Why do we have the second amendment?

Why do we have the second amendment?

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Because America is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Only cucks are the ones that move here and don't stay forever. They are cowards.

But why does it exist within the constitution?

the second amendment's just a social construct. so's the fourth.

It's so we can call the Third Amendment the Third Amendment.

Because they clearly thought it was important. Which it is.

It exists in the constitution as the right to bear arms and defend yourself against a tyrannical government is necessary to a democracy.

We in the North don't have this "God given right" and we are paying for it greatly.

Because our faith should in God should be enough we don't need symbols.

Evidently, but why? What's its purpose.
The guy below you answered it.

Because it was expected that citizens be armed to augment the continental forces in case of attack. For example, while Washington primarily used the Continental Army for offensive actions against the British, state and local militias were used to backstop the army, hold areas as the army moved on, and generally send the message to the British that even if they made battlefield gains on the continent, they wouldn’t be able to hold them because of local armed resistance.

Given this, the Founders knew that any effort to jail or conscript Americans by foreign forces, or overthrow the government by foreign influences, would be met with armed resistance.

So our own military cant take up arms against us. We are free and the second amendment is proof of that.

That's an interesting caveat, but what does the amendment actually say

That's a question of dollars at hand rather than written words at this point in the US.

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Yea, your shitty AK is going to stop an Abrams M1A or fully armed F-35. Planning on blasting away at the doors of NORAD with your shotgun? Geez you're a fucking idiot.

I mean it's good for protection, but the whole militia thing is only for retards who like to pretend. The US army could systematically destroy the entire nation if it was ordered and they obeyed, guns wouldn't even be in the equation.

A 'well regulated militia' today would need tanks, aircraft, missiles, and the like...

There's no mention of a "tyrannical government" in the amendment. But I'm sure you think it's nice to say so you can rationalize your own stupidity.

my all time favorite, nigger is dead before he hits the ground

>Yea, your shitty AK is going to stop an Abrams M1A or fully armed F-35.
Give me a realistic situation and I'll tell how it's done.


You can have whatever opinion you want, but in personal accounts pretty much all the founding fathers elaborate that this is exactly what they mean...

To make money for your employer. Let freedom ring.