My GF is a hot fucking Bernie babe!
My GF is a hot fucking Bernie babe!
Good job user!
>bernie babe
Fuck off, shill
Only one out of three of your statements is correct.
yeah...really not hot at all. looks like she could use a shower
Body pic of hot Bernie babe
We playing two lies one truth?
That's everyone's gf now comrade
does it always have that horrible open gob with the bad teeth?
It's immoral to fuck the mentally ill.
Samefagging this hard
You dont have a GF. Youre a fucking faggot. Shut the fuck up and die.
Looks like a retard
I fucking love hot Bernie bitches
>My GF is a hot fucking Bernie babe!
One more generation of snowflake melting down later this year.
I want to fuck this Bernie bitch
Your gf is a fuckin moron
Well she's voting Bernie, so obviously.
7/10 would bend her over and show her the error of her ways.
Health care is a service, not a right. Declarations don't make this so.
>also, nice tits
I like to cum to bernie babes. One on right is a milf
If its voting for bernie its probably a tranny
Michelle needs to be red pilled
And a nice ass
Underrated post
>nose piercings
we know user we know. stop posting cuck threads you fags
cuz those teeth lmao
Utter cringe commie dyke
Cute but no brain in that head, socialism never works.