I told my bf i want to vote for Bloomberg and he threatened to break up with me unless i vote Bernie. wtf...

i told my bf i want to vote for Bloomberg and he threatened to break up with me unless i vote Bernie. wtf? he's such an asshole sometimes. what should i do Cred Forums? he knows when i'm lying

Attached: mike bloomberg.jpg (1200x800, 81K)

fuck off to /pol

>implying you're a girl
>implying you have friends

Attached: 1511679900086.gif (200x112, 567K)

Why do you keep making this thread?

Vote for trump to really fuck with him.

Boomerberg pays $500 a thread.

Good. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

gay op discord bullshit. go play in your sandbox

everything is Cred Forums nuqqa

Welp, the very first thing is for you to post them tiddies with timestamp or GTFO

I'd dump your ass too if you voted for kikey mikey.

ITT incels

If you're voting for Bloomberg you really are attracted to assholes.

weren't you the boyfriend dealing with your Bernie loving girlfriend the last spambot round?
>sage goes in all Bloombergs

>vote for Trump lesbian icon
he truly is an inspiration for old fat lesbians everywhere

Mike will pay you $2,500 to kill your boyfriend.

You should never discussed politics with your spouse

Take your pasta and fuck off.

Trump will pay $10,000 plus all the pussy you can grab

Attached: 2235890560_02a5662b24.jpg (400x500, 51K)

>needs to insult Trump on Cred Forums
>What does Cred Forums hate?
Great job.

trump doesn't pay his bills


Don't feed the bot.

You shouldn't vote

Citation needed

looks like bloombot got new batteries
sage and hide


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