Serious question

Serious question.
What causes so many big and powerful people to believe global warming/climate change isn't real? Could they all really be selling out to oil companies? What is the counterevidence to global warming?

tl;dr redpill me on global warming

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Other urls found in this thread: investing in clean energy&oq=china investing in&gs_l=psy-ab.1.9.0i203l4j0i10i203j0i203l3j0i10i203j0i203.2405.7178..8785...1.0..0.226.1828.15j2j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......35i39i19j35i39j0i67j0i131j0.NAEDNDgZkvA

Rules of capitalism
> 1 make more money
> 2 see rule 1

That's the early, mid and end stage of capitalism.
It's not that they don't believe, it's just not a priority.


Humanity was a mistake.

The globe warms and it cools over time, the climate changes. It always has and always will, until the world stops turning or the sun dies.

It's a Jewish scam.

Because they are not retarded like that dumb little bitch.

>The globe warms and it cools over time, the climate changes
literally nobody disagrees about that, retard.

the disagreement is usually what is causing the most recent massive upward trend compared to prior eras' climate changes. and usually the ones who think it isn't anthropogenic carbon are paid by industries that rely on people burning fuels that emit CO2, the largest source of anthropogenic carbon emissions.

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I'm saying that we actually don't have enough well documented information to say that the whole process isn't just a natural occurrence. Anyone dead set on answers without the relevant information, is a retard.

They simply don’t care because profits. They’re happy to doom the future for comfort today

It’s not that it’s fake, it’s that it’s exaggerated a lot. “The ice caps will freeze by 1970” “the ozone layer will be gone by 2000” “the poles will melt by 2012” wrong every single time and people still eat it up

Nonsensical graph is nonsensical and lacks clarifying detail. Whodathunk

Because the greenhouse effect was proved in a controlled laboratory setting, but nobody really knows what effect extra CO2 has on a system as complex as an entire planet. Also, nobody can coherently explain why a couple degrees of warming would doom us all.

the sun's power has been on a downward trend. can be immediately discarded, and i'm not sure if the vapor in the atmosphere is changing much. the only chemical i can think of which could change things more than CO2 is methane, which is also mostly anthropogenic.

Exaclty. We're at a point in time where capitalism is starting to bump against the boundries of what the eco-system can handle. Denying climate science is their way of keeping the machine going.

One also have to reealise the US empire bases it's power on the flow of petroleum. The whole geopolitical game revolves around it, and the US war machine can't run without it. The US elites are very much interested in denying or downplaying the threats of the climate disaster because of this.

if you pick any two points on a graph, you can make any fucking trend you want.

“We are going to run out of food by 1980 because of over population and we will all starve to death”

it wouldn't "doom" us all as much as it would make life on earth very, very, very hard. we're looking at loss of arable land that could leave half the earth starving unless we clean up our act and start working to not only cut emissions, but bring overall emissions into the negative.

Climate change, in its early years, was treated like a joke. People like to watch the strong politician tear apart the nerd who wants to take your cars and guns away during a 5 minute debate on CNN. They don't want to be told that their mcdonalds burger and dodge ram are killing Bambi. So there's now a bunch of old people who think climate change is for people with tin hats.
Finally, the media decides to take climate change seriously, because they got bought by the left, and the left is now taking climate change seriously.
Problem is, the left has gotten so extreme, that the only solution to climate change, that they've come up with, is to shut down the entire energy sector.
So you've got a bunch of actual deniers who are grandfathered in, crazy people who want to tear everything down, and normal people who believe in climate change, but aren't willing to give up their charger, who get called deniers when they suggest looking for a solution that doesn't involve crashing the world economy.

You're missing the point, it's real whether we're here or not, it predates humanity and will continue after we're gone - that's the bone of contention.

incidentally, food production is done for quantities such that an extra three billion could be supported by our production rates.

“Climate change is going to cause killer bees from Africa to migrate to California and kill people” that’s my favorite one

Yeah. Sun is at a lower-than-normal level right now, and we _should_ see a slight decrease in temperatures. I think the sun contributes negative 0.3 degrees C to global warming right now.

Google how much of that comes off the ocean everyday and compare it to human emissions.

>What causes so many big and powerful people to believe global warming/climate change isn't real?
Well for starters the fact that its not real.

>Problem is, the left has gotten so extreme, that the only solution to climate change, that they've come up with, is to shut down the entire energy sector.
unfortunately, because of the rates of emission rising, this may be the only tenable solution. we have the technology to transition to at least thorium nuclear, if not to even more sustainable systems. we simply can't afford to keep burning oil and coal for much longer.

now add in the huge amounts of methane being released from the permafrost and subterranean Russian clathrates and realize you're a stupid dipshit and that humans are heating the earth substantially

I've never wanted to kick the shit out of a kid as much as I have with her.

check'd, like the CO2 emission rates rising from the thawing ice caps.

When asked for an alternative explanation, supposed 'sceptics' talk about: Sun activity, Ocillations, Orbital eccentricity, the Earth's tilt wobbling between 23 and 23.5 degrees, Volcanic activity and CO2 not being a greenhouse-gas but 'plant food'. They only say 'not enough info' when talking about the case for addressing anthropogenic climate change, never their own ideas about why there isn't any ACC.

Meanwhile climate scientists who overwhelmingly support that ACC is happening not only factor for all the above in modelling, but the things 'sceptics' choose to ignore; Positive feedback-loops, Albedo, The El Nino cycle and so on. Factoring in all these natural events still does not explain the sudden upwards shift in global temperature over the last century, unless greenhouse-gas emissions by humans are factored in also.

Behold this retarded graph, giving a definitive answer with incomplete information. Apparently it's ok when 'sceptics' do it.

Why would a couple degrees cause enough arable land loss to starve half the earth? Does a slightly warmer planet make it impossible to grow wheat in the American Midwest or rice in China? Besides, modern agriculture has amazing tech. We can grow melons in Norwegian greenhouses and irrigation allows crops to be grown in harsh deserts.
You climate change gloomers have no respect for human ingenuity.

because the equilibrium for most of the ecosystems on earth are highly fragile, and changing the overall temperature of the globe can change dramatically where heat concentrates and where it doesn't.

and i should also note, this is assuming there's no changes to agriculture either. to really change agriculture is to enact policy to ensure it happens.

>does not explain
Right, neither side has enough information to form a proper answer. So it's really just their opinions.
Like I said, anyone dead set on an answer here is a retard.

I think most people are oblivious to the effects of the warming. They just think "ok, so less snow in winter. Maybe some sea level rise, but nothing worse." But they are ignorant.

One example is the effect of glacial melting in the Himalayas. If the glaciers melt, the mountains will no longer function as a water buffer, meaning during wet/melting seasons, the run-off areas will see massive floods. And after that: drought.
And what happens when there is drought year after year in India? Famine.
And what happens when famine hits India? Migration.

What happens when sea levels rise a meter or so? Coastal regions will become flooded. Not so bad in Europe or the US maybe, but in Bangladesh, Vietnam and China it's BAD. Real bad. We're talking millions of people having to abandon their homes and their fertile lands.
And what happens then? Famine and migration.

This shit will make the Syria/Afghanistan refugee crisis look like a trickle in comparison.

We need to change to a carbon negative economy, but we also need to mitigate the effects of the coming crisis. And this can't be done under the current system of power and economics, since it's way too shortsighted. Capitalism is incapable of dealing with this kind of structural problems.

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We'll gain trading routes in the north. Sea level will rise a couple feet, nothing more will happen.

Government funded science to issue a carbon tax. Plain and simple. CO2 isn’t actually a problem if you study climate science. The government grants a trillion dollars a year to anyone who can make up fake science and pretend anthropogenic CO2 correlates to global warming/climate change. Question is, why wouldn’t they just spend that trillion a year fixing the “problem”. Counter intuitive isn’t it? Why? Because carbon tax is a designed way to control society more. All I got to say is this, beware agenda 21.

The lands further north is very meager in comparison to areas we now cultivate. Also, the sun's radiation is weak, meaning you can't just keep growing the same crops to the same extent further north.
Greenhouses on a huge scale (which would be needed) is costly, and require a power-source. It's just not feasible.

Also, much of the lands where we grow food today is at levels that would be under water if sea levels rise.

This is a childish view. If you demand only a complete picture before you will accept action is necessary, nothing would ever get done. 'Sceptics' selectively make this argument only for the case supporting that ACC is happening and nowhere else.

Climate scientists accept there are gaps in their understanding; it's why their field of study exists. Climate science is not 'done'. Nor are hundreds of other research fields, yet we still make decisions based on the best working theories available and what we have for climate is that human-activity is forcing a long-term upwards trend in global temperatures and this event can not be explained at all within our current understanding without including human-activity. Until the information changes, it's irresponsible to not be making decisions based on the best-available evidence and predictive models that exist.

>government policies will fix agriculture
That’s a yikes from me dawg. Look at every time governments have planned agriculture (Soviets, Maoist China, etc.). It never works. The only way you will get a reform in agriculture is when the large farming companies realize it’s necessary to keep making money.

Thats the issue. You think they dont believe. Exxon got sued because their own researchers knew in the 80s and they kept lying to their shareholders there was an issue that would affect stocks in the coming decades. Thats illegal.
Now look at their website in pic related.
This entire thing is a huge political rhetoric thing now. If you can convince half the population scientists are awful, youll have their vote if the opposition even hints at firm science being real.

It also slows action and loosens regulation which means these people youre referencing are free to continue to operate in ways that maximize their profits.

>red pill me on climate change

Part of the issue is we probably wont be terribly affected in our lifetimes. News media and journalism are fucking awful at reporting science. They sensationalise twist and dont understand. When you see this whole "we only have 2 years to fix it or were fucked" the news makes it seem like the worlds going to explode in 2 years.
No, we have a short time to make serious reductions, or there will be a runaway effect that over decades and centuries will be extremely serious and civilisation destroying. You and I will probably live full lives with no mad max experience regardless of what happens provided we dont live in certain places where weather events are already pretty fucked up and will get worse.

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Fucking Nebraska won’t be underwater. Please try to be rational.

Global north is moving the planet but the weather stays in the same place. Which has the effect of making it look like the weather is changing over time to the people on the surface

You're not seeing the bigger picture.
>Desertification, salinity of water tables, rising tide, changing weather patterns, ecosystem collapse, erosion of topsoil, releasing of unknown pathogens from permafrost
All of these change food security, all of the methods in which we farm food, get fresh water, and where we live which vast majority of us live on coastlines. These aren't slower trends, but a significant spike in co2 levels

First off, we don't actually know that. Don't get me wrong, IT'S BAD. But we don't know how bad, and we don't know what it will do, exactly.
Second, WE CAN'T STOP. There are no brakes on this train. If you wanna make change happen, you gotta let that go. There are too many countries, too many jurisdictions, and not enough civil pressure, or even any current environmental forces to stop human from consuming energy. The best we can do is to come up with an alternate source of energy WHICH IS BETTER IN EVERY WAY than fossil fuels.
That is THE ONLY WAY. You can't get people to stop, just get that out of your head. Hell, you probably can't even get yourself to stop.

What you should be campaigning for, is the climate change version of 1958 NASA. You need a team of overfunded smart people to build a device which is better in every way, then give away the designs to anyone who asks for them.

Your welcome, but you idiots will still try and shut down BP and fail until it's too late.

On the other hand, massive funding to engineers to build climate friendly super-power plants is probably something everyone would wanna get behind... except the oil industry, but at least that's your only competitor, as opposed to the entire population of earth.

An average sea-level rise of a few feet does not mean a few feet evenly distributed over all parts of all oceans. It's more water and it's water that is moving constantly. A global rise of a few feet means coastal flood defences would need raising more than that and developed countries struggle with flooding as it is right now, let alone to floods and waves that are 5-20 feet higher during storms.

They don't give a flying shit fuck about GW because all the major hitters in the world will be dead before it truly effects them.

I really doesn't matter what the root cause is. What is important
* The planet is warming at a rate never seen before
* Past warming events, although less severe, had catastrophic consequences.
* We can do something about it. Cutting back on greenhouse emissions will help, regardless of the root cause
Given the above, it's just stupid not to respond. Especially given that a lack of response could lead to a mass extinction event.

Thos post is one huge samefag

>What causes so many big and powerful people to believe global warming/climate change isn't real?

Because y'all want to make it a political issue rather a scientific one. After all, anyone can cite studies and post charts they don't even understand. Can you even defend the averaging used to establish this supposed warming? Demonstrate actual, rather than projected, changes in climate zones (as defined by the Köppen climate classification)?

>y'all want to make it a political issue rather a scientific one
because it IS a political issue you freezer IQ dipshit. the only institutions that can POSSIBLY enforce the kinds of change needed to address the scientific issues are governments.

Glad to see more people on this god-forsaken board with some insight. Maybe, finally, even in the darkest corners of the web, people are starting to realise they themselves will suffer - and demand action.

The rich elites DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. You are a consumer and a, potentially, cannon fodder. You are being used, and climate change will hit you the hardest. Seeing poor people shilling for them is depressing.

I hope you die in the Gulag, you fucking idiotic communist.

Exactly. The short-sighted business capitalists simply can't have this kind of long-term scope on things. The issue have to be addressed, and the solutions have to be decided on the political scene.

Of course they don’t. But how do you propose we fix it? Government leaders are the same rich elites.

ok great.

now go bitch at india and china. theyre the ones causing the most damage.

Good luck with that by the way.

There's no way this is real. Are you schizophrenic or a 12 year old troll?

People always say nuclear is not a solution because it takes a decade and a half to build a plant. It kills me. We could build a nuclear plant in 6 months if the motivation were there. China gets it done, the only thing is they build fossil fuel plants because it's cheaper.

That doesn't make it a political issue.

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Topple the governments!

>we could build a nuclear reactor in six months,china does it
>china does it
People refuse to back nuclear energy because of the bad rap from failing energy sites around the us, its not impatience, its fear dipshit

>That doesn't make it a political issue.
so when i need a government to pass legislation to address any problem at all, if it isn't a "political" matter at its root appealing to the government to pass legislation is not political either? you're making no sense.

I’m on board, fellow anarchist user.

You are not correct about a lot of this..
We have better energy, and the tech is being worked on constantly and refined. My friend is a chemist and worked in a lab funded by oil companies developing hydrogen fuel cells which are emission free, very efficient, and use the most abundant gas in the universe.

>better in every way than fossil fuels

This is not a huge feat.. fossil fuels are terrible. Almost everything we have is better.The combustible engine remains one of the most wasteful and innefficient engines. The technology is over 100 years old, dude. Its the phonogram of engines. Lobbying and corporate interests is what kept it standard.

The main reason we still use it is because we can get so much gas so cheap that it remains the cheapest way to power anything, and our infrastructure is built for it. Doesnt change that as an energy source it actually really, really sucks. Nuclear is far better in "every way" for example.

All that has to happen is something needs to be cheaper (which is the work people like my friend does. The hydrogen fuel cells work and are ready and are great but they just need to work on getting cost down)

One of two things will happen: we find something cheaper and fossil fuels go away, or, we deplete it to the point demand exceeds supply which will make fossil fuels extremely expensive and then something we already have will be cheaper and everyone will just go that way because thats how the markets work.

>too many countries and regions

Which unanimously signed onto an accord literally only the US did not sign onto and all went to work immediately with infrastructure change and technology initiatives. Dont even @ me with the 'hurr china' crap. Theyre the world leader in green energy growth at this time.

Serious answer.
Quit being a faggot and deal with it.

Whether or not it's true has become irrelevant because it's just turned into another political shitshow. Authoritarians on either side of the aisle posturing and trying to figure out how to gain power from people's fears.
Is the current climate dilemma a product of humanity? I don't think anyone could honestly answer with absolute certainty one way or the other. What will be done about it? Absolutely nothing without compromise, which appears to be unlikely.

Actually, China is well on its way to becoming a green superpower. They've been investing heavily in R&D, positioning themselves as the tech leaders when the world does change, leaving the US behind.
India will follow the world. When everyone else is changing, so will they.
Russia is the worst problem. They don't give a fuck, and Putin needs his oil.

The counter evidence is that activists can't get their climate models straight. Instead they keep changing the data to match their models, not the way it works. And if you ask questions they go crazy instead of answering them. Why wouldn't a logical person question that?

"Never seen before" yeah people havent been around long enough to witness any climate change.

The only green thing China has done recently is fucking up and unleashing the next big plague and morbidly reducing their own carbon footprint. Everything else was just public relations bullshit as usual.

Damn so true

>First off, we don't actually know that
there's no solid truth value on this one, i can grant you that one. that is why i said it MAY be only tenable policy in re this problem. combining international science with addressing other issues which intersect with climate is just good policy and the rest is platitudes i can nod to with a vague understanding.

yet we have data about this, and the data we have shows trends, none of which bear resemblance at all to the current upward skyrocket we currently see.

Thanks, but I'm no anarchist. More of a revolutionary/radical reformist communist, but yeah... we'll sort our differences out after the revolution. As always.

The big issue right now is to transcend beyond capitalism/neoliberalism. Even though liberal democracy is pretty much useless, still, seeing Bernie going forward with a grass-roots movement like he has... gives me a sliver of hope.
I have no clear answers except we NEED an end to capitalism, consumerism and individualism - and a move towards a new collectivized culture based on different ideals. And it can be done! We were coaxed into our current culture more or less during a the decade following WW2, and it can be done again.

Even if we accept every last claim of Greta, the fact that a single volcanic eruption put more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans have done over the past 100 years, makes any attempt to reduce CO2 emissions an empty gesture at best.

you are one of the few people who sees the truth

They are the world leader in green energy growth at this time.

>release a plague

Viruses evolve constantly. Pandemics happen. Maybe youre like 14 so you havent been around long enough to know this but we have something like this every 5-10 years and it blows over and vanishes from the news.

Meanwhile in america children are dying from eradicated illnesses like measles rubella whooping cough and getting polio again because everyone thinks theyre smarter than doctors now and wont vaccinate their kids because theyre terrified of chemicals they cant pronounce and failed elementary school biology.

Tell me more about how china is bad for "releasing plagues" and how Americans are so so much smarter.

It would be a completely different thing if there was one coherent, contending climate model - with proper, verifiable science - that could rival the one 99% of scientists today support.
But there isn't even that. Climate deniers pull different kinds of flawed shit out of their hats, and people supporting them are either elites, fossile fuel companies or (male) right-wingers who feel threatened by possible losing their privileged position in the world.

The people in charge who are making money off of the complete disregard of the environment will be dead before the effects are apparent.

They literally dgaf

>they keep changing their data

You mean like when they were collecting ship data and weather buoy data for ocean temperatures and it went erratic and they didnt know why, then realized that ship thermometers were unreliable and all over the place so they eliminated that data and just used the devices actually solely designed to measure ocean temperatures accurately, and the numbers all stablized and became more uniform and so they used that data? And then right wing media outlets vaguely alluded to this saying "THEYTE CHANGEING TEH DATERSZ" and retards like you became scientists?
Yeah i remember when they changed the data too user.

See, i paid attention in science class and have an actual education and i know how the scientific method works, and thats kind of what they do for fucking everything. They constantly refine and find better ways to get more accurate data. On every single subject. Because this is how science works and why we can put giant metal birds full of humans in the sky and robots on mars.

Yeah, a terrible superbug emerges just a couple blocks away from a research facility. As we know the Chinese definitely wouldn't be working on biological weapons. Even if it is just a fluke, maybe if your people didn't have to resort to eating fucking bats and unhealthy things to get by would have prevented this crisis.
I didn't mention anything about Americans, but go off I guess. Maybe you just need to take any chance to kiss China's ass and take cheap shots at US yokels.
Meanwhile in China they're downplaying the disaster and disappearing people who cough too much. But hey, they mentioned something about installing a couple solar panels or drinking their own piss to conserve water or something so their fucking saints now.

People are lazy.
The more money you have the less shit you have to do for yourself.
So they sell out.

Why would the rich care what happens after they die?
They literally only care about how they live. What they can do to make their life more comfortable.

She isnt a scientist. Shes a media plug. Her word means nothing. Citing her at all is cowardly.
Good thing real actual scientists exist so we can go on that.


I havent heard that one in years. I thought it was because it was a complete fabrication that made its rounds on facebook in the form of a picture of a volcano with meme text on it and people stopped saying it because even the dumbest among us are aware that thats fucking ridiculous and there is no good source anywhere to back that up, and yet here you are spouting it.

Everything about your post is painfully stupid.

A trillion dollars a year,lol? That's a lot of money comrade.

Is that you chicken little?

Humans couldn't change the weather even if they wanted to. Go ahead prove me wrong. Make it rain right now.

It isnt a superbug. It has spread globally as these bugs do. We had an outbreak 70km away from me. Everyone is fine.
It is normal for diseases like these to have a bit of a death toll. Its currently 3% which is standard. Around here we can manage its spread and quarantine.

In a densely populated country with over a billion people, it can spread much faster, and the death of 3% of the population can have incredibly dire economic impacts. Of course china is reacting harder to it. Its a serious issue. Not because this is a particularly terrible bug, or some kind of super weapon. It is very normal as far as any outbreak goes. Spanish flu was like this. But Because its china. Things spread fast and hard, there.

>built a few solar panels and drink piss

Ill begrudgingly cite fox news on this one. You dumbasses wouldnt accept anything else. Theyre doing a fuck tonne.
God forbid they pull ahead of the world in energy and break their dependence on oil making them an economic and military superpower.
Even the US war machine depends on oil reserves.
It could be a serious problem for us if theyre successful.

why does this graph end 10 years ago? now it's smack in the middle of the estimates with a 0.8 c increase by 2020 related to 1980. fucking retard

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also google regression to the mean is you fucking idiot

>tfw Elon Musk join the world and decide to $ while benefitting the world
he may be a sociopath but I like his approach, dude is a marketing genius and tesla is btfoing the car industry

China literally used missiles with special payloads and detonated them in the sky to cause condensation to form into rain clouds to clear the sky of water so they could avoid rain at the 2008 summer olympics.

On that note.. im sure you understand insulators and conductors when were talking about electricity.. there are insulators and conductors for heat energy as well. Carbon is an insulator.
The earth is holding more heat from the sun.
The foundation knowledge to understand climate change is extremely basic science you can learn in elementary school.

Im pretty well educated myself, but i ended up working in skill trades. We use gas as insulators in our homes even now. Do you have a window with an empty space between 2 panes? Its air tight and full if argon. It keeps heat in your house.

Are their heating vents in front if all your windows? The air expelled whether your ac or heating is on creates a barrier in front of the windows and stops cold getting in in winter and heat in summer.
We understand this at even the most basic level of construction.

When the atmosphere is carbon heavy, global temperatures rise. They fluctuate naturally over millions if years. We have accomplished millions of years of climate change in 100 years.

they believe it's real

you'd just be hard pressed to put forth impartial data by people who aren't owned to promote that it's all manmade considering it's been happening since before humankind was around

You will give all of your money to the government to make it better

it will not get better it needs more money

10 yrs guys give us ur money

we didnt get much money but now 12 years give us more money

it really is mainly politicians taking advantage of the stupid, it's mainly the left politicians that get rich while they make you poor

Because of the doctored information that always goes in one direction, mainly. Also, climate predictions that are constantly wrong.

It’s all in the money


if the science is real, why do they need to force a teenage girl so hard?

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>According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors.
Stop lying, if you believed so you are a fucking retard since it wouldn't explain why CO2 skyrocketed in the lasts decades

of course you forget to mention that most pollution and gas emission stems from authoritarian or socialist countries, like China or India, and that Europe's and the US's contribution to "climate change" has been going down in recent times. Where do you think all new "green" technology comes from? Not from commies countries, but "capitalist" ones.
A fucking hate using your terminology, but otherwise you'd not be able to comprehend my message

Lol. That sentence doesn't even make sense. Force a teenage girl so hard, what?

The earth has been around for billions of years with a constantly changing environment. They are using global warming to distract you from the real problem pollution. Its a lot easier to poison the land than the air purely when looking at a parts-per million. We can't do much of anything about global warming since its a wild goose chase but we could work on pollution. This however would actually have an effect on profit margins of some of the largest tech companies in the world so they would rather people be really focused on the global warming strawman.

Tragedy of the commons. Look it up. Thats why

because scientists have spoken for decades without being listened
She is the face of a new generation who, unlike boomers, is not completely retarded and acknowledge that science isn't a matter of opinion and if your opinion is based on infowars it doesn't count and you should be silence for being a brainlet
just look at the protests for climate change or the success that had mrBeast opening donation for planting trees

true but china is well known for copying western technology kek
anyway they unironically started to invest in green technologies

That’s a nice source you don’t have there

the burden of proof isn't on my side if you only need to digit "clean energy china investment" on google you brainlet investing in clean energy&oq=china investing in&gs_l=psy-ab.1.9.0i203l4j0i10i203j0i203l3j0i10i203j0i203.2405.7178..8785...1.0..0.226.1828.15j2j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......35i39i19j35i39j0i67j0i131j0.NAEDNDgZkvA

furthermore have you heard of Tesla gigafactory in shangai and how much they appreciate electric vehicles?
>inb4 reddit spacing

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They need to deploy a solar shield way the fuck out there and make a partial eclipse for a couple years.

Scientist's also spoke for decades on how lead wasn't poisonous and how Einstein's theories were unfounded, and how continental drift was unfounded. You guys all act like "scientists" also don't have their own biases and agendas.

You give your boogeymen too much credence

China burns more coal than the rest of the world combined.

This autistic idiot is in my city today....fuck.


Because the message behind the science has been corrupted by the politicians for years, pushing their own agendas.

The left have grabbed onto this as another tool to advance their failed socialist policies, while the right has grabbed onto denial as a way to resist socialism. Meanwhile, both sides demand people to pick a side, and the people have happily complied, out of everyone's fear of the future. The manipulation of the masses, is now complete.

Frankly, the information should've been left to the scientists, and for industry to solve. Quietly. Responsibly. Now, thanks to self serving political opportunism on all sides, it's too late to do anything meaningful. Those that still believe that government is a solution to this problem, are only kidding themselves at this point, as it can only make things worse. Looking at the political discourse now, any reasoned person can see this as a no-brainer.

Really, the only inconvenient truth worth talking about, is that Al Gore is most directly responsible for creating the hysteria, and paralysis, regarding the issue of global warming. That is because he politicized it, in order to sell a book, and a movie. The real truth has been lost in the static of duelling agendas, pandering, moralizing, profiteering, misinformation, herd mentality, putting useful idiots on TV, and straight up bullshit.

Sorry, user. I can't sugarcoat this.


If it's a human, it also has an agenda. That's a basic human condition.

Its not that they dont believe it, they just wanna spread that it doesnt exists so they can sell more oil and related shit, just like this corona shit. Nobody is gonna come out and be like 'yo shit is FUCKED guys' because that would send people into a retarded frenzy

Money. It's going to disrupt production, waste disposal everything it's going to cost money.

it's not global warming, changed to climate change cuz idiots don't understand we are running the planet into the ground

Because the earth warming/cooling is a normal natural thing and even if we didnt exist another ice age would still come.

We're actually PAST due for another ice age...
So your point is pointless..

sure, thats how it is, but its still weird that in previous warmer times the temperature FIRST increased and then the amount of CO2 did aswell, because stored CO2 was then released from ice etc.

this time its different tho. this time the CO2 rate went up first and then temperatures started rising.

Every prediction and claim about anthroprogenic climate change has been wrong. Not a single model made in the history of climate science claiming it was manmade has been based in fact. You believe these rehashed doomsday hysterics as if they have any basis in reality when it's painfully easy to see it's nothing but bullshit propaganda spewed by your government(s) to squeeze more money out of you when, even if it was humanity's fault, none of these policies we're paying for have had or would have any net effect. Your braindead regurgitations of that it's capitalism's fault when the biggest contributors of pollution and plastic waste (fuck C02 emissions, you mouthbreathers need to pull your head out of your collectivist ass and do some research on how CO2 actually functions as a part of the atmosphere) are centrally planned governments. It has nothing to do with capitalism, which is nothing more than on economic system of free exchange - which does not exist where pro corporate regulations and government collusion and interference is unchecked. It's purely a scheme to control people through restrictions on activity and satisfy greed by putting smaller companies out of business with regulations that they are ill equipped to overcome as well as eke out more tax money from the citizens and the private sector as a whole.

This isn't a left-right issue like your ruling caste would like you to believe, it's a people-gov issue and there isn't a god damn thing to it beyond that. But you just keep going on letting them abuse ands anxiety riddled teenage girl that's on the spectrum, whipping her up into a frenzy until she's foaming at the mouth on national television so you can claim some imaginary moral high ground as if you're not feeding into the destruction of this young, misguided soul for the sake of your own ego.

Fucking braindead of whooping baboons you lot are. It's fucking embarassing how shallow and uncritical my peers are.

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There was a recent study that had finished in Iceland, or Greenland, forget which one, that basically studied climate change and glacier form/size change over time. One of the first of these "studies/models" that actually took a hypothesis and tested it over real data over years, versus these just "predictions far in the future" that can't be verified or quantified in any way. They actually found that glacier size and strength had increased over that time. What did this so called climate change scientific community do with these findings? Heretics! Nazis! Not a single journal will publish it. Science is unbiased ladies and gentlemen.

It was a university in Iceland, later corroborated by another study based out of New Zealand. Part of the issue is that there's a lot more land mass beneath the icecaps than previously predicted. The studies were published, they just weren't circulated through the fourth estate because it runs counter to the narrative.

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Well I couldn’t give a fuck to be honest. We will be alright bros. Animals and niggers, maybe not so.

>What is the counterevidence to global warming?
Do you live close to an ocean? Is the shoreline there where it always was or are the towns there all flooded? Look -- this alone does not disprove Global Warming. That's not my purpose. Global warming is real. What may not be real are the catastrophic results we keep being told are coming, but that never seem to show up. In the meantime, every heavy storm, every hurricane, every tornado, every cloudy day are blamed on climate change.

The real key is going to be sea level rise. Bear in mind, a long time ago, when the Earth was warmer than today, Florida was underwater. As was the coastal plain on the Atlantic seaboard. We're a long way from that happening again. When I visit beach communities that I've known since the late 1960s, the water is still in the same place. So, I'm skeptical about how Global Warming means all life will be wiped out. The last time it was very warm, life thrived on Earth, from pole to pole. We should not pray or wish for things to get warmer. What's best for humans is a *little* warmer, but not much.

We have more to worry about with pandemics.

In short: Because they just want to make money and they figure that someone else will eventually have to deal with it, but for now it's not them.