats are still kind of against it or weirded out by that stuff, but support it due to the political party influence. Being anti-LGBT and anti-3rd/4th Wave Feminism does not work for people wanting to be candidates for that party, anymore. Since Biden is otherwise basically a 2000s Democrat regular politician, I think the 2010s style SJWs that like Bernie Sanders and maybe Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg are not going to be enthusiastic in voting for Biden, and many may not even vote at all. Destroying Sanders' chance will possibly destroy their enthusiasm.

This seems accurate.

Don't reproduce

What, trying to make this a communist nation? You want communism,go to China. Maybe you'll catch corona and do us a favor by not reproducing

Colonel Sanders 2020.

How is Biden still in the running after the mendella lie?

1996 Biden sounds pretty based

candidates who agree to let the country still be run by big oil, big war, big pharma, big banks, can do what they like without consequence

Big Jew

He'd make a good president. Nothing spectacular, but would support some progressive initiatives without going too far. And he won't scare away the money.
On the plus side, the establishment loves him, he'd get full financial support. And the Sanders and Warren people will likely accept it to beat Trump.
The downside is Trump will make mincemeat of him. This is going to be a tough enough election without his blunders and weak responses.

Biden is the worst pos i could think of. He is worse than trump. He is the only dem candidate that makes trump look like a good choice.

Why is Biden so bad? People sometimes say that Trump is like Hitler or Mussolini. What does that make Biden? Devil?

Big jew with big glow in the dark niggers

I caught that too... even the moderators were making s*** up about gun statistics...