I have a question, I'm about to buy 2 tabs of LSD tomorrow, but I'm barely 19 years old, fucking sue me...

I have a question, I'm about to buy 2 tabs of LSD tomorrow, but I'm barely 19 years old, fucking sue me. Will this fuck up my development out of adolescence, or am I going to be fine? From what I understand so far one time isn't going to hurt me at all in the long term and problems only arise if you do LSD more then a few times, but I also read that this one disorder that's basically a trip that lasts for several years can happen even if you do it once. Am I just being a little bitch Cred Forums? This one freshman last year took a tab during school when he was only 15 but he also failed most of his classes prior to that, I just want to keep my intelligence intact, because not to suck my own cock to much but my grades throughout all of HS weren't god-tier but they were very above-average. If I were over 21 and my brain had finished developing then I'd say fuck it and do it in a heartbeat.

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Google "550 times recommended dose". You'll have your answer.

If you're that worried about it, then just dont do LSD. Yeah it can probably fuck you up, and no its probably not worth it. And your brain doesnt stop developing until 25ish. But it's your life, if you think the chance of fucking up your brain permanently is worth getting high then go for it

Tripped many times on LSD since I turned 18. Most life changing experience I've had and it's made me a better person.

Father did the same when he was a teenager and both of us turned out fine.

No to what?

Honestly, dont do it if you are anxious about it. being anxious about any drug is how you end up getting a bad trip. you need to be in a good headspace and be fully aware and willing to go though what you are planning to. If you are anxious getting it now, you will be anxious after taking it, and leading up into the trip. you will panic, freak out, and think you are dying. If you do go through with it, follow this list.

1. Make sure you have a trip sitter
2. Make sure that you keep the idea in your mind that everything happening is because of a chemical reaction to a mind altering drug.
3. have cold water near you. Ice water in a Yeti cup preferably. you will be thirsty and drinking cold ice water can ground you if you start feeling to high and light headed
4. have some good music near by. Something slow and deep like Lo-Fi or something groovy like vaporwave. This will amplify your high and get you deep into a good warm vibe.
5. have some little fidget toys around like fidget spinners or rubix cubes or something like that to fuck around with. its nice to just play around with something and seeing if the trip affects your perception of the thing.
6. Have fun

Most LSD now a days is actually just LSA or other RC since the analogues for LSD have long been banned and are pretty rare. So nah, just take some shrooms. There's lots of websites with mycologists to identify what you are eating as well.

>turned out fine
>browsing Cred Forums

First tripped on acid at age 14 so meh. If you ecpect to have a bad time you will.

You'll live, nigger

Drugs are for degenerates

Your fucked spelling is making me take this with a grain of salt.

eeh i first did acid at 16 and i did it a lil too much like 10 tabs over the course of 1.5 months didnt notice much a difference but i was also smoking weed daily which has affected my brain

With LSD make sure it has been tested first, you can get test kits of Amazon. If it's not tested there's a chance it could be a research drug that can give you seizures and possible kill you.
Also if it's your first time and you don't know of the strength try half a tab. Just be safe, the trip can last about 5-8 hours.

That freshman I talked about got it from the same guy, I think I'll be fine. He was able to go about his school day regularly but at the same time he was very overweight which probably did something.

Nice uninformed blanket statement there boomer.

You'll have more potential issues smoking weed during the developmental period than deipping acid. Any psychoactive drug can potentially affect brain development to some degree though.

Source: I majored in neuroscience but also did a lot of drugs in high school and I'm fucking retarded

Tripping at school would be the worst thing ever.

It's most important to be in a good place mentally. Surround yourself with people you are comfortable with, and spend your time somewhere comfy. A state park or somewhere similar would be ideal.

Unless you're doing like 2 or 3 tabs at once you'll be fine. Start with a half and see how you feel. First time I did LSD I just laughed at everything and listened to music for 4 hours straight.

I would highly recommend not tripping anywhere public for the first time until you know exactly how it affects you.

But what do I know, my first time dropping acid was at a complete stranges house that my buddy was house sitting for and the 140lb rottweiler wouldn't stop growling

Pic related, after I tamed the beast

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Its just acid.

Since when was 19yo a baby?

Was doing acid at 13yo.

Baby if you pussy out.

Good post thanks user

You'll be alright, OP. Just make sure you do it in a safe spot.

get a test kit you god damn degenerate.
it's more than likely NOT lsd. So knowing that, you can still choose whether or not you wanna take the risk to trip. It can still be fun even if it's not lsd but don't go confusing one thing for another. THe reason why your friend is braindead is because it was a research chemical that he used, not LSD.


>2 tabs

You'll be fine bud. If you are worried start with one. You'll have a good time.

that's not necessarily a good idea either. Being alone or with a trip sitter is best. Someone you can trust.
If you're not used to being in a public setting while tripping, it can lead to high anxiety and if someone notices you're acting weird they might end up calling the cops because they're a fucking jag. I mean as long as they're enough of a distance away though then i suppose tripping in a park is fine if you're with experience people who know what to do.
You're definitely not going to be able to hide you emotions that easily when you're tripping for the first time though, so if people are within like 100ft of you it's not a good idea.

Anybody watch gasper noes climax?

How fucking good and accurate was that movie, amirite. Was like a PTSD flashback of the types of places I found myself back when I was a teen doing drugs.

Not specifically accurate in terms of behaviour on lsd, but when monsters of people consume hard and psychedelic drugs and they cant hide their true desires.

You befriended the rottweiler while you were tripping?

>acid at 13

So you were in 8th grade doing fucking acid? That's not impressive you're just flexing how early you fucked your development up, Fuck off.

In retrospect it was a terrible idea, but yes. His name was Vinny.

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To add to user - avoid unpleasant stimuli.

Unpleasant thoughts quickly turn into bad tripsd. Stay away form shit like Cred Forums until you are sobre. You DO NOT want to read a /rekt thread while under the influence

Stay away from the Black Mountain

If you doubt it so much, you've got your answer.

Dropped LSD on an average of 1-2x a week for several years. Change me? Yep, Ruin me? Nope. Put it away, Youngest manager in a national company by age 21, Held leadership positions for 25+ years in my industry. Made bank. Only one time I felt out of control. Sat down a while, reminded myself I was feeling effects of a small bit of chemicals and that it would pass in a few hours. Had many, many great experiences. Lol, I did make the mistake of picking up a frog faced girl and banging her. Finished in her then stumbled. Chased her out. Last thing I said was that she had a for face.... She didn't come back the next semester. Sorta feel bad about that. Her body was 7/10 face was in negative integers. At least while high on LSD she was.

Me again. Parenthetically, first few trips were honest to god Owsley acid. Best, cleanest ever.

OP you'll be ok. Just promise to leave this board and stop being a faggot

More stories wizard please

you'll be fine stop being a retard

you wouldn't buy a car mid-construction, why the hell would you take drugs while it's still developing? but hey, it's your world boss.

Stick with the 2, take both at the same time, and youll have a good trip/wont fuck you up unless you have a really fragile mind. I tooksomewhere between 250-300 tabs and 75ish hits of e in a few months when i was your age and have slight after-effects. Anything white has an almost holographic sheen to it, not bad imo. Turned my major depressive into major depressive with psychotic features; every once in a while shadows look like they move, which youll experience in your trip.

Overall, worth the experience. Itll get you to see the world in a completely different way and youll probs have a blast doing it.

Just popped in here to make sure someone actually gave advice at some point alongside all the shit posting. Thanks for beating me too it

There's already heaps of good advice out there about being in the right mindset and safe setting etc etc... But something you don't often hear is how important SELF KNOWLEDGE is before going on a trip. You have to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin, comfortable with your own thoughts, or your going to have a bad time. If you're depressed or have some deep buried trauma from your past or other mental issues, that's a recipe for a bad trip. There is no such thing as a hyper-extended or permanent (perma-fry) type trip OP describes, what you're describing is basically a form of PTSD from an extremely bad trip, and yes they can get that bad. Bad enough to re-traumatize you worse than you already are from whatever is fucked up about you. Seriously, when you give that much control of your brain to a drug, you might not like where the drug takes you, so you better not have any deep dark traumatic things hiding in the far corners of your head. If you do, seek therapy and get yourself sorted out before dropping.

don't be anxious

make sure it's actually LSD and not nbome or some other analog

what a good boy

Don't be a fucking dipshit and pop a tab of acid every weekend and you should be fine. From what I've heard you should only do it once a month at most or once every six months to be safe. Also getting caught with LSD is gonna get you in waaaayyyyy more trouble than dank kush

I was about 19 when I tried for the first time. I was very adamant about it though. I had wanted to try for a long time.

If you're really unsure, don't. But I was a tad bit nervous; that's too be expected.

Did I turn out OK? I continued tripping on that and more in college, much less out of college. I didn't trip every day or even every month. I'm by no means flawless, and I may not be crazy but I do have a screw or two loose. Glad I did though.

I’ll be down with you bro, if u do this and you fuck it up you are never going to be able to get hard again. You feels me? Your dick gun get broke. For life. Let that sink in.

i did it when i was 15, and several times after. you'll be fine.

Can confirm
I love doing the drugs, but since I first did them back when I was a youngin’ I haven’t been able to get an erection.


just do it faggot watch a good movie and have a great time

my dick is fucked after the lsd.

It's not even possible to get LSD anymore. The chemicals used to make it were banned long ago. Having said that, I've tried a few of the modern day hallucinogens that are close, and NONE of them even come anywhere near what a real LSD trip is. I miss the shit so fucking bad.

Hippie mafia still makes it. LSD lives.