Look. Lets be real

Look. Lets be real.
Asians, and particularly the Japanese, have objectively superior genetics and higher IQs. Children from caucasians with genetic deficiencies and Asians show that they have many good dominant genes.
There are studies which are very easy to sn order broadly: Asians > (other races)
So there is therefore a superiority of race, despite the claims from certain media influencers you see referenced in Wikipedia saying race doesn't exist at all

Also,traditionalists are basically right about women.
They have periods which make them act irrationally while basically making them cripples once a month until old age, have a tendency to be "scatter brained" and not have much motivation to accomplish "big" things and have too much vicarious empathy. They also feel nothing when lying, and because of the empathy issue, they tend to bandwagon.

But I think what's most important here is that women are not naturally inclined to monogamy, but rather go against the human condition to desire the alpha male and admire the alpha female, whi they effectively dorm what you could call a "pack" with because of their tendency to blind bonding through excessive caring. They might not actively notice this depending on there own situation, but basically all women are like this.
They also desire a protector and provider and what we consider "bad" things that men do besides actual outright rape (more complicated issue under my views won't get into it for brevity) really
But it doesn't work well for humankind's nature for one person to hog the women. This is why monogamy has endeared and why it should be the MAN who decides which women to take. If it doesn't work out, than there's that and all that should be illegal, but men are the primary deciders, as they can protect woman themselves or if not, they might have friends that can. If the woman and man are not working out, then the man will likely want to break this off or the law can step in.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice bait, but everything you said is scientifically incorrect, and baseless opinion.
Good day.

There's no reason for her to get incolved.; He already has too much power over her and there's not much that can be done about things which happen behind closed doors. Anger can also be worked out generally and doesn't warrant someone becoming ostracized from society they should instead go to therapy because it is almost akin to self-harm.

Getting a female or male should not be difficult, but women make it difficult by going after their "ideal" man, so that even well above average men lose to men who can pull the most immediate strings and distract them this way with their ability to warm up quickly.
Men don't have such inclinations; they seek what is before them and will often proffer sexual advances which alert other males that the female is not to be taken by them, which, under a more sane sanity run by males, would not be an issue for the vast majority, as their are plenty of options to find a woman when they are reeled in and provided safety from themselves and the expectations society places on them to become something other than a housewife.
Presently, men can't flirt effectively; they can't stroke her knee, compliment her body or anything like that due to a layered progression of cultural change involving puritanism and feminism.
Feminism never addresses the issue of men caring for pregnant women. The reality is there's a tier: children are cared for by women, women are cared for by men. Naturally, the father is the leader, as he leads the woman and makes all the decisions while leaving her to the child while she is not herself evolved to make decisions on her own.
In other words, women should generally be obedient. This is the truth that BDSM masks (women are FAR more likely to be subs)
Japanese are basically obedient. They grow up in a culture where you say little and are raised shy.

Anyway, that's my thesis in why Cred Forums should give me a japanese gf rn before I slip into far-right hatred and/or financial submission to Asians.


Then actually refute it tho

I mean really if you don't do that, then like... You see how that's a problem when people are faced with actual...
Like you don't just fucking dismiss it and act like yeah this is fine.
Whether or not it's a troll doesn't really matter much.
Just saying.....

OP here.
Quick bump since rapid decent on Cred Forums. More to say, but first off
>Women feel nothing [I meant little, actually]
Look up the Wonder woman lie detector test for one and think about the results coming to your won conclusion instead of the meme conclusion that women don't lie.

IQ... like I said, this is also easy to search. Broadly, Asians DO seem to have higher IQ than Caucasians. There's a few potential reasons for that I guess.

When I talked about "big" things what I should've said was the motivation to do things like go into engineering.

Look Norwegian Paradox.

Japanese can look very attractive, to my Westerner eyes. However, I do not believe that any particular racial or ethnic group is objectively superior to another. These groups are merely well-suited to their traditional habitats, or similar ones, such as fair-skinned people inhabiting temperate climates, or dark-skinned people living in hotter regions, for the benefits to their health and Vitamin D. Japanese people typically look like they are well-suited for living in regions anywhere between temperate and tropical, which gives them a slight climate advantage, compared to most Europeans, due to their slightly more melanin-infused complexions, if not necessarily darker skin, as many Japanese and other East Asians are pale, too.

As for
>But I think what's most important here is that women are not naturally inclined to monogamy, but rather go against the human condition to desire the alpha male and admire the alpha female, whi[ch] they effectively [f]orm what you could call a "pack" with because of their tendency to blind[ly] [bond] through excessive caring. They might not actively notice this depending on [their] own situation, but basically all women are like this.

Yeah, that sort of is my pure opinion (my own conclusion), I guess.
But I don't think it's a stretch. You hear about it a lot in psych texts and stuff that women have this scatter-brained emotional thing, though I am missing the material which sucks. Though I'd like to see someone this is not the case, what they would rather say, if they would refute this since I don't know that it's much of a stretch.

Even Wikipedia now says that gender roles were thought to be social constructs, but some of these things are now shown to be biological/biochemical differences.
Transgenders can tell you as much. Of course, for transgenders the difference is temporary I'd they don't keep taking hormones.

It's not a stretch women would want one particular man among others: they have a higher incidence of homosexuality, and more notably, bisexuality. I can try to look for something more concrete I guess (can't remember everything now. Forgot this would be controversial somehow) but biologically and mathematically alone, it makes sense they would. Human beings are not purely pair-bonders or random sex freaks, but somewhere in-between; cheating can occur in relationships, and some people choose to be single, at least for a while. It is biologically efficient and common for makes to breed with multiple females. Epic of Gilgamesh shows that yeah men even back then wanted multiple partners I'd they were dicks.

I just caught a mistake

>They also desire a protector and provider and what we consider "bad" things that men do besides actual outright rape (more complicated issue under my views won't get into it for brevity) really
*They also desire a protector and provider and what we consider "bad" things that men do besides actual outright rape (more complicated issue under my views won't get into it for brevity) really is just normal human mating ritual.

>Presently, men can't flirt effectively; they can't stroke her knee, compliment her body or anything like that due to a layered progression of cultural change involving puritanism and feminism.
I wouldn't think this to be particularly controversial other than the idea that it can be OK to touch a girl and use body language until she pushes you away, acts uncomfortable, etc.
>The father is naturally the leader
The father leads. Historically true, at least. Not controversial. You'd be an idiot to say this isn't the case; the men DID do the labor and DO now ideally, but I'll speak in your language) the women feed and take care of kids while likely being pregnant, which takes several months out of a year, mind you.

Our culture has advanced, but a lot of essential things remain unchanged. Men are still inclined to be strong and the Norwegian Paradox is alive and well.

Bump so I can laugh longer at people's inability to address what I said and how they know it's true if they really just stop and think about the fuckinf world around them, even.

Deep down, even Hitler knew that to be true.

Attached: f117cedb26435dcb626395e0b6249ae1.png (640x360, 74K)

Man Hitler was such weird crazy dude when you think about it...
I mean I guess people get that about him, but it really gets stranger the more you think about how bizarre his thoughts were.

their average iq is still like 105 which is shit and kys-worthy. imagine getting an inferiority complex bc ur so retarded that u put a 105 iq on a pedestal

I kind of see what you mean

We shouldnt race mix with them though

Read Mein Kampf user, and form your own opinions. Im not justifying nor condemning the man, it is a peek into the mind of probably the most important person of the XX century

Having pride in the successes of your civilization, history and ancestors is "crazy thoughts"?


Is this a dude?

imgur.com/zlFEh0G 3


This is the most incel thing I've ever read

>superior genetics

imagine mixing weak-built white people full of allergies with equally weak asian genetics.

But hey at least it'll be the smartest virgin at the office.

>stuck in feudal period
>needed euros to advance

Attached: 1531121559915.jpg (750x710, 51K)

Also, it is unnatural to fly into space, astronautism denies that the human body was not designed for it.

Your facts and your speculations are all over the place, and although it is clear you have some kind of antropologically analytic attitude, you should delve deeper into the current status of research and scientific consensus, and not just extrapolate from common sense.


This series of lectures is a mind-opener and is taught in an exquisite way. If you are into biology and genetics (which you should be since you mention race and all the stuff, which by the way does not exist, it could exist if you were an eugenetist actively isolating a breed, but that's another topic) I recommend you watch all of it, otherwise you can go 1-3 and then from 13 on.

A couple examples of the touched subjects: sexual dimorphia, brain differences between sexes, neurologic mechanism involved in courtship, polygyny, serial monogamy, comparing human sexual and general behavior to other animals and other primates. If you're serious about this, or anyone for that matter, you should watch this.

>race and all the stuff, which by the way does not exist
Not true in the slightest

Attached: 1574046921091 race realism race exists.png (1047x415, 92K)

Holy shit
Just from your pompous way of talking I thought "he's going to link to the Stanford lectures by Sapaulsky"

Sure enough...

Takes one to know one

>Takes one to know one
Yes I agree with you. I used to be an arrogant Liberal type as well. Thought John Stewart was so smart...thought I was smart for listening to NPR and making fun of dumb Rush Limbaugh etc.

The default state for early college aged people is cosmopolitan liberal because that's the only point of view you are ever exposed to in any media and 99% of academia


Attached: in group bias liberalism is a mental disorder pc preference.png (1334x750, 211K)

Attached: 1555455626340 Blacks killed by whites vs whites killed by blacks crime.jpg (599x733, 56K)

Attached: 1556776326526 white vs black crime rate.png (536x392, 26K)

You mock me for pointing out the Sapolski lectures, and then proceed to present systematic differences in behavior as evidence for biological race? Come on

This I'm looking into but your following posts make me doubt I should

And by the way I do not consider myself a liberal. Stereotypes can be a good strategy in the lack of further information, but going this boldly assuming them to apply to me makes you fall into the Cred Forums stereotype, which in turn makes you lose credibility.

>And by the way I do not consider myself a liberal. Stereotypes can be a good strategy in the lack of further information, but going this boldly assuming them to apply to me makes you fall into the Cred Forums stereotype, which in turn makes you lose credibility.

You are a Cosmopolitan. You are full of yourself and think you know more than me and have some enlightened perspective when ironically the exact opposite is closer to the truth.

>race doesn't exist
>actually it does look at this stuff
>no that's behavior
>but behavior is manifestations of different races and IQ
>no we cant look at IQ because races dont exist

You cant even see the circular argument/doublethink in your own head

Attached: 1553619534935 black america homicide rate compared to white and African homicide rates.png (1023x653, 271K)

Just a word of advice.
"racists" do not hate different people for no reason.
"racists" simply want you to acknowledge that different people exist and to not force us to live around people who obviously want to live differently and have different cultures.
The anger and hate you see is from you cosmopolitans imposing your will on us and forcing us to accept diversity and immigration.

Attached: 1577100165537 Africans morality abstract thinking black iq.png (697x8275, 1.99M)

Attached: 1577100165537 Africans morality abstract thinking black iq part 2.png (697x8479, 1.99M)

>You are a Cosmopolitan. You are full of yourself and think you know more than me and have some enlightened perspective when ironically the exact opposite is closer to the truth.

Every single thing in this sentence is false, and you're either trolling or oblivious to the fact that aside from the cosmopolitan thing your description fits your behavior in this conversation pretty accurately.

Behavior is a manifestation of genetics, IQ and a thousand other factors like environment. Now I don't think environment should fall in the agreed upon features defining race, are you sure you're not talking about ethnicity?

That could be a more reasonable perspective for the views of racists, though I doubt the majority of racists thinks of their views this way, but it doesn't change the fact that racist agendas are incompatible with my morals on a feasibility level.