Sup Cred Forums I wanted to watch that weird Italian ww2 torture movie again but completely forgot what it was called

Sup Cred Forums I wanted to watch that weird Italian ww2 torture movie again but completely forgot what it was called
also, fucked up movies thread

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The movie sucks. Don’t waste your time


A Serbian Film, OP's pretty good as far as fucked is concerned.

Salo is OK but you have to go to the source to get the real deal, that shit can't be filmed.

In a Glass Cage is pretty messed up

Attached: In A Glass Cage (1986).jpg (560x288, 13K)

can you find me a torrent link or anything?

Goodbye Uncle Tom
Messed up historical re-enactment of slavery made to titillate rather than anything else.
Blacksploitation at its best.

Attached: Goodbye Uncle Tom (1971)..jpg (640x272, 38K)

thepiratebay has them.

Children of the Dark
Japanese movie set in Thailand.
A journalist investigate child trafficking.
need say no more.

Attached: cover.jpg (2132x1426, 546K)

that movie is pure trash

pretty dark and gory

Attached: Martyrs (2008).jpg (720x384, 26K)

It's amazing it was made at all.
It's the product of an era. I'm glad it was done, it ruffles some feathers, made to shock

August Underground's Mordum
Gore and stupidity, Rape and murder.

Attached: August Underground's Mordum (2003).jpg (512x384, 16K)

The documentry or the movie?

It's meant to be a fake "documentary" of sorts.

where do you download old movies like that?

It was on YouTube at some point. Might still be.

Pretty campy, but still a classic.
Also, nice dubdubs.

Attached: 91kwYg1rpBL._SL1500_.jpg (1187x1500, 281K)

thepiratebay has some, including this one.
some sites have lists by themes, like childhood and shit.

wouldn't be in full on YT. There are some scenes that are definitely non PG... you wouldn't be able to do these today either.


YouTube sometimes allows old movies with nudity, as long as it can be passed off as educational or artistic. The mods are pretty nuts though.

pretty sure the scene with the naked kiddos dancing lasciviously to attract buyers was cut in that version.

Possession of Joel Delaney has a pretty infamous scene towards the end

Has to do with former Nazis right?

Philosophy of a Knife is preddy gud