Why are white people so fucking entitled and shitty these days? I connect better with Blacks and Hispanics...

Why are white people so fucking entitled and shitty these days? I connect better with Blacks and Hispanics. You whites suck.

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Fuck you Rpnigger, stop pretending you're not white.

Blame lefties and kikes

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So why does the entire world want to live with us whites? Go back to your own shitholes you built.

which white people? there's more than one white person.

You answer racism with racism and you will never actually solve anything
Have a great day

Because they are all raised to think they are special and

With so many whites in power, it's hard to get anywhere in life when they control the narrative about people they consider to be less cultured. They seem to forget that they completely destroyed millions of native Americans just to steal their land, poisoned them among other atrocities. Blacks were imported in because whites were too lazy to tend the fields themselves and whites from other countries hate white Americans.

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How did the white 15% of the world's population get control of the other 85%? Why are you non-whites so weak and easily defeated? Why can't you take back "power" from such a tiny minority?

You will follow us to the ends of the earth, fuck everything up and then demand that we fix your endless problems

user's talking about Preston and Karen.

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This. Couldn't have been said more precisely.


>Whites are the problem
Sure bud


Jews aren't white

Black and brown people make up the vast majority of the world's population. You're telling me that not one, not a single one of them, has the ability to care for themselves? Its amazing really. its amazing to see a Somali come to the US just to call a clean suburb a shithole and inferior to the streets of Mogadishu. Or we watch many latins come in and love to live our lifestyle but never want to do any more than be a slave on a corporate farm. Muslims can't seem to go anywhere without starting a war. And blacks, I don't think I have ever seen a more entitled groups of failures my whole life. Seriously how are they even a race?
I think black and brown people are so backwards. Literally everything we see as good they curse, every effort we push for advancement, they go backwards on. It's like they live in a Bizarro World.
Oh well, Asians are pretty cool.


They need to form an alliance

Thanks user, I guess it's a matter of us Whites dealing with our 'privilege' and understanding the disparities that we put on other cultures and races. It sucks when you've gone you're whole life thinking Whites are somehow your go to and realize you were wrong.

All land is stolen land you mongoloid. What’s your solution? Everyone in the world moves back to Mesopotamia and the rest of the world is left to hunter gatherer societies? The absolute state of your logic is incomprehensible.

Im white, im pretty cool

Dot no.
Feather sure

Cred Forums will fight
For what is right
Cred Forums willl take down
All that’s white
Cred Forums will stand
Hand in hand
To remover racism
Through out the land
Cred Forums Protest
Cred Forums screams
Cred Forums shouts
It’s time to kick oppression out
Cred Forums will pave the way
To a better day
Cred Forums extends their hands
To the poor
Please put your hand in ours
Cred Forums will stand
Hand in Hand
To end racism
Across the land

No U

every single person on Cred Forums except a few are women, LGBT, and POC ppl tho

Really though. Blacks ACTUALLY feel physically threatened when in a suburb where there hasn't been a murder in 20 years. Latins think trash on the street is "beautiful like flowers". People in San Francisco are genuinely offended when you clean up trash off the street and New Yorkers love the fact their city is dirty, claim it gives the city character or something.

Hi Gretta.

OP here, I’m black and Genderfluid BTW. I enjoy tormenting the only white guy in my class. I pull his hair and spit on him, I wish violence to all white mayo assholes

*not indians
*east asians only (chinks, japs and zipperheads)

OH pipe down you just still have your panties in a bunch because we beat your ancestors. Gender fluid? Well looks like yours weren't beaten hard enough

>these days

>I have read literally no history narratives of any kind.

Cool story, albino nigger.

>gender fluid
You have zero value to give to the world

Why are niggers so fucking entitled and shitty these days? I connect better with white people. You niggers suck.

>Really though. Blacks ACTUALLY feel physically threatened when in a suburb where there hasn't been a murder in 20 years.
This just makes zero sense to me

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op, it was bad enough that you're a nigger, but gender fluid too now thats just a shame, do everyone a favor and stop bitching and just kys faggot

Jews would find a way to ruin it, sell the others out for more power, they dont care about gentiles

>yo this shit CREEPY man these white people ain't killin eachother or nothing they just smiling and everything so clean and shit. White peepo weird af

You're just a panty wearing faggot nigger, I hope you get run over by pickup truck driving chad

I found a picture of OP.

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They literally cannot comprehend a group of people actually just keeping a neighborhood clean and safe for their children.

And they wonder why all black run countries are shit

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Don't know about niggers, since like 90% of them are criminals, but hispanics are great. They are simple people, they don't care about your social status or where do you work or how much money you. Whites on the other hand, I literally lost all of my friends (whites) because I don't have a job and a wife and kids and shit, and all I do is chilling and play vydia. They really can't speak with a person if he's not a successful social active fag.