Other urls found in this thread:

It was so good.


Oh, oh! Remember when there weren't so many Mexicans?


remember when comics were fun and not about pushing sjws agendas?

gotta agree with the berries things in the past were better because society was still conservative back then

Member when anyone who wasn't a straight white christian male wasn't really considered to be a person?


>they jews just wanted money

Actually in old timey times jews weren't really allowed to do anything other than handle money.

There's no jewish conspiracy to control the banks, people are just assholes.

remember when there were no small white dick losers complaining aboot Mexicans on the internet

I'm already nostalgic for 24 hours ago when this episode hadn't aired.

Yes and it was shit. Rewatch the whole series last month and it was unbearable pretentious trash.

Member when cartoons on weekdays before and after school?

Remember when trans people where laughed off the site?

No, I don't think that ever happened
Remember when small dick loosers did get tits and pretend to be girls?

Remember when we could joke about them without having moralfags preach to us?

'member when we could say fag and not be called homophobic for that?

>rewatched a whole series you thought was shit.
Do you seriously have nothing else to do but watch an entire series just so
you can complain about it when it's brought up?

I watched it hoping it would be as good as I remembered. I stopped watching shortly after that new teacher showed up. Forgive me for not being allowed to have an opinion and having genuine disappointment.

Member when South Park wasn't expected to have some political/social satire to make it funny?

I love SP these days, but it's a very different show than it was in the beginning.
We'll never get moments like Korn being like the scooby doo gang or Scott Tenorman eating his parents without it tying into some greater point.

You mean Mr. Simmons? That's not even half the series then, so say you watched the first two seasons.


Nope. Hasn't been that way for about 25 years.

Fractured But Whole just got delayed to 2017

Motherfucker, it's Stick of Truth all over again



You're newfags. Back then, Cred Forums jacked off to trannies/traps and loved them. Remember Bailey Jay?

In the past two years, it's become "mainstream" to be a tranny, and Cred Forums has risen tremendously in popularity, so the site has suddenly changed their tune and decided that trannies are degenerate and should be gassed.

member when women who didn't get enough attention from their parents didn't take it out on everyone else by adopting radical opinions for the sake of it and then pushed their beliefs on everyone else?
Member when legal citizens could get shitty blue collar jobs as an alternative to being jobless and forced to go on government cheese, and not have them all taken up by Mexicans whose ancestors had no stake in the formation of the United States's economy, who don't pay taxes, and don't try to fix up their own country or take up a proper trade and instead invade ours. Member when you thought that if such a thing were to happen that we could defend our fucking border across which anyone could come across including criminals (you know the people who don't follow the law) and possible terrorists moving arms to networks to ease committing terrorist acts?


I for one im intrigued how all of this is gonna pay off.

>theres a magic talking drug/fruit that makes you super nostalgic for everything, even socially degrading racist old fashioned acts.
>said drug is probably the reason for mr. Garrison's sudden rise in popularity.
>also is probably the reason kyle's dad wants to torment little girls in the school forums as skankhunt42.

It's gotten to the point that I can't tell if someone is just kidding or if they honestly think 1990 attitudes were like mid-1800s attitudes.

I'm not saying racism doesn't still exist. I'm saying
that it's kind of a stretch to say they're not thought of as people by most.



'member when forced diversity meant just a cool black side kick and not just taking over the main character's position?


I'm pretty sure most kids raised in modern public schools today believe that everyone who lived prior to right-now was a giant bigot about everything. It's part of the government's ongoing scheme to take over for parents and other authority figures, and basically enslave everyone from birth
And they have the balls to accuse the other side's idea of the past of being a fabrication

>lived prior to right-now was a giant bigot about everything
not everyone but a fair amount. hell there still is a fair amount.

I don't think it's more that the motions in place to remove racism and
sexism have left us redefining that which is racist or sexist so we can keep "progressing".
That's left white men for the most part being looked at to solve the problems that only those groups can solve.
Not to mention the problems these groups create that don't even exist.

>There's no jewish conspiracy

ahaha chiga tu madre, cuck

>jews are shits who can't do anything right
>jews secretly control the world
make up your mind Cred Forums


No one said jews can't do anything.

>Cred Forums jacked off to trannies/traps and loved them
No that was just the faggots
It's still just the faggots
linetrap was always niche and since the beginning there were always people calling them faggots

member the game? you just lost it.


>No that was just the faggots
user, you're on Cred Forums.

We're all faggots here you fag,

Cred Forums never loved trannies.
It was just another fringe fetish like diapers or whatever, i.e purely sexual.

Trannies didn't join the oppression olympics until recently, and it was at that point people started to despise them.

If you freaks had kept your fetishes in private
no one would care and would leave you alone.

>Back then, Cred Forums jacked off to trannies/traps and loved them
Cred Forums isn't all of Cred Forums, Cred Forumsirgin.
>le feminine dick

Really no surprise that a South Park thread turned out like this.

Trannies have always been shit. It's one thing to go along with a joke. It's another to take it seriously.

Remember when Sinfest was good

Miss those days.

Ah shit.



>No that was just the faggots
So all of Cred Forums.

God damn it.

>It's one thing to go along with a joke. It's another to take it seriously.
Tell that to Cred Forums.

I'd say the internet in general has forgotten to take a joke.


Don't make me remember. It still hurts.



Mega plz

i dont get it, am i suppose to be saying "The Game"? what the hell is that suppose to mean???


Member when Cred Forums wasn't full of cucks and faggots?

fukin kek. trap fags btfo

Many blacks and women did not have outright hostility directed at them back in the 1920's, despite contrary belief. People scoffed the same way some scoff at gays right now, there was some hate-crimes sure, but the white man wasn't constantly giving every non-white guy the stink eye. In fact, blacks had a lot more achievements back then because they actually strived to make a good image for themselves (Dr. Daniel Williams, first successful heart surgeon, might ring a bell, as does maybe the "Great Wiley College Debate Team").

The image went backwards somewhere around the 60's and 70's when radical movements started. Media coverage started to push these images so much that blacks were actually more discriminated against than before because they were seen as unruly, "trying to break the system", and uncouth in their approach for rights (Compare the fact that blacks got hosed while women were able to fight for their rights without excessive violence). Everything went down from there. Communities suffered, the youth rebelled in dumb ways (Such as against "being educated" IE: being "white"). Vietnam came about, divided the country not just against blacks and whites (Blacks refusing to being drafted because they were not getting enough respect to want to fight for their country), but also against citizens vs. politicans, rich vs. poor, etc.

I'm derailing, but it's why so many ghettos and bad neighborhoods were filled with blacks around the 80's. It's slightly picked up since then, but this whole, "I will shout until my voice is heard" rather than "I will let my actions speak for themselves" which seems to encompass a lot of young people in the past few decades as their way of "fighting the system", whether it be socialists, hippies, liberals, SJWs or whatever the devil you people want to call it now, actually move communities backwards instead of forwards.

There's a reason BLM is considered more of a joke than something like the Black Panther Party.

Member when Cred Forums didn't delude themselves into thinking they were a good board?

sauce on the girl next to the kool aid man pls


>He says while posting a panel from that fagboy Walky's webcomic

Divide by Zero

roll from megaman legends


>Remember Bailey Jay?

no but I remember linetrap. get the fuck off my site newfag


>Make a big deal about how long South Park has been on the air
>It's a reboot season
Mark my words, the final episode is a remake of the first episode.


Member when they did that for their 97th episode?

You just lost.

>No girugamesh


please stop posting until your learn proper English, subhuman.

Remember when cuck wasn't a meme word thrown around constantly with no context or meaning?

Remember when we used to make fun of Cred Forums-esque faggots by saying THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS?

Now you dumb faggots make a habit of trying to red pill in every post and make everything into a fucking fight.

well, fuck me, cc site is fucking up in my computer and wont play at more than fucking 480p.

Some way to fix it or download at 1080p?

this really tussled my johnnies

>Peter Crouch can do anything

I remember.

Fucking FreeLoader.

I didn't even know that people sat down for the national anthem unless they were handicapped. Even the fattest of fucks around here would make the effort of standing up with their hams over their hearts.

fuck me you're being serious aren't you?

Look, that's how it was in the movies he watched, don't freak him out by telling him about all the hangings and the evisceration of pregnant women.

>Whites are the master race
>Jews control the world and Blacks will genocide us all


Pissing in an ocean of piss...


>you were born too late, you never got to experience this

Does anyone else feel a profound sense of loss over this?

Like, you were born just about 40 years too late to literally be able to make someone else cross the street or give you their seat at a restaurant for no reason. And they would ACTUALLY COMPLY THE MADMEN.

awwwww, ye, I member.

'Member when South Park was controversial?


Is that bad desu?

Maximum Kek.

>Hey, you know who's good at capturing avatars?

anyone got download links?

>>zomg teh rei
I remember a friend drew that on a birthday card because I had so much Rei stuff and knew I was on Cred Forums so much.

What do Member Berries taste like even?

Anyone else got really annoyed at the stupid evil jew twist? The whole episode was pol incarnate and I hated it.

Go back then.


uhhh there is.

in olden times jews were the only ones allowed to handle money because the christian church condemned money laundering so jews took advantage of this.

what are you implying they couldnt do anything except handle money??? like there was some horrible oppressive law that said jews can't work the fields they have to just hold onto money for people and be rich...WTF!!!???

my god the logic there.


they taste like good times. Member when times were good?

gra..grandpa how'd you get on the internet?

I bet you didn't even like Alexis.

Their religion required them to be literate and undergo schooling on the Torah.

The reason they became city dependent/skilled workers (bankers, lawyers, doctors, scientists) was partially because of the emphasis on education in their religion... and also because schooling was a luxury.

Jewish farmers often quickly stopped being Jewish. Or worked hard to move out of that position if they could.

Do you know how hard it is as a farmer to educate your children? To afford to pay someone for their education? To take time away from tending the crops?

They faced discrimination because they were more skilled and valued education more than the masses.

This is supported by their religious doctrine, family histories, and more modern examples of carryover from their valuing of education (22% of Nobel Prize winners are Jewish, despite there being a drastically lower percentage of Jews in the population).

>user is triggered about his country's laws getting violated


They actually are some of the time

Actually a lot of people on Cred Forums jerk off to traps so I have no idea what you're memeing about

>Cred Forums attempting to revise history by saying that Cred Forums was always full of conservatives concerned with traditional values

I love that people seem to think that the younger generations are always more liberal than those that came before them.

It comes in cycles. Current trolls (and people who genuinely believe that drivel) just love being controversial.

Right. And nobody ever said nigger on Cred Forums until Cred Forums came along.

Yeah, right before you joined.

>Look, that's how it was in the movies he watched
>Proceeds to exaggerate amount of public lynchings

Nice to see American media has tricked you into thinking all black history is just them being victims with zero accomplishments. I guess outside of Martin Luther King and Obama, they were the only ones who thrived!

Well, difference was that most people weren't ultra serious about it until Cred Forums was allowed to live.

How do you know they're serious about it now?
How did you know they weren't serious about it then?

>taking anything on Cred Forums seriously

But seriously though, they have a point with the berries. Society has become basically where people just want to wallow in nostalgia and only want reboots and things they've already seen.

Also having the new anthem be exactly the but removing all means to protest it was hilarious.

Teenage edgelords plaster swastikas all over Habbo Hotel
Teenage edgelords save huge jpeg charts to "redpill" eachother with the belief that the "Holohoax" was a lie

It's easy to see the difference between these two acts

Not a surprise.

Just look at Christmas. All of the big traditions/songs/styles are attempts to the childhood Christmases that the Baby Boomers had.

The same is comfortable.

They're really not. Mainly because that second thing doesn't actually happen.

>problem: people are protesting
>Americas solution: take away their ability to protest
Stingingly accurate

That's not it at all. It's that with all the new streaming services, increase in movie prices, and the fact that the amount of movie releases that we get each year has fucking exploded since the 80's and 90's, it's hard to get people to take notice to something that isn't name brand. Name brands have always acted as a sense of "security" in which, oh, I trust blank product because it's made by blank! That's not anything new, it's just more effective because the amount of choices we have are tsunami levels.

You naturally trust Moanna to be some level of good because it's made by Disney, for example. So when you have a choice between 3 animated films and only one of them looks recognizable because they spam ads out the whazoo, you know which one a parent is going to pick. Why do you think Dreamworks STILL has to cost on "From the makers of Shrek!"?

If "nostalgia" really was as powerful as people say, then Batman v Superman should have crossed the billion mark with ease because it has two highly recognizable iconic figures. Ice Age, Bourne, Star Trek, Kung Fu Panda 3 and Independence Day would not have under-performed. Ghostbusters would not have bombed. And yet Zootopia, being an original movie, did better than all of these. Because the Disney brand is a trusted "quality" brand. Sony, Dreamworks, Blue Sky, even DC Movies are not, so people don't wanna risk seeing a bad movie, not that all they want is sequels and reboots.

>the holocaust didn't happen, it's propaganda to make the Nazis look bad
>the Nazis were great, we should gas the Jews
I'm a pretty regular Cred Forumsack and even I still don't understand this. I mean pick one, surely?

Cred Forums is capable of some truly impressive double think see

>he thinks peoples society is their pop culture

There's actually very little talk of nazis on Cred Forums. I don't know where this meme comes from.

Member when whites were the majority?

>he is unable to read

Can't speak for all of Cred Forums but I talk about Nazis quite a lot.

Fuck you for making me remember the good old days you faggot.

You're obviously a Ribbit friendo if you can't even say his original name doofus. Stop pretending.

If "by Cred Forums" you mean Cred Forums and Cred Forums (which are not Cred Forums newfag) and if by "traps" you mean japanese feminine traps then yes. Western traps have always been looked down upon. In fact back in the day people used to spit on them and get banned for posting non japense traps.

'member Evangelion?
'member Wassup parodies?


Member when you were actually happy and not bitter rotten about things you can't change


'member when moot looked like some nerd instead of like what you'd expect an actor playing him to look like?

nobody ever took it seriously until recently. there's a difference between making racist jokes and actually being a racist.

It's not a meme, it's a stereotype

'member when moot owned Cred Forums?

Sure they aren't all holocaust deniers some of them think it did happen and it's really sad that Hitler didn't get them all.

I think the point Matt and Trey are going to try to make in the upccoming episodes with the member berries is that everyone has this picture of this perfect world that used to exist, and that regardless of politics, all anybody really wants is to return to it. They're laboring under the false pretense that such a thing could even exist.

member when people thought season 19 was going to tie into fractured but whole?

uh, it can, and it is. we collectively make things our dreams. right now it's the liberals' dream. they're still acting like they're being oppressed but that's just because it makes the constant stream of victories feel good instead of boring

Nothing in existence is perfect. Nothing ever will be.


'meber when south park's social commentary episodes were by and large heavily outweighed by it's "let's just fuck around" episodes?

you 'member

My waifu is

user, your waifu isn't real. She exists in your mind along with your idea of perfection. The two are on in the same. Things in the real world don't work like that.


'member when they had regular episodes about the boys being on the football team without some regular show bullshit happening?

'member when the biggest problem they had was trying to build a treehouse better than one cartman would build?

'member when isaac hayes had the best character on the show?

McDonald's beef chopsteak sandwiches

>'member when they had regular episodes about the boys being on the football team without some regular show bullshit happening?
What, the Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride episode?
>'member when the biggest problem they had was trying to build a treehouse better than one cartman would build?
The episode where Stan's parents got divorced?
>'member when isaac hayes had the best character on the show?
This never happened.

Like the show used to be as if it was pretending to be a kid's show? One that took a heavy dose of reality? Where every episode acted like a "very special episode" episode? Except nothing gets learned or resolved and everyone and everything was worse off from the experience?

yeah, I miss that too

>Remember Bailey Jay?

Remember when you first found Cred Forums a few months ago?


ya that is why there were Jewish peasant communities in Russia for hundreds of years

because being a farmer causes people to stop being jewish



'Member Pokemon? 'Member The Rock? 'Member no 9/11?

Pokemon and the Rock are still around

sadly 9/11 will never go away, it was 15 years ago, but people still act like it was yesterday

>something that happed a thousand years ago explains the jews running the FED and most of the banks today

longcat is too short 4/10

I hope you're only pretending to be retarded

What part of "Never Forget" did you not understand? Did you think people would actually let you forget?

I dont see jews being banned from any jobs besides moneylending today

The argument is that the kids take on the jobs of their parents, and it continues on.

I mean we also said never forget about Pearl Harbor but last time I checked we are nearly 100% responsible for Japanese national defense and rather close partners economically we really remembered that time Japan literally stabbed us in the back via a surprise attack without even a declaration of war

>but people still act like it was yesterday
Because we're still in the same wars that started 15 years ago. We also have permanent constant reminders like the changed NYC skyline, NSA surveillance, and increased airport security that constantly reminds people over the age of 20, "There was a time it wasn't like this".

I think that nuking two entire cities more than makes up for a single military base.

We DIDN'T forget Pearl Harbor. We were able to move on, but it's still taught and very much remembered.

>people still think the nukes were only a response to pearl harbor and not a way to freak out USSR, who was increasing in superpower status

'Member the beginning?

to be fair, it was also about intimidating Japan into surrendering sooner, that way we didnt have to go through with the invasion of the main Japanese islands which would have had very high casualty rates for both civilians and soldiers as well as the invasion including Soviet troops which would allow Soviets to have some control over occupied Japan

I...I member ;_;


good days, man

Yeah ending the war early was definitely a factor, but a lot of people think it was as simple as Japan attacked us and we attacked them. People also think we knew what the nukes would do, we really didn't know the full scale of destruction, just that it would make a really big explosion. We only did one test bomb a month before the actual drop. We didn't even really inform our soldiers of what was going to happen when they dropped the nukes, some expected it to be like a bigger version of the firebombs. It's pretty easy to look back and go "How horrible, didn't they know?" when atomic bomb knowledge is so common in the average person.

well yeah, people really had little to no understand of what radiation would do to the human body, hell a lot of people who built the bombs ended up dying because of it since they didn't fully understand the dangerous nature of radioactive materials yet

>been on Cred Forums since 2004

I 'member.

Get out newfag, desu

Blistering barnacles! Is Jesus copping a feel there?

I honestly can't 'member exactly when, but I was on this site by sometime in 2004.

'member when we thought Kerry vs Bush was the worst it could get?
'member forgetting Poland?

'member when Milhouse was a meme?

No, because that never happened

Can't blame me for trying. At least my mom says I'm cool.


Milhouse not being a meme is a meme tho

your bitch god is an abomination and you need to kys

Around those mid 1900s we had entire southern towns whose polices was to make sure blacks lived in constent fear by using lynchings and other brutial tactics.

Just last year the Justice Department uncovered an entire town whose police department was full of racist douchebags who prayed on blacks and poor to fuel the town coffers.

While the hanging people from tree days are gone, if you think the second example is a unique special snowflake situation, then you are gravely naive/retarded to the world around you.

9/10, made me reply. You earned this (you).

I don't think trannies should be gassed. I'm not a monster. I just think they're mentally ill, and I don't like that society's upholding mental illness as something to aspire to, and I don't like being socially obligated to use "they/them" pronouns, or even worse ones, like zim/xer.

>tfw I heard about the site around 2009-10
>I didn't start browsing regularly until 2012
>I missed so much

>tfw I only started browsing around 06
>tfw I'm a desufag
But then again ironic memeposting ended up more cancerous

And if you think the small percent of horror and crime that happen to people represents the entirety of a group, then you're buying in exactly to what news want you to think which is that most blacks are either victims or criminals, with very few actually having their accomplishments highlighted because who cares about a successful black man when one getting beaten in the street is a better image to put as representation?

I'm not saying there isn't violence or that there wasn't violence, I'm saying the early 20th wasn't filled with every black person being shot or beaten on sight like many people believe they were because that's all history tends to focus on. We've focused so heavily on the negative and very little of other things, black history has basically been boiled down to: Being slaves and then being civil rights activists.

No one really gives a shit about people like Charles Drew because all we ever learn about is Rosa Parks, so many people just assume that's all of their history, just being civil rights fighters. Society treats blacks as constant victims so then they become constant victims, then that shit spirals out of control and you get idiots who don't understand politics trying to get involved in rights and doing really stupid shit.

Sure there are corrupt racist cops hunting down on blacks but why the fuck should that define their entire history. There's very little balance in something as basic as "black history", which is laughably reduced to the shortest month of the year.

Nigga you just gay.


I have image files older than this site.

Nobody's nostalgic for Pip.


is dat sum viper?

I get the reason the berry's gain support for garrison but what about the good old days makes a man troll little girls?

You do realize that there are exceptions to every trend, right?

Being a farmer doesn't make it impossible to be Jewish. It makes it harder. The communities formed in some areas to deal with these problems.

Having those strong communities made them survive, and also made it easier to fulfill their religious requirements. Poland is the exception to the rule, but Poland often is in European history.

wich episode is this ?

Member when anons were smarter than this?

>Nobody's nostalgic for Pip.
This. Who gives a shit about a stupid Frenchie?


Yeah, good point.

'Member candleja

'Member the pool?

no I don't

There so cute, why is this episode hated?

This episode just felt really weak compared to the standard set by last season.

Maybve it's because it's just all buildup, hope things improve in the next episodes.

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This shit is so fucking embarrassing. And you just know most people who write those kinda of posts don't even actually contribute anything of substance. They just piggyback off what others do.

People hate it? I thought it was great. Only problem I had with it was it felt like they were trying to set up too many storylines for the season all at once.


I don't get it. If Matt and Trey really want to do something different, why don't they just do something different. Create a new show for this new format they're trying out for this and last seasons.

It makes me wonder, how this episode would be reviewed if it wasn't South Park, but a new show with new characters.

>If Matt and Trey really want to do something different, why don't they just do something different.
Because they do a lot of different things. They make musicals, games, and movies. And they keep one show and mix it up when they feel like it.

nah, the same love/hate relationship that existed then, exist now.

that meme came from that old SP episode? wow.

You can watch it for free on Comedy Central's website.

>>also is probably the reason kyle's dad wants to torment little girls in the school forums as skankhunt42.

Kyle's Dad poured himself a glass of wine right as he sat down to troll, remember?

Wine is made from berries.

Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the car!

>start using site while I'm in Japan during Golden Week in 2004
>been using it ever since
>12 fucking years
>people who've been here for 3 years at best tell me to go back to sites that didn't exist when I was fapping to Sniper-chan on Cred Forums

member when Cred Forums was good?

Only american IPs.

You really, desperately, transparently don't want the past to have had an effect on the present, otherwise terrible things would have no convenient simple explanations.

Been here since 2008. What the fuck I have I done with my life?

'member fgsfds?

>mfw I turned into a total libfag, got non-weeb friends, got married, but am still on this site every fucking day

forever, user

>mfw file didn't attach

how do I edit my posts?

>member when Cred Forums was good?
Cred Forums was never good.

Go back to eBaum's World newfag.

You seem to really go into this extreme mindset of "This person said crime in the past then wasn't as horribly exaggerated as people make it out to be now! THAT MUST MEAN THEY DON'T BELIEVE IT HAPPENED".

>neo Cred Forums

Next year it's going to be 10 years since I've been browsing this shit.

why are we still here?

why isn't there anything better out there?

I'm not gonna get into this with you, I've gotten banned enough times for arguing over shit like this. Suffice to say, show me a person who goes "well it wasn't THAT bad" or "it wasn't NEARLY as common as we've been taught" and I'll show you a person who would rather not think the 20s-70s had any lasting effects on black communities to this day and any remaining issues are self-made.

I'm not saying they weren't bad, I'm saying people believe a lot of the events were nothing BUT bad. There are people who are legitimately shocked if you tell them a black man could get an education in 1905, or that women were fighting for rights as early as the 1600's, for example. I'm saying it in the same vein of how people think the Salem Witch Trials were the entirety of the middles ages rather than a few select years.

America is the only country in the world huh?

In almost every country, ethnicities with higher IQ averages have higher wage averages. Look around, ethnic equality just isn't true, that's why the left relies on narrative that cannot be directly proven or disproven.

But the thing to remember is it doesn't matter to the individual. There's a Black Man who is taller, stronger, smarter, more handsome, more charming, etc than you, and there's the same for an Asian, there's the same for a Whitey.


Cred Forums has always been gayer then the gay boards


Internet happened.
People born in 1970 see how that world (architecture, fashion, political. Member The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour? the Soviet Union? Reagan?) dont exist anymore.

People born in 1990 see how a lot of 90-00 things still existing because internet record and store everything.

Do you remember how cereal tasted when you were a kid and before they made them "healthy"?

We live in societies that replaced replaced old ideologies (religion, laws) with nostalgia and reboots. it´s because dont have World wars anymore, dont need save freedom and we killed our ethical values.

People always say Millennials never grow up and is true.

remember homestuck before the trolls?

Remember when insurance was sexy?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

You're too young to remember.

god i miss pip



Pick one


I forgot the Alamo


'Member when you were allowed to be on the wrong side of history?

'Member when you could make insensitive racist jokes without repercussions?

'Member when there was no diversity in cartoons and minorites had no characters to identify with?

'member when people valued storytelling and character development over "representation"?

Remember when Disney villains were allowed to smoke?

'Member when everyone wasn't constantly in a state of nervous tension about being triggered, triggering someone, or complaining about triggers?

>'Member when you could make insensitive racist jokes without repercussions?

What do you call a Jewish Pokemon Go Player?


Still can Fampaitichi.

Member Tumblr-free Cred Forums?

I member.





I am ashamed

Oh wow

also dead
because jesus christ, you didn't get in the car

Think I missed the discussion threads, what did you all think of the episode itself? I thought it was decent, not their best stuff but an alright watch.

The Hillary and Trump jokes sort of fell flat on me because I feel it's just treading old ground. All the jokes to be made have already been made desu, so those scenes I wasn't too big on. I'm glad they went somewhere with the MemberBerries, hopefully leads to something good

I consider this episode an introduction to the plotlines they're going with this season.

>member berries
Their way of dealing with the election without explicitly parodying Trump.
Continuation of the SJW plotline.

It's all setup so expecting something amazing is going in wrong.

I've not been big into South Park, but the upcoming game interests me. Which episodes are The Coon related episodes?

The Coon from Season 13
And The Coon 2, Mysterion Rises and Coon vs Coon and Friends from Season 14?

Is that it?

That was decades ago

>without explicitly parodying Trump.
They're explicitily parodying Trump but carrying on last season's plotline. It's more fun to do Garrison, too.
Expect him to get a live cat or animal or someting more fucked up as a toupee to get bad press in an oncoming episode.

It's so shit that South Park sort of parodies what's going on currently, and what's going on currrently is the whole Trump/Hillary thing and the PC crap, none of which the show bothers to make it funny because they already made fun of that but in different forms

First episode in a while that made me feel indifferent

The pretend nostalgia is a new thing.

Member that shitty 50s revival in the 80s?
It was horrible if you had no nostlgia for it.

Sure the first 3 years of the Simpsons are basicly black bashing.Not.

Member when Trump was just a meme man?

No one that matters remembers or was alive in the 50's to care about things like 50's monster movies reboots in the 80's.

The only reason people still milk 80's nostalgia is because that was basicaly the start of the ''shill'' era, where everything was a TV show, a toy or a lunchbox

Member Loss?

Remember when Cred Forums were staunch libertarians before they were infiltrated by stormfront?

Remember when politics were non-existent on Cred Forums except for fuck Bush

better days

Like that old purple candy you liked as a kid and are now remembering

>Brian Peppers
still my favourite YTMND page

No, what's a loss?

I feel as I will like it better as the season goes on. It seemed as the plot lines just started getting interesting the episode ended. So since it's setting up the story for the rest of the season I'll have a hard time judging it as a stand alone episode.


I don't get it.


'member when they would make single stand-alone episodes that had to be funny on their own?

Member when people actually tried when baiting (You)'s?

I don't talk about monster movies remakes. Every dance movie played in the 50s. Back to the future? 50s. 80s Stephen King books/movies ? 50s.

Shitty webcomic that tries to be funny decided to do a dramatic miscarriage storyline. Everyone makes fun of it because it was done so poorly.

So my waifu is just like god?

Well, that doesn't sound like something anyone would really remember.

Makes me think you're the author trying to get attention.

I liked Pip. But he works more as a background character than anyone to drive the story.

He could turn back to it if he doesn't get elected.

Please leave.

'Member when you were happy with yourself?

it's just like today, back in the 80's no one worried about wars or terrorists, just like in the 50's how no one worried about wars or terrorists, it all hit the shitter in the 60's and 70's with drugs and Vietnam

Lol, it was huge. Fuck people still make edits.

Fuck I miss the old memes.

'Member Teen Titans?

It's still on the air. It's pretty hilarious, should try watching it some time.

'Member finding out who Red X was?

Pretty much all there is until The Fractured But Whole comes out. They may do some episodes setting that up like Black Friday did for The Stick of Truth

Thanks lad

Like Nestle Quik before NesQuik added all the vitamins that made it lose the flavor.


the koolaid has been fucking chugged.

like Christians didn't value reading the bible just as much. there were tons of christian and jewish farmers its just the christians were forbidden to be loan sharks. acting like the nobel prize isn't controlled by this very conspiracy we are talking about, acting like jews don't help other jews get high ranking positions and then reward them with prizes for their "achievements" have you seen a hollywood award show? they act like black people arent represented enough but nobodies saying anything about the population of jews winning awards there in stark contrast to the amount of jews in the population . but no your saying nature over nurture jews are naturally smarter than everyone else, who's racist here.

there is a global conspiracy and its run by mostly jews because of their ties to old world banking because their religion didn't condemn shitty laundering and loaning practices. this old money now helps out other jews just to help out their own race, think the mafia helping other italian americans and infact getting rich basically doing the same loaning money practices only a few hundered years to late to really control the world. thats all it is.

To be fair, Buckley would do that shit. I don't think he ever got over that Clevinger went on to do Atomic Robo and he's still stuck in the little leagues.


>and possible terrorists moving arms to networks to ease committing terrorist acts?

That's indeed a concern, but for Mexico.


There is a game called 'The Game' in which thinking of "The Game" makes you lose the game.

No, I'm not kidding.

Class of '08 original newfag here, youre mistaking glib disaffection with acceptance.


I leaned about it in food service. Thinking of "The Game" causes you to loose "The Game"

Think of it as an Analog Meme.

Member when Cracked was good?

The left side of your image still sucks ass. It's a bunch of no-effort listicles for ad money.

whats with 4chans love of affiliating everything with cuckoldry?

Can't blame them if their old style was tanking the site and the only way to save themselves is by sucking SJW cock. But the question is: is it working? I get that click and rage baits work but is it enough?

Memberberries = balls fucking idiot.

>Like the Christians didn't value reading the bible just as much

They didn't. Christian religion was (until the events surrounding the Protestant Reformation) something that the priests and religious leaders gave to the people.

For most of early European Christian history, the Bible was barred from being translated out of Latin. Nobody read the Bible but the learned priesthood. Personalized religion wasn't a thing until centuries after the timeframes we are discussing.

I'm saying nurture over nature you idiot. It's their culture of education, not their natural ability. I never said they inherently were smarter.

You don't get "pity" or "insider job" Nobel Prizes. You have to come up with some seriously impressive shit.

The global conspiracy (that isn't a conspiracy) that you must be thinking of (where centuries of accumulated wealth are used to favorably treat people of the same race) is white people in general.

"cuck" is the new "faggot". Same sting, less syllables.

But then it turned out half of us legitimately were self-hating faggots.

Exactly like a mcrib

I know this isn't Cred Forums but...

Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich?

I'm impressed

Thanks a lot asshole, I read this in Jimmy's voice

Giant Turd / Douche Sandwich 2016

Articles on the front page right now include
>The 5 Best Conspiracy Theories About Celebrity Impostors
>6 Geniuses Behind Classic Movies (Who Deserve More Credit)
>6 Brilliant Explanations For Why Modern Movies Are So Stupid
Seems like it's still fun.

I'm pretty hype. Cartman had me on the floor in almost every scene he was in, and I traditionally hate his character. Of course this really was just the set up for future episodes, it didn't have a huge pay off like last seasons attack on the PC dorm. I'm hopeful for this season though.

That's because the image on the right is shooped. Those were all real articles, but they were all posted weeks or months apart from one another.

Just caught up on the Coon episodes. What a dicktease.

Do they ever do anything with Kenny knowing he's immortal in future episodes? I don't follow the show closely but I guess he's some sort of Demon child

Dumbass newfag. Candlejack only gets you after you say his na

Cred Forums still loves cute blonde traps.

It's special snowflake transtrenders who use their teenage identity crises as a way to gain victim points and bully others that we can't stand.

Does that mean we'll be calling ourselves oldcucks in a few years?

Third party.

>Do they ever do anything with Kenny knowing he's immortal in future episodes? I don't follow the show closely but I guess he's some sort of Demon child

He's going to need more rope.

I forgot Bruce Lee fucking loves birthdays somehow.

Its still ok

Just stay away from the obvious shit politics lists

>We love Chidori

>The vagina's balls

That feeling that i am exactly the same then as i am now besides having chronic backpain and hand problems

So many memes

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say

Holy fuck, look at all these tryhard newfags.

This is the only other oldfag here.

We're all gay here. moot is gay. Everyone on Cred Forums is gay. Just how much of a bottom do you thinks Snacks had to be to get his job back?

"oldcucks" will probably be the new insult for oldfags

Yeah, Cred Forums needs to go. Worst board.

That's how it is in reality, not in the anti-feminist's personal world. When they see something that disproves their viewpoint, their outrage completely consumes their perspective and leaves room for nothing else, least of all the possibility that they might actually be wrong.


This is the only one I really, really miss. Chef was fantastic, but his departure wasn't a creative decision on the part of Matt and Trey, which makes it less of a blow. I couldn't care less about Pip. But Kenny dying was one of my favorite things about the show.

I think it got kind of old, and Kenny's a better character now.

Turd but I hope she retires fast (maybe she is sick) and her vice president tke over.
Douche is too unpredictable.

I agree, I like him more now than I did when he died all the time

It's always been that way but shit like SU just doubles the fagness.