Over the Garden Wall

I liked it. I expected more kooky humor and snark as is usual in shows drawn in this style, and even if it had some they didn't go overboard. It came close to boring me at times but it was pretty riveting and well done phantasy overall.

So yeah, fun series.

Pic related was the best character and thing about the show overall.

Other urls found in this thread:

midtowncomics.com/store/dp.asp?PRID=Over The Garden Wall Vol _1544750

You should read the comic where they give the Woodsman a backstory

CN should have at least one mini-series a year. I'd like to see the things that can be done.

>almost October
>time to get comfy and watch OTGW, laika films, and fall-themed or spooky animated films and shows

>Sacrifices what little life of his daughter he's clinging to (or at least believes he does) because he can't allow an innocent child he barely knows to die
Fuck mang, the Woodsman was a top-tier character

link for the comic?

Oh great, I didn't know there were comic books. You mean this one? It comes out in 5 days where I get English books online. It's called Tome of the Unknown.

Even when he was supposed to come off as creepy and deranged (in those "BEWARE THE BEAST" rants), you could tell there was more to him than it appeared, and he was just trying to do all the good he could, even in his nightmarish situation.

There have been several comics
A one-shot to promote the series, a miniseries with unused scripts and songs and an ongoing with original stories.
Woodsman story is on the mini

Are they doing a part 2 or what


I'm at work, fluff off

storytime later, then?

Think there'll be a showing this fall? I loved the original TalkBack threads.

What happened to the newest series?
I got the first issue with Greg going under the covers back to the unknown and continuation of the Woodman's daughter's story, but I haven't seen any new issues since.
Did it get cancelled?

It looked like they were going to do that for a while, because the year after OtGW there was that Royals series, but I haven't heard anything for this year so I'm counting it out.

So there's going to be a vinyl release of the soundtrack on the 21st. I don't have a vinyl player, and I prefer digital besides (I'm all about lossless data), so I'm basically SOL for that, even though the music from OTGW is probably my favorite soundtrack of all time.

fucking hell
life is pain

My friend misheard "patient is the night" as "patient is the knife," and that transformed the feel of that entire song into something cheerfully sinister and threatening for me.

I think it is just not getting scanned

Patient is the Night is comfy and dark as hell. It's about death, obviously, especially considering the context of the episode. But yeah that misread of the title must have thrown your friend through a loop.

God, I hope so.

Haven't seen it in shops either, though I'm in the UK so it maybe it's just not selling here.

OTGW's soundtrack was God-tier


Best song

Good taste, my nigs.

I just hope some kind user has a vinyl scanner and will upload FLAC conversions + scans of the vinyl release ;-;

OtGW is what happens when you have creators aping on Miyazaki instead of doing their own thing. It tried so hard to have this kind of 'folksy' & whimsical feel but it was entirely artificial. What you have at the end of the day is a contrived little storybook world that's neither inspired or compelling.

Wait, is a second season coming out after the original 10 episodes?

Yeah but

Not to our knowledge, no. We're just hoping for a rerun this Halloween.

>tfw not even lossless on the blu-ray
>tfw not isolated on blu-ray release either

That is fucking beautiful

Not to mention those numbers.

But seriously, Come Wayward Souls is one of my favorite songs in the series. I love Potato Et Molassu, as well. Very emotional.

I need that Vinyl. Even if I don't have a vinyl player. I just need it so I have it.

I still can't believe this show happened. I'm so glad I was around to experience it. The animation, the story, the characters, the MUSIC, everything culminated into an unforgettable experience.

I just found this video. It's pretty damn chill inducing


Woodsman was great. I especially loved the twist at the end where he was the one who had gotten lost in the woods, not his daughter.

It's Americana: The Comic/cartoon, so it's not surprising that it doesn't do well in euroland. I usually just buy trades, but according to midtown, at least issue 5 of volume 2 came out.
midtowncomics.com/store/dp.asp?PRID=Over The Garden Wall Vol _1544750

I really love this one. How can such a silly song become so damn tragic?

Let's hope someone rips the vinyl coming out next week asap.

So what was up with those black turtles? Was a solid theory ever cobbled together?

This one is probably my favorite.

That's my favorite song of the series. It just plays at such a critical point, it's been seared into my memory more than any other.

oh dear lord
I want it so bad
I have 0 vinyl equipment
But I want the vinyl
Let's just hope whoever rips it does it right

In Dante's Inferno, Satan projects 'shadows' of himself into the higher circles of hell. Those shadows are ephermal, unable to harm anyone, but the heroes in the story still try to destroy them wherever they are found.

You see the same thing happening with the turtles. Heroes (the raccoon in E2, dog in E1, Auntie Whispers) try to destroy/get rid of the turtles, and they are black. They're the evil projections of the Beast.

So good. So unbelievably good.

OtGW is one of the best things Cartoon Network has done since it first went on the air.

Except this show was folksy and whimsical. It drew heavily from Miyazaki but it also took a lot from early, American folk art and American folk music styles.

I'd say it's THE best. OTGW is one of my few personal 10/10s in any media. The soundtrack, acting, story, writing, and art are all just so spot on perfect. I can't think of any real problems I have with the series. I even enjoyed the 8th episode because of its tribute to 20's era animation.

You have no idea how good it felt to watch a cartoon that isnt LSD trip inspired.

I loved the voice acting
I loved the singing
I loved the creepiness
I loved the scenery
and I loved how it the ending shows the life of the support characters after the adventure (my favorite thing that a show does)

Though, I did feel the Beast was bit underwhelming because he was so easily killed


That was kind of the idea of the Beast. What a strong influence he had on others, but is only allowed to exist as long as you allow it to.

Which one has the story where they run into the crazy guys on a boat in the middle of a field? I don't remember it being in Tome of the Unknown but I thought it was one of the first comics released.

I thought the Beast was the most elegantly executed satan allegory they could have ever done. I mean, they also set it up throughout the series. All the threats turned out to be… Nothing. Look at episode 2, for example. Gorilla turns out to be a dude in a suit. Ghost turns out to be lovely lady competitor in the tea business. Auntie Whispers is actually a total doll. Demon in Lorna could be banished with a bell. It's all threats that seem intimidating, but are actually okay. Think about it: it's the Unknown. What goes on in the dark is often not as scary as you think it is. The Beast is a legitimate threat, but he can be bested if you are strong of heart. See what he did to Gregory. He nearly died, but Wirt and Beatrice were able to save him.

Really? I thought it was a perfect end, since the Beast is nothing but another lost soul trying to stay alive. He can't do ANYTHING but deceive and manipulate others, so once someone sees through his facade he's done.
The Beast is honestly one of my favorite villains in recent memory. Plus the fucker can sing like wow.

>What a strong influence he had on others, but is only allowed to exist as long as you allow it to.

I never thought of it that way.

I can´t tell whether you're being sarcastic or not

I'm being serious.

Oh. Nice.

Holy FUCK, where do I get this? I'm a hipster fuck, I want this so bad!

Unfortunately, that exact vinyl pattern is SDCC exclusive and already sold out. However, coming on September 21st, there's pic related. Same songs, same music, same vinyl, but different print. See here: mondotees.com/blogs/news/over-the-garden-wall

wait wait wait
I'm a moron, and I got it backwards, the Beast eye one is SDCC exclusive
the autumn pattern one is the webstore version

sorry for retardation

Good, because the I like the amber one better. Feels more halloween and less Aperturn Science. Thanks for letting me know the date, I'ma get that day one.

if you do get it, make a thread
rip it and post the FLACs to MEGA

what's your vinyl setup like, user?

also, nice numbers

Can't say my vinyl setup is fantastic, I claim to be a hipster, but I actually don't know much about vinyl itself.I have a Sansui P-D21, it's pretty good.

As for ripping, these things generally come with digital downloads for free now anyways don't they?

I've been doing some reading, and Mondo apparently doesn't do that because it's a 3rd party release contracted to Mondo for distribution. But if they do come with digital download pls post on Cred Forums regardless

I'm just lusting hard after this release, and I totally lack vinyl equipment

"autumn colors fall" gets me every time with how it's both noun verb noun and adjective noun verb. OtGW manages to be both timeless (in terms of year) and very grounded in a specific time (Autumn).

I don't think any other season evokes the same emotional complexity.

It's the "Loveliest, lies of all..." that always gets me. It just sounds so nice, how his voice trails off into a sigh at the end.

Wow... it seriously went from a 9 to a fucking 11

I knew the show had deeper meaning but i was too dense to figure it out.

Holy shit, I'm not the only one! I absolutely adore that line!

I always liked how his rage towards the Beast felt pretty genuine, especially with Lloyd's performance behind him.

Who's your favorite OTGW character and why is it the Highwayman?


>Hold your tongue or I'll remove it from your mouth!
Lloyd's performance was absolutely top-tier

I feel so dumb for not recognizing his voice.

No wonder I immediately found him so endearing the moment he opened his mouth.


>Felt genuinely sad when he didn't somehow end up meeting with Beatrice in the real world and instead met his real-life crush instead

It was this moment that I realized I am an irredeemable shipper and I deserve to be condemned to Cred Forums.

god I love that song
it was based on the first rotoscoping dance:

let's talk about the bird

I seriously thought he was Tom Waits and felt like an idiot when I googled it a little after watching.

Over the Garden Wall was beautiful...

I wanna fuck the hell out of Margueritte Grey

she was so beautiful

the burb was beautiful-er

Shit mang, Margueritte is such an underappreciated character

>Witches don't really use what has become pretty standard chanting and lights magic, they're far more old timey fairy tale witches that do shit like cutting off wings with scissors to make people into humans and fill children's heads with wool to make them slaves
Shit mang, they really nailed the classic fairy tale setting they were going with, the fact that they managed to pull off Americana so well instead of overused western European fantasy is a nice touch too.

Damn it, she needs lewds

We're lucky she even has anything in the booru!

She does? All I'm seeing is Beatrice, Sara, and of course Lorna

Holy fuck that's awesome.

Everything I learn about the show, I love it more. May genuinely be my favorite piece of animation.

I guess I should've specified that it was the Cred Forumsllection booru I was referring to.

MEGA turts

I really liked how the comic built on his character

Right? And while the 8th episode (Babes in Dreamland) gets a generally bad rap, I actually love it, because of all the references to 20's era animation. The entire series is just a huge love letter to classical American art and folk. I love it so much.

>"is there anyone else I should meet?"
>creepy ass dog with the raincloud
>"okay, that's enough of that!"
>entire village cheers
Makes me laugh every time.

How could they manage a sequel? I think characters and forces from Over the Wall could make their way into the real world. There could still be a "heroic journey" aspect to the plot if Wirt and Gregg are trying to get Beatrice back to her family on the other side of the wall.

I loved that shit. I loved how everything looked like it was through a pinhole. I loved the music, the juggling bear heads, and ESPECIALLY the chase scene between Greg and the North Wind. Felt straight out of early-ass Merry Medleys.

They can't manage a sequel. I could maybe tolerate the comics, but the miniseries was completely and totally perfect exactly on its own.

Dangit user I was drinking and I snorted hard.

I wanna burgle those turts if ya know what I mean

nod's as good as a wink to a blind man knowhaImean, knowhaImean, say no more

>Potentially ruin one of the best cartoons that's come out in years with a sequel
Nah, fuck that, just leave it as it is.

>autumn colors fall
It's also a bit of a great visual metaphor with multiple but related meanings, referring to how both autumn changes the colours of the leaves, and causes them to fall from the branch. autumn colors fall (meaning the 'autumn colours' - the leaves - literally fall), and 'autumn colors fall' (autumn brings about the change in the colour of leaves).

You can also extend it to the fact that the leaves having fallen, recolour the landscape as well, as they now blanket the ground.

Image is top cute, and as hard as I ship Beatrice/Wirt… Wirt loves Sara. I want him to be happy with her, and for her to be happy with him.

Also, everything said is true.

Of course he can always pick the fourth option

Best song coming through

Fuck, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how they managed to get CN to fund this show, I mean it's a fantastic concept and the execution was perfect but it's just so fundamentally different from basically everything else CN has ever aired.

>quiet, shut-in beauty that you can control with a magic bell

There's one thing he says that always gets to me.

>"Boy. you have it backwards! YOU are the elder child, YOU are responsible for you and your brother's actions."

Always makes me think of all the times I should have been there for my little brother, and all the times I should have kept him out of harms way, instead of swooping in fist flying after the fact.

>Blue ray and collector's edition never

move to australia
some kind australianon posted a MEGA link here a few months back with a MakeMKV rip of the Australian BluRay
actually, if anyone has that link saved, it'd be much appreciated. Tried searching in some archives but couldn't find it.

How the hell did it get made? It's so perfect. It's got amazing animation, amazing background art, music that beats all else, crazy expensive voice actors (the cast is seriously star studded), just… Everything about the show should've been killed in some corporate grump's board room, but it somehow survived and came out literally perfect. What the hell happened.

top cute harem

I have the SDCC edition, it's fucking rad. I'll try to rip it when I have time. No Old North Wind, though :(

I really expect my older brother to be sort of a roll model.
Whenever he'd do something amazing I felt really inspired.
Whenever he'd ignore me or act petty I felt really sad .

Older brothers are like Father: Lite

I want to ring her bell

Oh please do, post it here, user.

Shame about no Old North Wind, though. I just want a comprehensive soundtrack of the series on CD or lossless digital download! How hard is that, CN?!

For all the anons lusting after the music: Try Squirrel Nut Zippers for similar music (more upbeat, but similar). The Blasting Co also has an album out there for free:

Does it have the other Cloud City song?

From Pat McHale's twitter, here's the track list.

Well if you can believe it, I did an even worse job with my younger sister. My brother and I are only a little over a year apart. She is 8 or so years younger. By the time she was born, I was on the edge of puberty. When I didn't ignore her, I was being an ass to her. I'm so glad we've grown closer over the last several years. Hell, she's the main reason I started watching cartoons again.

My brother got the vinyl and while it is really cool I can only see someone being interested if you're really into OtGW/music/both, which if you're getting it in the first place you probably are.

Has many songs that weren't really used in the show from what I remember which is pretty cool. Aside from the North Wind song which was already mentioned I think the only other one that wasn't included was The Angels Have Gone one.

Goddamn it. I really want this one


That one is beautiful. If anyone still has the original Blu Ray rip, we can get the highest quality possible right now of that song with the Composer's Cut.

I just wish they'd release an album with all of the music from OTGW, from preproduction to end result on a huge 4-disc set or something.

I just want all of it.

Underrated post. I feel like this aspect is not recognized enough.

For sure. The classic fairytale feel is one of my favorite parts of Over the Garden Wall. Absolutely nailed the emotional impact of the fairy tales, while still being engaging for a modern audience.

Her AND Queen of the Clouds...

What what? Is a Blu Ray or Collector's Edition unavailable outside of Australia?

What the?!

I can't wrap my brain around the fact that the entire "Tome of the Unknown" concept was completely dropped from the series and it hurts because I thought that was even more interesting than what we got. It was also a pretty low blow to remove the vegetable people shown in the promos from pilot footage. I love the final product, but they took away several things that would have made it even better.

You think CN will air when Harvest Season soon somes around or will we be getting our yearly serving of good old Scary Godmother as usual?

What else do you expect from Jason "Pussy Slayer" Funderburger?

It also references Little Nemo and the Bible.

Oh heck yeah. I LOVE the witch stuff in the show. It feels like something out of an old folk tale with woodcut illustrations, stories that didn't care if they scared the stuffing out of a kid.

>this aspect of brotherly love

Man and I have an older brother that I could practically forget exists... Way to sucker punch, OtGW

Is there seriously anyone who can even think of scratching Funderburger?

There is no non-Aussie blu ray, but there is a DVD. Shit quality, though, seeing as how it's a fucking DVD. The web-dl/itunes version sucks ass too, they blew out all the colors by darkening the shit out of it and compressing it like crazy.

Basically, the only good quality version of OTGW is region locked for us Amerifats, which is stupid bullshit.

But some Australian Cred Forumsmrade uploaded the raw rip to MEGA, but I lost the link, sadly. If anyone still has it, it'd be much appreciated.

I really wish they'd kept at least some of the concepts from the pilot. It was so lovely, although Beatrice's VA was terrible.

Woodsman was my favorite too. I love gruff, misunderstood characters.

He and the Beast had great voices.

She did say he could hold her hand

>older brother and I are nothing alike
I know your pain user.

This series always makes me nostalgic despite being a fairly recent production
It captures a timeless americana fairytale aspect masterfully well.



My brother and I are good friends now that we're adults, but my childhood was pretty rough and he was part of the reason why. Things would have been easier if he'd been a responsible older bro instead of a tormentor.

Finally.Apparently there is an Over the Garden Wall album out there that contains the songs' full version like this: youtube.com/watch?v=A5nwqrtRwqA

I downloaded the OST or whatever that was a while back and the songs there were the ones that used in the show.

Anybody know where I can download the full album?

It's not out yet, but is planning on uploading it later.

Oh, shit, yes. Thanks.

Don't thank me, thank that user. He will surely deliver :^)

I liked it, but really disliked the comedy and hated every time the little brother opened his mouth.

But yeah, it was still good.

>hating based Gregory

I didn't hate the character, but the babbling wasn't entertaining.

Kind of like fear itself eh? Anxiety?

All those amazing moments that could have happened in your life but you never attempt to make those things happen because of the fear of going outside your comfort zone.

>tfw no gravity falls-like massive weeb fanbase to churn out massive amounts of cutestuff

eh well at least some of it's pretty good

the greatest tragedy of OTGW is that it has thousands of fanart-able ideas but few talented fans to make art

It's a shame miniseries like this didn't become a yearly thing.

I get that Over The Garden Wall's story was over, but that doesn't mean there cannot be successors.

>>Sacrifices what little life of his daughter he's clinging to (or at least believes he does) because he can't allow an innocent child he barely knows to die

It's pretty symbolic of how organ transplant cases work. What if the Woodsmans Daughter was in an accident and vanished because she became a vegetable, but reappear because they used something from her to save Greg.

OTGW really proved just how good miniseries can be if given the chance to live, unfortunately it didn't really change much and studio's still avoid shit that can't be milked for at least three seasons.

>We'll never get a non jewed out cartoon channel that does it for the sake of animation

gimme some and i'll try to get back to you tomorrow senpai

I wish we'd get more stand-alone miniseries like this one. Over the Garden Wall is not only immensely enjoyable on its own innumerable merits, but at only 10 episodes long, it also maintains a much greater consistency than any multi-season show, and wraps everything up quite satisfactorily because of it. I get that art pieces like this might not sell as well, but I suspect that ten years down the line, it'll do the network more good than rebooting PPG ever did. One ten-episode series a year would be great.

To be fair you do need to be a bit of a sell out to keep your company, my main issue is that CN is already so large and well established at this point they can easily take a few risks on the side of their usual stuff but choose to almost never take any, CN backing OTGW was some kind of cosmic anomaly.

>Tried searching in some archives but couldn't find it
You didn't try very hard....or at all. Was easy as shit to find.

Cartoon Network should outright change their name.

Wirt and Greg being cute in the hospital
Wirt listening to tapes with Sara
Wirt standing up to the Beast
Greg getting the wish from the Queen of the Clouds

well where is it, I wget > grep'd 200 pages from the archive for all mega links

>over the garden wall mega in Cred Forums only
>literally 4/5 of the first results have the mega link and/or a torrent of those bd files

gib link pls
what archive do you use, I was using .moe which has search disabled, makes it harder. Had to run it through grep, which didn't pull anything up.

my sister gave me a record player for Christmas I haven't even opened yet

you've already been spoonfed enough.

You should get the $200 For Sara cassette on eBay. :^)

What was on that tape l wonder

there's the rip. It's unfortunate that it's been run through Soundcloud, but that's the only copy I've been able to find online. It's cute as fuck.

>tfw don't want to listen to this because, in some weird self-inserty way, it'd be listening to myself


is it worth it famburglars

how do you rip a cassette?

Very strong hands.

It's cute as fuck, dude. Especially the last 2 minutes of Side B.

Get cassette player with 3.5mm headphone jack output > get male/male 3.5mm > plug 1 end into cassette player, other into computer > open Audacity > press record

Depending on how good your DAC is, you'll be getting lossless recording of the data on the cassette.

kek, nice dubs

I think the only reason OTGW was green-lit was because it was the pet project of a former Adventure Time creator whose kind has seen a lot of success in perusing their individual projects after they moved on.

gentle goodnight bump

I love this song so much.
"Still the haunted ruins of night call your name" has such a beautiful poetic tone to it.
Does anybody know simillar songs to it, preferably from 70s, 80s?

Oh man I'm a sucker for sheet music-

Sup fellow music fag.

You want some shit like this check out Beat Circus. A little vaudeville at times, but when they're not writing art installations they're a perfect fit.





>Wirt playing a clarinet piece
>Suddenly cuts to Greg doing random childish rhymes about bananas and shit
>Cuts right back to the clarinet

I feel like there's an element of intimidation to this. Like, "holy shit the show is so gorgeous I can't defile it with my art."

My immediate first though was Tom Petty.

As much as l want more
It's a completed story and I love it for what it is

My brother is convinced she is really the beast
>Voice like the four winds
>Able to release Wirt even when it was "too late for him"

For not having any powers or relevant skills/knowledge to where he is, this kid had some major balls at the end. The way she shrugged off the Beast while not even trying was kind of badass. I almost thought he was just one of those weak-willed main cartoon characters but he's actually not that bad in my book after watching the whole show.

Great way of looking at the Beast, he was a very interesting villain. If you look at it that way, even the biggest problem Wirt had, Jason, kind of solved itself when he just ended up holding hands with that other nerd girl in the end.


Welp, just marathoned this (for the first time!).
That was really nice.
3 things irritate me though:
Wirt's old-man voice
The fact that each episode is only 10 minutes
The sort of nonchalant way the characters speak to each other.

Why is this guy so much scarier and more interesting than guys like Bill Cipher and AT Lich?

I'd even put the Beast up there with past CN villains like Aku and Him.

This line is how I knew he wasn't really going to be a bad guy.

He's really mysterious for most of his screentime
We only get that one flash of him before he disappears and he's pretty spooky looking
It's common that the less you see of a monster the scarier it is

He's conceptually scary

Litch used to be really intimidating, but in a completely different way.

He's a personal terror something that is after you and you alone.
The other two are global/universal terrors something that wishes to end everything

It's natural to be shitting your pants about a being that personal wishes you harm, the others just see you as roaches or specs of dust, but the Beast wants you.

A mysterious force of the nature in the world of the Unknown that is barely seen, whose motives are not known until the end and seemingly always close by the protagonists, feared and talked about the people the protagonists meet though can't even/barely explain.

And is played straight unlike ol' triangle man and the "let's see how many times we can completely humiliate the seemingly most threatening villain in the series" Lich. And unlike those two, the Beast is helped by the somber tone of the series. Yeah, there are jokes or silly shit but those are to contrast how out of place Wirt and Greg is in the world, or how different Wirt and Greg's outlook is from each other.

Wirt should've met the Woodsman's cutie daughter.

Yeah, the Lich trying to mind control Finn in his first appearance was very chilling, no pun intended. Too bad he immediately went to shit that same episode, and every epsiode he appears in later.

Samuel fucking Ramey.

What the other anons said is right, but also because it does an interesting combination of "don't show your terrifying monster at all until the end" and "show off how terrifying your monster is throughout the show." In the show, he's always a perfect silhouette, with no identifying detail besides that. Until the very end, when he's illuminated by his own lantern, and revealed to be more disgusting and terrifying than any silhouette could ever be, but only for about 3 frames total. Shit's effective, yo.

Gotta love Wirt. His character growth is one of the most compelling things about the show to me; he started out as, well, Wirt, and you get to see the full extent of that in Episode 9, but the heroics he's performed in the Unknown really give him an interesting arc. Even though he stumbled by accident into many of the victories, many others were because of the things that made him insecure in the beginning; think the Endercott episode. He notices the difference in architecture and correctly figures out what happens while the 2 masters are unconscious. He saved the day because of his architecture nerdiness. And I love that about Wirt.

I didn't think they would actually make the tape
This is absolutely heartwarming

Isn't it beautiful? I especially love the last little bit with Wirt and his dad, and the interruptions from Greg recording over Wirt's clarinet playing.

It was really good, I just wish the characters were drawn a little better. I guess they'd need a bigger budget for that.

One thing that always rubbed me the right way about the beast is how they made him so sinister and terrifying while still being basically harmless.

Think about it, the beast never actually attacks anyone, even when the Woodsman attacks him he just keeps dodging him until the Woodsman collapses from exhaustion. The beast can't hurt anyone, he relies entirely on deception and intimidation to further his goals, tricking the woodsman into believing his daughters soul is in the lantern, tricking Greg into freezing to death, ext...

There's just something great about such a manipulative villain.

It's made even better by the fact that he not only has to trick people into giving up hope and becoming the trees, he also has to keep someone stringing along on faint hopes to feed his very soul. He is as weak as a candle flame, yet powerful beyond imagining if you lend him your ear.

I actually really liked the art for the characters. It was unique and simplistic enough to offer a lot of silly squash/stretch on the characters, especially Greg. He has a lot of great faces throughout the series.

I actually ignored the series all this time because of the style. I decided to give it a shot when I thought back to what I've heard about the show and how barely anything negative ever came up. I marathoned it last night and really enjoyed it. I'm glad it was just a mini series, It doesn't over stay it's welcome, but it makes you want to see it again to catch the clues you missed. Watching the intro of the first episode right after the last was a totally different experience.

The designs remind me a lot of old rag and woollen dolls I'd find in old relatives houses.

Isn't it? I loved how layered the show was with foreshadowing. Everything was set out from the intro, it's just that they had to roll it out over the course of the 10 episodes to unravel the mystery. It's so great.

This. They look like the Toymaker's dolls of them, the ones you see in the very beginning. They have that simplicity to them. It's perfect for the purposes of the show.

I want to FUCK the tavern keeper

yeah but who are you?


I liked the artstyle, the simplistic design of the characters really contrasted well with the depth of the backgrounds

Here's a fairly complete download for those who can't wait, it's of 'acceptable' quality drive.google.com/file/d/0BwUdK_4gLo5hU1hJN1FyaFprQ1E/view

Thanks, friend.

well aren't you going to sing your song fucker?

"Sing fucker, sing, SING FUCKER, SING!"

Somebody correct if I'm wrong, but doesn't this style as a whole come from the concept art of Patrick McHale? He was in Flapjack and Adventure Time after all.

I also thought they looked a tad bit too simple at times but it was a stylistic choice which worked mostly fine in my opinion.

I assume.

Forgot to mention that that has stuff from the DVD release as well as lots of other bits and pieces that weren't used so some of it might be unfamiliar at first.

Glad to help when I can.



Was the Beast's soul actually in the lantern? I think that was why he didn't want Wirt blowing it out, wasn't it?

Yeah, that's compiled from the "Composer's Cut" version of the DVD/Blu-Ray audio. Unfortunately, the source is AC3, so it's lossy, and then further converted into MP3. It's good as a stopgap until vinylfag here comes through.

Surely that'll be sometime soon, right guys?

Speaking of fitting music, Pat McHale did the animation for the official music video of a song, and it fits the mood of OTGW pretty well:


Well done.

Yep, he tricks people into protecting and sustaining his soul by making them think it's the souls of their loved ones.

No love for this song? youtu.be/eAoDupdMOFk

There is indeed love for that song. I love the elegance of it, it seems like something out of high society when the rest of the soundtrack is so much more folksy. It really contributes to the holy vibe I think that episode was going for.


bumping with definitive version of OTGW

Do we have a spooky Cred Forums list? With like Monster House and Paranorman?

>tfw I was the Greg to my older brothers Wirt
And he always treated me like the bes friend in an anime, he is protag material

Well Fuck! I'm pretty interested in it.

Why is it Cred Forums is a better place to find new music than Cred Forums?

Most boards have better discussion about things that aren't their focus.

This nigga Mchale has some amazing taste in music.

What he is working on currently?

>actually implying Lich became a bigger joke than fucking Bill
come on son

Bretty gud bruv

Not much of anything, apparently. His IMDB says the latest thing he did was play Hectorgon in the Gravity Falls finale. Maybe he's currently in the midst of planning something new? Either way, I want more out of this guy, he's damn fine.

It's my absolute favorite

>he's damn fine

Yeah, he sure is

I like the way you think friendo.

kek, not what I meant, but that works too. He's a good looking guy


He does not have the shoulders to pull off that head.

He's like a cute little twink.

He's a handsome lad
He'll be a real ladykiller once he hits puberty

top tier facial aesthetics, plus that hair.
he based Jason Funderberker on himself clearly.


that gag with the football player really had me for a second

kek, best buildup ever. You really, really expect it to be him right there, but it's so immediately revealed. It was hilarious. I had to pause the show for a minute the first time from laughing too hard.

here you go user

not to mention funderberker comes out as a really swell guy if only by being less spaghetti-inducing than wirt

I'm very late but you fuckers wanted this
How the Judge become the Woodsman











Honest show of hands, who actually got what the cloud city dream sequence was a reference to?







They even bolded the "you're", and still they got it wrong.


The industry is rotten from the editors to the distributors.



Yeah I don't really get why there's a comic. The miniseries was a love letter to old disney and fleischer animation. How does that translate to comic form? Is it full of nods to 1930's comics?

Is OtGW the most comfy cartoon of all time?

For what it's worth, they fixed it for the limited edition collection/trade paperbacks.

I came across porn and forgot I was storytiming



Thanks for doing the storytime! Lovely art, as expected of the series.

She's not even dead, holy crap

I forgot to say that I wanted to see the Judge in the cartoon, like saying something wise to the kids.

the ongoing comic is about what she did when she was alone.

I thought the Beast was fairly underwhelming as a villain when he actually showed up. He definitely didn't live up to the creepy hype. Honestly, if they had just made him silent it would have been better. There might have been some question as to the Woodsman's sanity, etc. Instead he was just a dude with a deep voice who was passable at lying to people.

The Cloud City episode was long and boring, except for the very end which was thoroughly excellent. Molasses and Potatoes was an extraordinarily boring and shitty song although for being the only awful song in the entire miniseries.

Overall a solid 8/10 for a cartoon network miniseries. I think it started off very strong and couldn't quite keep pace toward the end.

What a beautiful comic. I especially loved this page, that is goddamn dramatic. It really adds a lot to the Woodsman's character. All those pleas to Wirt and Greg seem so much more impactful now that we understand what he thinks the Beast did to him. Also reinforces the fact that the Beast is ultimately harmless by himself, and only works through manipulation and trickery. He couldn't hurt the Woodsman's daughter at all--she just slipped on some ice.


Nice trips, but the comics are really just to add backstory and insight onto the various aspects of the series.


dear lord drawfag, that's amazing
thank you so much, 10/10

The series is a retelling of Dante's Inferno. Say what you want about the Beast, but he's the best damn representation of the literal devil that's been on screen since maybe Supernatural. He may not be a good monster, but he is a top-tier satan.

Here we are, the two of us

If the Beast is the one that did this to the mother is appears he is able to kill if he really wants to. Maybe he just doesn't get any benefit from straight up killing though

And thank you so much for this user!.

You guys are forgetting that the Beast is the folkloric version of Satan, "Old Scratch," who is usually defeated by the hero's cleverness and guile. So really, it's just in keeping with the stories that inspired him.

Well shit he literally is the devil.

I still haven't seen it, which is weird because that New England gothic aesthetic is right up my alley.

Watch it right now, you can finish the whole thing in like an hour and a half.


I always got the impression he could hurt people if he wanted to but thought it beneath him or something, if he is "Old Scratch" he definitely could. Makes me question too if he really is dead at the end of the show or just beaten for the time being- like maybe he'll show up again one day as Old Scratch does.

Gorgeous faux woodblock (or maybe real woodblock scanned and printed?)

make it a reaction image

Boom dosn't have the money for a wood cut

Lorna's left hand is backwards

>make it a reaction image
Here's a transparent in case someone wants to put it on something else.

Wait a fucking second, so the Woodsman didnt go to heaven at the end, but instead returned to life from purgatory?

like he was transported back to the daughter in the right timeframe or?

I'm guessing the house with the waterwheel wasn't his, and the Beast was just keeping him there the entire time.
Dude never thought to go back home.

There's not really any evidence that it was the Beast, though. It could have just been a fast wolf or something.

It wouldn't mesh *at all* with the ending of the show, or even with the Dantesque stance they took. The Devil is fundamentally powerless in this case, so the only way that he would have been able to kill the Wife is if he got someone or something else to do it.

Well it's kinda implicit in that style of representation that the Devil isn't very scary. I'm not really a fan of antagonists who can't actually do anything to the hero, especially when they're pretty heavily limited by the format. Insofar as you usually don't see a medieval Catholic Satan in popular culture it was certainly novel and interesting...

But someone like Gaunter O'Dimm from the Witcher does a much more threatening rendition of a Evil Itself.

>I'm guessing the house with the waterwheel wasn't his
It's literally Beatrice's and her family's house.

>a horror video game has a more threatening villain than an all-ages TV show styled on folklore

I love this show even more now.

It's hardly horror. They're just allowed to show people getting killed and tackle more explicitly adult situations. They're not limited by the format, as it were.

The Witcher is literally about a guy who goes around and fights folklore stuff.

The idea of an entity who does inefficiently evil things, like tricking people into fucking themselves over with stupid wishes, is made all the more frightening when you realize that they could totally fucking annihilate them if he really felt inclined. He does petty evil because it's just more fun, and moreover he gets people to suffer just for the fun of it.

That's why he's scarier than the Beast. The Beast is the bed time monster you're terrified of until realize it can't do anything to you. O'Dimm is scary for the exact opposite reason, when you think you're in control until you realize that there's really nothing you can do in the face of something genuinely Evil.

It's basically a storytelling divide between optimism and pessimism.


saved, 10/10

if they did a sequel it'd probably need to revolve around new protagonists

like ships...

We need one for the other seasons.

Not specifically with the same characters, but the same feeling.

I think the easiest might be a slight continuation(same universe, different caracters) during winter.
OtGW finished with winter and the second one could start with it and end with the regrowth of spring.

While I agree with everything everyone has said about lurking horrors and not showing the monsters, those are two really bad examples to use because those are comedies. Bill is supposed to be funny and likable and while I guess the Lich is the most serious character in Adventure Time AT is still a silly show so there's only so many times he can show up before some goofy shit happens around him.

With Aku, hmm, even though Samurai Jack wasn't a comedy it still seems cartoonier than OTGW in a weird way.

Another thing to consider too is brevity. OTGW was a mini-series. One huge problem with villains is they have to keep losing and eventually, they don't seem scary anymore. The Beast is barely shown and not clearly. He doesn't have to keep getting beaten by the good guys, it doesn't even feel like a clear cut good guys vs. bad guys story, the Beast is more a force or concept.

Actually he only "loses" at the end, and you know what, it's strange. Because he actually does stop being scary at that point, but it's I think intentional, and effective? He's almost pitable at that moment. And...

He is a symbol and represents things like death, depression, giving up. But it's sort of like the fear of the dark. Wirt realizes it only has as much power over you as you give it, because of fear. After he threatens to blow out the lantern, there's this dismissive look he gives, and you know he's overcome that, as the last trial. And now he can move on.

Like ships upon a winding river.

have a bigger pic

And yet somehow..

We found each other.

Like strangers

You and I.

Had anyone comics that came out this year? I mean #4 and #5. I want to find these but I couldn't figure it out. Has anybody cbrs of these?

I wonder the meaning of "ain't that just the way". It's hard to understand what meaning it has, because I'm not native... Would you guys explain to me?

Stupendous! Bravo! Your art looks right out of the Homer Price and Mad Scientist's Club books (Which is a compliment, obviously!).

Oh man... Where did I leave that Homer Price book? I want to re-read the story about the donut machine...

"Ain't just that the way" means "that's just how things go" or in animu terms "it cannot be helped."

Thanks for help. Maybe I'm supposed to think more about that.

Is "ain't that just the way" similiar to "It is what it is"?

I heard the beast's song in Youtube, he said like "A fragile thing is what it is"

I fucking love him. He looks just like an old vaudville villain. I'd love for him to be an actual character.

How obscure are those shorts?
I mean I get that your average person wouldn't recognise you but I'd expect those with an interest in animation would recognise the earliest works of the most influential figure in the history of animation.

>Is it full of nods to 1930's comics?
Well now I'm sad that isn't.
That said it's to get to know about the Woodsman and his daughter.

That's bagpuss for me.

>As opposed to the godvoice they got for it
You're a piece of shit, user.

The best monsters are the ones that stand for something bigger and resonate with audience.

Although personally for me Beast stands for absolution and escape from this wretched world.

Why does he represent those ideas to you?

Because he promises me a transformation into oil tree once my despair level is high enough.

seems like no .cbrs were ever uploaded anywhere

hrm, maybe i'll buy #4 and #5, they're only $4 on comixology

It's even better playing it to the Wedding song. In the guy's voice

Dat black witch girl

Speaking of which, I just 'now' noticed that Sara's black.

someone's gotta make a vocaroo

Here. But holy shit was it still a trip to see it.
Cemented that the show was going for ALL Americana culture.

>tfw You barely noticed the shadow

where does it say that its coming out on sept 21 user?

>beast had been watching them for awhile
>knew the mother was strong and that he had to kill her to get her away from the other two who were emotionally weaker
>waited and waited until she went out alone

Dude has patience.

Yeah. It always depends on context and all that stuff, but it's usually expressing a sense of resignation.

Here's a bunch more phrases like that:


So I bought the fourth issue off Comixology and I'd like to storytime it. Anyone know how to extract the .cbr file from the browser?


Wasn't that the one that was just storytime'd?

That was the 2015 series that covered some of the stories that McHale wasn't able to cram into the animated shorts.

The 2016 book is a continuation of the Woodsman's daughter storyline, as well as Greg's return to the Unknown after the events of the series.

>tfw still waiting on a beatrice cameo

Man, that sounds lovely. OTGW, Coraline and Paranorman, Garfield's Halloween Special, Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, The Halloween Tree...

What's some more great gateway horror stuff for children? Either one-off specials or movies only, please.


On mondo it claims this was released back in August. It's nowhere on their webstore.
Anyone know where I could find one? No luck with ebay

Monster House has always been pretty fun.

I went in with my expectations all screwed up.

I was led to believe I was about to watch something touching and tragic.

It's too lighthearted and jumbled for my tastes, and the animation was choppy too.

Someday I'll review this and try to face it unbiased.

It was delayed by a month, and the blogpost wasn't updated, they announced on their Twitter it'd be out on the 21st of September, though.

How would we buy it? Is it direct from their website?

Mayby this link will help you! felipegalvao.com.br/blog/2016/05/24/web-scraping-with-python-scraping-digital-comics-information-from-comixology/

Direct from the website, yeah, although AFAIK they go through SOME physical distributors. But I have no idea who would carry it.

Scary Godmother was my favorite when I was younger.

There's the obvious The Nightmare Before Christmas, which works just fine for either holiday. And Hocus Pocus, though it isn't Cred Forums.

you are now realizing Pottsfield is a reference to "Potter's field" which is where they bury strangers and people with no friends or family


Soooo what was up with the animal school?

I really love Enoch's voice. It's so deep and ominous, but at the same time welcoming.

Ok, maybe I was a bit mean with my slow pumpkin, because I had a bit of an advantage on that, as I grew up within walking distance of 3-4 "Potter's fields" and even have family in a couple.



You're not thinking degenerate thoughts, are you?

Thanks, user. Not long after I posted I did a little digging and saw that it'll be up on Sept 21st like you said. I feel stupid for not looking into it before posting. So thank you!

Oh shit.

No problem, m8. I just hope SDCCanon delivers… at some point.

Beatrix Potter type books.

I can't help you but that would be amazing user!
Don't suppose you also have the others.

I got the first but haven't been able to get hold of the rest anywhere.

This thread made me re-watch it today. I loved it more than I did the first time.

You should watch OTGW:explained on youtube, its bretty good

I had to rewatch it 2 times to confirm beatrice didnt like him

10/10 show tho, ot was really heartwarming and a lot deeper than most shows that usually air on cartoon network

>Tail poking through buttflap

Beatrix Potter or Mother Goose.

>Weather is getting cooler.
>Leaves are changing colors.
>Getting comfy with OTGW

I love autumn.

how would you "fix" OTGW's ending Cred Forums?

not like it needs to be fixed, but you know, what would you have changed to mae it a 11/10

Over the Garden Wall took from Americana mythology and culture than it did Miyazaki.

I think the original script had Greg only come back but they thought it was too dark. I would of like the darker version of the ending for kicks.

>live in Florida
>hot all year
>green all year
>Haitians all year

roll the credits after the ambulance scene

speculation about if they survived or not,including all the limbo theories,would be way more open

Maybe this. Definitely couldn't use the old characters, but I'd love something in the same style.

>Live in Northern Canada
>Winter is coming
>goodbye Sun
>goodbye joy

I feel you man, its september and hot as fuck

the music in this series was fucking amazing

I disagree with this post entirely


The sun is evil and wishes you harm

Welcome to capitalism.

Old fairy tales aren't so clearly defined and epic like the Tome of the Unknown looked to be. I like the vague and inexplicable atmosphere of the final show much more without it.

>yfw Enoch appears

I agree with this post mostly
I really enjoyed it but there was some mental block that prevented me from being fully drawn into the fantasy world.
I was going through suicidal depression when I watched it.
It just reminds me too strongly of that time now to rewatch it..

His voice is enough to make this my favourite ep

Worst song in the series.
Should have been cut.

that is so adorable and sweet i love it



It give us the best song tho

I was really surprised that we didn't get a lot of hypnofag art of the bell being used to force Lorna to do lewd things.

Patrick McKale said Sara doesn't have a set ethnicity/race. I like to think that she's black, but she could just as easily be mixed, Indian, Latana or something else.

Don't be coy
Which do you think is the best song?


Welp. This thread is now ruined.

Potatus et molassus, of course

He's better at being a threat because he is made to be a threat, something you're supposed to beat up and heroically destroy. Over the Garden Wall was a classical fairy tale about the devil, where he's usually only as frightening and powerful as a person is willing to give him. The devil isn't made of strength, he's made of our weakness.

But thats the worst song, silly user.
The highwayman is the correct best song


You're both wrong. Patient is the Night is the best song.

I second this. Patient is the Night and Out of the Unknown are the best songs.

>Not Come Wayward Souls

Bitches that bass-baritone is devilishly good.

Dark skin, then.

I love them brown.

Good taste

>tfw no delicious brown skeleton clown

At least wort has one

>ctrl +F "A Courting Song"
>0 results

shit taste, all of you

Composer's Cut

Come, Wayward Souls,
that wander through the darkness,
there is a light
for the lost and the meek.
Sorrow and fear are easily forgotten
when you submit to the soil of the earth.

Grow, tiny seed,
you are gone to the tree.
Rise, till your leaves fill the sky,
until your sighs fill the air in the night.
Lift your mighty limbs,
and give praise
to the fire.

But that's the whole point behind the beast, he's not actually scary, which is driven home by the fact that when Wirt finally looks him right in the eyes he stops being afraid.
The beast is a liar, he uses manipulation and tricks to get people to their lowest points or to make bad decisions and ultimately end up becoming Edelwood, which is basically suicide.

That's why the beast isn't scary, nothing but a collection of lost souls that had been driven to suicide and now attempt to drive others to the same end, the beast is secretly pathetic.

>I didn't know! I didn't know this is where the Edelwood trees came from.
Fuck man, the delivery of that line.

God damn, any time I remember this show or re-watch it I'm still blown away by just how good it is, how the fuck did a writer for Flapjack of all things manage to make something this god-tier?

>tfw tavern keeper's song tells you exactly where the Edelwood trees come from

A lot of those edelwood trees could of been children. He has been chopping up children for the devil. That shit will haunt him forever.

>and would it have mattered? would you have just let your daughter's spirit burn out forever?
This show hits all the right notes.

That scene was actually perfect.

>That atmosphere
>Those visuals
>Lloyd's and Ramey's performances
>Those lines
>That children's choir in the background
It really was

Thanks a lot. You're turly a hero.

I also love that you can tell exactly what's going on, even if someone had no prior knowledge of the show.

alright, i couldn't quite figure out how to rip a .cbz from the canvas (comixology seems to have that on lock), so i did a quick ghetto print-scr of the pages of the 4th book from the 2016 series, which i'll storytime

buy the official release if you want decent scans fammos

if you want to read issues 1-3 of the ongoing series, you can find them on





gee i sure love captchas



the prodigal son returns





back to that other arc



>The web-dl/itunes version sucks ass too, they blew out all the colors by darkening the shit out of it and compressing it like crazy.
Yeah, I noticed that. Sucks man.


somehow woodman's wife beats his daughter in terms of waifu material

fittingly i guess


No one ever posts best girl or best song.


there are a lot of great girls in otgw desu

why anna gotta be so rude

heheh, viscera

y'know, i'm kind of surprised there's a spring at all in the unknown

i guess it'd be expected, but green is so...alien to the rest of the series's palette

ah well

anyway, that's the last page

might pick up and storytime #5 later if i have some free time

First time I watched it I was charmed by it - the music, the art, the whole atmosphere of it is amazing. Second time I felt it's way too cutesy and feel-good. Kinda like a fairy tale with the edge taken off. Not saying it needed to be edgy, but I think it would've been a lot better if the story was more bittersweet and melancholic like the atmosphere was.

Also it was way to talky. Sometimes I wished characters would just shut up for a bit and let me enjoy the music and visuals without the constant dialogue.

Thank you for the story times, user! They were both lovely. Not up to the quality of the show, but it's good to see the characters again, nonetheless.

Found the link here: >mega.nz/#F!9MhnVYZT!upxCHxJOHnn7KTo9AfcbCg
for the blu-ray version. It's much better than the web-dl.

>the blu-ray version. It's much better than the web-dl
Definitely. The web-dl has some visible compression artifacts and is visibly more blurry than the bluray

He's the total package! I can't compete!

You better pos a download link

Ah yeah, this song is pretty fun too

Overall, everything was fucking perfect in this mini-series.

So if the garden wall is death, what does the Beast represent exactly?

The New England Americana feel is excellent.

My dream for a "sequel" or continuation in the same vein would be about Australiana.

This guy's design bothers me greatly, he looks no earlier than 1940.

Thank you user! Please do!

Maybe he is from 1940s. The Unknown gathers many from different times of the past.

Giving up

the only legible gravestone is Quincy Endicott

Least favourite episode?

Mine is Babes in the Woods; the Cloud City sequence was boring and inconsequential.

No such thing.

>I was really surprised that we didn't get a lot of hypnofag art of the bell being used to force Lorna to do lewd things.
You need the sex starved anons to watch the show before you get any sexy art

Yes.... Yessssss!

Beatrice a cute

here you go, hopefully it works this time


I didn't really like any of episode 3. Langtree's song was nice but that's basically it.

I also remember finding the episode with Lorna very oddly placed in the series and the resolution being pretty dumb.

I enjoyed the Lorna episode if only because it introduced best girl
But also because it continued the trend of playing with Wirt's heartstrings and his trust

The Lorna episode bothered me too. I thought it was dumb how they just used the bell to get rid of the evil spirit. Then I thought about it and figured Auntie Whispers never used the bell to get rid of it herself since she was afraid Lorna would leave her. I wish they made that more obvious though. I also wish they explained where that bell came from and why it only worked on Lorna. I guess its just fairy tale logic.

I figured the implication was Whispers made it to combat the demon.

Then why didn't she just exorcise it like they did? It just never occurred to her?

I really want to love this comic but FUCK, the cringey dialogue
>I try to remember that some words were invented by myopic idiots
>Goodness, shots fired

Chronally displaced hipster intellectuals: the comic book

>she was in the house the whole fucking time

>that mockery at the Beast

Either that or she didn't want Lorna to leave.

I honestly can't name a least favorite episode for sure, but I still thought the Cloud City episode was slightly weaker than the others just because it spent so little time advancing the plot, unlike the other episodes. I still love it to bits, though, if only for its animation references, its music, and atmosphere.

I like it for the most part but I do wish they'd try and keep those sort of anachronisms at bay, it impacts of the atmosphere.

>the magic wasn't real after all
>...or was it? *wink wink*
this always bugs me. even more so when everything up until that point was perfect.

It's never implied the magic wasn't real after all.

Australiana exists though?

It was never implied to be 'not real.' The Unknown is a real place in the OTGW universe. Greg and Wirt actually went there. It wasn't some kind of dream. See Greg ringing the bell at the end of the show. See everyone in the Unknown having lives past Greg and Wirt's stay there.

GOAT miniseries

I always wondered what the beast was doing before tricking the woodsman. Did he had to chop down the trees himself to get oil?

He probably tricked someone else into doing it until they died.

The unknown is real, its the afterlife, at least partly.
Some of the characters they meet have their names written on gravestones in the cemetery before greg and writ go to the unknown, and they get there by nearly dying.

He probably did it himself. He only had the woodsman do it because he stole the beast's lantern, so the beast fed him a bullshit story so he'd keep the lamp lit.

The pumpkin skeletons seem to imply everyone ends up there.

There is a new ongoing OTGW comic? Holy shit!

It's pretty clearly real, it wasn't until Wirt was able to face Fear itself that he was able to leave The Unknown
I mean hell, he took the frog with him

It just reinforced my fetish for old fashioned clothing.

This guy is pretty fucking awesome.


His voice sounds familiar. Was he the vegitable guy in the polite?

Just watched Tomb of the Unknown. John Crops is CW Stoneking.


>No Old North Wind

Fucking why.

Oh man, that's cool. I can hear it now.

how can one man have such shit taste?



>Enoch (/ˈiːnək/; Hebrew: חֲנוֹךְ, Modern H̱anokh, Tiberian Ḥănōḵ; Arabic: إدريس ʼIdrīs) is a figure in Biblical literature. "In the seventh generation from Adam,"[2] he was considered the author of the Book of Enoch[3] and also called Enoch the scribe of judgment.


>Someone made an OTGW appreciation thread and didn't invite me

Sorry, user. Won't happen again, I promise.


bump again. OP will surely deliver.

there's some decent reverse weeb stuff on pixiv

keepin it alive!

Anyone in here seen this yet?


It was made by Mchales wife. Its pretty good.

>TFW you will never have a QT Asian wife that helps you make cartoons.

>That waifu maid


So besides the record, the cassette tape and the plushies, is there any other OtGW merchandise?

Didn't they find the frog before going into the unknown?

Shame Cartoon Hangover ended up being such a waste of potential.

He didn't have the socks or the bell in his tum when they found him

Youtube hurt them very badly with th change in the monetization system.

>Cartoon Hangover
they have put me through enough

good short, though. maid is a cute

I don't want a fall where I forget to watch Over The Garden Wall. But at least when that day comes it will be a fall that's only possible due to it.

I just watched it again. Should have waited a month.

Now I want to watch Spirited Away

>Ain't that just the way

No sequel. I'd want a spiritual successor or something along the lines of that though.

So I'm guessing this comic takes place after the shows' end?
I mean the frog didn't get a name till then.

What's a wandering vagabond of the colonial era doing looking like a modern day hipster?

the comics take place at various points during wirt and greg's journey.

Sweaters and pants aren't necessarily hipster exclusive

Thank god i'm not the only one.

It looks like those faces are crying. Are they supposed to represent lost souls?

Probably like Freddy Krueger. Trapped souls inside to feed off.

the 2016 series takes place after the end of the series, yes

the greg part, anyway, the woodman's daughter part takes place prior to the events of otgw

Great thread everyone. Pity I missed it but there'll be more in October.

THANK YOU! It's about damn nice to not be the only one recognizing the fairytale / faerie tale aspects of this series. I mean I don't mind people who see the parallel's to Dante and all, (and they are insightful even if I don't agree). I just think people miss out if they don't the fairy side of the story.

If you've ever read anything from the series Changeling: The Dreaming, this cartoon fits pretty spot on perfect there.

I will admit the use of the name The Beast as pulled from old folklore is a reasonable arrow to "satan" but I still think the entire world fits much much better into the world of Faerie.
