Scared about coronavirus going around the world?

Scared about coronavirus going around the world?

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It has the same mortality rate as the 1918 Spanish flu, so, yes I’m worried.

minus the technological advances and overall understanding of how it works, quarantine protocol, Spanish flu killed a high amount of young people, while this flu kills ~.04% of people under the age of 40.

Shut the fuck up and read more retard

as a person who wants the world to burn. This honestly makes me kinda happy. But whenever i say this fags always call me edgy

Is this the horseman of pestilence?

Member swine flu? Sars? Most people don't either.

The thing is that, this virus is able to travel around the world so much quickly, the fact that u dont know if u r infected even after 14 days makes it so dangerous. Even more if it infects a great amount of people in countries without a good medic system.

Pepperidge farm remembers

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i think this is the end

USA is safe the rest of the world is fucked

Nah, we need a new plague.

Canada tags along in that case, it's basically State 51

17% is gonna fuck us all over

Most likely that more people are gonna remember this since its killed more than both of those combined and its being documented by the internet

meh, it's all a deep end now...

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More scared of retarded italians spreading it further.

Post the link

I’ve been glued to this site

Gonna be an exciting time if this actually goes down and kills a percentage of the world. We need it so bad.

so true, i was chilling until i heard the italian outbreak

same. I'm actually rooting for the corona virus. I hope it mutates into a virus so deadly that it kills people within an hour of being infectd

Trips of truth

>Scared about coronavirus going around the world?
That shit makes your balls fall off. So, yeah, I'm a little scared.

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>sterilization at birth
africa and the middle east needs a lot more corona virus. someone should fly over and drop millions of jars containing the virus

Honestly hope it kills off a huge portion of the world population (80%)Especially third world countries. It seems that diseases and plaques are natures way of restoring balance. Humans are killing off the planet so it makes sense. But this is a bio weapon not natural.

guess I'm moving to africa.

its coming..

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also, survival of the fittest. ones with a stronger immune system will outlast as long as a vaccine isn't made.

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I'm afraid I'll live

I live in the first world so no

lol wait a few weeks...

I agree. People can say edgy or heartless but who gives a fuck when no one is going to miss them. Shit, why stop there, even in the US drop it in all the ghetto ass neighborhoods and bring back the market value


canada is FULL of asians. you really have no clue. in canada, today, assholes road rage against asians and tell them to go back to china. here, we feel overrun by niggers and mexicans. in canada, it's asians flooding it.

any fucking pile of asians is bad news right now. california knew it and declared an emergency knowing it was coming but ratio wise, asians are flooding canada more than they are california.

I second this. Get rid of the niggers

Let him enjoy his fantasy for a few more days.
No point in riling up the morons.

Uninformed douchebag

Don't forget the ACE2 infection vector and the sterile men this will leave in the wake.
We're in the Prequel to Children of Men

Following worse case? Each single person could be 58 million exposed.
There are 700 missing South Korean Death Cultists.

USA is not Safe.
Unreported cases abound.
It's much worse than you think.
CDC had a meeting of the minds and the actual employees were having to park in BFE because the VIPs they called in.

China has a leaked death rate of 15%

Corona will go Endemic and be a yearly/rotating cull of the population. We'll be ground to dust or get a vaccine with the people left.

I definitely believe that

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wasn't the Spanish flu the H1N1 flu from 2009? And I feel like that was way worse than this one if I'm remembering correctly.

Oh nonnononononon

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Yes, just a different strain. H1N1 infected more people, but didn't kill as many people relative to those infected. .01-.08% of people infected actually died. Which Corono, at only 3 months, has killed 2% (as being said in media, who knows the actual number)

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And you're not immune. And it's going Endemic. And the infertility issues.

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Even if you live? Sperm shortages. If you can still shoot? Government mandated sperm donation.

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You guys said this a month ago

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Of course it's around 2%. You can never trust the Chinese statistics, but were are getting numbers now from other places, and they seem to confirm the 2% or so. The sample sizes are still a bit small although.

In China, it could be as high as 4%.

We're all gonna fucking die.

It's crazy this virus only affect rich 1st world nations. Africa, south america,most middleeast are fine.

Give it time. The 700 members of the Death Cult, Media Suppression, and a lack of testing kits? Give it time.

How would you feel if 17% of the world population died

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Disease, me no want, stay away, no touch, such concern

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We need it in the right places though.

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I would feel nothing other than the regret of the white people who would get caught up in it.


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lol all the ones in the center of the US are in a quarantine...and it's only like 15 people right now.

Its not really dangerous as the media makes it to be.
Stop watching television and other fear porn news.

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you're a dumbass, the virus wouldn't spread then


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harvard epidemiologist predicts that ~40-70% of global pop will be infected within a year

Fertility shit is news to me. Will it be like children of men?

Oh yea, just like when the handful of other "flu variants" appeared over the years, 70+ million people have been put under quarantine, whole countries have suspended/closed all schools, and the stock market, and economies of major countries took massive hits. This happens every flu season! The swine flu was just like this!

Oh yea, none of whats going on now is any different from those two examples. All the people under quarantine, schools in every country closed, major economies taking MASSIVE monetary hits, building 14 hospitals as fast as possible.....just like the swine flu! Just like SARS!

They transferred a patient to my local hospital, they wont tell us which one, and the first person to person transmission in the US happened less then 50 miles from my doorstep. I'm a little freaked out about the whole thing.

Sounds like you're fucked user

I think so. My immune system is fucked because I got lyme disease years age. If any person in there mid 30s is prone to die from this shit, it's me.

buy a respirator and latex gloves for whenever u go outside

I have been making a point to not go out but to make shit worse, my wife's coworker has been out sick for the last few days because of "pneumonia". I just had breakfast with her last Sunday.

Ah, I hope you stay safe

Whatever happens is going to happen but I have a really bad feeling about the whole thing.

I'd get checked, just in case

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RIP Cred Forumsro

Did you check your source for those numbers? Oh China?! That's crazy.

I’ll leave this here

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Most of the red land is in the west, where most of the cases are

If it exists, there is porn of it

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you literally know nothing about canada. why are you LARPing? everything you said is false.

Higher, actually. The Spanish flu fatality rate was 3%, max. If the CCP numbers can be trusted (they can’t) that puts the minimum fatality rate at 3.3 %—that’s well over 30X times as lethal as the flu. A virus with a fatality rate like that doesn’t discriminate by age as much you might think. Yale puts it at 4.8%. With 20% of cases critical, the health care system is going to be totally overloaded. Untreated, Coronavirus deaths will skyrocket.

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Normie here. I've lurked Cred Forums for a few years. I've been reading through Cred Forums since all this coronavirus stuff started happening. I'll admit I'm spooked. I've been having a hard time falling asleep every night. Trying to figure out what the next step to take in life is. Are people over speculating like when Ebola happened, or is this the real deal? There are so many things going on at once. I wished I could just get out of my head. I haven't even prepped so I'm ded anyways hahaha..ha

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Checked. This is the real deal. Prep.

You still have time to prep. Do it as soon as possible.

I'm still hoping it does an ebola and starts mutating.

State Department overruled the CDC and flew that plane of infected and uninfected people from Japan to the US. Then HHS sent workers with zero training and zero protective gear to handle the infected ones. When a supervisor told higher-up that was insane, they retaliated and told her to shut up.
Trump administration has fired all the experts, so all that are left are Trump crony boneheads!
We're screwed. I just hope they have already given it to Trump.

God hates us

I jerk off to lolicon

Post is outdated. There are 3 cases in Utah,up from the first which happened a week ago.

Some fag went against the CDC recommendation and allowed infected migrants.

This is correct.

Oh sweet child, you have been listening to trump haven’t you? It’s 60, and one came in from beyond the firewall of unknown origin. In a month we will likely have cases from coast to coast.

Oh that’s right, I remember when Japan closed all their schools for over a month because of the swine flu... wait... no I don’t. Faggot.

You think it makes you happy because you became so detached from reality that you can't really understand it to a full extent. I know it because I've been like you. But once it actually hits you or someone you love it changes drastically. You think you want this but you really don't.

You're purposely using the line from The Dark Knight so that's why everybody calls you an edgy faggot.

People who say this are just unhappy with their own life and hope that when everyone else suffers too they will feel better. But they won't. So just go kys you worthless fag

I hope it takes a good portion of chinks and Pajeets before making its way to Africa and the middle east.

It’s coming straight for your rural trailer park too. :)

Kek last month i was panicmongering with bullshit twitter sauce that 10k chinks get cremated everyday and ccp kills everyone with symptoms and xi dead.

But now i constantly try to tell everyone that its just the flu dont worry calm the fuck down. Trump doing gods work

I have a feeling golfing and crying on Twitter about how everyone is mean to him isn’t gods work.

Not really, I figured my chances of dying in a car accident or heart disease is way more likely. Also I live in the middle of the forest on the side of a mountain 45 minutes away from the closest town and I don't have to go to town if I don't want to.

Have you stocked up?

Thats great let me live with you and share 50/50. How do you react?

A Boy and His Dog?
Great movie either way.

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I want to die anyway so this whole thing is no big deal

Humanity was never going to last

It was you this whole time!

If A Boy and His Dog was made today the boy would just fuck the dog

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Look at how we act lol can you blame him

Chinese need to stop eating, selling and fucking things side by side at markets.

But it didnt and it wont ever be remade.

Unironically asking you why?

no, a mild case of the flu doesn't scare me

Shut the fuck up you mongoloid retard. Go watch out for your gangstalkers

It's still too early to tell how bad the CFR is. You can't trust the numbers from China of course. South Korea is testing like crazy and will probably provide a more accurate depiction of how the virus works. Today the CFR is 2,337:13 (0.6%). However you have to back trace the deaths by 7 days because that's the average length of time it takes someone from case identification to death making the CFR 204:13 (6.4%). That sample size is very small though and I'm not ready to believe 6.4% but I don't believe 0.6% either. We'll see in the coming weeks.

Do you think samefagging the thread for hours is cool or something?

A family member works at NA VA and knows they're hiding the fact they had a infected patient there whom had no traveled anywhere far but contracted it.

The more filthy dog eaters it gets, the better.

not at all, been to japan last month, going there again next month. I am fit, healthy and young, this shit can't hurt me.

The fuck are you talking about? Vancouver is covered in asians.

Yuuup, plenty of rice and stuff, have a well for water and plenty of other natural sources. plenty of canned goods since I hunt and raise a garden every year.
You wouldn't make it past my crazy uncle down the road. Private drive with plenty of no trespassing signs. Also no free stuff, I'm not Bernie Sanders.

how do you earn money?

PewDiePie, is that you?

The problem is it doesn't take into account the huge number of people that get infected and don't even show symptoms worse than a common cold.
These percentages are based on deaths from known infected, which inflates the number to extreme levels

Then if nothing else it's a way to measure the CFR of mild to severe cases i.e the most vulnerable people. Which makes it a problem if you have friends or family you want to keep safe. For most people it's not a problem.

You are begging to be infected my guy

only problem is that it doesnt hit africa

Much doge many doge

right now the regular flu is way more dangerous so this is all hype

Until it mutates, which it could do at any time.

No harm in prepping

Only faggots fuck dogs my guy. You must be some kind of gay

And giving birth at the same damn market, right next to the rotting pet meat that they so enjoy eating

Update the map, New Zealand now has 1 confirmed case here, thanks to some iranian fuck who flew here.