So this pic came across my newsfeed on FB...

So this pic came across my newsfeed on FB. A friend of my younger sister from some small hick town in Ohio; she's in South Carolina with her family for winter break.

>posts this photo of them eating out for dinner
>her bitch friends from Ohio jump in and say that it's too much for a girl her age and size
>she gets upset and agrees
>her family jump in and defend her saying its a normal portion for a girl
>she messages my sister saying she is having a shit time and her vacation is ruined

Is this really a child's/girl's portion in the US? I mean she ate it all and was happy with it, so no problem there. I couldn't eat all that in one sitting though. Could you? What exactly do you feed a pre-teen girl to keep her healthy?

Attached: cuckolds.jpg (1080x1080, 172K)

It doesn't matter...
all peoples options are shit anyway.
just ignore them and do wtf you wanna do.
don't take shit from others


where are the days kids could just be happy? as long as you're not visibly fat fuck it, plenty of time to exercise as an adult

that's a picture of a girl with a bowl of salad
must be a bot thread

Yeah one bowl of salad is fine op

This is the dumbest pasta just kys please

Are we talking about the salad or the pizza here? Because there isn't a single fucking thing in that photo correlating girl -> pizza except proximity.

It's the end of February and it already feels like summer in here.

Can we talk about the absolute state of that “pizza”...?

Why do you use german words like "polizei" ...3/10?


>posts this photo of them eating out for dinner
>eating out

No. At least find a more accurate picture when you post stale copy pasta

Attached: mfw-08.jpg (600x776, 360K)

So what do you think the intended purpose is of this copypasta bot? Some food obsessive? Some weird portion-size-pedo?
One of the strangest copypastas on /b.

Man, theres billions of sites on the internet and u posted a child in this one, good luck getting ur cousin or whatever doxed

Is that shit a pizza?

Is lsd healthy

Attached: 1582839150670.jpg (350x250, 21K)

You have approximately until you are 50 to build your heart muscle, from then on what you have is it. The only thing you can do after 50 is reduce the stress you put on it.


depnds. when she'S doing sports, yes it's ok.
depends on her parents. if they are fat fucks thy are not to be trusted

Who gives a fuck. I don't understand why people are arguing about how much food someone should eat. Do these people have absolutely nothing better to do with their lives? Like being on Cred Forums?

Ok, this shit is funny right here. You right though.

I remember being a fit little kid when I was in second grade. They left me in the care of my great aunt for a few months, and I turned into a fat fuck. To this day I have problems with trying not to get fat by overeating. The food was fucking bomb though.

I've seen this posted multiple times

>not eating out in picture
>familys DiGornio thin crust

This thread again?

Amazing what some people are occupied with.

Die in a hole, faggot

She can't possibly drink that entire gallon of water at once, how irresponsible.