Attached: 71AAB3D6-AE34-4718-962B-FAB193AFFB18.png (503x501, 512K)

What does the I stand for?

Fantastic, I helped the farmers with only $95 of my own money. This is great

have sex


I'm just glad that he's in charge during this pandemic. God is clearly with him and we will prevail.

No, that's socialism

>source: dude trust me
Jewish shill detected

Why does he need to borrow money if we already paid for it? Plus it seems like a good time to fuck China since they’re dealing with a zombie outbreak.

>welfare is socialism

>this will cost every household $95 dollars
no it doesnt read a book fucking nigger
fucking lib voters
SNAP costs us $700 per year then??
fucking retard libs should be denied voting

Uh-huh and how do the American farmers affect Israel? Not gonna read your reply

Trump is typical GOP, cutting taxes for the top 0.1%, driving up the debt, and handing the bill to those least able to afford it

Ever wonder where those (up until recent) wall street gains came from? Look at the debt and there's your answer.

Best modern day president we have had.. Obama's idea of foreign policy was shipping pallets of cash to terrorists. keep trying libtard.

Attached: 819F2CA2-191C-427F-99B7-10EB28864F08.jpg (561x556, 26K)

>borrowed the money from China

It's brilliant because we won't have to pay back china since they'll all be dead from corona virus

At least hes giving money to those who need it. Obama gave loads more to already wealthy 1% auto manufactures which they passed off as bonuses to their upper tier employees. You can bitch all you want but it just makes you an ignorant hypocrite who was easily manipulated by the DNC.

Except it never happened to begin with so nobody has anything that needs to be paid back.

Be happy the farmers.can feed yo ass

You retards prove everyday why socialism and socialist policies will never work here. You dont even know the meaning of the word or what it entails not to mention the inevitable outcome..

America is not equipped to deal with coronavirus, remember swine flu? 60 million cases lol

PSA for republicucks that farm subsidies (aka welfare) fly in the face of capitalism.

This is clearly socialism at work. Trump Socialism. Trumpilism

At least they diden tuk r jubs