Have any of you artists experienced this before?
Have any of you artists experienced this before?
Other urls found in this thread:
All I can see is a interpretation of Carl's dick when he turned into a clown
Not to my knowledge no
What, having someone comfortable enough with you to ask you to help move?
I haven't drawn smut (yet) and I don't have any friends so no.
This situation?
This exact situation, where I was drawing clown porn and my room-mate barged in to ask me something?
Did you draw this?
Guess its just a common thing for artists.
Instead I closed the window without saving in a panic and immediately went "FUCK" when I realized it half a second later.
Always TAB out, man.
I have a red power ranger action figure
I stand it up on the edge of my desk to warn that I'm working.
My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger.
>TAB out
All tabs are nsfw references
>My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger.
>All tabs are nsfw references
Oh. Damn.
>My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger.
all the time, but I've learned to sharpen my senses in order to feel when someone is approaching or trying to peek on me, it has worked so far
I meet a guy that used to do futa porn. I spent an entire week end calling him a faggot.
Been caught seeing lewds but not porn
>danger ranger
Wait did my post not actually post?
Is the life of an artist supposed to be sad, lonely and sad?
>tfw mom or dad walks into your room as you are drawing furry lewds
>tab/exit out right away
> I live in an apartment now, but I have a kitten, and I have to make sure she's not looking at anything bad on my shoulder. Sometimes I cover up her eyes like a child.
>My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger
Nah. I live in a shared house, I lock my door and people have to knock.
>Danger Ranger
You and your roommate are p cool desu
>Danger Ranger.
>That spoiler
Door locks are a wonderful thing.
Thankfully no. But I only draw lewds at 3 am when everyone else is asleep.
>The Danger Ranger
>All tabs are NSFW references
it's too hot were I live
>Opening the door without knocking first
You'll bunch fucking animals and you're fucking animals
post pics and name of kitty
Me and my roommates didn't have door locks, so we had a system before we could open one another's doors. Not just to avoid walking in on a masturbation session, but because there was always a good chance they just wouldn't have put clothes on yet. This system could range from a polite knock to pounding on the door like a maddened ape and shouting "Drop your cock and grab your socks motherfucker, I'm coming in!"
You lead a very interesting life, I assume.
seconding this
Nope, three locked doors between myself and the outside world.
God I'd probably jump out of my skin of I heard that while masturbating
I was coloring gore one time and my mother walked in but I said it was a video of like, a drawing tutorial and she bought it.
I wish I had fun roommates.
i had the yellow one from that series
>Positioning your screen to be visible from a doorway.
>TFW roommate and I were cool with walking in on each other masturbating since we were bi
College was good times
Not exactly this, but when I was younger I used to draw smut on good ol' paper and after an entire day of drawing the realization that I didn't now where I could safely store the drawings dawned on me, I panicked and always ended up tearing up the paper and flushing it. Then I'd worry about it clogging the pipes. This happened much more than I'd like to admit.
did you two fuck?
Yes it's just a shame I couldn't get off from him giving me head
my friends and i are too aware of this to be fazed on walking in on other
Damn you're a lucky guy user
Still wish I wasn't circumcised though
Not getting the Power Ranger figures with flippable heads.
tisk tisk
>power rangers
>not Super Sentai
So close, yet so far.
Not drawing, but have had times where I was writing and it got awkward. You can't stop either or else they think you are stopping because of them. They are right, but then it makes what you were doing all the more weird.
Have you ever had a moment of clear introspection?
Im not talking about looking in the mirrior and feeling a bit of shame, maybe a tinge or pinch that make you want to look away.
Im talking about true self reflection, seeing past any artificial walls and knowing deep in you're soul that you are a deviant and not the 90's everybody is special kind, an abhorrent and un-natural sham of flesh and blood. Either you never have or you must be so misanthropic as to inflict yourself upon the world while remaining as you are, too scared of death to die to burdened by life to live, you are confusing to me.
Accept the weight of your sins and embrace the shame you have forgotten like any other abnormal fetishist
The hero we deserve
have you ever done anything even remotely relevant to society to the point of realizing how insignificant someone's weird private life is?
what a lewd little boy you were
Self-loathing isn't particularly useful.
I have, I just haven't felt the need to care. There are plenty of other things I do wrong to care about a dumb kink. It isn't really that important.
Im not asking you to change im not asking you to feel bad or stop it im asking you top stop shilling your fetish on the board im asking you to feel shame like you deserve like every furry scat or foot fetishist understands inatelty so they don't shitpost in every 2nd thread about inflating korra.
Do it in your own time or find a thread for it, parading it around is the problem god knows im not going to tell anyone what to wack it to.
All the time
This is one of the main reasons I live alone.
And then my mother suddenly comes to visit and the second thing she sees after entering the room
is some lovecraftian abomination drawn on twenty garbage bags taped to the wall that I have just finished last night.
However, she is an artist and have her own warehouse/studio full of stuff like that (but much better) so it's all cool.
>My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger
I can just imagine the story of how both of you came up with that system
>Self-loathing isn't particularly useful.
It keeps you from making very stupid decisions.
that's adorable
>being ashamed of your art
i don't even draw and i know i wouldn't care. i'd be more embarrassed if someone saw me drawing badly than if they saw me drawing lewds
My sides
Literally the reason i started locking my door at all times.
oh I'm not that guy he's a weirdo
Didn't know that guy shilled his stuff everywhere.
Yeah, it doesn't work that way.
I'm drawing tooth pulling torture porn right now and definitely experienced something similar to this picture just moments ago
No, but only because my roommates know what I do for a living and have made peace with it.
They do have an uncanny knack for wanting to talk to me while I'm masturbating though.
Not exactly like that. But once when my mom and stepdad were over he was looking for some paper and I told him to go in my "office" and forgot I had monster girl threesome that I forgot to take off to scan. Needless to say he didn't like it but he's ok with it now.
>Danger Ranger says, "Don't look. You don't want to know what's on screen."
Not really. Deep down I'm a pretty good guy.
when i was a kid my mom saw my shitty drawings of an orgy
i ended up hiding it up a mango tree where a bunch of fire ants bit me
also tree sap is really bad when it gets on your eyes
I have been walked in on while drawing sex and I have been walked in on while having sex.
Neither bother me because I'm shameless
This is the kind of stuff i love this site for.
What do you draw that requires a sentry?
Here's a photo of her. Her name is Noname, but pronounced as No-Nah-Mei. Only one of my friends figured it out right away after I said the name, but no one else questioned it until I'd ask them to spell it out afterwards. Then they gave me a look.
She likes to sit on my laptop and open up random code boxes, sleeps on my shoulder, and sits on the top of my head or on the couch. So far she likes likes to watch Mob Psycho 100, Star VS, and Steven Universe.
Well if she likes MP she's ok in my book
But with my parents
They are so annoying, they always must interrupt me exactly when I draw
I had an ex that was super into bondage. We got walked in on twice.
nothing quite like the stare of complete disgust and shock from your room mate.
he joined in the second time
fun times.
My current gf recently discovered my fap fictions, that was fun to explain.
>The danger ranger
I like you guys
I wish I was rich so I could afford a Cintiq
Fake or not, I need to hear this story user.
holy shit
THE danger ranger
nothing really to tell really, we was more or less friends with benefits and she made alot of off hand comments about how attractive my roomate was.
one thing led to another and I managed to talk her into giving my friend a blow job if he ever walked in on us again.
like I said fun times.
As far as the fap fiction goes she found my beastboy/raven stuff and she asked me if it's in character for raven to be into that kinda stuff.
Bowsers kingdom reference??
I don't have my own room so I can't relate to this in any way.
> My mom was the one that encouraged me to monetize furry porn years ago
> Her only guideline was "Don't do anything illegal or that you'll regret later on"
I swear, that woman is sometimes way too smart
link to you guys's art?
You better be visiting her during the holidays jackass
Yes, I sculpting a vulva in Zbrush for portfolio. my SJW co worker looked like I'm some sort degenerate but she knows not question me because I make 90% of assets per project and they're just fucking concept/research artist who can only do Tumblr art bs.
What a miserable life you must lead, being so afraid of a boogeyman you completely avoid any sort of fun you can have on an anonymous image board.
have you ever had a dreams thats that you um you had u'd you would you could you do you would he wants you you could do so you youd do it you could you he wanted he wanted him to do you so much so you could do anything
>the danger ranger
>having a friend
No I have most definitely never experienced this
This should be a new spoiler image.
The worst part is, I now wonder what kind of shit you draw and whether I've jerked off to it before.
>Family tend to barge into room when younger
>Learn to fap/look at lewd stuff in silence
>Stealth fapping becomes normal
>Go to uni
>Doors have locks, perfect
>Come back home, looking for jobs etc. so can't move out yet
>Have still perfected art of stealth fapping
>Now moving into different room
>PC is one of the few things in this room, still sleep in old one
>Door to this room has been removed to strip paint, have been Ultra Stealth Fapping with no fucking door for 3 days now
I know I'm late but please add me in the screencap
suule on FA
I spend time with her more often than that, if she needs help she can always depend on me.
My brothers have given up on their older brother. I am beyond redeamable. My way of paying off college is to make nudes of ponies and little kids from popular shows.
why do autistics fork over so much money? At least I can have no debt when I finally get out.
Kill yourself
Aw shit son, that flash series brings back some good memories
I also support this endeavor, but how anons, HOW!?
>how anons, HOW!?
It might be more appropriate for /toy/, but...
if you crop it, caption it, you could just post it like a regular image whenever you include an imgur or paheal link in the text of a post.
Did you not hang up a curtain?
This would be funny and all, but it'll never catch on.
For that kind of outburst, you're not getting added to the screencap.
fuck i wish i still had my account. i cant be assed making a new one of or bother them with reseting the pass on my old one
>What do you draw that requires a sentry?
Hey, if it makes the dosh, whatever works man.
I might've seen your stuff before. What's your gallery name + site?
I usually lock my door but I have forgotten to lock it a few times and had a close call or two
I always just place my desk somewhere away from the door. and I make sure I always have another drawing going just in case.
Also helps that I have a lock on my room now.
link to your gallery pls?
I would help
Tell me about it. I'm sure they'll kick me out if they ever found out the stuff I actually draw.
>Danger Ranger
Somebody should draw this. Also, user, I friggin love you.
um yeah it does. Spend a day or two away from Cred Forums, there are plenty of bi guys out here
>My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger.
It means you like both boys and girls, dumbass
Do you vary the position of his arms, depending on the level of severity of the porn you're drawing?
I honestly don't have problems, but part of me wishes I lived with other artist types.
Curious, what do you draw?
I love it
fucking amazing
I love the fact that a blue board thread that has several erect penises in the OP managed to stay up and no one throws a fit
Not Cred Forums, but relevant nontheless.
Did anyone of you ever went nuclear like Mio when it happened?
same here, man
i'll pay for this
It would be more awkward key spamming to get to the desktop and then pretend it didn't happen until they go away.
did you draw this?
you're pretty good user
In a weird bizarro sense. Wait, lemme draw a picture before the thread dies...
>there are still people who have work surfaces pointed towards doorways
I figured this shit out when I was like 12, come on.
>roommate walks in to ask a question, have a polite conversation from the other side of three monitors full of weird porn
I draw furry and no one knows, I just make a point of having a lock on my door when I'm working.
I was drawing porn/ cheesecake at work (waiting on my ride) and a lady walked up to me like "I've been watching you, what are you drawing?"
I casually covered my sketchbook and not so casually said "uh....stuff"
>the Danger Ranger.
There are less bi men then are there are gay people.
>Stabilizer 8
...is that bad?
I'm a mathematician, not an artist.
Real men don't use stabilizers.
The stabilizer tool on SAI basically smooths out your lines so you don't actually have to draw smoothly. It's kind of a cheat, and the higher the number the more smoothing effect is being applied.
I can forgive using 1-2, because tablets aren''t the easist to draw quickly with, but 8 is just hack tier.
Ah, 'kay. I'll inform my e-penis.
Oh fuck off, I switch between stabilizer settings on a whim
There's literally nothing wrong with taking advantage of the luxuries digital art affords you
>Search e621 because fuck making an account
>This is how we Dew
Uhhh, sure dude. You dew you.
Gallery, now.
Wow, me too. What are the odds there'd be three of us in the same thread?
>this whole post
>My roommate and I refer to it as the Danger Ranger.
That's fucking cute.
HAHAHA holy shit!
do tell them it also makes your art look completely souless since it's so "perfect".
also makes you avoid drawing details because it's like using 3 feet pole on the canvas.
That's an exaggeration. I don't use Stabilizer for everything. It screws up "shaggies" on fur, for example. It's still very useful (at low settings) for drawing the contour lines of clothing, armor, skin, etc. And you can always turn it off.
>uses stablizer
>still has chickenscratch everywhere
Repeat after me: "You can turn it off." Just because he had it on at that moment doesn't mean it is on all the time.
Mathman here. Well, it's like I said. I'm no artist. About 90% of the time I only draw because I'm being badgered into it. I also made that in about an hour, so I needed all the stability I could get.
In any case, I didn't mean to start an argument among anons.
I personally use S-3 because of how different it is drawing digitally vs paper. I tend to go over lines alot and while it looks fine on paper, it looks way too sketchy on digital. However I tend to go barebones for sketches.
Don't bully pls ;-;
No idea. Got a gallery?
There have been some close calls when people go through my rough sketchbook without asking but I always lock my door when I draw because of this exact scenario.
>having your screen facing the door
rookie mistake made far too often
I'm also MrSuule on tumblr. There's less material on there though since I can't be arsed to transfer everything.
It was an inside joke between me and a guy that turned ultra SJW few years ago. We don't talk anymore even because he thinks I'm so kind of a neo-Hitler
>in silence
I assure you, son. They know.
That'll do, user. That'll do.
>danger ranger
>Gallery, now.
well, ok... what's there is there.
Wow... I'm actually kind of touched.
>Gallery, now.
well, ok... what's there is there.
Wow... I'm actually kind of touched.
how is this power ranger posed when its used
>how is this power ranger posed when its used
relax, it's just a drawing
hoo boy
Oh hey, I know your stuff! You've got a great sense of motion to your drawings.
I don't have gallery, but I occasionally drop stuff in /d/ or /aco/. I did this one and and a few others.
I'm waiting until I live on my own to draw smut, partially to avoid this kind of thing, but also for other reasons. Until then I'm just going to bide my time and try to sharpen my skills.
nobody open the door when I draw, and I don't care enough to actually hide my porn drawings
Not into vore personally
But I like the fluid style ya got
>Oh hey, I know your stuff!
I guess that's a good thing...
>Pearls ribcage
>sense of weight/sag
>keeping rest of body slender
You do some good stuff. build a tumblr when you're ready.
Been meaning to branch out into slightly less niche fetishes...
I'm not an artist or anything. I've tried but I've never gotten past the very first rookie months where everything you draw is nothing but a pile of shit.
But if I actually had good drawing skills and made some dosh on the side taking porn commissions then I wouldn't even care if people saw me drawing it. Hell, I'd actually like it probably because they'd see that I have actual talent.
How do you have two $90 patrons but are only getting 87 a month?
Yeah it happens to all of us
You like something draw something for it
Oh hey dude can ya draw this for me I'll pay ya
Have a hard time trying to expand after that
declined cards.
>Been meaning to branch out into slightly less niche fetishes...
Try vanilla, I find it's easier to animate in 3D but I don't know about your process.
>this thread
Why do you all you people have your computer facing away from the door.
Get a good desk and face the door like a boss.
Nah, it's a good thing. I'm a long time fan of your work. Here's another, more current pic of mine
oh wow
>I'm a long time fan of your work
ah jeeze...
Saw that one over in the /aco/ thread, along with some of your other Pearl stuff. Judging from the style, I'd hazard a guess you did that princess bubblegum sequence page as well.
You're good.
gotta go to bed. I'll try to check this thread in the morning.
It's actually years...
Yeah that sequence is mine too. Thanks man!
Wow I mean I haven't gone what the actual fuck since I just found and remembered the guy saying he was having his nervous system removed and put into a medical coma for a year
Isn't he due back soon?
He said November 1st in his last post
We got about a month and a half to go
November 1st, if he even remembers what he said back then.
give a min
Thank you much user
Have it say 'DANGER!' instead of 'Spoiler!'
what the fuck am i reading?
post of the year
Yes, hello
I'm going to need a new pair of sides after reading this post
Also, if anyone could screencap this for future anons, it would be greatly appreciated
>this thread
It's stopped being a series of shitty drawings and is now spam.
This happened when I was drawing a topless fox-girl pic when I was about 15 and again when I was drawing a pic of an OC slaughtering the Smurf Village. My mom took both to the psychologist at the school she was working at...I assume he told her not to worry because I never heard of it again.
Once, when my son was about 4 or 5, he was flipping through a sketchbook looking for a blank page to draw on (thinking it was the one I let him draw in and not my "Don't Touch!" one) and asked me what was going on on one pic: a graphic sketch of a girl going down on another one...I told him the one girl had fallen down in the shower and her friend was "kissing her booboo."
Oh yeah, I think I remember seeing your work on that one nurse thread they had a while back. Love your work, b t w
Pic related
>Kissing her booboo
She looks like she got a pretty big cut where her weewee should be.
One day your son will look back and realize the day he found his dad's poorly drawn porn.
He's 17 now. He already knows.
Dude, a lot of people here could stick their dicks in anything so long as it has a whole.
>poorly drawn
Hell, I'll even fuck a half
Fucking plebs
Thirds are objectively superior
You know I was always told it was supposed to be quarters only
>poorly drawn porn
Give him some credit, it still looks decent.
Drawfags of Cred Forums I require your knowledge.
I want to make drawings and probably lewd stuff as well, I have the drive to learn how to draw and a wacom tablet but I am unsure where to start at all.
I dont even feel dirty about drawing anything lewd in particular, I'd draw just about anything. I just feel the need to learn something more than fixing computers and small electronics and drawing and comics has always been something i've been incredibly jealous about when people just throw something neat down in about half an hour.
You've got the most important part right there: drive. Having this will make even the grossest amateurs into professionals, and lack of it will grind the greatest natural talents down to the point where they throw away their pencils and styluses. This is what happened to me.
The next thing you need is patience. You won't be pulling in enough Patreon and commission dollars to quit your day job until you put in the time and effort to get good.
Next step, just draw. Draw what you see, draw what you feel, draw what you think...just fucking DRAW. Once you have a baseline, once you have some graphite on your hands, then you can start refining it with art books and references. I personally recommend Burne Hogarth "Dynamic Figure Drawing" as a starting point, especially if you do want to eventually do lewds, since knowing how to construct anatomy in your head and make it do what you want is WAY cheaper and more flexible than models or reference art (although a good refs folder is invaluable).
Learn to separate the legit criticisms from the trolling, because you WILL encounter more assholes than admirers. Again, this is where the "Drive" and "patience" aspects come in...remember that you are always improving, every time you make a new line, and it makes this easier. You don't have to post every one of them online, though...that's another lesson I wish I'd known earlier.
And, I know it's cliche' and trite and stupid-sounding, but ti's important: enjoy what you're doing. If drawing becomes a chore, that will kill your drive faster than anything. Just relax and let it become as normal for you to do as talking, and that'll carry you through the dark times, which WILL be there.
OK, end blogpost, I know...
TL,DR: go back and read it, you lazy fuck.
This is stupid. Why would a crazy person write crazy writing on the walls!?
That just gives away that they're crazy!
And the same happened to this kid. Although the ending is definitely fake.
For a sketch I guess.
Pretty much what the first guy said is dead on, few things I'll say though.
Drawing from life is important, you can learn things from photos and diagrams, but being out there in the real world is the best way to learn, ask a friend to pose for you, get a lamp and sketch the shadows on an object, go to a cafe and sketch people going by, go to a train station and practice perspective. take it one step at a time rather then force it all at once.
Don't worry about style when you start, that develops as you learn, just keep taking inspiration from multiple artists, look at what makes them tick, eventually your own style will be a combination of them, the more you look at, the more distinct it will look.
Draw everyday, I started doing it this year with a tiny sketchbook and believe me, you will improve, guaranteed.
Can't think of anything else right now...
Hope this helps.
>ask a friend to pose for you
>friendless loser
>no life drawing classes
>closest I can ever get is quick gesture sketching in public
Not even doing it for money , I make plenty with my day job that I won't be concerned with money for the forseeable future, I recently upgraded to a new pc (6700K, GTX1070, 64 GB ram, 512 GB ssd and 2 x 3TB regular HDD storage) so I think any graphical software runs like greased lightning now (at least krita and mypaint does now anyway compared to my old shitbox). I just want to do something interesting instead of being that fucker you bring your shitty dell to because you get viagra popups when you open up internet explorer.
Intensely stare at people in the street. While holding a sketchbook.
You're going to be drawing lewd, you better get used to be judged anyway.
Here you go m8.
Why is barging into rooms a thing in the US? Does no one lock their doors?
>Burne Hogarth "Dynamic Figure Drawing"
That looks really helpful for me since I need to start from the bottom honestly, I can probably draw some simple stuff if I were to really take my time but I wouldnt really look that balanced.
Also I forgot to mention I already got some books from a friend from a popular series called "fun with a pencil" by Loomis and his other books. Also they are free to download, maybe a general for people that are interested in making stuff like this would be interesting.
I'll have a look about the sketchbook thing, didnt even think about that, I think I bought a proper pencilset years ago and never touched it actually.
I think Loomis is the guy /ic/ recommends, they're the board devoted to art critiques.
screencap fucking when?
Cool, I'll start with what my friend offered me at first, it's only a couple of books to learn the basics. Then I'll work onto the Burne Hogarth Books and then I'll Probably ask the Cred Forums Drawthreads for more advice.
You guys have all been a lot of help, When I come back here in about a year time with my hand covered black of wacom pen nib dust from practicing I'll gladly draw whatever depraved stuff you guys want.
No problem user, good luck with your drawing endeavours.
Dude should've known barging in would get him an eyeful of my creepy art. Now my roommate knocks.
I look forward to seeing it.
whoo shit lad, that nurse set you did awhile back was fucking Grade A.
>artsavage is The Danger Ranger
I have a question for both of you, since you both seem like upstanding, civilized faggots as well as voraphiles. How do you rationalize all this?
This thread is amazing, holy shit.
Not into vore, but would fuck hard your OC
Your OC makes my dick go wild, have you ever consider doing vanilla porn?
Everyone should get a danger ranger.
Lu m to lewds?
Drawing dicks? Sure, but they've been feminine looking ones mostly.
>Gorilla Munch
hey man your art is really good, nice job.
you're alright
>Danger ranger.
This is a good thread.
Aforementioned "first guy" again, just a little note about what the second guy mentioned about developing your style: best bit of advice I ever got was "Make a mistake once, it was an artistic error to be corrected; make the same mistake over and over again, that's a style." It basically means you should worry less about getting things "right" and worry more about getting things DONE. Your style develops out of your shortcuts and tweaks to make things look correct to YOU, so just learn and develop and let your style come out naturally.
And that "little sketchbook" thing, I wholly endorse that, it's absolutely invaluable especially for jotting down notes and sudden inspirations.
I can't, let's hear the story user
>upstanding, civilized faggots
>as well as voraphiles.
>How do you rationalize all this?
Same way people rationalize spending time and/or money on seeing the Final Destination movies, Saw films, or Katie McGrath getting eaten in Jurassic World.
It's a work of fiction for entertainment. Maybe it gives you an adrenaline rush, maybe it gives you a raging boner. The audience goes in BECAUSE they want to see a body count, but that doesn't mean the audience is all sociopaths.
I know exactly how what-the-fuck all of this is. That's part of the reason for the Mr. Bunny comic: casual cartoon animal cruelty is easier to swallow than casual cartoon murder.
>let's hear the story
...It was the nearest stop-sign colored object that could be easily stood on the edge of the desk, and taken down when not needed.
Roommate has known me for years, and knew my patreon helps make rent. It's just kind of a 'meh, let's use this guy.' The name Danger Ranger just kind of stuck.
>draw fetish shit anonymously
>constantly afraid that people will link that art to my SFW art
>so long as it has a whole
A whole what?
How do the porn artist even do it?
Isn't porn NSFW?
...But they're working when making it?
No, I live alone.
That's exactly it, brah. They live on the EDGE.
Thank you.
Dang son, I like what I'm seeing.
Jealous much?
People don't have any respect for privacy and are quite stupid. So it's pretty common for someone to burst through your door demanding something stupid because they think the universe revolves around their trivial needs or desires.
I can get behind... some of this
>clown porn
Clown Girls?
Doesn't matter, they'll fuck it.
>tfw even if someone lived with you right now you'd still be able to lock the fucking door because why the fuck wouldn't you.
My roomie had her vibrator in the fucking bathroom cabinet, any residual weirdness from jacking it with her still in the apartment evaporated the fucking moment I found it.
Sometimes I'm drawing or looking at porn when my niece or nephew just walks in. They never even knock. I know I should lock my door but then people KNOW why it's locked.
I don't know what to make of any of this. And not to mention that water weight thread.
Its not his art. He pay people to do this shit and pretend that it is his.
Lock it all the time, for no reason.
I uh, don't get it
Someone fill me in
>How do you rationalize all this?
Honestly, the only rationalization I can think of for me is that it's entirely fantasy. Plus, even though it's unhealthy, I feel guilty about having it as a fetish. However, for better or worse (probably worse), it's always been a part of me. The only problem is that I've been ashamed of it all my life, and it begins to weigh on you after a while.
And as for the rational behind the attraction, it's the standard domination/submission stuff, both of which I'm into, plus a belly fetish. It seems inevitable.
Are you me?
I am on the verge of making a 24/7 Asami general so mods can just delete it whenever it gets posted anywhere else
Water weight?
Shameful...trolling for kitty porn...
>Life's rough just ask Ellen
When your job is making porn pictures of kittens or distracting youtube videos are what's nsfw. I mean, depending on the porn you're making
>When your job is making porn [COMMA] pictures of kittens[...]are what's nsfw
>When your job is making porn pictures of kittens
>porn pictures of kittens
That gave me flashbacks of sorts.
Just wanted to let you know I love your art. You might even say it's pretty savage.
Well...if you're able to acknowledge and abide by the fact that it;s entirely fantasy, what is there to feel guilty about?
tl;dr there are bigger problems in the universe than what you wank to, all of society gets off to weird shit so don't give a fuck.
It means they're drawing raunchy shit, so don't get close unless you want to be exposed to it.
Real or imagined, it's still getting off to the idea of eating someone. And for me, digestion is a must.
Well, user They aren't real
Wait a goddamn minute. Inkerton?
What is this, a screencap for ants?
Can we get a screencap for this thread?
I remember this.
this is some next level trolling.
Oh I remember that
>digestion is a must
Sometimes I wonder if messing with your mind's sense of object permanence is what does it.
fuck out of here
My mom used to find a bunch of my porn drawings and usually left them around to mock me in a funny way. I had a drawing of princess peach with her ass spread and she left it by the phone once.
I later got better at drawing and once again she found one but I told her a friend dared me to see how far I could go.
She showed it to my dad and all he said while eating dinner was
"Oh damn..... Sweet!"
Your parents are cool.
I guess that's part of it? It's a form of "ultimate domination" I guess.
>Danger Ranger guy is a vorefag
Come on, I was really starting to like you for a minute there.
well obviously, how else are you going to absorb their strength and experience and make their consciousness a part of you forever?
Reminds me of that thread where an user got his futa porn discovered and his mom showed up to his room later that night with stuffed pants and said she made him his favorite sausage for dinner.
fuck off sameanon
Give me a min
I need to look for it in my folder
Danger rangers?
>draw art in generals all the time
>nobody ever replies, ever
I try to cope by assuming they're spoiled by really really good fanart but then it just makes me sadder
Post something and I'll reply.
tfw I've drawn some stuff but never, ever seen a repost
then post a link or something here so we can at least see what ya got
hey, this is pretty goo-
I suspect that someone who posts frogs likely is not a very good artist. If you stop that disgusting habit, maybe we'll start enjoying your work.
>Danger Ranger
Make a habit of hitting ctrl+s every couple minutes. I had a shitty comp that over heated and crashed all the time but I never lost any work because I save reflexively.
The artists' world of sadness and madness.
I've known I was a deviant since 1990, actually
Not exactly. You have to learn and grow from the things you hate about yourself until you don't anymore.
by far the worst feel
I actually don't have any pics on my computer that are "good enough" to show that are Cred Forums related other then some shitty OCs.
I usually delete my drawings since they're ignored or they look bad
I feel the main issue is giving my art value since I know I have obvious LOOMIS issues and my art style isnt cute enough
This is the only frog i have saved, only because his face perfectly captures my internal feelings towards some things
>I usually delete my drawings
You are the worst dad.
A door...
After I upload it, it's just wasted space on my hard drive since I gotta keep drawing to improve
how fucking big are your files/small is your hard drive?
Its not that they're big, but I put them all on my desktop
I have a problem, I know
YOU! I KNOW YOU! You're the guy who does all those Kaiju sketches.
come one user you can't be like that make a folder on your desktop to keep them that way they don't pile up in front of you tempting to delete them
I was pretty bad on wacom for easily a year and a half
but I kept drawing and I've gotten to the point where some anons recognize me
Just keep drawing user cause for every drawing you make you get better
>Danger Ranger
>a year and a half
I've been at it at for 5 years...
And I'm sure you've actually improved within that time user
I feel my anatomy shot up a lot because of /ic/ criticisms and practice, but I feel like my style's plummeted and that's why it's overall disliked here
Can ya do a quick sketch for us
Tell me what to draw chief
Draw Danger Ranger
Cartoon network tan
I agree draw Danger Ranger
Fuck you
>Danger Ranger
Include me in your screen cap
Alright, I sketched him out but I'm pretty sure I got it wrong a bit
Here you go as a quick bonus
These aren't bad at all! What I see that needs work is your proportions. The crotch should be halfway between the top of the head and the ankles. The wrists should line up with the crotch, and the elbows should line up with the halfway point between the navel and the bottom of the ribcage.
Also, while mid grey backgrounds are good for coloring and rendering, they don't do much for you when sketching. As for your style, your lines as you've presented them here are soft and a bit rough, which means they don't leave much of an impact. I'd always recommend examining the work and styles of others and attempting to replicate it- not recreate it, replicate it. Don't just copy. Try to understand their approach and incorporate it into your own work. Do this with several different artists. You'll learn what feels natural and what does not, and the product is your own methodology and style of drawing.
Just keep at it, dude! We usually have a Work on Your Art thread up, and that's a good place for specific critique and advice.
Thank you for the kind words! I used to post in the "Work on your art" threads but I felt I had to practice more before I could present it more.
Proportions always kill me, do you know any way I can practice them, other than figure drawing?
Again, thank you!
I mean, the best way to practice proportions is to draw figures. It's hard to practice one without the others. What I'd recommend is doing a bunch of gesture drawings to get a feel for things.
>Danger Ranger
>smut ahead
Those aren't bad for quick sketches
Kinda curious to see what something looks like after you've put some time into it
Nope, but...
>user, I love your professional work. Do you do personal work as well?
>I'd love to see it!
The worst part is that it's almost always a cute female who asks this.
Not really.
>draw tons of gay furry porn
>friends know I draw it
>don't care
>ex started getting "into it" to the point I broke up with her
Closest thing I probably do is draw lewd muscular gesture/anatomy on my phone when out drinking with friends.
Also this was a fun thread to read. Love Danger Ranger.
This is extremely autistic
One of several, actually. Haven't done any in a long time, particularly since the galleries were nuked by their founder and the fanbase turned toxic...it became less about having fun and doing sexy art and stories and more about OC self-inserts and "claiming" kaiju as your own fetish-fodder.
Hell, I stayed longer than most, but IRL issues have kinda killed most of my enjoyment of drawing. I've been lurking on Cred Forums hoping to thicken my skin a little and maybe rekindle some of that old drive or at least pass some tips onto new guys.
>Working at a porn studio
>Actually working
>Editing and stuff
>Boss barges in
>Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
Fuck, help me anons
>seeing past any artificial walls
>only to criticize yourself as a deviant
That's just your social conditioning, talk to someone about your self loathing.
why you not said that before?
here it is
This is fantastic.
Window-D is your friend. Never Alt-Tab. Alt-Tab just leads to the porn you have under your porn.
Reminds me of how I had to explain to my parents that furries are loaded and drawing disgusting images of anthropomorphic creatures is the only way that I can make a living. Once I showed them my monthly bank statement, they were a bit more forgiving.
>Danger Ranger
good Lord where have my sides gone
I like this thread.
>Danger Ranger
That's adorable.
Heh, that's kind of funny.
Oh my god, this is great
Wow... this is really cool.
Thank you!
saving these too.
Sort of.
Ya gotta include
Why did you make an image in the first place then? This thread is gay circlejerk central.
Oh no my fetish.
The fuck is so funny about this?
>man its hot today, better unlock my door to cool down
Are you incapable of sorting files? I mean, it's not even hard. You don't even have to save to desktop at all. How dysfunctional are you, exactly?
Cred Forums is full of underage retards. Of course they would find this funny.
Proper Size
I know I'm a demented faggot, I just don't care.
No, dude. It's funny because it's simple. It's not trying to be funny... it just is. Don't be an edgelord and get angry because you can't enjoy something simply funny
>man it's hot today, better leave my door open to promote airflow
>i'll just engage the lock on this open door to be safe
im sure other people have said it before but i just want you to know i fap to your stuff so much specifically that breast smother animation
there's no space in my room
>there will be times when the door is not closed so having a lock is unnecessary
You're welcome.
>Been meaning to branch out into slightly less niche fetishes...
You could do pretty good stuff. May I recommend transformation?
I never get this problem. My parents & friends don't give a fuck, actually they are very supportive. Works out for the better. :)
Here a link to all my Raunchy stuff.
what am I reading
>futa, bimbo clown
Cmon user you need spoiler that shir. You wanna get b&?
Has anyone ever done clown porn where a clown is jacking off in a girl's face and right as he's about to cum, he grabs a cream pie and slaps her in the face with it? And just as she's about to say something, he cums on her face?
>Danger Ranger
You and your roommate have a good respect of each other's boundaries.
include me in the reddit screencap please xD
>Fuck that shit
>Keeping doing things
>Things will domino
>One of your things will either lead to the greatest of scenarios for the world or the worst of scenarios.
One day we will either achieve a utopian intergalactic future, or we all succumb to fetishistic post-apocalyptic cults with a thing for V8 engines and spray paint.
>The Danger Ranger
Sides obliterated, drawfags get too it now
>ranger danger
this is why i use a tablet, i can just hit the home button whenever anyone draws near
whats this old meme, big bro?
teach me!
at least he has taste, sadly that uno makoto hasn't drawn anything in like almost 5 years
Why do so many autists have that same style of writing? They keep on fixating on minor details and repeating the same thing over and over again
If he's 15-17 and working then I'm okay with this story, but if he's 18 and working and still living with his mother he deserves to have his ass kicked for liking dudes.
What is this grainy nonsense?
>implying futa is gay.
from what I've heard they have a problem that doesn't allow them to communicate normally like if they can't say or write the words they want and end up fucking up
>Danger Ranger
Huh, I never noticed that the boner is moving up his torso. It's way funnier now.
Start simple and keep at it. The others have covered things better than I could but I will say Ctrl+Paint is a good site for starter information.and a Youtube channel called Proko is good for more advanced anatomy stuff, even if it is a bit cheesy at times.
OH also if you want to see if you're making progress look at work that's months old and compare that to your more recent stuff. Drawing takes a shit load of time to git gud at but if you keep up on it you will get better as you learn forms and train your hand.
Also Art is basically a bottomless pit as far as learning goes. You don't need to learn it all but sometimes you can find new things that click better with you so keep a open mind.
/late info
>For century artists have deceived society and imposed their views through the powers of storytelling and beauty. But now the internet allow them to out themselves as the sick faggots they truly are.
Feels good being born in the XXIst century
The artificial walls are the ones society built to tell you being a degenerate is okay and "kink shamers" are wrong.
Shit answer. Here's the real answer:
1. Learn proportions
2. Learn anatomy
3. Learn perspective
4. Practice
5. Practice
And don't forget, getting harsh critics is better than getting no critics at all.
I'm mad I laughed at this
Thank you.
>May I recommend transformation?
Sure, though I tend to shy away from stuff that moves the bone structure of the face away from humanoid (example: muzzles )
That's even better if you're the kind to avoid that shit
You should learn perspective before anatomy since mastering anatomy takes an understanding of perspective.
If you're browsing from something that has a keyboard, you can highlight text and then hit "ctrl s" to automatically add spoiler tags.
Anyone have that degrees of anthropomorphism chart? Ears and tale are decorative, but it's gotta have a human face.
What are you interested in, user?
Wordplay I guess
>Stranger danger
>Danger ranger
>Me likey bikey dikey
Look hard for life drawing
They're often not advertised very well but it's well worth perusing.
You'll learn the most from life drawing; perspective, anatomy, construction, tone, light and shade etc.
But most importantly it'll teach you how to look, and when you know how to look you'll know what to look for and how to replicate it.
Not sure why you quoted how to spoiler to me, I usually only respond in spoilers to spoilers. Honestly I enjoy any non-animal tf, especially when paired with corruption like demon tf. If you're looking for something uncommon, a succubi turning a dude into an non-trap incubi isn't something I come across often, and I think it would work well in your style
wasn't sure if you knew, I just share information when in doubt. Sounds like something to try.
Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing to do, I just get self-conscious over my own posts even though there's no need to on this anonymous Mongolian mural board
Because it's what sticks out most in our heads. Being autistic, you crave orderly fixed patterns in everything, and minor sensations that may annoy 'normal' people piss you off. So when shit goes against the norm, you fixate on it because it annoys the every loving fuck out of you. Like me for example. I hate the feeling of having a wet shirt on my back. Anywhere else getting wet I don't care, but get my back wet and I feel horrible until I can dry it off.
Actually now that I think about it that's probably why I never work out with a top on.
That's pretty accurate I'd say. Depending on where you are on the 'spectrum', you can have trouble talking about it, or just go off on a tangent that makes no sense. It's like your brain has everything you want to say and tries to make you blurt it out in a single burst of noise, so the words just tumble out, often times out of order.
I had that problem for the longest time. It was only thanks to constant practice for years that I'm able to hide the worst of my tendencies when writing, and I still need prep time to get ready for talking to people. If however I'm speaking with someone on the fly, I start stuttering as I want to say 3 things at once, and it all comes out as noise.
This is good. Particularly since I clicked it out of instinct while scrolling to see what it was hiding.
What said. Perspective before anatomy. At the end of the day you will need perspective. Anatomy is more a subject point but if you understand perspective you can do tons of things. Always good to start with shape excerises (such as a circle infront of a square in perspective etc) and try and grasp values and what they mean at that point to.
Yes. Almost everytime I get down to draw some deprived shit - that happens.
Here's how it goes - you live once, YOU exist once. So why give a fuck and feel bad about shit you shouldn't really be feeling bad about?
Also calling someone's interests abnormal ain't really logical. Normality is inherently a very subjective thing.
And just to add one more thing - as long as a person's interest aren't hurting anybody ("hurt"sensibilities and etc. don't count) - shaming, judging, shunning them and so on, is childist at the very best and beyond retarted at worse.
Because tha guy is an utter fucking faggot. Feel bad about your lousy fetish
The problem is the asshole keeps spamming that gallery all over Cred Forums.
And it isn't even that good. According to the profile, a sizeable chunk isn't even his.
So fuck the self promoting prick.
Now this I can understand. Yeah, fucking senseless shilling is hell of annoying and uncool.
He drew the one picture and disappeared again.
You know what transformation doesn't do that?
Gender Bender
I had one of these living around my apartment complex for awhile. It was a total bro.
i was drawing fat rarity and my brother saw the whole thing
Whole? Obviously she wasn't fat enough.
I'm a writer so no. I write in a notebook and no one ever looks at my notebook. It's nothing but crappy sfw fanfics and animal fiction. The most embarrassing thing that could happen is someone finding I ship Elsanna.