What handful of pills do you take to try killing your self

What handful of pills do you take to try killing your self

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You'd have to take many advil to kill your self



same question, i have like 50mg xanax, 50mg clonazepam, 100x150mg pregabalin - but i read they dont kill separately, only hope is together with alcohol.

Tbh put all the pills up your asshole then butt chug a bottle of liquor, you will die

tic tac

Death by pills is slow and painful. Just go suck start a shotgun.

Benzos or Opiods taken with alcohol is a sure thing.


pretty surprised i've survived some of the nights i've had...

20mg xanax
8mg clonazepam
alcohol (bottle of wine)
drinking ghb until i pass out for 4 hours and starting over again

This is what an edgey faggot who makes shit up on the Internet looks like

3 strips of temazepam and a couple gulps of GHB. idk how i woke up from it but I did.

It's probably pretty easy.
Isn't overdosing on heroin pretty easy and a guaranteed death unless someone is there to save you? Just take a shit ton of pills before that. Pills take around 30+ mins to hit so you have a ton of time to OD on heroin for a rather painless death.

9mm, delivered at high speed, only 1 needed

No, it's not a "sure thing". Also, OD'ing can be very painful. Who wants to choke on their own vomit?

Handful of mushrooms


It's cheap, and won't raise suspicion when you buy it. Usually bottles of the 200mg doses are buy-one-get-one-50%-off.
It doesn't kill you kindly in your sleep of course.. after downing both bottles it'll cause severe tachycardia and muscle seizure throughout your whole body.
Terribly painful way to go, but if you truly hate yourself; may as well punish yourself.

I second this. Large heroin overdose or like nine grams of seconal.

You wouldn't feel any pain with benzos + opioids. Overdosing on opioids is also not painful, they're the strongest painkillers prescribed, for a reason.


lithium, the whole bottle apparently is a lethal dose

But they don't tell you the rate at which that isn't the case. Generally speaking, it's a stupid fucking way to try and kill yourself, and a great way to end up wishing you were dead, for months, in the psych ward.

and personally, I'd rather be in prison than be where they put the people who try and an-hero. They fucking observe you in the shower. You have absolutely no privacy. Absolutely no rights. You will be so fucking sorry.
>source, 7 day grand luxury psych ward retreat, for other reason

Yeah what he said, I wasnt in for a full week but psych wards are no fucking joke hombres.

quit being a faggot and go punch a shark or some shit. That's what I did and I'm much happier now. I read on chan, some super twisted logic about how being suicidal gave me strength. Because: Compared to suicide, everything is safe. Faced with a 100% chance of death, everything is amazingly safe by comparison.
In my case, I started going downtown completely alone, picking out drunk girls, and methodically hitting on them one after another. I really REALLY wanted to get laid. It was cringe at first but after a couple months I got pretty good. You just make a move on every group in the bar, then move to the next bar, rinse and repeat. I went downtown 5 nights a week for a while, I didn't drink anything, I just tried to get laid.

It's a bit complicated as to why I did that, but it was appropriate at the time. I think I died in that room back there. I think I hung from that balcony, as I had planned. Someone else is here, someone better. That person was a piece of shit. I go by a different name and stuff too.

Btw OP, as someone who used to be severely depressed but isn't anymore, it gets a lot better.

when I really think about it, I went from honestly about to kill myself to where I am today : no depression, partially because of just some shit I read on Cred Forums. Idk, I did a lot of reading. The internet was all I did, really.

I think I just truly stopped caring. Also, I decided to stop living for others, it was making me miserable. I also decided to stop being a bottom-feeder, always destined to be discarded.

"get rich, or die trying"

because if I can't be rich in a world run by money, I would literally rather kill myself. I still believe that

Sominex and plastic bag over head

Yeah same. I just stopped caring about things too much. It even improved my grades and my work performance. Yes, caring less about my grades improved them by an extreme amount. I think it's because of the anxiety I always felt when studying, but when not caring that much, studying and even working is no longer an anxiety filled chore, but rather a fun way of learning new things.

Carvedilol, Doctor here, believe me.

What that do?

Doctors don't come to Cred Forums silly


Probably a lot of crushed up oxycontin in water.

Just fall asleep as far as you know.

Lowers blood pressure, you pass out then die as it continues.

New Year's Eve 2011, I couldn't get any of my usual 30mg Roxis, so out of desperation I swished an entire 7.5mg gel patch worth of fentanyl, and woke up four hours later...

Sometimes I wonder if I actually died that night and am in fact stuck in Purgatory...

Ain't that a bitch.

Those that have actually good answers are not with us anymore... and no chemist or doctor would actually tell you.... besides.. who knows, maybe its not even for you.. maybe you're asking for a 'friend' and we're assisting murder... do your OWN research.

Certainly not a little handful of 5mg Norcos like you got there, lol... The Tylenol in em would do it before anything, but I guarantee you'll just puke em back up before too long.

Apparently drinking antifreeze works well