
truth edition

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Is Griffith College any good?

Good for what exactly?

Is Steven Morrissey Irish or British?

Thinking about BA Business Studies (HRM), undergraduate course. Was just wondering was Trinity or DIT a better choice.

great for planting potato I'd say

>born in England
>grew up in England

do you have those cute little piggy noses like many in SEA?

I mean, being islam rapebabies one would expect you to have huge bulbous facial appendages.

>do you have those cute little piggy noses like many in SEA?

i think so yeah.

> being islam rapebabies one would expect you to have huge bulbous facial appendages.
>islam rapebabies

Keep Cred Forums stuff at Cred Forums faggot. Those are memes.


While I acknowledge the EU made us 1st world by giving us access to the EU market and by investing in infrastructure, I still don't like it because of the sl*Vic immigrants it brought here. Also, the USA has done a lot of good for Ireland. Irish people who act as if we're better than it are retarded

>Irish people who act as if we're better than it
Hate to break it to you but we are indeed better than greedy fat white pricks, retarded niggers and crazy religious people.

>greedy fat white pricks
There are no greedy fat people in Ireland?

>There are no greedy fat people in Ireland
Sure there are, as there are retarded niggers and crazy religious people. To nowhere near the same level or percentage of the population though.
Inequality and the culture of the people that moved to America fuels a lot of it.

Also to further emphasise this look at what Irish voters consider important.
For many in America it is tax cuts, whilst here it is investment in services that will benefit larger chunks of the population.
There were polls posted last night which showed the homelessness crisis as being a huge issue for Irish people, which even surprised me as I don't really care about it. Doubt you would find your average middle-class American giving a shit about that.

The USA took in our famine victims, promoted peace between us and Britain, let Irish people into their country with relative ease compared to a lot of other countries in the world, provide many jobs here through their FDI, etc. I cringe when I see Irish people shit on Irish-American tourists. We're an irrelevant country, we should be happy that there are people that actively like us not shunning them away. Irish-Americans give us money and relevancy in the wider world. The US is a superpower meanwhile we have an average IQ of 92. Yes the US has its issues such as being very divided but they're one of our greatest allies

>We're an irrelevant country, we should be happy that there are people that actively like us not shunning them away
>Irish-Americans give us money and relevancy in the wider world
Just because they give us tourism money that doesn't mean we have to lick their boots.

Also, why Irish Americans may have given us a certain amount of cultural relevance, we have far more economic relevance as a member of the EU.

>we should be happy that there are people that actively like us not shunning them away
That's all fine and good, and I agree that the US have been one of our greatest allies, however that doesn't mean we can't call them out on their shit.
We aren't a prostitute or a vassal, if they do something wrong and it goes against our values then we should call them out on it and stand up for our principles. If we don't have principles which we stand behind then we are worthless in my eyes. If they decide as a result they wish to cut back on investment or support for us then so be it.
We should do what we believe is right, not what gives us the most benefits and perks.

>not what gives us the most benefits and perks.
Even then, the EU is better for us in that regard.

Playing Metal Gear if anyone wishes to join.

they're not white

>American dictating who is white and who is not

The US don't actually like us though. They like an idea based on the people we were about 100 years ago and very heavily intertwined with American Irish. They usually just get annoyed or disappointed when they discover we're not the drunken dark humoured leprechauns with ye olde values they were expecting. The profile we get from them is false and probably damaging if anything.
It's probably a similar relationship to how Japanese people must feel about foreigners who believe they understand and enjoy their culture from watching anime.

Has there ever been a Irish made PMC?Considering our country doesn't really involve it's self in war with being a small country and everything, do you think PMCs will rise up more from small countries instead of the state it's self getting it's hands dirty?

>Poll shows strong support in favour of abortion referendum - but '12 week' proposal splits public

This thing needs to be killed.

48% for the twelve weeks is still quite high. Either they will go with that or slightly more restrictive legislation.
Seems TDs are actually somewhat more conservative than voters according to these polls? Imagine I showed last night seemed to suggest the majority of TDs are against the twelve weeks?

I really need to buy a bigger mug.

>This thing needs to be killed.
Why do the graphics in that game appear to be so bad?

>Seems TDs are actually somewhat more conservative than voters according to these polls?
It would certainly seem that way, which is actually quite surprising. I wonder if there's a reason for that?

>I really need to buy a bigger mug
Or alternatively drink less?
>Why do the graphics in that game appear to be so bad
I don't think they are, might just be my screenshots.
>wonder if there's a reason for that
Gender imbalance and full of older people perhaps? Or TDs are really intelligent and intelligent people vote against abortion?

>Or alternatively drink less?
I'm trying to drink less tea by making it in the cup as opposed to the teapot, but my mug isn't large enough for me to be satisfied with the amount of tea that it allows me to make.

>I don't think they are, might just be my screenshots.
Either that girl has a really long neck, or her breasts are on the centre of her torso.

>Gender imbalance and full of older people perhaps? Or TDs are really intelligent and intelligent people vote against abortion?
I'm conflicted.

>that girl has a really long neck, or her breasts are on the centre of her torso
Might just be the angle. Not like the Japanese have a warped view of the female anatomy...
>trying to drink less tea
Tell us about you and tea. How much do you drink a day? Why do you like it and how do you like it? When did you first start drinking it?
These questions go for everyone, I'm curious.
>I'm conflicted
You love to hate TDs by believing they are idiots?

>How much do you drink a day?
There was a time when I would drink 2-3 pots a day. Currently I'm down to 2 mugs a day on weekdays, and 3-4 a day on weekends.

>Why do you like it?
I grew up with parents who drank a lot of tea.

>how do you like it?
Strong, with milk.

>When did you first start drinking it?
Very young, can't remember how young though.

>You love to hate TDs by believing they are idiots?
No. I was being facetious (sort of).

Very interesting desu, but to me it'll always just be bitter warm water.

Do you drink coffee?

I like my tea with so much stevia in it that I can hear the cancer cells grow in my brain
That also goes for coffee,I drink about half a litre of tea a day and 1 litre of coffee

>Do you drink coffee
Nope. Maybe I should try some? I like coffee cake and such.

>drink about half a litre of tea a day and 1 litre of coffee
That seems like a lot.
Does having drinks with stevia in it make it a sugary drink? Is it healthy desu?

>Does having drinks with stevia in it make it a sugary drink?
I meant aspartame,that's like the 0 calories fake sugar that's supposed to give you brain tumors or something
Makes things sweet but it's a weird kind of sweetness
I don't drink any fizzy drinks and instead I drink my cancer tea,also it numbs the hunger
>that seems like a lot
It is but I'm a wimp and drink my coffee with a fair amount of milk so it isn't that bad,I guess...
> I like coffee cake and such.
Very different from coffee,do you have a coffee machine?

Who /dancing with the stars/? Comfy af

Stevia gives you cancer?

>Nope. Maybe I should try some? I like coffee cake and such.
I made that mistake. I love coffee-flavoured things, but I hate coffee.

Absolute trash TV.

Not Stevia,Aspartame,made a mistake

>ywn attend a Marty Party

Just a bit of fun m8

any lads here from cork know curly pa?

Does that give you cancer?

Some people say so although there is hardly any research to back that claim up
In any case even if this were the case,I doubt that we would be told,I mean that would mean that Coke and all other drinks with zero sugar variants would have to take them all off the market,which won't happen for sure

It makes me pee a lot

Tea or aspartame?

Does pee give you cancer?

Everything gives you cancer. But you really shouldn't be drinking urine.

>tfw no Josie gf


Americans only care about themselves and would rather die than help anyone else even slightly.

>listening to random 1 hour music mix on YouTube
>suddenly hear "Poi" in the lyrics
Song in question, it isn't half bad: youtube.com/watch?v=v3NiuihmJvM

Eh, not my cup of tea. Cute Poi in the video pic though.

>not my cup of tea
Makes me question your taste in tea...
I quite like chirpy electo music like that. Music genres confuse me greatly though, so I can't narrow my tastes down very well.
>Cute Poi in the video pic though
There's quite a lot of art of her in that art style. Probably all by the same artist.

I'm scared.

Just wait for the big show at the end of the movie. If you think you've seen CG nightmares, you've seen nothing yet.


>The knowledge necessary to upgrade these, howeveras
>been lost, and there is no one now able to analyze the
>ystem. There is only the awareness that it is this system
>that provides food, shelter, and peace. In awe of this
>subtle and comprehensive system created by these of
>ancient times to redistribute the resources.
What did they mean by this? This scares me more than the CGI monsters.

Is the movie any good? You've spoken badly of it before.

>What did they mean by this?
I've seen this sort of thing before. Member of production crew copy-pasted random English text they found somewhere online as filler.

>Is the movie any good?
First third is great, latter two thirds are a melodramatic mess. The song at the finale is great, but the dancing is CG which ruins the performance the entire movie was building towards (at least for me as somebody who really appreciated the hand animated dancing and stuff in the TV anime).

>Member of production crew copy-pasted random English text they found somewhere online as filler
I get that but what the hell is it referring to? What is this system that brings food, shelter and peace?
This isn't just rap lyrics or skinhead octopus chickenshit, this could very well be a sign.

>latter two thirds are a melodramatic mess
Well I've certainly seen enough suffering lately. I'll leave it until I start to miss 765 Pro.

>What is this system that brings food, shelter and peace?

>I'll leave it until I start to miss 765 Pro.
There are some OVAs to watch too.

The world needs more anime ducks.

I heard Kirby at the end.

So I'm already enlightened?

>There are some OVAs to watch too
I have episode 26 but I'll leave that for another while. I've made the mistake of watching an OVA straight after the original before.
I do find it strange they had a next episode preview for it though, despite airing half a year later.

>So I'm already enlightened?
Yes. But nobody said that enlightenment would bring happiness.

And now for the important question: Why was the better OP - Ready or Change?

I feel like enlightenment would bring despair if anything.

>nobody said that enlightenment would bring happiness
Yeah that makes sense. Guess this world is hopeless after all.

>Why was the better OP - Ready or Change?
I honestly don't know. They sound really similar and it doesn't help that they blend between really seamlessly in the finale concert. I prefer the animation in Change so I guess that gives it the win. Plus I'm still annoyed at mishearing Ready's opening lyrics for so long before I watched it with subs.

I imagine that would depend on the nature of the enlightenment.

>Plus I'm still annoyed at mishearing Ready's opening lyrics for so long before I watched it with subs.
What did you hear it as?

>What did you hear it as?
"Are you ready" as "I believe" and "I'm a lady" as "idol"-something.

Change had a lot of English words in it that I don't the translators were even sure of. There was one episode they changed their translation of the OP that honestly made more sense like changing street to story and "I love all" to "I love you all" but the following episode they were back to the old way. The "I love all" one bothers me the most since regardless of what's actually being sang it's clear the meaning is supposed to be "I love you all", and it's not like that's out of place considering they translated "try challenji" as "I've got to challenge myself" despite it just being those two words.

I still think Hibiki looks like a tinker. Must be some caravan sites down Okinawa.

Japanese songs aren't supposed to make sense.

>I still think Hibiki looks like a tinker
She does have a bit of the Traveller aesthetic going on alright.

>Japanese songs aren't supposed to make sense
I meant the translation. Obviously they didn't intend for music aimed at an audience with limited knowledge of English to have perfect grammar.

>She does have a bit of the Traveller aesthetic going on alright
I fear for the day knackers adopt crocodiles and snakes instead of the occasional donkey.

Crop that Haruka and you've got a good reaction pic.

>I meant the translation
So did I.

>Crop that Haruka and you've got a good reaction pic
Already did. just wanted to post the full image since it felt a waste deleting it.

Glad I did then, I didn't consider the Chihaya plank.

Maybe a bit much.

>over 85 screencaps taken over the entire series
Dividing these into folders is going to take some time.

That's more than I have. I mainly have fan art because I didn't take screenshots when watching the series.

>I mainly have fan art
I'll probably be stuck behind you forever for Idolm@ster at least. It's much harder to find lots of good art when a show aired years ago.
>I didn't take screenshots when watching the series
It did interrupt the episode sometimes but I knew if I didn't pause and take the cap I'd forget about it afterwards, or it would nag at my mind for the rest of the episode.
What's this from?

>I'll probably be stuck behind you forever for Idolm@ster at least
Well, my IM@S folder is pretty big. Fan art isn't in short supply on the boorus.

>What's this from?
The beach episode I think.

I'd go gay for Makoto.
>Fan art isn't in short supply on the boorus
I know but searching back through years worth of material makes it difficult to find good stuff if you get me.
>The beach episode I think
Nevermind it's from the movie, I searched for it. I knew it wasn't in the series since you posted that image before and I was expecting it to show up at some stage.

I saved quite a lot of depressing Haruka images. Should come in handy for future autism hours.

>Nevermind it's from the movie, I searched for it.
Makes sense - early section of the movie takes place by the sea.

>I saved quite a lot of depressing Haruka images
>Should come in handy for future autism hours.
Yeah, her suffering is more existential than Chihaya's more specific sadness.

>her suffering is more existential than Chihaya's more specific sadness
Which contributes to her bestness. Looking back I have surprisingly few depressing Chihayas saved.

Is her brother uncle Ben?

>Looking back I have surprisingly few depressing Chihayas saved.
Same here, unless you count breast envy.

>Is her brother uncle Ben?
No, but she works for Iori.

>she works for Iori
I didn't know Iron Man was into anal.

On that auspicious note, I'm going to call it a night. Fun awaits tomorrow.

>Fun awaits tomorrow
I'm not sure do I believe you but sleep well.

Why am I so inconsistent with whether I want a job or not?

Any resources for learning Gaelige?

duolingo u mong

>learning a dead language because you have a hard-on for a culture that doesnt even consider you actually irish

I just think it's a beautiful language. It's certainly not dead.

>It's certainly not dead.
You would have trouble finding anyone who speaks it who also doesn't speak English at a higher fluency outside of Connemara. Its a dead language.

And this means he shouldn't learn it because?

Dead would mean it has no speakers idiot.