My gf and I got into a fight

My gf and I got into a fight.
She says I have to vote for Bernie or she's going to break up with me. I want to vote for Bloomberg.

What do?

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Vote for Bernie

Bernie Sanders seems like a sensible choice then.

vote for bernie or kys



She'll never know who you vote for.

Realize the political system is critically flawed and each party member cares for no one but themselves, all of the candidates want to expand their wallets and just appease the business or person that donates the most to their campaign........ or just vote bloomberg and say you voted bernie

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Time for her to put on a strap on and make you feel the BERN billionaire boi.

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I don't know about you but I'd vote for Bernie. The last 4 years were fun but it's time to get back on track.

>get back on track
To more immigration fucking over american jobs?

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Kys because you even think about voting Democrat

vote for Trump you dumb faggot

>vote for Bloomberg
just comit murder suicide on your gf

go back to Cred Forums faggot

Bloomberg is the sexy macho choice that all good doctors prefer..9 outta 10 times

Your girlfriend is telling you who to vote for? (And a communist, no less)
Does she fuck you in the ass too?


Feel the Bern. Bloomberg is a corporate Democrat. The last thing this country needs is another New York businessman.

Vote Trump
Then grab her by the pussy

You should both kill yourselves for being enemies of the country that, despite all the opportunities it has given you, you more want to destroy. Fuck you both

Does Bloomberg pay you to post this?

Sure? I mean I'll pay twice in taxes, maybe more, so that the health care bullshit train can end for people. I'm pretty set but it sucks balls what other people have to go through. Anything to end that madness.

True story. Some maga-tard asked me:
>Let's say you're back in a grade school
>Your grades put you in the top 3 for the entire school
>Your teacher announces that the people with the highest scores will have points taken away from them
>Enough points taken that it may even drop you a whole letter grade down
>The points taken will then be distributed to the people in the school with the lowest grades in order to boost their scores and raise their grade
>How would that make you feel?

I said I'd be fine with that. Because there isn't a finite amount of "points". They're not going to run out. Even with the redistribution I'll probably still be at the top. And having those points taken away from me doesn't magically remove what I've learned.

>bUt THey DiDN't eArN ThOSe PoiNTs!!!1
Good for them because they are my fellow classmates and I hope it helps them do better. And if it doesn't that's a shame. I'm not really out anything I can't easily recoup. So who cares. On the other side of that coin, I would also be comforted that if my grades slipped there was a system in place that would stop me from flunking out completely.

In fact I'd ask my teacher if there was a way to help them out further. Like, could I do extra credit work and specifically donate those points to the lower performing classmates. It'd be fucking cool if I could help some kids earn cool privileges like being able to attend the special pizza party for honor students or whatever.

Maga-tard got super mad.

>I want to vote for Bloomberg.
yeah but vote for Bernie like the rest of us.

an hero?

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Weird nobody wants to talk anymore? Seems like the thread didn't go how OP wanted.

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>I said I'd be fine with that. Because there isn't a finite amount of "points". They're not going to run out. Even with the redistribution I'll probably still be at the top. And having those points taken away from me doesn't magically remove what I've learned.

You are the biggest retard on this site
Noone's saying it's "zero sum" or that "hurr durr they didn't earn it".
It's the idea that what you have ownership to can be taken away from you if the majority votes for it.
Does that sound ok to you? Stealing is ok as long as I convince enough others to steal and we call it "the government"

>Anything to end that madness.
You can voluntarily give to medical charities.

You're a free man. Make your own fucking choice.

But here. I'll frame it for you. You can do what a bunch of drooling neckbearded faggots say, then become one of them. Or do what she says and continue to smash.

Your choice.

>It's the idea that what you have ownership to can be taken away from you if the majority votes for it.
>Does that sound ok to you?
Yeah. Taxes. I get it. I'm fine with it. I like having roads and bridges and shit. And it would be nice for others to get a shot at what I have.

Why don't you want that?

rape her and then blame it on mexico

All of you make me sick, and I regret wasting the time to even tell any of you this.

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You should leave 4chins and never come back. That'll REALLY stick it to us.


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vote for Bernie obviously.

Fuck both of them

Vote for Bernie

>sound of crickets

Dump that bitch ! Political differences don't end up working well for couples...

Bots don't have a life. The goal is to make Bloomberg the "masculine" choice.

Vote for Donald Trump instead.

beat her, leave her, or move out, faggot. who the fuck gives a shit?
stop posting about these faggots

how much is boomerberg paying you?

Philanthropy hasn't solved anything in 200 years. Besides, it's cheaper for everyone to do medicare for all.

Do you get to pick the size of the strap on?

If your girlfriend argues with you about anything she’s not worth being with and she doesn’t love you enough. I couldn’t settle for something like that. Thankfully my girlfriend is on the same page as me

Michael Bloomberg is a blue-pill centrist.

Steve Bullock is a based centrist.

It's a damn fucking shame that Bullock had to go. But he would make a great veep for a populist progressive like Sanders.