My Girlfriend is a hot fucking BERNIE BABE!

My Girlfriend is a hot fucking BERNIE BABE!

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How hairy are her armpits lmao

She looks unwashed

I vote to redistribute access to your gf's gash to commissar tyrone and commissar cleetus

Lmao wow! Someones jealous? Get a life. I get to plow my amazing girlfriend everyday while you sit behind your keyboard

Someone is insecure in their gf.

So your girlfriend is retarded too?

OY VEY! How'd you get such a sexy Berniebabe, comrade?

i wish to launch my hot meatloaf farts directly in and around her mouth area

Post pics of her butthole for the rest of the commune or be labelled a class traitor


Little below average, if we're not being generous

Lmfao bro shes atleast a 8, check your vision.

If that's your 8, I'd hate to see your 5 and 6

Show more, then we'll know

Heres her with our pet cat, Sanders.

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I'd rather fuck a dog, specially a german shepherd or husky female post pics random owners thx

>actually voting for that commie kike
Your retards
You burgers had your last and final shot with Andrew Yang and blew that golden opportunity so far out your ass it reached the stratosphere

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I'm using a phone you fucking refugee


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Is that Maria?

Too bad for you. Don’t breed with her.

Bernie girls are the most narcissistic, unintelligent fucktards...

low standards all the way

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Thin lips, kike nose, huge ass five head, looks like a typical Bernie supporter. Bet she's overweight too.

I'd sell my vote to Bernie for a pepe touch

She looks like she has a learning disability


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Your cats named like a faggot.

Shes ugly as dog shit dipped in white chocolate
Just go vote for a real candidate

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I second this motion.

Good for you dating the retarded! Very selfless and progressive of you, OP.

>allowing women to vote

I thought she had more piercing than that.

your gf is in an inbred hook user, try moving up in the world.

She is bottom tier trash....
Now I know where Bernie is getting all his support

Your girlfriend is a hot fucking idiot

If this is Maria then I went to high school with her and she peaked in middle school. She was a whore. Apparently she fucked this one fat ugly kid then tried to say he raped her. Nothing happened because she slept around so much no one believed her.

So how long have you been into pegging?

ITT: Bernie bait causing autists to pretend they could get prettier women than op's post.

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i dont like libtards.
