Is my dick ok

Is my dick ok

Attached: E8EB3115-8DDA-45A1-A272-A6E8FDFE7913.jpg (1485x1114, 441K)


the sad part is that people need validation nowadays


Looks pretty pathetic

Not surprised if you stay virgin for life or become a rapist

I do cause I’m a virgin and I’m 28..... I’m insecure as fuck

looks like shit. Nobody would ever wanna play with that lil thing.

My clit is more impressive than that.

Thoroughly average.
Could be worse dude.

It’s above average size....

You keep telling yourself that.

I’m not even OP retard

Where did I say you were?
I'm just saying you're wrong you daft cunt.

Maybe you’re the wrong one. I’ve been with enough guys to be able to determine that is a bit bigger than average size...

Attached: 1582877263146.jpg (512x384, 44K)

Its fine, stop worring about your dick size. Focus on being a complete well rounded person because penis size isnt really a factor in adult relationships unless you are at either extreme. Which you are not.

So it’s small?


Don’t lie to him lol

Looks decent to me

But not good?

I'd say good more than not

Imagine having no forskin. That must suck bad.

i was going to say it's an attractive dick until i noticed you have no foreskin which makes all penises look ugly imo.

Imagine having forskin. That must suck bad.

No, it looks like someone chopped the protective skin off of it when you were a baby. Might want to figure out who stole it and have a talk with them.