Transexual children should start hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery before puberty...

Transexual children should start hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery before puberty, so they will look like the sex they want to be when they are adults instead of looking like freaks.

Prove me wrong.

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You're not wrong when it comes to the facts of hormone treatments. But "transsexual children" Is wrong. Children are children because they lack any kind of consequential thinking, they dont know what identity is, their brains are still under development. They shouldnt have the right to choose because they are easily influenced by media and other idiots.

Prove me wrong.

you just want to fuck them

youre disgusting if you honestly think children should be allowed to transition and be giving hormones and puberty blockers. They can't even make the decision to have sex until they are 18, why the absolute fuck would they be allowed to make that kind of life altering decision?

fucking retarded pedos

If they lack the sense to know what gender they really are:

They should have enough sense knocked into them to be satisfied with that gender to which they were assigned at birth,
by professionals who already have the sense to know what they fuck they are talking about.

Vikings would be fucking pissed off at the future

It's always amazing to see people push stuff like this on kids just cause some old faggots wished they looked prettier.

Hetero kids should start fucking before puberty.

But with men of the same sex like the Greeks did right?

Only if the decision is made fully by themselves. Even then, I read that some trans do regret it later in life.

Some kids know what they want at a young age, some don't and some just have retarded parents. It's impossible to make a policy that fits, because everyone varies in terms of levels of retardation.

On other words, OP is a faggot.

I don't have to prove you wrong, nature has already done that.

1. Only if they have undergone a psychological evaluation
2. They should be legally required to identify as trans

a whopping 85% detransition because they regret the decision, plus an entire 41% attempt suicide, and OP really thinks that children should be able to make this decision. Fucking retarded piece of shit

trannies need shot, it's just men wanting to rape kids. it's a mental illness.

for every trannie that manages to look like natalie mars there's 100 that look like laurakate. natalie mars has a weird dick.

and are 18+. I know of a transsexual who is actually very deeply disturbed about their body and gender, they have told me that they are legally required to wait a year before they are allowed to transition with a physiologist, and must go through many rounds of eval sessions.

Hey user you said you wanted to be an astronaut right? Welp time to train your whole life for it, oh and if you try to do a different job you wont make money.
Also if you're a boy and want to be a girl, just be a sissy like a manboygirlthing.

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Okay, tell me how someone who can't find out the mortgage on a house, who can't buy alcohol (let alone hormone replacement therapy), who's brain won't fully develop until their 25, how can that person be expected to make a decision that will literally change who they are for the rest of their life?

Especially at their descendants.

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How do you think Spartans feel?

this. very much this. the nerve of these trannies pushing their vile political agenda on children, it has to be some elaborate hoax or scheme, like a nightmare of sorts that you just can't wake up from.

satan tells the truth

I agree, freaks could be avoided if the treatment starts early.
The problem is that a children is unable to determine his sexual identity because he's still just a children who cannot experience sex, he might change his mind in time, but by that time it would be too late to not turn him into a freak.

Also, let's be honest, these people just cannot accept their own body, they are mentally ill and big pharma is just cashing in on their madness.
If your brain tells you to suck dicks, whatever, it's your thing. If your brain tells you to chop off your dick, the problem isn't your body, it's your brain.

This is mostly pushed by parents and cause suicide when they're older

Kids should be allowed to suck cock before puberty so they know how to suck cock properly when they become adults instead of dragging their teeth, hurting men.

So empowering. But please keep such posts to leddit.


Satan and dubs checked
>this is the truth though