Be honest: For $50,000 would you have sex with 2 dick girls?

Be honest: For $50,000 would you have sex with 2 dick girls?

Attached: 1.png (1560x940, 1.56M)



lol no. I make that much in a year.

Stop going to chaturbate and fantasizing about trannies ...

Fuck off faggot you would do it for free

The one on the right is pretty hung. I'd let her rail me.

>earns 50,000$ a year.

Thinks it is a lot


Counter offer I'll do it for free

I would literally do this for free as long as they both cum down my throat.

.................................... yes!

Attached: spin 2.00.gif (320x180, 924K)


for free

By the time I figure out they have a dick I’m already committed soooo yeah dick in my hand already I’m fucking!

It's getting a year of income tax free all in an hour so yeah, why the fuck not

Youre a dumb fucking newfag for 1: not knowing that the dollar sign goes first 2: not understand that they were saying 50k is a low amount because thats what they make in a year and 3: not knowing how to reply. Leave reddit cuck

she's a big girl

Are you kidding? I'd fuck both of those whores for free

I wouldn't pay more than $5k

for you

Where are all of the vids of the one with the huge dick?

how do i view x_mariana_s videos (all of them) without paying

I guess but I don’t really have that kind of money

No, I think I can find some that are cheaper than that

I'd pay them $50 to

love wins, bigots

age is just a number


where's the vid?

I’d let them use me for free

Ok, where i need to send 50k$

Expensive. But if they look nice, then I'll afford.

I cant afford that.

would do it for free, why not?

fuck yeah, then i would proceed to spend $2k to get two female escorts and fuck them