nigga legit looked like a tomato
that woman said "I just wanted to destroy something beautiful" because she's childless and alone in her 40s
Fucking legend
We need to find a way to convince chinks to eat each other.
Interesting. He left his soup in the plastic bag so he wouldn't have to wash the bowl. Genius!
more like unnecessarily lazy.
Why didn't they just cut his dick off or castrate him?
Only the strong survive
good thing that father didnt attack her in the heat of the moment, or the kids would have been orphans
I'd have stamped her head into mush.
Hope the dog got shot in the head
And they filled the tub with acid, the metal got eroded and they made a bigger mess.
Now she'll be being pushed around in a wheelchair, lol
what a cuck, trying to help a person that hammered him for no reason.
What's the story on this one?
looks like some dumbass religion stuff
I hope all dog get shot
sadly they died pal
So what's the story behind people like this ?
Going on /r9k/ one too many times causes this behaviour.
murder attempt failed LOL
Leave child with the woman you walking with and go beat that land whale up, leave her in the road. He was such a pussy.
Dogs are a reflection of their owner. You user, you should be castrated and then shot
don't own no dog dickhead
>Dogs are a reflection of their owner.
How is it possible to be this wrong?
your dog must be a chihuahua. Small, insignificant piss ant
why would you castrate someone before shooting them
wow this is so sick shit
>muscleless nigger
What else they supposed can happen ?
it's not really that wrong; treat your dogs with kindness and they'll most likely turn out really friendly. Treat your dog like shit, and it'll most likely be either super aggressive or incredibly skittish and shy.
Ugh, that woman looks digusting. I hate living in America and having to be called "a costumer" as if me and that thing were the same because some dumbass clerk is taking our money and telling us "how is your day?".
It is. Flinching during the cutting shows you aren't really a man.
Is that the male version of a throat fucking? An ego trip. An irrational form of behavior that fascinates the human mind bored with the pleasures of modern living.
this is some african witch doctor level of delusion kek. youre a big doggy cucky user
You'd have done exactly as the dad did, watched in rage and disgust as the fat fuck casually strides away, knowing if you attacked her you'd probably get stabbed to death.
Hopefully she gets FGM'd in prison
I just want to tell Jesus, Buddha and Muhammed that I am sorry for making all those Nagasaki, Jewish concentration camp and American throat slut comments...
muzzies dont worship mohammed, they worship Allah
Nature and Nurture. Natural instincts and nature. If treated badly, the dog will misbehave. Also as the owner you have a preference, ie small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, working dogs, chihuahua rats, pitbulls. A sub species might be naturally more aggressive for example but with proper nurture you can manipulate the behavior. Honestly this is basic science and I'd suggest you go back to school.
Hell isnt real. Therefore inflict the pain to teach the subject that the world doesnt revole around their uneducated and willingly ignorant and psychopathic views, and then send him off into the blissful nothingness of death. Or you could do it like the Brazilians and machetes them. Or Africa where you get tired. (Put you in tires and set them on fire)
this is beyond fucked.
Not seething, explaining. But alas you want to stay ignorant and like a 14 year old "edge lord" try to post chinks doing what they do best, torturing and eating what shouldn't be eaten. I hope you grow up sooner rather than later
I think she died
Yeah, they skin them alive. Eat rats, eels, cats, dogs, pigeons, etc. Chinks are sub humans and as horrible as it is, scientists use their food market to actually identify new species. So to simplify, chinks eat things we havent even discovered yet.
Also their pet care is horrible and cruel. No standards and fucking workers defang the slow Lori's and workers have almost eaten the giant salamander to extinction.
Remember these are the same people who killed birds and had mass starvation from all the locusts because big boss Mao wasn't a bird fan.
Yes it is. But you must be new here
a simple leg sweep would have toppled that walking blob as she walked away. father dearest needs to learn how to fight.
You said that dog would be firendly if they're getting treated better, but in reality dogs are literal cucks. No matter how badly you treat them they will still love you because that's they are, they are obident loyal companion to their human owners. Dogs will still love you for that. Dogs will only be aggressive towards the strangers, not the owners.
nanny'd as fuck.
Okay. Fuck dogs
guess she took it too literally
Ive never been bit by a pit and Ive roughed around with lots since childhood. The pits that you dont fuck with are always in a ghetto housing project or some trailer trash mofos. Any intellectual who owns a pit owns an amazing doggo - fact. Deal with it chump.
For the record I own a shepherd
Bonk bonk on the head.
fake and gay
he died of heat stroke IIRC
they just disappear. Jesus christ
all mentally disabled kids should be aborted while in the whomb, most disabilities can be detected in the first month.
feel free to prove me wrong
Your logic is infallible
Could tell it was gonna be bullshit by the video quality.
Isis has better quality cameras than they do weapons
Ok, this is epic!
Where is it from?
nigger retard
>what is google
>horrible cctv footage shows the moment a group of Libyan cadets in the #Tripoli Military Academy is hit by a direct #LNA airstrike, killing 28 of them.
and all of this for a lifetime in jail and 3 bucks fiddy
leech no doubt.
i laugh.
No need to, you are not wrong.
So by that logic, the dog should also be castrated and shot.
The dog smelled all the grease and fat eminating from her and thought she was food
I laughed hard.
I am ironman
Fucking animals
Americunts too fat to walk downhill
Now he has the dentals to match his legs
clearly didn't learn from his previous mistake.
Imagine not being able to disarm a fat woman
It's in Europe you baiting nigger
NIGGER (aka cultural enrichment) TIME
Proof that Native Americans were weak.
Are you really too week to take a knife out of that fat shits hand? If seeing your kid get attacked like that doesn't give you the adrenalin to take down a whale you should just kill yourself
Dude wtf even are you.
This is the most retarded statement on this site currently.
And risk getting stabbed? You're better off letting her walk away
Pigs love killing dogs
I bet your dog eats shit votes for the left wing and is a massive beta cuckold that should be somewhere else and lets his bitch be fucked by only black dogs
Then he died shortly after of internal hemorrhaging
Americans are fucking disgusting
I wonder if they are so subhuman that they don't realize of the pain of lesser creatures
or they are so evil that they don't care / feel pleasure from doing this
expected the toothbrush at the start then "best gore" appeared so thought this was legit
still got the brush at the end
There is a flaw in your statement.
Retarded infants AND the parents should be terminated.
Then use the corpses as fertalizer for plants. This way the oxygen they squandered shall be replaced.
Great thread everybody.
She already stabbed your kid you fucking pussy, just wrench the knife out of her fat fucking hand. It's better to die a hero than live like a pussy
im posting two so this doesnt die
why such hate?
beauty comes in all sizes
bananana should be illegal
too many people die
>we are surrounded by sandniggers, guess it's better to surrender... what's the worst that could happen? they can't harm someone who surrendered
at his last moment
>I regret not fighting, at least could taken some of this scum with me
Holy fuck
Post dead Turkeys!
this is what all whites should do
Banana is contraband. Elephant confiscate.
>all her belongings
ackchyually I'd say 50/50
did he died?
rihanna lookin good as always
Oh look, a nigger.
It's a boy!
Big limp dick
Can't even into erection
Is that the dog race of peace again?
What else?
get rekt whiteboi weakling
Great idea! What was I thinking?
That way they could both have a tasty snack.
you were saying?
Limp penis
ofc it's the chinaman!
name one (1) thing they won't eat
even the placenta is not safe
ain't coronavirus from eating bats or some other shit?
fuck u. turkey forever
ill say
that's where you're wrong
penis size is bigger, black heart as well
it does good job in blood supply and gives optimal erection to give best orgasms for women
Yeah some shit like that. Well, they are what they eat I guess. Disease.
its fake dumdum
honestly can't say if it's her or not
niggers look the same, she died?
don't answer I don't really care, I'ma edgy
This is why I go day by day, contemplating more and more into becoming a superhero to rid of our worlds evils...and instead of a cape...a 38 special and a skimask
it really doesnt matter indeed
best friends!
playing together till they are both exausted~
I love dogs
Did you not see the black guy getting circumcised at the beginning of the thread? That's a tradition in those parts dude
do you see a difference between circumcision and castration?
first is done by jews and americans, second by niggers and rest of subhumans
This one always makes me smile
It gave him a bad coupon.
while i agree with you, you should go get that anxiety and weak nerve costume of yours checked out.
wagging tail means the doggy is EXCITED
pick one
b-but muh feelings!
no u!!!
Hahaha what a little legend
fuckin Chad
got dem sick breakdancing moves down
you, Trump supporter!
EW wtf
but for what purpose?
Fucking stupid but goddamn the stones on that guy
You are what you eat, lowkey wanna try human meat since technically it would have the taste of everything
Nope, that's it. Dogs should all be euthanized.
>but they stil deserve a life so what if it will be shitty and painful SHUT UPPPP NO ONE WANTS TO DIE EXCEPT RETARDS LIKE YOU
Seriously though, if they agree they would live an awful life if they would be born, what is their argument?
Lol you got me.
what an absolute fucking loser
she should be charged and the dogs shot
bullet would have gone through both cheeks, can't believe people are falling for this obviously fake garbage
>meanwhile in yurop
Subhumans abuse animals
At least the dog gets some decent Pork chops out of it
kek i posted animal cruelty
ur all gonna be triggered holy kek
ps anyone that doesnt reply to me is clearly triggered, i've won, no doubt about it, so don't even think of ignoring me, i've literally triggered everyone single one of you kek fucking maggots, someone in the last thread called me a faggot, and now i'm on top, shut the fuck up. UR ALL TRIGGERED I WON. FAGGOT.
>classic that will live on the internet forever
imagine what he went through in his final moments, not many people suffered more
What was he trying to pull off?
this is a popular method to commit sudoku in china
His flesh by the looks of it.
pitbulls, the niggers of dog world
>table has entered the chat
ban post & i.p
ban post & ip
Seeeeething incel detected.
the box
you open it
we came
Don't forget to have sex.
Shame on that fgt being scared of a shitty pig
The dude in the car left a bacon flavoured stink bomb off outside a Mosque.
Good doggo
I bet this chink is already dead from coronavirus
Chinese Conveyor Suicide
mod here, stfu
>MODS why can't I have my safe space inside REKT THREAD
Damn it
Two loli pussy wasted
Would've completed the kek if the dudes carting him away also did that little leg dance as they carried him.
Looks like a fat spic to me
faggot and a coward for attacking a sleeping man
anyone have the "gook blunt" vid
will nigger eat the carcass?
Fuck...this one triggered me if anything
certainly it was some kind of la creatura
Jaystation gets executed
>russian characters on the signs
Except he's 100% right, it's the exact same with children, which is why you turned out a retard.
Lol how can this be real
Jesus christ what a colossal pussy. Some dumpy fat bitch just slashed both of your kids in the face and all you can manage is a gay little hop in her direction? Dude almost fell down trying to run away when she turned towards him. Fuck sake
good - he'll beg for less of handovers from yurop and states
hungry nigger is a bad nigger
This. I would have been too heated to think rationally
yeah because being a keyboard warrior is much more courageous isn't it.
Would still fuck her feet.
Stupid cat had plenty of time to escape, yet it decided to stand its ground vs two beasts 3x its size
The cat is at fault here
Haha stupid
Thanks user, lost this one with on a blown HDD
Tough bastard
You're right and the fact that he let a stranger get so close to his kids in the first place means he's a coward
I have to insist this is not rekt
So does this hurt or are you too out of it to feel anything?
Americans abroad
so, whatever happened to that nigger? i never found out a conclusion to the story
Fuck those nigger dogs
oh we got a live one
yeah it's the victim's fault
cat should be less provotative
Dumb owners should have trained their dog
i mean, if we let enough of them starve for a couple of years, wouldn't it fix the food problem? if a population can't even feed itself or dig wells it probably shouldn't exist.
I have to admit it was pretty heartless.
fucking idiot nigger
Is he ok?
I'm sure he's just fine.
goddamn that hurt to watch
Is that Rose from Star Wars?
Surely any decent doctor can simply scoop up his brain matter off the ground and dump it back into his open skull. Just put a marble into his eye socket good as new
dubs dont lie
niggers tongue my anus
I would do the job myself but I'd be too busy running my tongue along the empty skull and eating the pink gushy pieces of his brain