Bernie can’t save you. get a job

bernie can’t save you. get a job.

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I do. Wont' matter.

My worry is honestly becoming bankrupted by a predatory insurance system. Even with the best coverage, if you get sick in the "wrong way", you're either dead or bankrupt or both.

I was born in 1986. Turned 22 in 2008. Finished paying off my student loans last year. This must be what it feels like to be a crab mentality boomer.

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>being so stupid you can't get a fucking scholarship or grant
lol imagine

Is that a man or a woman?

Half my education was paid for by grants. The other half by loans. Did you even go to college? Imagine thinking people pay for college 100% with loans.

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Yep. Which is fucked considering only half of modern tuition/costs is enough to put you into decades of debt.

The entire loan process just encourages colleges to raise their costs.

If you had a customer that's young and naive with virtually unlimited credit and no way to discharge that debt, you sure as HELL would soak the poor bastard.

Why aren't people getting this?

US Public Schools don't teach economics.

Sometimes they do. But even if you go in knowing all about it, it's hard to escape the loan trap.

The prices are BASED on people acquiring financing and if you want in, you have to play the game. Just like buying a house. Having easy credit hikes prices up.

So you're saying if you're terminally ill you are basically screwed? Wow. Imagine that.

This site is only samefag bots and propaganda bots

Well, obviously that's one case.

But even if you can be saved, if the insurance companies feel like it wouldn't be worth it, you'll be denied coverage

Or, if you are given service, the ensuing bill can bankrupt you.

This goes against the entire principal of insurance, where the big pot is used to cover the outlying cases.

And this doesn't even take into account the many smaller screwejobs they can inflict.

But it's all perfectly legal as per the government cronies - who, by the way, enjoy coverage well above any normal citizen.

Like I said, it's 100% predatory

Neither, it's your future president.

we need a genderless president. I won't settle for a genderless disney 'princess'

>going to a university in the USA
>not going to literally any university in the rest of the world and paying a tenth of the fees

Fucking idiots. I did my BA at UCL (London), my MSc at Edinburgh, and my PhD at The University of Copenhagen. I have about $25,000 of debt which I have no intention of paying as I'm not staying in one country.

What we really need to do is stop giving out student loans to everyone who asks for one. We should make the person requesting the loan present their plan to someone and convince them that they will be able to repay the loan within a reasonable amount of time. A lot of people go off and use their student loan money for dumbfuck degrees that have no chance in hell of repaying within a reasonable amount of time. We need someone to step in and tell them how fucking retarded their plan (or lack of a plan) is and refuse to give them the loan. Something similar to how banks treat loans already.

I agree but then there'd be people saying "Oh you're denying me education!" and raising a big stink about it.

Honestly, I'm pretty socialist, but the loan program just seems a loser to me. And making it all government paid seems like it's just an open wallet for every shady shit-school a blank check. You'd see them enrolling homeless people, the mentally deficient, grandmas, the recently deceased, every-fucking-body just to fill their classrooms and make those government dollars.

What the hell is the solution?

>I agree but then there'd be people saying "Oh you're denying me education!" and raising a big stink about it.
I'd be the first to look them in the eye and say "You're damn right I am!". I don't have a problem with denying an education to people who plan to misuse said education. If they want to go get some bullshit useless degree, they should pay for it out of pocket or find some third party willing to sacrifice their own money on it.

>What the hell is the solution?
I wouldn't be opposed to having some government employees whose job is to help these people come up with a reasonable plan in the first place. Something similar to what college advisors do, except they'd be helping people pick a career path and degree prior to receiving any loan and maybe even help them part-way through their college education to make changes to their plan (ie. if someone changes their mind regarding what they want to do) in a way that won't impact their ability to repay the loan.

All of that is sound reasoning. I agree with it all.

But the cynic in me feels that the education lobby would try to oppose it because I'm almost 100% sure that half their revenue comes from useless degrees.

In the US, nothing is as it seems. Education systems aren't there to provide education. Health care companies do not care for people's health. It's all a for-profit scheme. And if it's tied into the endless trough of government money, it's terrifyingly, viciously defended.

$52k debt ama

What's your interest rate?

No one is saying that universities have to let everyone in who applies to every degree - universities are ALREADY selective and this is with people lining up to pay them mountains of money. If the government subsidized/covered post-secondary, there would be more prospective applicants (those who didn't consider post-secondary due to financial concerns would now join the line), but besides that the numbers probably wouldn't double or some shit - universities would just appropriately require higher averages for programs where there's a lot of competition to get in. It's like how you essentially require a masters/PhD minimum for a psychology degree to get you a job - the more people join the line, the higher the bar is set because it HAS to be more selective - no more universities letting people in with

>No one is saying that universities have to let everyone in who applies to every degree - universities are ALREADY selective
I never said anything about universities. I'm talking about government student loans.

If education got republicans votes it would be free.

Very true. Unfortunately it's lack of education that creates a republican mindset.

In fact since 2016, education level and income across the GOP has been dropping substantially.