Now that the dust has settled, what did you truly think of Captain America: Civil War?
Now that the dust has settled, what did you truly think of Captain America: Civil War?
I wish it was more of a Cap movie than an Avengers movie, but I appreciate all the characters and concepts it introduced for future films.
Also, it was better than the comic, so I can't complain too much.
One of the best superheroes films.
Honestly liked 1 and 2 more
Good, though nowhere near the quality of Winter Soldier. Better if you think of it as Avengers 2.5
Easily one of the better Superhero films ever.
I really liked it. Although I wish Zemo had more of a presence in the movie. Hopefully we see more of him, and his purple mask
It pretty good, but not as good as Winter Soldier. Overall, 2016 has been a good year for cape movies.
Winter Soldier is still better, but I like Civil War.
I would have been happier if they used the proto suit they made for Holland, the CG suit was laughably noticeable, and also nowhere near as nice. Props for the expressive eyes though.
Tony was also super inconsistent, but those two complaints don't ruin the film for me.
Too much Bucky
Everyone agrees that the comic had better motivations
Easily the best Mcu movie yet.
Solid 8/10
Remember when people were losing their minds because he didn't start off with the Purple Mask - When in the comics he did not start with it either?
>2016 has been a good year for cape movies.
Only Deadpool and Civil War were particularly good.
2008 and 2014 remain the objectively GOAT years.
I liked it. Barring some major power level inconsistencies i thought it was great. The Vision was perfect, blank panther was awesome. Loved the new spider-man.
I've always seen Tony's self destructive tendencies consuming him after the end of Avengers. Or at least that's how I rationalize him being all over the map from IM3->Avengers 2->CACW
Felt like Bruce Banner's presence in the movie could have added to it, but on the other hand he'd be anti-Stark as fuck which would have made Cap's side even more popular than it already was.
I loved the bookending with "I could do this all day." Steve hasn't changed. Super soldier serum and 70 and he's still the same guy.
I would have killed for a Daredevil cameo. Like Matt representing Steve or fighting Widow in the airport scene (actually giving her more to do). But as it is, that was probably for the best leaving him out. Fingers crossed for a Spidey movie cameo
>Felt like Bruce Banner's presence in the movie could have added to it, but on the other hand he'd be anti-Stark as fuck which would have made Cap's side even more popular than it already was.
I'm glad they at least acknowledged that. "Do you think he'd be on OUR side?"
No, deadpool is the only good capeshit this year, maybe suicide squad too.
I agree that he was self destructive, I just still think he's inconsistent. I think just the problem is once Favreau stopped being in charge of Iron Man stuff Stark lost his consistency. And now he's been juggled between three writers/directors teams.
I would have preferred a Captain America movie. Drop Black Panther, Vision, Hawkeye, Ant-man, Iron Man, and War Machine. Have a real plot, saving Bucky from Zemo - not the silly "make everyone fight" plot.
Have Cap and his friends rescue Bucky - without needing to "set up future movies".
>Suicide Squad
Opinion invalidated.
Only reason I saw it is for Spider-Man, I could give two shits about Captain Boring and Iron Quip
Didn't have enough Spider-Man but what Spider-Man it did have was Spider-Man/Spider-Man
Overall I give it 2 1/2 Spider-Mans.
Black Panther was fucking cool though
I remember reading through some foreign articles a few months after Civil War was released.
I was surprised how vehemently pro-Stark some of them were, up until late July/early August at any rate.
they** being a lot of Japanese viewers
I really like the Wanda/Vision cooking scene and wish there were more character moments in superhero movies like this
Wanda/Vision buddy movie when?
Should of revived Quicksilver and had a kooky quartet
My dad got this through Netflix, and he got pretty confused. He thought Black Widow and Scarlet Witch were the same person. And that Paul Rudd was Ben Affleck, even though he saw and really enjoyed Ant-Man.
Is your dad okay?
Never, unfortunately. Vision's only got one more movie left. We'll likely never get a film devoted to either one of them.
Can't touch Raimi Spiderman, X-Men, Ant-Man, or Suicide Squad.
>Suicide Squad.
Of course, who'd want to dig their hands into a pile of shit?
>Can't touch Raimi Spiderman
Nothing has this far, Hellboy was close though
Thing is, he has watched and usually enjoyed each Marvel film, but every time I set the next one up on their netflix, he gets confused and doesn't remember the last film. Then again, there have been a few times that he was adamant that he hasn't seen a film before, and midway through rewatching, he suddenly remembers.
>Then again, there have been a few times that he was adamant that he hasn't seen a film before, and midway through rewatching, he suddenly remembers.
That happens with my mom sometimes.
Absolute meme-movie. I preferred Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, but David Goyer's Suicide Squad was easily the stand-out of the summer.
There are some films he instantly remembers. I mean, he LOVED Kingsmen!
Fucking who?
You guys probably think Sausage Party is the best animated movie this year
mostly an 8/10 for a cape flick of the bunch
TWS is the better Cap movie, but I find Civil War to be the best Avengers movie of the MCU
>falcon that loyal for no reason
>gay homo lust for bucky
>not strong enough motivation to actually fight teacher
>action sequences reminds me of power rangers
It just doesn't hold up cause it makes no sense
It's as good as a movie can possibly be when it has to accommodate things that don't make sense for the sake of the brand.
Spider-Man has no business in this movie, but he's entertaining. Iron Man has no business in Cap's third movie, but at least he's well characterized and isn't a complete asshole.
Pretty much everyone was well characterized except maybe Vision, who came off as useless.
I was also glad to see that Scarlet Witch had a decent part. Since Marvel is keeping her out of most merchandise due to the Fox connection I thought that might also affect the MCU but it didn't, so far.
But does it hold together as a movie? Probably not. The plot doesn't make sense the way Winter Soldier's plot sort of made sense (by comic book movie standards). It's just a bunch of elements thrown together to make people happy, but they're thrown together in a clever way, like the fake-out where we think they're going to have the typical action climax, and then did something slightly different.
Fight each other*
What you said. I was disappointed. Not a bad film, but just...meh.
>The plot doesn't make sense the way Winter Soldier's plot
Of course it did.
It was hugely disappointing and massively overrated in nearly every way.
Russo's said Infinity War is kind of that.
I suspect Vision survives within the gauntlet due to Wanda's chaos powers, that Strange tricks Thanos into thinking Wanda is dead (just as in the comics but much more important here), which leads to Thanos's eventual defeat.
Suicide squad came close to good but the butchering in editing let it down.
Generic and middle-of-the-road like the rest of the MCU.
I haven't seen it. I have it downloaded, I don't really feel like watching it. Same with Avengers 2.
It was great. I'm glad the Russos are directing Infinity War.
>When in the comics he did not start with it either?
Lots of things differ from the source material of comics. Especially first appearances. If we went by your logic, Wolverine would have looked like this in X-Men 1.
In what way?
The Winter Solider
GotG, Avengers, Iron Man, Civil War
Iron Man 3 (I liked it more than most of Cred Forums), Cap 1 (great first half, then...), Ant-Man
Thor/Thor 2, IM2, AoU,
Incredible Hulk. IM2 has the briefcase armor and I thought the fight at the end of Thor 2 was neat, but Hulk has nothing, not even something small, that I liked.
Avengers belongs in low-tier.
I really liked that the Sokovia Accords weren't really the source of the conflict. The conflict was about Cap wanting to work with fugitive Bucky and Tony wanting to arrest him, and the accords were an plot device to keep them from just talking it out.
It felt more personal, and more of a logical extension of TWS, with that change.
It was perfect till the airport scene... from that point the movie become slack. From my point of view I like Zemo working in the shadows destroying the avengers.
The best: The first 60 minutes. Pretty serious movie and a great rhythm. Spiderman
The worst: the airport fight was disappointing
What else? War Machine, Hawkeye or Black Widow had to die
Enjoyed the Zemo stuff
Thought the registration biz was even more stupid than what happened in the comics
Having almost all the characters together made me realize how many character relied on so much CGI.
Black Panther was great
Most of the action had way too many cuts per second. Found it annoying.
Enjoyed the other two Cap movies more, but still beats half the Iron Man flicks or Thor stuff.
>Incredible Hulk
This meme really needs to stop.
In every way.
>the airport fight was disappointing
Well, that's a first.
Honestly the closest thing to actual cape kino. The bad guy won, and the the film didn't actually pull a 'two heroes have a misunderstanding and have to band together to fight a bigger menace at the end of the film' plot line. I mean, it did briefly, but it was misdirection.
And considering what it had to do (use almost the entire marvel cast while still making it cap focused), they did an amazing job in just a short while. Way better than Joss fucking did.
Also, I like the way the Russo bros characterize everyone, it's really solid. Also, it had decent jokes without them being overwhelming.
this Stark is the closest to Iron Man 1 Stark though
It's interesting, most of the complaints I've seen around mostly amount to "it's good, but it's not particularly what I wanted". I guess it's a testament of the movie's efficiency. Some people wanted more Avengers shenanigans, others wanted less, some people wanted more grimmy consequences, others were fine with the more subtle approach, but overall every recognizes the movie as generally well-made from a narrative standpoint.
The Airport scene was pretty dumb. Tony's team did a crazy amount of collateral damage for being both the good guys and trying to bring everyone in alive.
Antman felt out of place and character.
I liked that it was made clear that Zemo was making up his plan as he went and it wasn't all a single impossible master plan.
I liked MCU Spider-man but didn't really like him being shoved in here.
move Avengers and Iron Man 3 to low, Incredible hulk to mid, and everything you have in low tier belongs in shit
>for being both the good guys
they weren't
In their heads they were the cops bringing in rogue friends. Cap's side was willfully breaking the law.
You'd think that Cap's crew would be the ones desperate and trashing shit to slow Tony down but they don't do that until Giant Man.
Well besides kubo, sausage party at least tried to do something new and wasn't terrible
No but for real, fuck that lady blaming Tony for the death of her son. I didn't knock over that building bitch. Did you not see the 1,001 Ultron bots flying around? Jeez
>In their heads they were the cops bringing in rogue friends.
Maybe Stark and Rhodes. But Black Widow was trying to broker peace, Black Panther just wanted to kill Bucky, Vision really didn't want to be there and removed himself from the fight as much as possible, and Spider-Man was just geeking out at everything.
I actually think this was saved by the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Since it was the Avengers' fault and in particular Tony Stark's fault that Ultron even existed.
My complaints with the film are the tonal inconsistency, and character inconsistency, the latter involving almost every character being a blatant hypocrite.
Not to mention that we were subjected to yet another flavorless MCU villain. Nevermind his name, there was nothing unique that set him apart. Crossbones was likewise incredibly disappointing, and yet another throwaway. I expected more from him after surviving a fucking building collapse in Winter Soldier.
But my primary complaint is that it was not a Captain America film. It was hardly even an Avengers film. It was yet another Iron Man film. The movie even starts with Tony's parents, and then Tony himself for fuck's sake. I can't believe how much praise this movie gets.
I mean, the woman didn't know it was the Avengers' fault so she's an unreasonable jerk, but at least Tony's guilt makes sense.
>The movie even starts with Tony's parents, and then Tony himself for fuck's sake
It starts with Bucky and segues into an Avengers mission.
>tonal inconsistency
Such as?
>and character inconsistency, the latter involving almost every character being a blatant hypocrite.
This is just false, unless you're one of those "Tony didn't like the government in IM2! PLOT HOLE!" guys.
I liked it. It's not an Avengers 2.5. The scale of the movie was clearly personal, and it was clearly a Cap movie.
Some things are bad, some things are better, but overall the acting and action is good as always. I was disappoited with how under used all the elements of the plot were, maybe this movie should be longer, I dunno. Zemo's plan could be less dependent on luck too.
But overall it was a fun movie, like most Marvel's, and I had a great time watching it.
IH is better than everything except Iron Man and Winter Soldier you goddamn pleb
Honestly tho, Winter Soldier had a cooler plot, not hat it was better in technical terms, the story was just way cooler.
It is technically their fault, but she doesnt know that. From her perspective, its like blaming a firefighters for saving 15 out of 20 people. Shes pissy because of their celebrity status heroes. Her son wasnt the only one who died that day so she can go fuck herself
It was good, but I'm slightly concerned at the fight scenes for Infinity War
Sure they people who made this movie are good with hand-to-hand fights, but the airport fight shows they have no idea how to deal with character that don't kick and punch, Wanda and Vision were barely used.
This worries me for infinity war seeing as we are getting more cosmic characters and less punching characters
That's called being a casual.
a better Avengers movie than the first two
still 8/10
>Such as?
Did you miss the moments such as the silly Airport fight, followed by Rhodes violently hitting the ground? Or how about the silly Peter Parker scene, following a very dramatic interaction between Steve and Tony? Civil War doesn't know what type of movie it wants to be. It shoves all kinds of tonal shifts in there
>This is just false
Explain Black Widow's sudden shift in sides at the start of the film. Explain how Steve can talk about doing what's right, when he puts innocent lives at risk just to defend one mindwiped killer. Explain how Tony isn't in a prison cell because of his crimes against humanity in Age of Ultron. Explain why the government would have the nerve to talk about accountability, when they were the ones who shot a nuclear warhead into the heart of New York City in Avengers 1. How the govenrment would have the nerve to talk about responsibility and keeping dangerous beings in check, when there are STILL Hydra agents among them to weed out, and yet no one in the film ever acknowledges this.
I wish.
No it doesn't.
>hurr durr, what is a prologue?
Vision and Wanda didn't do much because they outclass everyone. Their only real opponents would be each other.
In Infinity War there'll be a much higher level threat that can afford to heavy hitters to let loose.
I mean, Falcon is Cap's good friend, and also a soldier who probably grew up idolizing America's legendary WWII supersoldier even BEFORE he saved the world while wearing the flag.
Steve's obsession with Bucky is well-established, and further justified by losing his only other friend from his own era.
Superheroes have fought each other for less, including these specific superheroes in this specific universe. They are people who solve ideological differences with violence. That's their THING.
The action scenes were fine, and enjoyed by many, but you're entitled to your opinion of them.
It made me want the Black Panther movie to come out sooner. He was easily the highlight of the movie to me and had the best character arc.
weak motivation to begin with
I think this would have been more effective if they have the Fantastic 4 and the X men even the inhumans, or set up that he public is going ham with trying hard to be super heroes and vigilantism
>Did you miss the moments such as the silly Airport fight, followed by Rhodes violently hitting the ground?
That's called a tonal whiplash. That's how it works.
>Or how about the silly Peter Parker scene, following a very dramatic interaction between Steve and Tony?
That's a minor moment to momentarily break the tension, which incidentally helps smooth over the escalation.
>Explain Black Widow's sudden shift in sides at the start of the film.
Black Widow has always been displayed as pragmatic and presents a pragmatic viewpoint of playing ball with the Accords so they don't have to stand against the government and get torn apart.
>Explain how Steve can talk about doing what's right, when he puts innocent lives at risk just to defend one mindwiped killer.
He didn't.
>Explain how Tony isn't in a prison cell because of his crimes against humanity in Age of Ultron.
Because, as evidenced in the movie, there's a series of factors that call his guilt into question, and Ross essentially offered him a way out of this guilt.
>Explain why the government would have the nerve to talk about accountability, when they were the ones who shot a nuclear warhead into the heart of New York City in Avengers 1.
Because the United Nations and the World Security Council are at face value two completely separated entities, as evidenced in the movie.
>How the govenrment would have the nerve to talk about responsibility and keeping dangerous beings in check, when there are STILL Hydra agents among them to weed out, and yet no one in the film ever acknowledges this.
There's no evidence of that.
The start of a movie.
Not only that, but Bucky is the last remnant from his former life in the 40s. I mean sure Steve has adjusted well in present day, but it still isnt home to him. So hes gripping on anything familiar. Part of the reason why hes an avenger is because its another battle to fight
>Explain Black Widow's sudden shift in sides at the start of the film
She's guarded and pragmatic, and does whatever seems to be the best bet for herself and people she cares about at any given moment based upon her (as she puts in) read of the terrain.
> Explain how Steve can talk about doing what's right, when he puts innocent lives at risk just to defend one mindwiped killer
A mix of actual deliberate hypocrisy, his love of freedom over security, and his angst over being alone in a strange world (established at Peggy's funeral when Sharon's speech clearly catalyzes his decision, later stated outright in his letter to Iron Man).
>Explain how Tony isn't in a prison cell because of his crimes against humanity in Age of Ultron
Money, power, literal superpowers wielded by him and most of the people he hangs out with, residual good-will from saving the world, people not caring all that much about a failed state in Eastern Europe.
>Explain why the government would have the nerve to talk about accountability, when they were the ones who shot a nuclear warhead into the heart of New York City in Avengers 1.
The SHIELD world security council and the UN are established as being different entitities by Rhodey when he's arguing in favour of registration. Even if they weren't, government bodies being hypocritical isn't a plot hole.
One of the best on first watch, but it really doesn't have a lot of rewatch value.
I think the tonal inconsistency did work, or at least it was necessary.
The first part of the movie is kind of sober and downbeat and just when we might start to feel bored, Spider-Man comes in and the movie turns into a comedy for a while. And then after we've mostly laughed through the airport fight, we're ready for the movie to get darker.
It's a bit clumsy, but if they kept the same tone through the whole movie there's no way people don't leave the theatre feeling unsatisfied.
So are Thor and Banner going to come back all confused and awkward after all this? I at least want to see Ross try and strong arm them into signing and get shut down.
They're also both somewhat distracted by one another during the fight, neither of them is very experienced with their powers, and they're both demonstrably hesitant to engage.
They've said multiple times that characters shouldn't be powerful unless they have a weakness, they can't comprehend how a powerful character fights.
They're going to completely nerf all the power characters like Thanos, Vision, Thor while giving their favorite characters like Captain America a power boost
>They've said multiple times that characters shouldn't be powerful unless they have a weakness
But that's correct. Otherwise it's boring.
They were talking in the context of Civil War though. You've got two characters powered by the Mind Stone or whatever among mostly regular people. Of course they had to have some excuse for why they're holding back.
The problem was if you watched the fight it wasn't even clear that Wanda and Vision were holding back. I guess they were, because Wanda only stepped in to rescue her teammates, but it wasn't very clear.
I mean, I could infer they were holding back pretty easily from context. Wanda gets into the thick of things a little, but she isn't screwing with anyone's minds or tearing them in half or anything. Vision spends a lot of time just floating around watching stuff, helps knock Giant Man over, then doesn't get involved again until Cap and Bucky's escape seems imminent.
Marvel can do no wrong
Anyone else fucking hate Ross in this movie? Guy doesnt give a damn about accountability, he wants assets he can use. Imagine if Banner was there so he could call him out on the Abomination shit.
You were supposed to.
So does the government now have access to Pym particles after Langs arrest?
The Russos talked about how characters rifts from Civil War will keep playing out in Infinity War. I wonder what those are, the ones I can already guess are Cap/Rhodes, Stark/Bucky, Stark/Hawkeye, Stark/Wanda and maybe Rhodes/Falcon.
Iron Man and Cap have a pretty vitriolic working relationship. I can't imagine the terms they left on will have helped that much, even after the letter. Iron Man guilted him into relinquishing his shield.
Probably not. Pym Particles are expended through use and are held in a fluid medium. All Scott would have to do is pour out any unused Pym Particles before capture.
Its debatable at this point, all we know is that he passed out after the fight. At the very least they looked over the suit itself after being confiscated
I feel like this can be said for a lot of the MCU movies. I own most of them but there are a few that I find myself re-watching.
Not the best movie but not the worst.
It's enjoyable and will be nice to see it's effect on the future.
Also, Ant-Man on Captain Americas shield being held by Spider-Man. Never thought that would happen in the movies.
I still really have no idea what people think who aren't used to this stuff in the comics.
Like Vision and the Scarlet Witch. I'm so used to it from the comics but what are people around the world thinking about a red-faced robot flirting with a human lady who shoots red magic out of her fingers?
The problem of the shared universe mapped out from the start is once you start down a path you're locked to it.
This guy has never been interesting. His relationship with Cap in the first movie wasn't executed well, his death wasn't really meaningful, his resurrection wasn't really meaningful, he was the worst part of the movie named after him and he's just plain never worked in the MCU. Surprise surprise, him being the reason that the Avengers break up didn't work either.
He's been well-received by most people, tho.
Same old (safe and boring) shit.
>their favorite characters like Captain America
you really don't know anything about the Russos, huh?
At that point you're just hoping Ross doesn't give a shit about some ant guys underwear. On top of that i'd imagine during the breakout nothing got leaked. Kinda like a prison locker room before things got heavy, they just took their stuff back before it could be processed or shipped out.
I absolutely loved it, and for some reason people on Cred Forums always seem to hate it, and all they talk about is its problems, and i agree with all of them, zemos plan was hokey, the stakes werent that high, etc etc etc
but when i watched that movie i didnt care about the problems with the plot, i actually cared what happened to the people, even though i could sort of predict what would happen to them, i still was invested what was happening
the movie was fun in spite of, or even made better by, its flaws, just like star wars. while people complain that the fights werent good, or poorly executed, then fine, personally the airport fight and siberia fights were genuinely entertaining and fun to watch
7/10. Ultron 6/10. Avengers 6.5/10
I just find the Marvel formula stupidly boring.
Only fight that seemed to matter was the last one to me, and was the only one that carried the emotional weight needed to make a fight scene matter. Airport scene was good to introduce BP and SM, but was clearly just "let's get these preliminary match ups out the way."
God awful first 40 minutes or so full of terribly written characters and horrible editing. Once it jumps to Queens, everything's good up until the end of the Airport scene. After that, the action and editing holds up fine, but the writing turns to shit once again. Not a memorable film and very little rewatch potential. 4/10
I was the reverse. Enjoyed it up till Spiderman destroys the serious tone of the movie. There are no stakes after Spidey turns up, due to the tonal shift.
> Enjoyed it up till Spiderman destroys the serious tone of the movie. There are no stakes after Spidey turns up, due to the tonal shift.
They had to make it fun and quippy or everyone would complain about the movie being too serious. It's a contract obligation.
It's a logical choice. And it paid off.
Wanda's arc is about her leaving her humanity behind. Neither she nor Vision are human so its not as odd as people assume.
As a matter of fact, they treat him the best in the movies? The get rid of Pepper for Tony but give Sharon to Steve? Then they make Tony' s best friend crippled but Steve's friend Falcon get away scot free?
Then they make Cap too powerful in the movies. Somehow he's able to 2vs1 War Machine AND Black Panther and he beats them? Then somehow he beats Spider-Man when Spidey is WAAAAAY more stronger than captain America. Oh yeah then he beats Iron Man in the end.
They should stop pandering to cap fans all the time.
I'm not sure that the impact is supposed to come directly from his death anymore. We are supposed to imagine how we would feel if we were in Cap's position.
After saving the world, you cryosleep into a strange new world. Everyone you know and love is dead, but you are adjusting. Then your best friend from the past (whose death you feel partly responsible) is somehow alive, and he tries to kill you? That is rough.
The Winter Soldier makes Cap more compelling and interesting to watch.
To be fair its not like things are going to change that much for Rhodey. Stark already gave him Lt Dan grade upgrades
In a way, this movie makes IM2 kinda watchable.
>the movie was fun in spite of, or even made better by, its flaws
>or even made better by
I'm not sure what school of philosophy you subscribe to, but flawe tend not to make a thing better. Flaws make things worse. Your words are the words of a supreme being shill.
Very good.
It was clear that it was originally written as more of a Cap movie and some executives said "it'll sell better if you make it an Avengers movie" and that results in some out of place scenes, awkward tonal shifts, and some out-of-character action, but ultimately I think the Captain America stuff on its own works as a Captain America movie and the Avengers stuff on its own works as an Avengers movie. It's really just the parts in between that feel strange.
Also I really appreciate the fact that it's a superhero vs superhero movie that actually ends with the two of them fighting instead of teaming up to fight the real bad guy.
It was alright, at least i kinda understood where everyone was coming from and no one was being " im gonna hire a team of the most dangerous super villains to hunt down the other side" levels of retarded.
it was fun, pretty much what I expect out of a superhero movie
Made me dislike RDJ for how much he forced his role into expanding.
Good example of how IM2 should have been with regards to expanding the Marvel universe and dropping movie hooks.
Loved that the accords was an actual, believable response to a super vigilante team. Makes the argument a lot better than the inconsistent views we got in the comics. Only catch here is that the side you pick starts to look more like reality vs. idealism.
Great movie considering it just focusing on captain America's problems. Can't wait for the full blown Avengers to rock the theatres
Did a decent job setting up future Avengers that wasn't just 2 minute YouTube videos. Only decent though. It's a lot of world building for just one movie to handle properly
> because frankly he was not one of my favorite characters growing up, I always found him a little square. So we wanted to add an element of deconstruction to the character and to examine him in a way that was different than the microscope Joe had used on the character. Because his was an homage to the Golden Age, and what we wanted to do was modernize Cap and to make him really flawed and human — or as flawed and human as we could.
>“We took a very personal approach to the character,” explained Joe Russo. “He was my favorite character growing up, so the opportunity to bring Spider-Man to the screen is a dream come true. It's something that I spent a lot of time thinking about as a kid. We had thought back to the things that excited us about him as a character when we were younger,
get rekt you dumb nigger
It did a good job of managing to balance all the characters and still making it feel like a Captain America movie. The action was very good and it didn't make the argument as one-sided as it did in the comic. Though Zemo was a little underwhelming and I felt it could've been a little shorter too.
8/10 - On par with Winter Soldier IMO. I'm excited for what the Russos do for Infinity War.