If you had to chose to be liveleak'd by Isis or a mexican cartel who will you chose?

if you had to chose to be liveleak'd by Isis or a mexican cartel who will you chose?

Attached: y4th4e.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

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the death is just the beginning

isis, they just shoot you in the head with a 50 cal and you tumble into the sand
mexicants like to pull your face off and spread your organs over the street n shit

Have you not seen ISIS videos?
Running people over with tanks, drowning them in pools while in cages, crushing their skulls with boulders, setting them on fire, slitting their throats in slaughter houses.

The ones who get shot are the lucky ones. But a lot of these people are being killed in 4k resolution with a fucking soundtrack in the most brutal ways possible.

sounds way better than having your brain drilled and poured battery acid inside of it.

upscaled 4k* for fuck sake


Wait isn't that what Dahmer did?

why all the Toyotas

You corrected me, congrats. Do you feel better now you sad fragile man?

Point is, they use underwater cameras, high res cameras and a production team to capture these individuals last moments. And in some videos you can clearly see they're doing several takes to get it perfect.

because superior reliability


it was more of a shit joke

>tfw mexican cartels kill you and it gets filmed with potato quality phones

Attached: 1572976732984.jpg (125x122, 3K)

>But a lot of these people are being killed in 4k resolution with a fucking soundtrack in the most brutal ways possible.


Definitely ISIS, they're videos actually have excellent production values.


Toyota makes a superior transmission. This is exactly why I would chose ISIS over those retarded Mexicans and their Dodge Rams

What's production got to do with you being killed? Surely you'd want the least painful way.

Id go ISIS for the pure fact they ain't feeding me drugs to keep me awake while they skin my face off while im alive and chop me up starting with my feet.
Ever notice these cartel videos a lot of the people ain't dying straight away, like that kid who gets his torso skinned off and they're jabbing him in the heart, and hes fucking conscious the whole time. Gotta be fed drugs to pull that off.

>not being killed in 8K res shot on RED

Attached: bbc.png (709x554, 315K)


This is the one I'm referring to. They also behead his dad in front of him



ISIS forsure

My favorite fap

This is all because the guy was a cop if I’m not mistaken.

Becaise mexican is a filthy sounding language.

Yes. I think the radio you hear in the background was his walkie talkie, but I can't translate it so I'm just speculating.

I mean cop or no cop, this is pretty fucking brutal as the one they wanted to harm got off quite easy and was over with in seconds. The kid did nothing wrong and must of suffered horrendously for quite some time. But hey, I guess they were sending a message.