How old is she user ? I think your relationship is done for . I have a cousin who has that same experience happen to her . Was in Fl got they both got pissed drunk and ZOOTED our their minds with pills and she said she woke up with him fucking her from behind . She hates his guys and can never see him. It’s her half brother . I think your guy’s relationship is over user.
Michael Perry
Why the fuck were you after her buddy?
Angel Williams
Just because you fucked her doesn't mean she'll think it's rape. Talk to her about it. For all you know she liked it and you can enjoy more.
Tyler Gutierrez
I think that a pretty unrealistic point of view user .
Anthony Nelson
What kind of incel thinking is this?
Charles Hall
both of you are adults i assume?
Jacob Diaz
if this is true then you seriously need to talk to her and apologize, its kinda the only thing you can do tbh.
or you can threaten her, but it would only make things worse
Daniel Anderson
she is older than me, back in uni the first time i fucked her i was not an adult but she was
What would the lawyer do for you? You raped your sister. You deserve to go to prison. Lawyers are to help make cases for innocent people. Reform yourself in jail and come out a better person.
Jason Sanders
Awwww didums, you thought people would tell you some magical way to make everything ok? Your a rapist admit it to her apologise call the police and turn yourself in, oh and tell your parents it was your fault so they don't blame her in some ducked up way that Asian parents are apt to do hopefully she will get some therapy and you need examining too, preferably from the inside of a prison
Ayden Hall
Now I know for sure is is bait. Good one op. Your officially a incel
Landon Flores
nice bait. almost fell for it
Cooper Fisher
yikes man, maybe you should stop raping people... hopefully getting alienated from your family will help teach you a lesson :)
Josiah Sanders
Did you do whatever she asled you to
Brody Bell
You went to far OP, nobody is believing that.
Henry Sanchez
Nice thinly veiled personal army request. Fuck off.
Lucas Perry
You'll find a way out
Jason Bennett
thhx user iam out going to drink more while i stillcann
Kill you sister. Take her out too the woods and kill her user. In jail they will hate you for being a rapist but not as a murder.
James Jenkins
>derantgedf ive never heard anything about asians and incest
if shes telling on you you probably forced her, regardless you done the deed it cant be reversed
Owen Davis
>#1 disonobruh son!
Jackson Martinez
Cred Forums is actually being pretty level headed in this thread. You got drunk and fucked your sister whatd you expect?
Nicholas Sanders
expect to be disowned
William Cox
Ian Flores
Kill your sister or get raped in jail user
choose your fate wisely
Charles Hernandez
Fuck she looks like my type. Want me to tribute her, user?
Alexander Hall
hopefully you will get arrested
Aiden Robinson
Shinnagata station
Connor Gomez
Was she drunk as well
Xavier Rivera
Quads speak truth.
Jason Cooper
you need to go to prison, asap!
Jordan Peterson
She is cute and you are trash. Case solved. Bring out a rope.
Josiah Mitchell
she looks shy, i doubt she wants to go through the whole ordeal of accusing you of rape.
Benjamin Cox
how you get her to undress both times?
Cameron Adams
u dont know her, she's not shyy at alk se had fairly a few bfs annd she's beenn onn the pill since uni started. shhe got wet from from forwplay and was so wet i felt it through her tights. that's whyh i said it was "sorta" rape.''