ITT we invent a cure for the corona virus
ITT we invent a cure for the corona virus
Just rub some peppermint oil in between your toes.
first of all we need to sequence nigger DNA
Mash up 2 Oreos, 2 aspirin. Your dad (only) chews it up. Then puts a straw in your asshole blows it in. Next he disowns you and beats your mom. Cured.
Six logs of Sixx.
Don't need to invent a cure when it's already available.
Shoot chinks
Yo, check it out.
kill all the rats, flies, mosquitoes and sparrows
grow tf up
Can you cure my chink flu? I'll set you free afterwards, promise.
just dont get sick, there is your cure
But I'm addicted to yellow pussy.
Wash your fucking hands you fucking dirty autists everyone of you need to stop leaving the public bathroom without taking a wash it disgusts me
People in my country have no manners, they cough and sneeze on your face. Just today I was jogging and an old guy pass me just to spit. Thats why I'm moving.
Unprotected butt sex
Some dude told me that in times like these we should start washing our hands, not out brains.
Also, checked.
Black pill.
Hey, I saw that movie the other day.
It was fucking awesome tbh
It's not even carbon based. It's using sugars as a bait.