What are your hopes & ideas?
>> Have Clark fully embraced this world flaws & all post resurrection & becomes much more open & friendly to the public. Not Reeves level but, just find the fucking balance.
>> Scenes of him happily helping people with no underlying contradictory message.
>> Continue to handle Lois with subtlety & restraint. Don't give them relationship or trust issues just for bullshit drama. Continue to show her being a competent reporter.
>> Have Clark & her or maybe Clark & Perry investigating stuff.
>> Better editing for the final theatrical version then BVS or SS got.
>> I love him, but no more Snyder for 2 reasons, people will hate it because he made it pretty much no matter what & I worry he would not be willing to give us the happy hopeful Superman we need post resurrection.
>> JJ Abrams is not nor any other director are allowed to overly reference or homage the Reeves films, continue to let this Superman stand as his own.
>> No Kandor, it will only end depressingly & we need a hopeful ending movie.
>> Keep the outfit as is, maybe go back to the Mos outfit in every way but the bluer tone of the blue. Minimize the lines around the groin as much as humanly possible.
>> No Kryptonite for a while.
>> If they use Parasite, use the skinny faceless phantom like versions of him not the growing blob monster incarnations even for the finale.
>> If they use Parasite have him drain Clark, depowering him & he goes & helps people regardless of danger to himself.
>> I don't want Supergirl to be used but if they must, cast Olivia Thirlby.
MOS2 Confirmed!
Other urls found in this thread:
Get George Miller to direct, do a totally different take than Snyder
If he could smile more that would be a great start.
Just as bad.
Good writer
Good director
No Snyder involved
Clean the shit Snyder left.
As long as he smiles often and doesn't murder anyone that's a step in the right direction for him. I personally like Cavill as Superman, he just needs more to work with.
That's Batman.
>This thing that was already going to happen has now been confirmed.
Villain makes black hole.
Supes gets sucked in.
Earth 2.
Start the fuck over.
>hopes and ideas
>not hopes and dreams
I want Snyder to direct. That's it, probably. I trust Snyder.
Its not going to be Parasite or Toyman, my money is on Metallo. It will probably disappoint
I'd say probably Brainiac. Metallo won't be a threat because Superman has already been able to overcome activated kryptonite. The only thing that hurts him is kryptonite gas, which people may not even be able to make anymore.
He didn't overcame kryptonite though.
Add the whole JL crew so that they can get a free bump
Fuck no. Make this strictly Superman only.
I like the idea of him helping the people despite being depowered. I want some classic superman moments. I thought last movie we were going to get scenes like him helping a cat out of a tree and having protestors telling him to go back home then him crying in his room about how he failed his parents and he couldnt do it- that sort of struggle.
I want to see classic superman, being able to do anything but not everything. Have the story around him trying to save others and not being in too much danger himself. Please no world tier danger.
Also wtf happened to that scene that was shot with lex where he basically mindfucks some chick working at a diner? That was a big part of lex development but wasnt even in movie or ultimate cut...
I hope that by then we have mods that punt these threads to Cred Forums.
can someone tell me the appeal of metallo? Like honestly.
It's confirmed when they actually go into active production. Until then it's people talking up the projects they're involved with personally, in the hope of generating enough interest to secure the funding they need for the project they want to make.
Should I even hope?
The one that literally does nothing except to Superman's species? That green rock mcguffin?
Fuck it. Can we just reboot so that Superman is allergic to, I don't know, penicillin instead? And it's not a real big problem but it does take his powers away, so that's why nobody knew what he was as a kid (except maybe the town doc, who had excellent ethics and saw him as a patient in need of a normal life), and then maybe some enemies learn about it by accident and aerosolize penicillin to attack him with.
Because this rock shit is shit.
Give Snyder a better script to work with, I'm sure he can pull it off.
>do a totally different take than Snyder
No keep things dignified & serious rather then campy just be hopeful & fulfilling at the same time.
Self defense or defense of others isn't murder.
Hope not, they won't make him visually as cool as the TAS version because of comparisons to Terminator so the will probably go with one of the lame bulky versions.
Would be interesting. Probably won't happen because of comparisons to Electro.
Maybe have her be a villain just to begin with but then Clark train her to use her powers for good.
>Also wtf happened to that scene that was shot with lex where he basically mindfucks some chick working at a diner? That was a big part of lex development but wasnt even in movie or ultimate cut...
>>> No Kandor, it will only end depressingly & we need a hopeful ending movie.
That said... we could have other captured cities and Clark finds a habitable planet to leave them on after inspiring the different species to coexist.
Played by Brandon Routh.
That's all.
Get jackie chan to direct!
Better writing
Less dumb humor
Lois not being shoehorned into every scene
Don't get JJ, get someone like George miller or even do wierd shit with Guillermo del toro
he should be the guy from the beginning of MoS who got his truck crashed
>this rock shit is shit
I personally like the JL Doom version of Metallo
>Brandon Routh
Nah no no no we need him for Ultraman dammit
>What's a sunk cost fallacy - WB exec
What exactly was wrong with the first MoS?
Goldblum would have been a awesome Lex.
Hell he would have even fit the characterization & acting style Jesse used for Lex.
That would be ok.
Yeah he did. The last scene of the movie is literally Superman killing a guy with a kryptonite weapon.
I really liked it, but the biggest error for me was that Jor-El played the traditional roles of both Jor-El and Pa Kent, giving Pa Kent no room to move. The "world won't accept you so stay hidden" teaching didn't really play well at all.
It also didn't introduce us to Clark Kent the guise until the final scene of the movie, Clarks a big part of Superman so I would have like that established earlier, would also have given more reason for Lois to be running around with him.
Where does this idea that the Superman we've seen so far isn't heroic or caring? The whole point is that in Dawn of Justice he's trying to do the right thing and be the classic Superman, but the overly paranoid and cynical world keeps shitting on him, until he finally lets it get to him. If he was cold or uncaring, he wouldn't have gotten so upset after the Capitol bombing.
It was incredible IMO. That said issues I will acknowledge.
> The execution of the tornado scene is iffy, too long, over dramatic and ill timed so it seems like Clark could have just ran without powers and saved Pa.
> Not addressing the destruction at all at the end.
> Clark wrecking the trucker's truck was childish spitefulness, which I think was the point but blemished his walking away as the better man prior.
Problems other people have with it that I do not agree with.
> The destruction happening at all.
> They claim Superman himself destroyed the city, which DID NOT fucking happen.
> Way too dark & dour for a Superman movie.
> Pa Kent is sociopathic or that he actually wanted Clark to let the kids die, because he tried to teach Clark that the needs of the many out way the needs of the few.
> Killing Zod.
Most agree it was justified under the circumstances but many claim the writer should never have chose to write him into such circumstances because they think Superman should always "find a way" aka mary sue his way through every tough spot.
Absolutely 100% agree, but people see it as it Snyder implying Superman is burdened to help people instead of actually wanting to help people.
They claim he seems like he is doing a annoying choir.
So we apparently need more scenes where he is blatantly happy to be helping out.
Pa was instrumental in Clark thinking he should do more with his powers and take his existence in the world seriously.
Twice the number of snapped necks. He just goes around snapping necks everywhere.
The real problem with the neck scene isn't the killing itself, but the fact that it goes from superman feeling and about that to the forced in comedy scene with the drone. It felt so out of place
Other than that It's fine, it's the third best superman behind 2 and 1
2 things: Lois annoying and Zod being killed. That's mostly it. I guess you could say it was a little slow at times? Pa Kent could have had dialogue which was a bit different but still contained the same basic message.
>Lois annoying
Lois was never annoying except maybe 2 lines early on and 1 at the end.
Yeah. That's why it's not that big of a deal, but prevents the movie from being perfect. At least she wasn't Rachel tier from Dark Knight.
I'll settle with the joker and Harley then
Jimmy's dead user. They killed jimmy
>just be hopeful & fulfilling at the same time.
>do a totally different take than Snyder
One thing I'm worried about is the music. Now that Zimmer is gone, who will they get to do it? Zimmer had a bunch of really good songs, and I especially like the way he combines themes, like when Superman and Wonder Woman are doing combo attacks against Doomsday.
Someone will betray him by kissing him on the cheek, there arent many christ references left.
>Snyder, sir! We're running out of Jesus imagery!
>Bring out the fanfiction.
No there was a ton of hope in both Mos & Bvs it just didn't permeate the whole god damn film because a intelligent person understands hope is most valuable when it is most needed.
Superman kills everyone.
I don't care anymore.
people are dumb
that's it
BvS was incredibly good.
There is no posseble way that a DC fan couldn't find a hell of a lot to love in these films, even if you have the not muh virus.
Dawn of Justice had the most inspirational and hope-filled scene of all time. "If you seek his monument, look around you."
I don't know about anyone else, but that phrase really spoke to me.
>"If you seek his monument, look around you."
I teared up in the theater.
Since then I've only watched the ultimate cut though, did the theater cut have all the shots of the empty city?
I love those.
That was truly awesome.
Him holding on to DD even after seeing the nuke coming was great too.
Batman's "oh god" line when he saw the nuke from below was chilling.
>pulling out the no true scotsman this early
I don't care about Easter eggs if the movie is crap.
Batman & Robin had a reference to Superman in it, that means the film is good by default right? I mean no "true" fan would let a thing like the actual movie get in the way of muh precious trucking Easter eggs.
>Dawn of Justice had the most inspirational and hope-filled scene of all time. "If you seek his monument, look around you."
That scene might have had more impact if I didn't immediately think "The destruction his battle with Doomsday left in his wake? Yeah, I guess it would be around the city, just look around you.."
It was the Jenny Olsen/whatever the fuck her last name was going "HE SAVED US!" while literally looking at twelve 9/11's worth of destruction while she said it but somehow worse. I'm getting really fucking tired of these movies constantly telling me how inspiring this version of Superman is instead of showing it.
Keep Hack Snyder away from it.
DoJ was about Superman finally finding his place in the world, and Batman turning away from the dark and violent path he had led himself on. It was hopeful. True, the path there wasn't always easy, but that's how real life sometimes is.
>I don't care about Easter eggs
This scene is NOT a fucking easter egg.
>constantly telling me how inspiring this version of Superman is
I didn't see BvS
He sacrificed himself to stop Doomsday you gigantic faggot.
You have no arguments.
You seem to enjoy hating the movie for things that aren't in it.
Bruce's face during the funeral scene is just heartbreaking. Major props to Ben Affleck.
>True, the path there wasn't always easy, but that's how real life sometimes is.
Grimdark meme hustlers are getting tiring.
>"The destruction his battle with Doomsday left in his wake? Yeah, I guess it would be around the city, just look around you.."
But it didn't cause any destruction but to the port area.
The city was unharmed except the 1 single building DD threw Superman into after smashing his statue.
>It was the Jenny Olsen/whatever the fuck her last name was going "HE SAVED US!" while literally looking at twelve 9/11's worth of destruction while she said it but somehow worse
Because that wasn't even a millionth the destruction that would have happened had he not saved them.
Can you seriously not wrap your mind around the fact that extinction of the human race & 1 6th of a city are light years from each other?"
phoneposter spotted
>He sacrificed himself to stop Doomsday you gigantic faggot.
only because he had to save Lois
Don't remind me, user. :
Lois only gave him an Anchor.
Pa Kent on the mountain top already talked about how saving yourself for personal gain causes more harm than good.
You need to watch the movie again.
They only say his name in the credits.
He's not referred to as Jimmy Olsen anywhere in the film.
If a writer wants to use him, he'll be in the next movie.
Played by a different actor of course.
>Flight scene
Yeah, sure, fine. That's a nice scene, but so was the plane scene in Superman Returns. Its an individual moment, not the whole.
>He sacrificed himself to stop Doomsday you gigantic faggot.
I character I had no connection to died to killing a creature with no personality or goals. Great.
And he only sacrifices himself to save Lois, further solidifying Snyder';s weird obsession of making this version of Supes being characterised solely by his relationship to her. He has no character the second she leaves the screen, his entire personality and thoughts and feelings are tied to her.
What a pussy excuse Snyder uses to justify doing the exact same shit he did in MoS. It's still empty cardboard boxes being knocked down so I can watch two guys weightlessly pinball each other around the city.
His action is still fucking boring, and these buildings being empty doesn't mean watching them begin knocked down still isn't tiring and stale.
That's fine if you hate everything blah blah blah, the fact is this Supes is VERY relatable and I felt his death much more than in the DoS comic.
Boring action is subjective etc...
Keep hating the movie.
Oops meant to reply to OP
He introduces himself in the ultimate cut. The only reason Snyder does this is because he replaced the real Jimmy with a rule 63 OC. If a writer wanted to use Jimmy in the script, he will have to use Jenny.
>He has no character the second she leaves the screen, his entire personality and thoughts and feelings are tied to her.
Bullshit, his whole past with his parents, with Jor, with his confliction over humanities reaction to him is all separate from her.
Him wanting to save people as a kid and even while trying to keep hidden proves he wants to save more then just Lois.
>It's still empty cardboard boxes being knocked down so I can watch two guys weightlessly pinball each other around the city.
But they didn't fight in the city and they didn't knock over or into any buildings except what Doomsday's shockwaves took out in the port.
>a rule 63 OC
Oh rightt.
I like Jenny though.
>That's fine if you hate everything blah blah blah
I liked MoS despite all the stupid shit and the awful structure. It had a few moments and sections that genuienly worked for me.
I guess Snyder realised he almost humanised Supes ina couple scenes or maybe those were Nolan's doing. Good thing Snyder took those out, it left more time for Superman to make the same expression over and over again.
>f a writer wanted to use Jimmy in the script, he will have to use Jenny.
Yeah, I can't wait to see all these characters brought back, they were used so well in BvS with their zero fucking seconds of screentime.
Expanding and solidifying Superman's characters and actually letting Clark be a character? Not when there's more Batman screen-time to be had! We really need to know just how much of a CrossFit bro he is, but I swear this movie is evenly distributed between Batman and Superman!.
The main reason I'm frustrated with the film is Lex. I like how he was the ultimate puppetmaster behind everything, and how they do a good job of showing how seriously fucked in the head he is, but Eisenberg was just way too campy. Just like Hackman and Spacey, he portrayed Lex as a flaky wisecracker who wouldn't be out of place in the Adam West Batman show.
>I guess Snyder realised he almost humanised Supes ina couple scenes or maybe those were Nolan's doing. Good thing Snyder took those out, it left more time for Superman to make the same expression over and over again.
You must realize that people are not this simplistic.
Also, Snyder doesn't write his cape movies.
>but Eisenberg was just way too campy.
I spent a year in a mental institute and that's how deranged but smart people act.
It was less campy, more unhinged.
it's called Batman v Superman for a reason
I think you mean Batman v Luthor with Superman as the MacGuffin.
If we're being honest.
Yeah, I definitely saw that he was unhinged. Hell, he committed mass treason just to fuck with Superman. I guess I just wanted someone with a lot more...bigness I suppose? I know Eisenberg is in his mid thirties, but he sure doesn't sound or look it.
>with Superman as the MacGuffin.
It's like you didn't watch th movie.
It's about Supes not being able to convince everyone that he is here to help even though he tries and tries.
You're gonna get your panties in a knot, but the real answer is that a lot of Supes arc was gutted and is only in the Ultimate Cut.
to be honest Superman already has MoS so he is an already established character in this universe
>Also, Snyder doesn't write his cape movies.
Snyder gets a Story credit on everything he does and has basically admitted that he pushed some of the more controversial ideas in MoS and BvS.
>Written by
>Chris Terrio
>David S. Goyer
stop lying pls
Would Livewire be a good CU villain?
So they're all doing a stilted impression of Max Landis, while being unable to get a single sentence out without displaying one of a dozen involuntary ticks?
Eisenberg's performance was shit. Doesn't matter if you found it "realistic".
>Eisenberg's performance was shit.
Objectively no.
>It's about Supes not being able to convince everyone that he is here to help even though he tries and tries.
Would would be interesting if we got any sense of him as a character. But Snyder refuses to characterise him beyond symbolism, he's like Neo in the Matrix sequels.
Its an internal conflict the movie refuses to deal with because it refuses to let Superman have anything internet to him as a character. He's a vessel for le kino and nothing else, even his death is doused in Arthurian symbolism and Christ imagery at the same fucking time.
But Batman? Oh man,. he gets all the interesting internal conflict he wants! Just ladle it on him, but Snyder swears he's totally a fan of Supes despite robbing the character of any agency so he can make Batman have all the interesting parts of the movie.
Yes on those. Maybe get the writers of South Park in this and you may get a DC film that will not alienate new fans, but get new fans.
Some characters only work in 2D. Livewire is one of them. Also Killer Frost. And Power Girl.
>he's like Neo in the Matrix sequels.
You're this guy?
You don't debate, you just endlessly reiterate your incorrect opinions.
You win this argument etc etc...
have a good day
>i'm obviously being sarcastic
You don't get to say that when you're in the vast minority of people who liked it.
Eisenberg wanted to be unhinged yet charming in a sort of Christoph Waltz or Gary Oldman way, but he didn't have the chops to pull it off.
And Snyder can't direct actors, so he didn't give him any useful input.
It's about as shitty as Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending, just not as funny.
>But Batman? Oh man,. he gets all the interesting internal conflict he wants!
Superman had a whole movie for that already. BvS introduced this newer version of Batman/Bruce Wayne who needed his own time to develop too. To play "catch up" in a sense.
>It's about as shitty as Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending, just not as funny.
we already did this dance a few days ago
stop replying to me pls
Forget about it user, It's Cred Forumstown.
He's in many ways a corrupted version of Superman. Superman is the Man of Steel, while Metallo is made of steel. But Superman is an alien with humanity, whereas Metallo was once human but lost his humanity and became a monster. The very element that gives Metallo life, is what can kill Superman. Pottery, etc.
>I swear this movie is evenly distributed between Batman and Superman!
Yeah it was, that's why we don't see much of Superman's supporting cast. You can have one or the other. Or both if you want a 10 hour movie. But honestly, I'd watch a 10 hour pure Snyder movie because he's awesome.
But their version of catch-up is constantly re-iterating the same points over and over again. His "one-percent chance" speech is all we really get out of him beyond the mausoleum scene(the only scene I unironically liked in the film). The rest of his character-focused screentime is just re-enforcing his paranoia over and over and OVER again
It's a movie with a battle between a character with one trait vs one with none. I genuinely had zero investment in their big brawl, all I could do was laugh at Snyder's attempts to be "cool" because this movie did not make me invested in the writing and Snyder's Lucas-tier inability to direct actors killed their performances too.
I was left with nothing. I was more invested in fucking Lex then the ostensible leads of the film. At least Eisenberg's professional shitposting of a performance added something different to the film, he was a cinematic joy-buzzer every time he showed up and spilled his spaghetti.
Imagine how much better the film would be if the final battle was with Scoot MacNairy being turned into Metallo to fight Supes/Bats instead of Doomsday.
>we already did this dance a few days ago
And the point still stands.
What exactly is good about Eisenberg's performance?
He's got very limited range in general, never leaving the wheelhouse of stoners, autists or autistic stoners.
The only thing he did with Lex is get louder.
Hell, if he had played him closer to the way he portrayed Mark Zuckerberg, it would have been fine.
But there are so many sequences in the film that only seem to exist to give him memorable crazy moments, that there's no way he comes off as plausible. He just seems like a collection of random quirks, without any humanizing aspects.
Nothing makes him a dimensional character or for that matter a good villain.
opinions my man
see you around
They should go deep into Superman mythos. Introduce stuff like Krypto, Kandor, Supergirl and Comet. Doesn't matter if the tone is grimdark. A grimdark take on them with a capable director shouldn't be bad.
>He introduces himself in the ultimate cut.
And that can just be retconned into CIA using Jimmy's identity as a cover if they want to use Jimmy.
Disliking something isn't the same as it being bad. Eisenberg's acting was executed properly for the role he was given. Whether you liked it or not is another matter.
And bring back pre crisis Jimmy too, as a lovable person who keeps getting into trouble, with Superman having to bail him out everytime. Just say that the one who was killed was a different Jimmy.
You can say the same thing for almost any performance, whether they were panned or praised.
Guess what: Eisenberg's was mostly panned.
> Supergirl and Comet
If MoS2 is an edgy, grimdark version of the Comet/Supergirl romance I'll buy ten tickets.
Give it to me Snyder. I want you to make the worst film of all time, I know you have it in you.
>Disliking something isn't the same as it being bad
Eisenberg was too confident to get me to buy the unhinged nature of the character. You needed someone who can show more over vulnerability, that's why the DING DING DING crap didn't feel earned at all to me.
>Continue to handle Lois with subtlety & restraint.
To late for that user.
But your right god dam did they fuck up the news room.
>Eisenberg's was mostly panned.
>ad populum
you lose
Which weakened him so much he got killed
>I genuinely had zero investment
That's on you. Keep watching the film over and over until you like it. The only thing stopping you from appreciating the film is YOU. It was a good film. Deal with it.
Joker rapes gordon. This is only mentioned in the background on the news.
>You needed someone who can show more over vulnerability, that's why the DING DING DING crap didn't feel earned at all to me.
>You can say the same thing for almost any performance
No you can't. If an actor doesn't deliver his lines properly, it's a bad performance.
Yes, let's show Superman as the guy having pet humans he cares more than others as if these movies didn't do enough.
There is no aspect wherein you can convince me that TFA is worse then BvS.
Not a single aspect. Even the score, which was the weakest part of TFA at least didn't awkwardly cram itself into scenes to make sure you feel super-hard right now.
You sound like a cult member.
I know the scene. That doesn't change his performance.
>You sound like a cult member.
No, you do. Snyder is your version of the devil. Who is your god, then? Whedon?
>There is no aspect wherein you can convince me that TFA is worse then BvS.
You have an incurable case of bad taste.
Good day to you, sir!
*spins on heels and exits the room*
>Superman saving someone is favouritism
Snyder pls go.
>didn't awkwardly cram itself into scenes
Because it was fucking drowned out.
The March of The Resistance was butchered JJ.
Get your head checked.
>Superman saving the same two humans over and over is favouritism
It is, I just hope people don't need help at the same time Lois does because Superman will ignore them instantly to fly to the other side of the planet to save her.
>The new and controversial "Do the crime, you're asshole is mine" law was put into action this evening as Commissioner Gordon personally administered the forced anal penetration on the Joker at his cell in Arkham Asylum.
>Human rights groups keep raising concerns as the non-condom clause championed by Gordon himself is seen as cruel and unusual punishment, and it could easily result in widely spread outbreak of STDs in the near future not only with the inmates, but also in the police force who are the only ones authorized to perform the said act. In other news, here's Wally with Sports news...
Which don't usually make it into a finished film.
Also whether Eisenberg delivered his lines "properly" is also up for debate.
In discussions of taste the whole thing doesn't hold any water. To what objective standard would you hold a summer blockbuster other than whether critics and masses enjoyed it?
All you're really saying is, that you'll disregard any opinion that isn't your own, regardless of how it is worded or what points it makes.
>All you're really saying is, that you'll disregard any opinion that isn't your own, regardless of how it is worded or what points it makes.
As will you.
Do I really need the trot out the old pasta about how no one actually has debates on Cred Forums?
>Snyder is your version of the devil
I just mentioned a few fucking posts ago that I liked MoS.
Well, man. At least I'm trying.
>inb4 NO U
I don't even like arguing about this.
I like the movies.
The only reason I always come into these threads is because it still confuses me when comic fans say they don't like them.
I think i'm done talking about the DCEU online though.
Snyder is making more movies regardless, so i'm happy.
Pa didn't want him to hide his whole life, he just wanted Clark to reveal himself to the world on his own terms. Thats it. He never wanted Clark to be forced to reveal himself until he felt ready.
[citation needed]
No. Snyder already poisoned the well. I'd love to see that in a cinematic universe that weren't so dreary one day though.
>Snyder already poisoned the well.
fuck off
Look at all those depressing blue and grey filters.
I see ONE depressing filter. And it's when he's in custody.
Stop shitposting for 5 seconds, you slime.
Nah PG would work fine.
You just gotta make the outfit fit with what came before & not stand out.
Pic related for example.
>heathcliff autist is a not muh'er
>water, wet
Nah that should be Kryptonite man. That trucker looked like the type to beat his wife.
How the hell is that happy?
He looks like he's holding back tears.
Do you have social-emotional agnosia?
>And Snyder can't direct actors
Not a single badly directed actor in Mos.
It's about as shitty as Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending, just not as funny.
>Do you have social-emotional agnosia?
Do you?
>looks like he's about to cry
get checked my man
You just don't get how nuanced and bold Gallagher's vision is.
These threads are so stupid.
What are you talking about???
>Thats it. He never wanted Clark to be forced to reveal himself until he felt ready.
Too bad he reveals himself due to an ultimatum.
A forgone one, at that.
Why would you want good directors to waste their time on more capeshit?
I know that feel bro.
Sincerly thank you for your efforts.
Go in peace my brother.
No he had chose to reveal himself after finding Jor.
Zod's ultimatum merely sped up the process.
Good. There's like 4 of you in every one of these threads sucking off the DCEU and you're always dumb.
God forbid some of us actually want a Superman movie that isn't so fucking depressing and actually tries to be fun or even comfy.
throw more meaningless buzzwords
>meaningless buzzword
Alright if we can both break character here for a moment, is this actually bait?
Fun and comfy are nothing statements.
Anything can be fun. 2OO1 is fun for the patient.
Comfy is subjective. I find MoS comfy from after the Krypton prologue to before Zod arriving.
>Anything can be fun
No, fuck off.
A movie that takes itself way too seriously, has a dour atmosphere, and touches on depressing subjects isn't going to be a fun movie. Not even talking about MoS or BvS necessarily. But something like The Color Purple isn't a fun movie.
>No he had chose to reveal himself after finding Jor.
That's your supposition and you're entitled to it.
>>> I love him, but no more Snyder
stopped reading right there
stop this meme right there,
>“I think it’s been said many times before: he’s potentially a very boring character because he has no faults," Miller told IGN. "So you really have to find his demons really to get an internal conflict going. You’ve really got to do that. Whether that’s by an external agency or something deep inside himself. You need that conflicted character.
>“That’s what made the Greek gods so great. I mean they were jealous, vengeful, hubristic. They had all these things going for them. I think that’s why Batman’s such an interesting character because he’s human, so he’s just like us. He’s relatable, rather than someone who’s just perfect.”
and he said this after he has done his take on Justice League which means, he already worked his way through some superman stuff.
The point of Kryptonite is that superman has a weakness.
It's a rare weakness, something people cannot just pull out of their ass and take him down with.
However it's such a crippling weakness it's literally felling a god.
Use man of steel 2 to introduce Shazam, and put greater emphasis on Lex.
Animated series did an episode on this dynamic.
So initially you have Shazam vs Supes and then Lex gets to be badass main villian.
(This makes Lex good enough candidate for Braniac in MoS 2.)
I meant MoS 3. Brainiac taking over/merging with Lex.
It's like Batman's Prometheus
Would be better if they just introduced Billy and have Shazam in an origin story
I think bring in shazam, little hints of billy.
Lets you bring in magic as another weakness for superman
Shazams origin film, gives more on the wizard, black adam etc.
Time it right and maybe have shazam in justice league 2/part 2.
I hope they call it Man of Steel 2: Superman Returns, just for maximum confusion.
the only good way is to call it Man of Tomorrow. But I suppose it's beyond WB.
Jesus christ
He is right tho, it's not a case that most of the recommended Superman story have him being conflicted.
The true problem is that people want Superman to be perfect while at the same time complaining if he is.
Just look how Nu-52 Superman got labeled edgy and whatever because he was a little more aggressive in his first years as a hero.
Braniac is a planetary treat, if you establish the Justice League you can't have Superman deal with him alone unless he is off planet, which they will never do.
They should just use Lex and make it a more classic Superman vs Luthor story.
Do a soft adaptation of Superman - For All Seasons.
>Lana comes to Metropolis after Clark died looking for him
>When she gets there, he's already back.
>They talk about old times
>Constant flashbacks to when they were kids and Lana pushed Clark to explore his powers
>Tension between Lana and Lois
>Brainiac attacks
>He wants Clarks genetic code to make an army of Superman clones to takeover the galaxy
>Clark goes to the Fortress of Solitude and ask Zor-El computer about Brainiac. He tells him about Brainiac's function in Krypton and basically introduces him to the idea of the degeneration of Krypton through machine dependency.
>he starts to doubt himself
>Lana goes and tells him to gamble a stamp
>Clark fights Brainiac and him on a fight on his Skullship in orbit (to avoid complaints about MoS level city battles)
>Clark defeats Brainiacs and he retreats on a part of his ship. As he escapes, we see him pondering about what just happend and Clark's weird idealism compared his experience with other Krytonians, then looking over a half machine/half organic creature which he calls Brainiacs 2
>It end with Clark saving a kid who was about to fall of a rooftop
>Thanks. Nice to meet you, name is William, but my friends call me Billy
>Nice to meet you Billy
>My firends call me Superman
I don't think the problem there is Superman or his fans, it's that the working definition of "not perfect" these days is "immature, probably autistic asshole"
You can be a fully formed, caring, kind adult and still have internal conflict and flaws. But it's like the BvS debates, your only options are boring vanilla fun of grimderp edgy bullshit whereas the real answer should be something which can do both and do it GOOD.
Valiant has a movie coming up with a hero called livewire, so probably not
Yes on those. Maybe get the writers of South Park in this and you may get a DC film that will not alienate new fans, but get new fans. I left the cinema sobbing because of Zack's handling of Batman and Superman, which I watched the Justice League cartoon as a child, thinking it would be great but, was upset about the results. It was too dark for the 12A rating. The writing of the script is what you expect from a newborn. The idea for it to be a set up is a weird mash up of the Dark Knight Returns and Death of Superman. These are the things to improve. Keep in the Dark Knight Returns idea but get rid of the Death of Superman idea and have him kill off Wonder Woman. That's right. Wonder Woman must die in the crossfire between the two most iconic superheroes in the world. Getting rid of his girlfriend would benefit the movie a lot. Make sure that the story would be streamlined for both sides of comic fans to understand yet not to the most profitable formula.
Just some ideas for the next time that the Justice League movies could improve on.
Plus, Snyder's Superman isn't inexplicably weak to electricity so she wouldn't even be a threat. Honestly, she'd make a better Batman or Flash villain (especially if she's constantly emitting electricity, making her hard to touch).
Or Aquaman. That would be just weird though.
I got it! What if Superman fights BATMAN! Imagine the possibilities!
I want Brainiac
>Clark dun wan no trubble
He is unfairly handsome
I liked MoS and BvS(ultimate edition).
I think if they eventually had a Beyond 3D moment pulled off right, that would be breddy gud. Maybe not in MoS2 but one of there future movies.
superman is happy and smiles
superman likes people and they like him
superman is an approachable and filled with a genuine love for america despite its flaws
superman is for everybody
truth justice and the american way
When is it coming out? Where will it fit into the whole timeline?
Sounds like this is what they're building up to. The only person on the entire planet that doesn't like Superman is Lex Luthor currently. I doubt that anyone will bemoan his return. I don't think any incarnation has ever had an approval rating this high.
In fact, I'm excited for the big reveal that Superman is alive in JL. Both the reveal to the Justice League and to the world.
>JL getting their shit rocked
>Even everyone's favorite Batman is on his last legs, suit beaten to shit and bleeding
>when all hope is lost, he slowly looks to the sky and sees a silhouette hovering in front of the sun, coming to save them
Every DC movie has been absolute tripe with almost no redeeming qualities. From tone, to characters, to just enjoyable moments. So know that I am the utmost MCU faggot when I suggest that a Sam Raimi Superman movie would be the absolute best you could hope for.
Why did they need to kill off Superman at the end of BvS?
Don't know, but apparently, Christopher Nolan was trying to convince Snyder to don't do it since the beginning.
Because Snyder cannot into narrative pacing.
I was thinking that Aquaman would be the last guy up, so they'd make him look cooler, but this works too.
I don't know how they'd make my wish work, but I really want the "look, up in the sky!" thing, with Batman (or everyone at once), amazed and smiling saying "it's Superman."
One thing I also want that should probably be in JL2 is a training montage where everyone is giving advice to each other on how to fight better. Then Cyborg says to Batman "nice computer, but it could be improved." Batman says to him, "the only person I take tech advice from is Alfred," then he looks at Superman and looks back, saying, "but that could change."
He wanted Batman to make the League and that's impossible with Superman. There would be no conflict since he could just convince everyone in 2 seconds.
Either that, or the idea that they don't even need a Justice League because of how powerful Superman is.
>I don't know how they'd make my wish work, but I really want the "look, up in the sky!" thing, with Batman (or everyone at once), amazed and smiling saying "it's Superman."
>reworked version of this youtube.com
although I love the Hans Zimmer tune too
All I want is playful Superdickery. Superman should come across as at least a little bit smug or self satisfied in a charming, loveable way.
Superman should use his supertrength to proudly superfuck Lois.
>Snyder, sir! We're running out of Jesus imagery!
>Bring out the Hindu symbology
>How will we do that sir?
>Buildings on fire and Superman puts it out by flapping his arms real fast.
>He flaps his arms so fast that it looks like he has a hundred arms
>straight hour close up of his dick tearing her apart
>Crowd sitting uncomfortably
>only sounds are lois screaming and the bed hitting the wall
>There's a point where Lois starts crying
Superman becomes luffy youtube.com
>people still claiming superman is perfect and thus boring
For crying out loud. Even entry level stuff like DCAU disprove this.
Don't underuse his role as an investigative reporter.
did anybody want another man of steel movie?
yes, you're literally in a thread about it. Don't be stupid user.
I mean, he put a guy's truck on a tree in MoS and people complained, so what do you want?
His sacrifice proves to the world once & forall that his intent was noble the whole time.
It also serves to inspire other heroes.
I just want a decent script, good editing, and Happy Supes.
I don't ask for much.
>Henry & Amy will never made a HD sex tape.
Desperately with every fiber of my being.
Nothing wrong with script or editing of Mos.
Man of Steel 2: Man of Steeler
>ywn hear Amy Adams gag on it
Well that post didn't directly imply that it wasn't (though it might be infered). You can still want a good movie sequel even if you think the first one was good.
>Nothing wrong with script or editing of Mos.
Yeah, it totally didn't feel like you were constantly in the middle of scenes.
It was perfect.
I guess there's no chance of Mxyzptlk then...
>Yeah, it totally didn't feel like you were constantly in the middle of scenes.
What does this even fucking mean?
And no its not perfect but it wasn't a bad script regardless.
>What are your hopes & ideas?
My hope is for a movie that isn't awful.
Desperately, DESPERATELY do not want Bizzaro.
Unless it's played like Smallville he will be like Clark beating down on a retard. It would just be cruel.
It means each scene flowed seamlessly one after the other in perfect harmony
It did flow fine.
Maybe not 100% but 90% of the time at worst.
Well obviously. But that's not what HE thinks. It was slow at times, but the scenes flowed well. All in all a good movie.
Superman vs The Elite is the perfect apology letter for MoS & fireback at "Supes is lame" mantra that has plagued him for decades.
>JJ Abrams is not nor any other director are allowed to overly reference or homage the Reeves films, continue to let this Superman stand as his own.
Abbrams will direct Superman AND he will copy Dorner movies 1:1 because thats mostly what faggots wanted and now he'll deliver.
>critics walk out of the theater as soon as buildings crash.
Emperor Joker could also have this scene, and it might be the only chance we have since no one else will ever have Superman kill on the big screen again (I assume).
The real version had them fight on one of Jupiter's moons I'm pretty sure. I don't know why they changed it for the movie.
I liked that line too
Jupiter is a Jovian planet planet
>Pa Kent telling Clark the world will not accept him
>Clark got to go to Senate hearings and Lex fucked Martha in the ass
Pa Kent was right
Would the world have accepted him if he started doing things gradually though? Stopping Zod on the first day of the job is tough. If he has just done smaller things and then stopped a big threat, I think the world would have been much more grateful instead of 50/50.
What if Superman
Wouldn't work. You'd have to retcon Lana's entire existence into the universe and that runs counter to MoS's whole 'Clark was a bullied and alienated loner and Lois is his first human connection" thing they went for.
I just rewatched the ultimate cut of BvS
Superman is just so grim and moody all the time. I hate it.
We did superman and superman 2 as a double feature last week and it just shows how badly WB is missing the mark with the character.
I don't plan on going to see MoS2.
The world didn't accept him because he didn't make the first impression. Humanity's first interaction with any kind of superhumans in this universe is via Zod; an alien despot that was neary unstoppable and broadcasted to the entire world that he had an alien on earth that summoned him vi a beacon, and he'd kill everyone if said alien didn't show up. Then he tried to kill everyone on earth anyway.
No matter what happens from then on, no matter how much good Superman does, he can't unring that bell. It's like if in X-men the first public act of mutants was Magneto doing that shit where he reverses the poles. It wouldn't matter if Storm revitalizes the deserts or Cyclops pulls cats out of trees, people are going to go "mutants are a danger" and they'll be right. They'll always have "look what Magneto did".
Just like the DCEU civilians will always have "Zod sucked. We can't take that chance again." Anything Clark, or even the rest of the Justice League really, does at this point is an uphill struggle, damage control in light of the shitty first impression.
Which is why in the comics it's so typical and important that Clark's first action be solving a problem created by humanity, with no ties to him beyond "I'm an altruist here to help".
The whole 'Humanity will fear and distrust aliens" thing might have been a good idea, at one point in the writing process but in execution it ended up a self fulfilling prophecy.
>he can't unring that bell
>Anything Clark, or even the rest of the Justice League really, does at this point is an uphill struggle, damage control in light of the shitty first impression.
Luckily it was resolved in BvS though. Everyone loves Superman now. So when he returns...
Not muh
>I don't like the way they handled this character for these reasons
Uh huh, you can read. Do you have anything of value to contribute or what?
They didnt miss the mark at all. They werent aiming for your target
They weren't aiming for any target that resembles the character in the vast majority of his media.
You act like not liking that is some instantaneous bad thing. You literally are saying people are wrong for having a personal opinion. That's totally retarded.
>They weren't aiming for any target that resembles the character in the vast majority of his media.
Tonally. Every key important aspect of the character is intact just more subtle.
So when he returns he's going to have to die again.
Having your character's suicide be the only thing that makes him likable isn't a good idea.
This is what I was talking about, there was even set pictures of this scene with lex wtf happened to it.
He literally sat by looking moody after an explosion, not doing anything to help people. He doesn't act like Clark at all.
He also straight killed a guy in the beginning of the movie.
I just want Superman to be a normal guy that loves saving and talking to people.
>End of JL
>Superman is back
>the world still isn't sure about him
>Lois or Batman says something like
>"What're you going to do now Clark?" How're you going to convince everybody?"
>While smiling
>"One person at a time"
>Next scene is him literally just walking down a street
>sees homeless man
>"Excuse me sir.....do you need some help?"
>movie ends on him reaching out to help the guy with a big smile on his face.
No fucking Snyder. If he comes within 10 miles of the movie he gets arrested.
>No Kandor, it will only end depressingly
I don't think that. Could end with them still trapped in the bottle city stored at Superman's fortress with him promising to find a way to save them all one day. In a future movie against some massive threat that even Superman can't handle suddenly all the Kandorians break free to help him.
Maybe if Superman wasn't such a distant and cold loner in this the people would've accepted him.
>never talks to anyone
>looks like he hates saving people
>just hovers silently above them
I can't imagine why people are afraid of him?
I don't think we'll ever get friendly down to earth superman in these movies. He'll always look sad and conflicted while people act like he's the messiah.
I hope next round they do better.
>rewatched the ultimate cut of BvS
You're braver than me user. Literally can't bring myself to watch any cut of it again. It just feels like such a fucking joyless chore. Watching a damn Superman movie should not be a chore.
Fuck off back to your circlejerk reddit sub.
It was worse the second time.
There's so many obvious things that didn't work that got the okay, it really drives home how out of touch and limited their perspective was.
>He literally sat by looking moody after an explosion
That is slow mo of literally seconds into the explosion, he physically can move fast enough, but his mind still works the same speed as a humans. Hence he needs to process what is happening around him.
>not doing anything to help people
You see him flying people to the paramedics outside in the UC.
He said he didn't kill anyone suggesting he swung his arm around the guy taking the brunt of the impact against the walls.
Regardless, there was nothing else he could do.
Heating up the gun could have set off the ammunition inside or caused the guy to panic and fire.
His speed carries a lot of impacting force which could have harmed Lois if he sped by & grabbed the gun.
>>looks like he hates saving people
Not 1 single god damn time did that happen.
>>just hovers silently above them
He was probably trying to figure out the best way to carry people.
>DCEU fags will literally try to explain everything
I just feel sorry for people like you at this point. You just cannot accept that not only are these complete bastardization of the characters but they're also shit movies in their own right. Sad.
>Regardless, there was nothing else he could do.
He literally took the guy through multiple walls instantly. The sheer jerk of being moved that fast could kill or cripple someone.
In the same instant he could have stopped in front of the guy and put his hand over the guys gun and just held him. That's probably how superman would usually handle that, appropriate force for what is essentially a non threat in his presence.
As for the explosion, after it goes off you get this shot of him literally just standing there for seconds not doing anything and looking sad. He doesn't leap in to action, it's just more moody shit. And don't say he can't move fast enough, you know that's not true.
Just stop.
wow... i totally forgot about this holyshit
Smiling superman is a start and I dont mean like 4-5 smiles in a movie but typical all star classic superman
desu getting vibes of the arrow when they said oliver was gonna come back like combic book self and he did at first... then everything went to shit
more like his mind doesn't move the same speed as humans yet/he hasn't learned how to
If that were true he literally wouldn't be able to do any of the things we see him do at super speed in both of these movies.
I'm pointing out that his mind DOES move faster than a humans unlike what the other guy said and wow i remember this lmfao
>In the same instant he could have stopped in front of the guy and put his hand over the guys gun and just held him
The gun was up against her temple. There is no guarantee he could stop the trigger pull.
>appropriate force for what is essentially a non threat in his presence.
Non threat to him, his presence doesn't stop him from being a threat to Lois.
> And don't say he can't move fast enough, you know that's not true.
I just fucking said, he can move fast enough, but his mind still has to process it like everyone else.
triggered much?
Still memeing I see.
How is it a fucking meme if it's true?
Maybe we can get Flash's tornado arms for that. Have him walk on water too, bam there's another Jesus.
It's a meme because it's NOT true. It's like a visual strawman.
But those things are true. He did stand there in the explosion and look sad while people burned to death around him and he did kill that guy at the beginning.
So that guy who went through 4 brick walls isnt dead?
Henry has potential as superman but the way Snyder has treated the character is absolutely horrendous, just get a decent director. That deleted scene where Superman brings a survivor of the congress explosion to the paramedic is exactly how Superman should be portrayed.
If superman literally zoomed over, put his hand over that gun and grabbed the guys gun, he can't do anything.
The gun wasn't against her temple, it was off to the side and there was space. He was able to throw the guy through several walls before he could even react. The fact that you think he has no other options other than fatal force is just showing how you have an extraordinary lack in imagination.
The walls weren't even made of brick and Superman said he didn't kill anyone. In order to make this fanfiction true you literally have to go against what the movie said.
>He did stand there in the explosion and look sad
Yeah, you want him to smile?
>while people burned to death around him
Proof? In the UC he helps people, in the TC they edit it to make it look like there were no survivors.
You people take what is visually shown and then twist it to mean something else.
yes big dumb goofy superman will correct all the problems with the writing and tone from previous movies
I swear superman fans are the most superficial fanboys all they care about is their lowest common denominator being hit and they are fine with shit
In the scene with the explosion, he doesn't even react to it. He just stands there looking gloomy in the fire afterwards and shows no concern for the people around him who might be injured. Watch the movie.
What were the walls made of user? No really, explain to me how that man is not dead or at the very least a vegetable after the freight train that is the man of steel tackled him through several structures. And I know Im going to get a shit ton of "not muh" for this, but you would think the man who is faster than a speeding bullet, would rush, grab, and crush the gun before the guy had a chance to piss himself.
It'll be shit if it doesn't have Snyder on it. MoS was one of my dream Superman movies, as a fan of Superman since the 90s. It's not perfect (I would have Jonathan killed by a heart attack instead of a tornado, for instance, and I wouldn't have introduced Lois Lane in the first movie), but it captured what a Superman comic book would be like. The battle between Zod and Superman plays out exactly how I feel a battle between people as powerful as them would.
The Reeve movies were OK at best, too much nostalgia around them. Sure, they were important, but Superman I to IV were literally filled with Deus Ex Machina moments (webm related) that would make any reasonable person that wants stories to make sense cry.
Let Henry Cavill get a bit older if you want a father-like Superman, the way he is in his best stories. He's perfect for a Superman that was Superman for a day (MoS) and for 2 years (BvS).
It's not even just the walls. Being moved that quickly and forcefully will cause immense damage to a human body. Break bones, rupture organs.
>The walls weren't even made of brick
You're not fucking serious?
>you want him to smile?
I want him to do something other than stand there and mope while people are literally burning to death.
The explosion just fucking went off. Shit like that doesn't kill everyone instantly. Instead of standing there he should've started helping people immediately.
It's just the smiling you fucking spazz, it's what him smiling will mean. Him smiling will mean that he's being written better (since he'll actually be like Superman now) it also means the tone will be better.
No one with taste him to just smile and everything else stay the fucking same.
>it captured what a Superman comic book would be like.
Fucking bullshit it did. Try actually reading some and you'll see Man of Murder is nothing like that.
>let's father die
>runs away and hides for decades
>is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
>kisses new gf while surrounded by their corpses
Pick up the latest few issues of Superman if you want to see how a superpowered fight would really go down.
Mind the bait, love.
The character is 80 years old. There are more than 50 different versions / types of Superman. Don't start with the MUH SUPERMAN.
Go home >reddit.com
>We will never get Superman: Beyond Thunderdome
>There are more than 50 different versions / types of Superman.
Then post some bitch.
>The battle between Zod and Superman plays out exactly how I feel a battle between people as powerful as them would.
What's the point of having Superman be matched physically if he's not hurt by equal strength?
Not him but:
Golden Age Superman (tough, Batman-like)
Silver Age Superman (wacky)
Reeves Superman (srs, but Silver Age Power Level)
Post-Crisis Superman
DCAU Superman
All -Star Superman (Closest to Reeves)
Are the main ones, with innumerable others hailing from any number of other Elsworlds or adaptations. It's a shame that the Reeves incarnation is the only one to many people, since, despite the fact that Superman, in general, has some great stories, I have very littler interest in the Reeves incarnation.
Can't even get dirty or get his hair messed up.
It's like they spent 15 minutes pounding each other for no reason.
>let's father die
>runs away and hides for decades
Because his context is different and the world is much much worse so it would be negligent for him not to consider that he may cause more harm then good if revealed.
>is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
This was before the fight with Zod.
He JUST entered Metropolis, every death up to that point was from the Black Zero's blast or the scout ship crashing.
He was literally on the other side of the planet.
How in the fuck is it his fault?
>kisses new gf while surrounded by their corpses
It was mere moments from them almost getting torn apart atom by atom in a black hole. They had no time to take in their surroundings. They embraced the second they touched the ground.
The happy and friendly, very human clark that you probably see as just being Reeve is a very common set of qualities that exists across most every incarnation of superman, from the late 70's onwards.
Post them. Don't just say they exist.
My point is that all you know about comics you learned third hand and I don't believe you've ever cracked one open. So post some fucking comics already.
4/6 of those listed are comic incarnations of Superman.
>My point is that all you know about comics you learned third hand and I don't believe you've ever cracked one open
You think that I've never cracked a comic open, because I liked Superman, but don't care about the most prominent movie version?
Why not just have a decent reboot? First act focus on Clark and Lex's friendship and subsequent falling out, then have Lex using extreme means to compete with Superman to show pure humans can be heroes. No flashbacks. All serial.
I think you've never cracked a comic open because you associate Clark being a charming hometown guy with Reeves and nothing else.
Because you got your 5 movies & how many god damn season TV show.
This is a our god damn turn you selfish sadist fuck.
Johns writes him that way, Pre-52. I'm fine with Superman being smiley and upbeat guy, but don't like the baggage the Reeves proponents tend to bring along with that, like the insistence that every Superman story be positive. If I wanted to get a friend into Superman, the first four things I'd trot out are For the Man Who Has Everything, Secret Identity, Lex Luthor: Man of Steel, and Up, Up, and Away, which, tonally, are far too dour for Superman in the eyes of many.
Whoa Superman just killed that guy!!!
Almost everyone in the modern era wrote him that way.
I've never seen the people asking for him to be more hopeful and happy demand that every story just be absolutely positive.
Asking for someone's character to be positive and hopeful is not and has never been the same as asking for everything around them to be that way.
I'd hesitate to say that DCAU Superman was like that, and that's what got me into Superman in the first place. Same deal with those four stories I listed, as well as Byrne, who wrote what's probably the most notable Post-Crisis run along with Johns's.
Did you see superman the animated series? He was always trying to be a paragon for people and was definitely a much much much more happy and human person than MoS superman.
Also, Lex Luthor man of steel isn't exactly a story that has an opportunity to show superman as anything but what it did. For the man who has everything is literally him being tortured.
You are trying to create this false equivalency where you can't have drama if clark is allowed to be a smiling and hopeful character.
>I'd hesitate to say that DCAU Superman was like that
are you actually pulling my cock right now
oh who am I kidding, this is a MoS thread so you're obviously baiting.
>Asking for someone's character to be positive and hopeful is not and has never been the same as asking for everything around them to be that way
The constant complaints I'm seeing, in regard to MoS and BvS is that they're depressing and not a whole lot of fun. I can't see people saying that about a pure Batman movie, because being depressing is Batman's "thing" in many people's eyes, while being hopeful and positive is Superman's. The "9/11 imagery" bothered people.
The movie had an incredibly bleak tone for pretty much the entire movie.
Again, complaining about that isn't the same as trying to demand that every story be 100% positive all the time.
By the Cadmus Arc, after Captain Marvel shows up for contrast, it's pretty noticeable.
Really, the reason MoS probably didn't bother me is because I've never really seen Superman as being inherently more upbeat, than say, John Stewart. Played DCU Online lately; when he popped in that all stern and serious, on Brainiacs ship, that portrayal didn't bother me either. I don't see being smiley as a core personality trait for Superman.
>Superman is stern for a few episodes while everything is falling apart
>This means the entirety of all DCAU superman material is him being this way
You are confused about when superman acts warm and upbeat. It's not when he's dealing with villains, it's when he is dealing with everyone else.
I want some good flying scenes in the movie. They should watch this...
especially if they're going to release in 3D, I'd see it in 3D for that.
>The movie had an incredibly bleak tone for pretty much the entire movie
It really wasn't that dark. Just darker than what many people expect from Superman movie, which, in this case, simply means that there was an alien invasion that killed a large number of unnamed civilians.
The darkness came from how almost every time superman was in a scene or discussed it was always about how he might be threat, talking about killing him, trying to kill him, or actually killing him.
Even when he had what could have been a humanizing personal moment with lois, it was about that crap.
The vast bulk of the movie is people being afraid of superman or arguing about him, then he dies.
That's not an entertaining ride, it's a depressing a monotonous one.
>That's not an entertaining ride, it's a depressing a monotonous one
These two aren't mutually exclusive. And honestly, just having a hero with Spider-Man Publicity isn't generally enough for something to get labeld as dark. Give me a book or movie that kills off at least one main character, and even that would be stretching things. A dark movie, without the expectations that come packaged with Superman, would be something like Training Day or Goodfellas.
The movie never strays from this subject. The problem with the tone is that it is CONSTANT. There's no highs, no lows, it's just that one constant subject and then he dies. If you can't see how this is a problem in story construction and presentation, then I don't know what to tell you.
Also, we literally get nightmare sequences where superman jams his hand in batman's chest and the world is a burned out shithole, and cap it off by watching him get slowly impaled and die.
Don't say it's not dark. That's dishonest.
You can't have effective drama if he is not emotionally effected by events around him.
No everything from Clark landing on earth to Lois meeting Clark in the graveyard wasn't bleak at all.
>every time superman was in a scene or discussed it was always about how he might be threat, talking about killing him, trying to kill him, or actually killing him.
You understand that if Superman happened for real, and we got a god-like alien showing up, that is the exact reaction most of the people on earth would have towards him. People would be fucking terrified. Sure he saved the world from Zod, but most people would argue that was because of him in the first place and so they still didn't trust him. He was still in the process of "earning his stripes". But after fighting Doomsday, a creature that was created by a human, and then saving the world again and 'dying' in the process, people will trust him and believe in him now/when he returns.
Seems like they're working on a long game for giving us the Superman people love, you show him flawed and inexperienced first, then give people the good stuff after the resurrection.
I don't think you understand that it's possibly for superman to be happy and positive when dealing with people and actually have other emotions during other experiences.
>killing off someone who will be revived almost immediately
I'd say that BvS felt far darker than MoS did. But if someone asked me to recommend something, in general, that's particularly dark I wouldn't bother bringing it up. It'd feel less dishonest to say that BvS is dark than it would for MoS, though, which is more or less just your average alien invasion flick (well, most of the alien invasion stuff I'm aware of is actually far darker than MoS and involves humanity's last stand).
Know a cape adaptation I'd like to see that's actually dark, because it's legit superhero horror? Blackest Night. It's legitimately dark and there's nothing wrong with that.
I love the film and I will agree with that Bvd was constant in its tone. (I do not agree Mos was like that)
I do genuinely wish we got some happy scenes before the senate explosion. Maybe Clark, Lois & Martha having dinner, that would have added to the Ladies interaction at the end.
Batman vs superman.
It starts with people dying in metropolis.
Then jimmy olsen gets shot in the head.
Then it goes to lois ruining a happy moment by us coming back to the fact that people fear superman.
The primary focus of the movie is batman wanting to kill superman.
Superman literally looks sad standing amongst the burned bodies of people.
Then we watch batman get right up to murdering superman, then a monster shows up and we get to watch him die.
1. It's fiction.
2. Superman fights this in other stories by being a present, friendly, hopeful, happy, and honestly good person in public.
Movie superman doesn't do that. Even when he's saving people he doesn't smile or look anything but conflicted.
I do, but I don't think they will pull it off with any kind of natural flow.
I think it will be like the MCU where they have some horrible happen and then they are quiping 2 scenes later.
So you are arguing that it's pointless because you can't foresee any possibility other than extremes.
Some of us hate Olsen so that was irrelevant.
You missed...
> Batman heroically saving Martha.
> Clark making 2 incredible powerful sacrifices to stop DD overshadowing the sadness of his death.
> If you seek his monument look around you.
>Killing a character that's regularly in superman's group of friends right off the bat
>Irrelevant to the tone of the movie
Holy shit this is ridiculous.
You are spotlighting that you are going to be purposely stubborn and ignorant of things that might contradict you.
Not him, but keep in mind that Jimmy Olsen, in this movie, scarcely qualifies as red shirt.
They mentioned his death, which despite heroic, regardless of how it was actually unnecessary since they could have had wonder woman stab him instead, and the other two examples you have are two brief segments out of two and a half hours that is mostly what they describe.
The movie is directly set up as a tragedy. It's dark because it's supposed to be.
They literally only named him for shock value. Naming him was a deliberate message to the audience.
Most of whom didn't even know who he was and just interpreted that scene as "some redshirt dies."
>I'm fine with Superman being smiley and upbeat guy, but don't like the baggage the Reeves proponents tend to bring along with that, like the insistence that every Superman story be positive.
Sounds more like you're arguing against a fictional strawman you've made in your head.
Even DCAU Superman was generally the pretty upbeat boyscout early on in his career. Yes he was more serious and dour in JLU, but to act like that was the whole of his arc is disingenuous and ignorant of context. JLU Clark is after he's been brainwashed and the world has been turned against him and Lex is out of jail on technicalities and trolling him. It's not what he's like from second one like MoS Clark is.
Complaining about Snyderman is just that. Complaining about Snyder's take. It's not saying we want Reeves. It's not saying we want Marvel. Fuck you and anyone else that insists on these extremes where if you don't like Snyder you must be against everything even remotely serious forever.
>You understand that if Superman happened for real, and we got a god-like alien showing up, that is the exact reaction most of the people on earth would have towards him.
You understand that they're fictional movies based off of fictional comic book characters right? That 'real world' shit barely fucking worked for Nolan's Batman, the idea should've never have even been greenlit for a Superman movie (let alone and entire DCEU)
Jimmy olsen is a much more recognizable character than you give him credit for.
I know a lot of people assumed jimmy when she said he was just a photographer.
>regardless of how it was actually unnecessary since they could have had wonder woman stab him instead
No she was the only thing restraining DD.
>You understand that if Superman happened for real, and we got a god-like alien showing up, that is the exact reaction most of the people on earth would have towards him.
Nah, we'd get mixed reactions.
Hell, on this site alone you'd have a bunch of Cred Forums guys saying they called it because Superman looks like a white guy and tat's proof of something. Which of course would get the counterpoints from tumblr and the like. Then you'd have the people that just want to talk about what his dick looks like.
This idea that 100% of everyone would be terrified if Superman shows up is just as fictional and unrealistic. The human race has people that are horrified by mass murderers and then people that go "hey he's kind of cute".
And more importantly, Man of Steel, for all it's "realism", gave the worst possible turn of events, with an alien hijacking every airwave, issuing ultimatums in every language, parking his ship over a major city... But then nothing.
Nobody evacuated because of Zod.
Nobody ran to bomb shelters.
Martial law wasn't declared.
Schools weren't even closed.
That's not terror at all.
>Fuck you and anyone else that insists on these extremes where if you don't like Snyder you must be against everything even remotely serious forever.
If you're not, then that's great; wish more people were like you. I just commented on how annoying it is that many people do have this double standard with Superman, who, when contrasted against Batman or Spider-Man, or anyone else allowed to flourish as a character, is more or less expected to reside within a straight jacket.
>That 'real world' shit barely fucking worked for Nolan's Batman
Now your pure fucking delusional.
> the idea should've never have even been greenlit for a Superman movie (let alone and entire DCEU)
Some of us were begging for such with every fiber of our beings.
Your one of those people that dismiss all sci-fi as being for kids & adults should be looked down upon for reading it. Fuck You.
>Nobody evacuated because of Zod.
>Nobody ran to bomb shelters.
>Martial law wasn't declared.
>Schools weren't even closed.
Because they had no idea where he would appear. The entire world can't shut down.
Hell, Bruce Wayne had to personally order a building evacuation before his employees would even move.
Nice bait user. Here's your (you)
If DCEU Superman were real I'd be fucking terrified. He's a silent, distant, mopey little shit that never talks to people and seems incredibly alien.
Now if he were like Supes from the comics, DCAU or Reeves most people would be fine with him.
>"I'm just like all of you, I was raised by loving parents in a small. All I want is to help as many people as possible"
>is always happy to talk to people
>helps out the little guy with little problems as well as earth ending ones
Vast majority of people would be fine with him.
DCEU Supes is just a terrifying alien.
It's telling that people can only really defend this movie by arguing against some imaginary extremist who they think only wanted a care bears level movie.
The lack of contrast with Batman and Spider-man is exactly the problem. When you angst up the boyscout you turn him very quickly into one of his copies.
Superman codifies the genre. An adaptation should embrace that. And his outlook and charisma are part of that. When you take a romantic hero and make him Byronic, that's not improving him, it's just making him yet another Byronic hero.
But by all means continue to piss and moan about camp and Reeves.
Superman gets mad cravings for caesar salad
I think more people thought Jimmy Olsen when they saw Jenny than they did when they came across the photographer in BvS. If Jimmy had received as much characterization as Jenny, which wasn't much, maybe then his death could have had a darkening effect on the work.
DCEU Superman from JL was a fucking psycho.
Lois. Lois with a younger male photographer, in a superman movie.
If you think people weren't thinking Jimmy Olsen you are lying to yourself.
If you think opening the movie with that imagery, then shooting him in the face didn't contribute to a darker tone, let alone the mass murder that followed it, then I don't know what to tell you.
>who they think only wanted a care bears level movie
Which is what the Reeves films where.
>When you angst up the boyscout you turn him very quickly into one of his copies.
The boyscout aspect can go fuck itself. He can be a incredibly good person and still not be a naive fucking retard that will risk millions of deaths just to keep blood from getting on his hands.
His copies are often better off as the writers of them don't have to walk on fucking egg shells, they can actually challenge the character, they can let them make mistakes, they can let them be real fucking characters instead of flawless avatars.
>Superman codifies the genre. An adaptation should embrace that.
>Now your pure fucking delusional.
I'm not saying the Nolan movies were bad....because they weren't. I'm saying the whole shtick of 'this is what Batman would be like if he were really real' barely worked since a bunch of the stuff that happened was fucking impossible for the real world.
>Some of us were begging for such with every fiber of our beings.
Fucking why? why would anyone want that? let alone with
>every fiber of our beings
It's such a fucking stupid idea for Superman and the DC heroes as a whole.
>Your one of those people that dismiss all sci-fi as being for kids & adults should be looked down upon for reading it. Fuck You.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
>doesn't think Superman or DCEU should be set in 'real world'
>must hate all sci-fi and think it's for kids
>him wanting a good DCEU and Superman must just be him false flagging
>bet all those comics he reads were just in preparation for this day so he can make fun of me and sc-fi
>daddy didn't hug me
I'm not your fucking therapist. Work out your self hate issues elsewhere.
>Because they had no idea where he would appear.
Literally every alien invasion or natural disaster movie since before I was born has people head for the hills once shit goes down. Event Horizon? Independence Day? Deep Impact? All the same shit. As soon as shit goes bad, people head for the hills.
I've lived through Y2K, the Mayan Apocaypse, and like four different "the rapture is here guys!" events in my life and every time you get at least SOME people that take that shit seriously enough to at least go on a Costco run. Meanwhile in the DCEU, an ACTUAL alien gives ACTUAL proof of his existence, and issues ACTUAL threats, and the world that' supposed to flip it's shit doesn't. At all.
The idea that Metropolis, a city on par with Manhattan or Chicago in size and importance to the country, wouldn't see people leaving to head for the security of the middle of nowhere, is just stupid. ESPECIALLY once the Black Zero parks itself over the city. People just stare at it until the world engine starts up. This supposedly paranoid, untrusting, terrified human race, and nobody was firing guns in the air, or stockpiling water, or even just going "nope" and running the fuck away, until the last possible second once the world engine goes off and the dubstep starts. The civilians in Godzilla movies have more common sense
The Military starts fighting aliens in Smallville, but at no point does an air raid siren go off (in Kansas! The tornado belt! where evacuation and bunker drills are the norm!!) to warn people "it's time to fuck off.". The "terrified" civilians just keep eating their meal at Ihop for Clark to get thrown through like it's another boring Wednesday.
They halfassed it. Plain and simple. The whole "humans will fear Clark if he does anything" was just an idea that gets dropped as soon as Zod appears.
>Complaining about Snyderman is just that. Complaining about Snyder's take. It's not saying we want Reeves. It's not saying we want Marvel. Fuck you and anyone else that insists on these extremes where if you don't like Snyder you must be against everything even remotely serious forever.
This. Fuck those false dichotomies.
Right? Remember that time he snapped Zod's neck? Or what about when he killed thousands of civilians?
>Talks about people arguing against an imaginary strawman
>Gets this reply continuing the argument against an imaginary strawman
Spider-Man is a Superman copy, that Superman began to even more closely resemble as DC gradually humanized Superman with the like of Byrne. Byrne even had Kingpin as Lex; Morrison had him struggling to pay his rent, and every incarnation is portrayed as depressed over the very Peter Parker like problem of being overlooked by Lois Lane. What makes Superman isn't the tone, which varies from writer to writer, but the mythos: Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Krypton. Same with Batman; Batman dresses similarly and fights the Joker whether the tone, and his persona, is akin to either that of Adam West or Nolan.
JL and JLU Supes is an angsty psycho. He gets pissed off all the time, he even got in to a fight with Shazaam because Lex Luthor was trying to HELP Metropolis.
>What are your hopes & ideas?
>As long as Snyder isn't directing I'm game.
>The boyscout aspect can go fuck itself. He can be a incredibly good person and still not be a naive fucking retard that will risk millions of deaths just to keep blood from getting on his hands.
You know boyscouts go hunting and have no problem with violence in defense of others right?
Oh no, you don't. Becuase you're that faggoty edgelord that just throws tantrums about Reeves.
The idea that writers are "walking on eggshells" because they don't want to 90s the fuck out of Superman just reveals your own ignorance. They DID that in the 90s. Nobody liked it.
Because that's the strength of the character. People don't go to a Superman movie to see Batman or Spider-man or yet another angsty douche that has to be guilted into doing the right thing. Superman STANDS APART from that. They didn't challenge the character. They didn't elevate him, they just filed the edges off and turned him into another generic archetypal clone of the tortured loner. That shit got old around 95.
>since a bunch of the stuff that happened was fucking impossible for the real world.
No it was not.
>Fucking why? why would anyone want that? let alone with
Because we want believable, we want characters & stations we can relate to and immerse are selves in. We want consequences & weight.
We want A-10 Thunderbolts instead of fucking flying 60s cars playing rock music.
We want to avoid silliness at all fucking cost. Its cringe inducing.
>What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Your saying Superman is inherently silly conceptually so no adaption has the right to be intelligent or mature with the concepts instead of treating it like half a parody much of the fucking time.
>and every incarnation is portrayed as depressed over the very Peter Parker like problem of being overlooked by Lois Lane.
We literally have decades of them having a positive and healthy relationship and marriage.
>ESPECIALLY once the Black Zero parks itself over the city
Barley 5 minutes probably went by before it fired.
He got in a fight with captain marvel because lex luthor purposely set it up to look like he was doing something suspicious and dangerous, and captain marvel attacked superman over it.
That was the whole purpose of the episode, to show lex's manipulation.
This. I love how DCEU defenders go on about how Snyder totally "humanized" him and everything, but they didn't, they made him MORE alien, if anything. In my mind, Superman should be almost completely open and incredibly willing to just make small-talk with whoever. Superman should totally say hey to people in a polite manner if he bumps into them. He should tell kids to do well in school and keep their heads out of trouble. He should comfort law enforcers and let them know they did a good job when/if they ever assist him. He should regularly speak to the public if he feels like he needs to. And he should do this all honestly with no ulterior motives.
It's hard to sympathize with DCEU Superman when he does none of that and barely tries to save anyone in a crowded area when shit goes down. Remember how in the Smallville scene in MoS when he barely made an effort to tell people to get to safety? Come the fuck on.
Jesus fuck you DCEU fags are crazy as shit.
Man, you're kind of dumb.
First, no, Spider-man is not a Superman copy. The ages are too different. Spider-man, (and we have direct word of god on this) was crafted specifically to be a teenager
Second, Byrne didn't do Kingpin as Lex (Kingpin at the time wasn't even a Spider-man villain). Lex went from being a mad scientist to a real estate mogul because that was more topical that the time. At the risk of inviting Cred Forums, Byrne's Lex was based more on guys like Trump than anything else.
Tone is not personality so I don't know why you're trying to argue otherwise. And if the mythos is all that matters, why the fuck are we shooting Jimmy Olsen in the face?
But its not a strawman, people flat out say over and over that Superman SHOULD NEVER have been written into a situation that it was needed to kill. Or they say "he would have found another way"
Good post. I hadn't even thought of that.
>consequences & weight.
meaningless bullshit.
there were no consequences or weight in watching a bunch of redshirts get spattered.
>You know boyscouts go hunting and have no problem with violence in defense of others right?
But you people are asking for him to not have been written into killing.
>The idea that writers are "walking on eggshells" because they don't want to 90s the fuck out of Superman just reveals your own ignorance. They DID that in the 90s. Nobody liked it.
Having weight & consequences often of dire nature are not 90s.
>They didn't elevate him
They freed him.
>Barley 5 minutes probably went by before it fired.
That's enough time for me run at least a quarter mile away, and I'm an out of shape fatass. The average person would probably have started booking it. Especially when they've got the adrenaline of sheer terror motivating them.
Which these lemmings didn't, for some reason.
>But you people are asking for him to not have been written into killing.
Killing isn't the problem, the reasoning behind the decision and the poor execution were. You're just too retarded to accept that people don't like the execution because you liked the movie so it must be flawless.
I'm not even going to bother with your "weight and ocnsequences" shit because it's an empty meme.
They freed Superman from being Superman. And they freed huge swathes of audience from any desire to see his movies. Great.
They humanized him by allowing him to make mistakes & be unsure.
>and barely tries to save anyone in a crowded area when shit goes down
Because taking the villains focus off the fight would be putting them in a thousand times more danger. Burn the fuck in hell if you disagree.
He grabbed Faora and tried to jump out of town only to be tackled by Non, and he punched Non into the train yard later on, kiss my ass.
> Its crazy as shit to want films that are simply played straight.
>They humanized him by allowing him to make mistakes & be unsure.
And they made him make the wrong mistakes and be unsure about the right things. Hell, previous incarnations, like Morrison's AC, humanized him without making him all emo, angsty, and withdrawn.
>He grabbed Faora and tried to jump out of town only to be tackled by Non, and he punched Non into the train yard later on, kiss my ass.
user, he brought the fight into Smallville in the first place.
Yes there is, and its weight & consequences to show the world having a diverse range of reactions to him, and its weight & consequences to ponder what he would mean in a real environment.
Its weight & consequences for Clark to kill instead of bending reality & "finding a bullshit way"
>make mistakes & be unsure.
But real Superman does both those things as well.
>excepting a DCEU fag to have actually read any comics before
For the love of fucking god Snyder's shitty movies did not 'humanize' Superman. They made him even more distant and alien than virtually any other version ever.
>the reasoning behind the decision and the poor execution were.
The reason is that it adds immeasurable power & emotional impact to the films events.
And the execution was not poor in ANY way shape or form.
No the film is not flawless, never said it was.
Maybe not all of them, but it's a running theme whenever they aren't already married.
>Clark: You mean it was easy for me watching you swoon over Superman and at the same time ignoring me?
>Lois: That's ridiculous. You are Superman.
>Clark: No. Lois, Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am.
>Batman: It's ironic, you know. She likes Bruce Wayne and she likes Superman. It's the other two guys she's not crazy about.
>Superman: Too bad we can't mix-and-match.
yeah, I really loved that touch, I think its part of what makes Zod a pretty good villain in MoS.
>And they made him make the wrong mistakes
No not at all, they are completely realistic human mistakes, I would rage tackle the fuck out of someone threatening my mother too. If you wouldn't your human garbage.
>and be unsure about the right things
No he knows for a fact saving people is right, he is validly concerned events that would happen as a consequence may be far far worse and harm far more people.
>user, he brought the fight into Smallville in the first place.
By accident. He was looking down at Zod's face not what was in front of him.
>The reason is that it adds immeasurable power & emotional impact to the films events.
For you. For many, many more people than you, it was just boring and dour for the sake of being dour. We didn't have time or reason to get attached to anyone so their suffering didn't matter and HAD NO IMPACT.
I don't think you really grasp this. People have to LIKE Superman before you can put him through the wringer. Hell, when he died in BvS people in my row in the theater were texting and getting up and leaving. That speaks to a critical misstep.
>But real Superman does both those things as well.
Not in my experience.
They made him distant & alien to the world around him but showed him as being a incredibly sympathetic likable realistic human being to the audience.
>No not at all, they are completely realistic human mistakes, I would rage tackle the fuck out of someone threatening my mother too. If you wouldn't your human garbage.
But Superman should be smarter than that. He should KNOW how powerful he is and how powerful the people he's fighting are, and should know not to drag a fight to a densely populated area.
>By accident. He was looking down at Zod's face not what was in front of him.
How hard should it be to look UP?
>Maybe not all of them, but it's a running theme whenever they aren't already married.
Not really no.
Peter fucks a lot of girls when he's not with MJ. Gwen, Liz, Betty, Glory, Chat, Felicia, Kitty...The idea that MJ is his one true love and the only one he ever pines or has eyes for is a real causal thing to say because that's only ever been the case in the 90s cartoon and the Raimi movies.
Which makes sense, given that you said it in defense of the DCEU which is normiebait as fuck and you keep talking about the cartoons.
Superman isn't some manchild that spends hours defending shitty movies on a cartoon board. He's supposed to be the best of us.
>it's alright that he got dozens of people in Smallville killed by bringing the fight to them because they threatened his mother
I'm sure all the sons of the mothers he got killed in Smallville are happy for him.
>I would rage tackle the fuck out of someone threatening my mother too. If you wouldn't your human garbage.
But you'd let your father die just because he puts his hand up. So yes, you are garbage.
>incredibly sympathetic likable realistic human being to the audience
>DCEU fags actually unironically believe this
You fags honestly crack me up.
Ok was there ANY reason why Clark couldnt just save his own mother? He has the means to find her, he has abilities to save her without injury, so what was the fucking problem? The problem was poor setup, and an excuse to give us the batman warehouse fight (which was one of the few good things about this movie). Had it been something like, "There are 3 lead lined boxes with proximity mines, trigger one and they all go off" or some other bullshit I would have been fine with it. But with what we got? Its literally "theres no time!" with little justification
>We didn't have time or reason to get attached to anyone so their suffering didn't matter and HAD NO IMPACT.
We had over 40 minutes of getting to know Clark & Lois with no action.
>People have to LIKE Superman
If you can't be sympathetic to this Superman's struggles your a shitty human being.
>Hell, when he died in BvS people in my row in the theater were texting and getting up and leaving.
95% of theater audiences I have ever been to have been like that for any given film.
Snyder had to find some contrived way to force Superman and Batman to fight.
>world's greatest detective was tricked by a jittery spazz
>world's greatest hero is blackmailed by same spazz
Bravo Snyder
>He's supposed to be the best of us.
That's kind of the problem.
This Superman is for people that hink ther IS no best of us. For guys that are still emotionally 12 and haven't grasped the idea that there's saints as well as sinners in humanity.
That's why he keeps going on about how realism and humanization is defined by failure, fear, paranoia; all negative aspects. It's why he can't grasp the inherent Humanism of Superman and the character's outlook. Show him Mother Teresa and it'll probably make his head explode.
Guys, why do you even try anymore? DCEU fans have been parroting the same crap for 3 years with "they can do no wrong, you dont get it" and ANY valid complaint has fallen on deaf ears. If they want their shitty universe, let them fucking have it. Guarantee if we had one, just one fantastic DCEU movie that a complete 180 would happen. You are yelling at a brick wall.
>But Superman should be smarter than that.
He is no more intelligent then any given human being.
And emotional rage negates that.
>He should KNOW how powerful he is and how powerful the people he's fighting are
This is the very first violent act we have ever seen him commit in his life.
>and should know not to drag a fight to a densely populated area.
He did not know he was doing so.
>How hard should it be to look UP?
Again, rage.
>We had over 40 minutes of getting to know Clark & Lois with no action.
And even less characterization. Just expository speeches justifying actions but never really imparting feeling.
>If you can't be sympathetic to this Superman's struggles your a shitty human being.
Here's the thing. Sympathy isn't the same as liking someone. I PITY this Superman; I don't look up to him, I don't identify with him, and I certainly don't like him. I just want him to stop. Because he's clearly miserable. And his existence only ever seems to make everyone else miserable. His death wasn't a tragedy, it was a release.
>Superman is a rage filled idiot
>You think this is a good 'realistic' 'humanizing' thing
You're insane
>But you'd let your father die just because he puts his hand up. So yes, you are garbage.
Holy shit, fucking kek
I can't quite remember if there were actually a reason but Superman being Superman, he should've absolutely had been able to just go in there and pluck Martha right out of there.
Not to mention the forced conflict with Batman. The whole fight would've been avoided if he had just told him that Lex had his mom right from the start or at LEAST told him that Luthor were hiding someone hostage and would die if they didn't go over there soon.
>He's supposed to be the best of us.
Which is what I don't want, if he is perfect then he is unrelatable. I want him to strive past his flaws & accomplish great things because he has the will to make it happen not because he can basically wave his hand & happens.
>it's alright that he got dozens of people in Smallville killed by bringing the fight to them because they threatened his mother
Yes it is alright for him to make mistakes in desperate situations.
And your a man child spending hours hating on a film when you could let people love it in peace you sadist trash.
No I might hesitate in saving him because revealing my powers could start societal upheavals that could cost thousands of lives.
Can the end of the film not be an hour of two invulnerable guys punching each other?
Before the Batman fight, he didn't want to waste time she had left.
After the fight someone had to go figure out what Lex was doing at the scout ship, he could be intending to blow up the city using its power source or something.
Bespectacled, mild mannered reporters working at the Daily Bugle/Planet, with more outgoing superhero personas. Both characters vary greatly in age, with Spider-Man as a college student throughout most of his early run.
>Tone is not personality so I don't know why you're trying to argue otherwise
Because the entire conversation was about how many people, "must be against everything even remotely serious forever"? You should concentrate on actually following conversations more carefully and less heavily on resorting to personal insults. It makes you look dumb.
>He is no more intelligent then any given human being.
>And emotional rage negates that.
Actually in most incarnations of the character, he is most definitely smarter than most people. In some versions, he's also super intelligent, so there's that as well.
And even if Superman were mad, generally he's able to control his rage to such a degree as to not make rash and irrational decisions anyway.
>This is the very first violent act we have ever seen him commit in his life.
And? "Boy I sure do have these super powers that let me kill people in an instant and toss buildings. I should totally bring these other guys who are violent, willing to kill, have no regard for humanity, and who have the SAME powers as I do into this city (that I also grew up in)."
What's especially stupid is that they could've just done the fight differently, so that THEY brought Superman into the city as well, so that you could have the same fight but at least Superman wouldn't have been at fault for bringing them there in the first place. Or shit, they could've had the fight happen on all the farmland and wide-open nothingness throughout Kansas. I mean, come on, it's Kansas.
>He did not know he was doing so.
Superman is a grown man, has no known mental illnesses, and is very intelligent. He absolutely knew what he was doing.
>not losing his temper and getting dozens of people killed makes him perfect and unrelatable
>losing his temper and getting dozens of people killed or having a huge fight that kills minimum tens of thousands is fine because we all make mistakes
you truly don't understand Superman at all.
Superman doesnt have to have all the answers people, its Supermans job to tell people to try. And DCEU Clark has done a piss poor job of that. We could have had him do that on capital hill, but we needed a fucking explosion. Because Snyder likes to bring up these ethical questions but feels no desire to take a stance on them
Fun fact: The only one that ever brings up tone or Reeves is this one little shitbird that pisses and moans about how the movie is an epic masterpiece with weight and consequence and he can NEVER get the your/you're grammar right for some reason.
I don't think he realizes that as Superman, he absolutely knows what he is capable of and holds himself to a higher standard than most other people, thus Superman in pretty much ANY other media would've never had allowed something like that to happen.
If you think the reporter thing is anything then I dunno what to tell you because that's a pretty standard job for capes in general.
Although yes I suppose it is because Superman is the core of the genre and so many characters draw from his roots. But if anything that just proves you shouldn't be trying to shift those roots. You risk uprooting the tree.
I just want Clark to not treat being Superman like it's a chore. What is even the point if his entire character if he's just some brooding asshole?
HE HAD A FUCKING HOUR. Considering what Superman could do, thats more than enough time. He can hear his girlfriend in distress halfway around the globe yet he cant do a X Ray once over around Metropolis to find his mom?
>That's why he keeps going on about how realism and humanization is defined by failure, fear, paranoia; all negative aspects
Sacrifice is not failure, I want to see people rise past their mistakes/failings.
"Krypton had it's chance"
Clark holding on to DD even after seeing the nuke are among my favorite scenes in the films because they are incredibly heroic moments but ones that require sacrifice & hardship instead of it just coming easy.
My Grandfather who died last year was pretty much a saint, I have never heard him curse or belittle a soul. He showed me more kindness then almost anyone else in my life even my awesome mom.
At the same time, he broke a plate over my father's head as a kid for insulting my grandmother.
No one is perfect.
Right? Im not saying Clark needs to be smiling like a jackass every time he saves someone, but nearly every time hes shown saving someone in that montage it looks like a burden he never asked for. Superman wants to do the right thing.
Seriously why the fuck are you trying?
Why the god damn fuck can't we love what we love in peace?
And there is plenty of valid complaints about the films, tone & Superman being flawed and depressed part of the time are not among them.
>could start societal upheavals that could cost thousands of lives.
They didn't even close down schools when Zod showed up. There was no price fixing to keep the stock market from crashing in light of the existence of extaterrestrial life. There wasn't even a throwaway line in the newsroom going "see what the mayor says! see what the pope says!" THERE WAS NO REACTION.
There weren't even more cops on every corner and major cities do that for HOLIDAYS in a post 9-11 world.
Where was this societal upheaval that you keep insisting is so realistic and guaranteed to happen? In your head? With the rest of the supposedly good movie?
They didn't even BEGIN to address the issue until the fucking sequel and even then they only did it in a broad strokes montage.
He is miserable because the horrible world is treating him bad inspite of his altruism.
No he is not normally rage filled, anyone would be rage filled when their mother was seconds from having her neck crushed.
"Running theme" with Superman and Lois, not with Spider-Man, in regard to women specifically, but having a hero tackle down to Earth problems like that makes them seem more Peter Parker like because Peter Parker's the character most influential in popularizing this.
>Which makes sense, given that you said it in defense of the DCEU which is normiebait as fuck and you keep talking about the cartoons
Oh. You're this dude.
Well, it's most likely pointless to hold any sort of conversation with someone like yourself, given that it's clearly not what you're interested in. Why are fans of the more idealistic incarnations of Superman the most un-Superman-like? If not for your hateboner, it should be pretty obvious that I read comics.
You'd hesitate? That implies you'd do it anyway.
But that wouldn't be realistic. You have to let him die, because you're scared. That's the human thing to do. I guess you don't love your dad.
>Superman is a grown man, has no known mental illnesses, and is very intelligent. He absolutely knew what he was doing.
He doesn't have GPS in his head.
If he is focused on Zod he very well may fucking not think of the direction they were going.
>, but having a hero tackle down to Earth problems like that makes them seem more Peter Parker like because Peter Parker's the character most influential in popularizing this.
The problem with this comparison is the personal versus the macro. The idea that Superman should struggle to pay rent is stupid because he doesn't even really need to eat or sleep and he's got an arctic fortress to chill out in. His problems need to be bigger because he's larger than life.
Which DOESN'T, as autists here claim, mean he's perfect. It just means that while Peter has to angst over the fact that *he* can't eat, Superman instead angsts over the fact that *Africa* can't eat.
There is no universe where your mother almost dying would not make you loose your temper unless your a sociopath.
>or having a huge fight that kills minimum tens of thousands
1 single building fell during his 1 on 1 fight with Zod & Clark did zero structural damage to it.
"Having" implying their was a choice, he could not retreat at that point, Zod had nothing left by to die fighting Clark or massacring the earths population by hand.
Shouldn't he...shouldn't he know the fucking area? He grew up there, after all.
I have never ever called it a masterpiece.
>There is no universe where your mother almost dying would not make you loose your temper unless your a sociopath.
But there is a universe where your father should die because maybe something bad will happen someday if you save him in such a way that poses no risk to you at all. And according to you, that's "reality".
This user has it right. With heroes like Superman their best content focuses on other people and their struggles.
I don't think that MoS, or certainly BvS, is a masterpiece. That's someone else. But if you can't fathom that more than a single individual could possibly hold a different opinion than yourself, then that's something that reflects back on you.
So your want your perfect mary sue, thanks for confirming.
Not even remotely what I said. Nice try, Snyderfag. :^)
Never said it was guaranteed to happen, I'm saying that is what Pa & Clark were worried about.
Hell maybe the point is that they were wrong, that doesn't mean they were wrong for considering it.
I am defending the intent of the scene not the execution of the scene. Mos is my 2nd favorite movie, but the execution of the Tornado scene needed work.
It was a spontaneous rage induced act not a calculated one.
He had however many years building up to Pa's death worrying about those consequences to cause him to pause in that moment.
If you think Superman should know everything about everything even under constraints & context that would not allow for him to have tested himself or his limits then yes you are asking for such to a degree.
There's a big fucking difference between being an utterly perfect mary sue and being the best of us.....or just not losing your temper resulting in the deaths of dozens of innocents.
You Snyderfags seem to be under the impression that before your hack filmmaker got ahold of him Superman was some completely perfect an unrelatable god (which is ironically what Snyders Superman is) that couldn't be further from the truth.
Do you really think that the most well known and beloved superhero of all time would've survived for 80 years, have thousands of comics, inspired virtually ever other superhero since, had live action movies, had animated movies and series if he was unrelatable?
Superman (when done correctly) is THE most relatable superhero ever. He's just a regular joe that was raised by a good family with strong morals in a small working class town. He just happens to have been born on another planet (none of which he remembers) and have super powers.
It's a combination of his powers and his human upbringing that make him the man he is. A good man, not perfect by any means. He makes mistakes, he has doubts, but to his very core he is good. He's likeable, talkative and always aware, not because he's perfect, but because he's responsible and he knows what could happen is he lost control for even a second.
People like him not because he's a god, but because he's likable. Who wouldn't like a guy that makes weekly visits to children's hospitals to cheer up the kids? or checks in on veterans to make sure they're ok? or just helps an old man carry his shopping home?
Making him an angry, distant, brooding, mopey, distant manchild is the exact opposite of making him relatable. It's makes him unlikable, and an unlikable Superman is a shit Superman.
This. Why couldn't we have seen him chatting to the astronauts he saved? Or cheering up the girl he saved from the building?
Instead he looks like a silent dick that thinks saving people is a chore that's forced upon him.
That does not sound like Superman at all.
Superman doesn't need to know "everything about everything" to know that dragging a super fight to a densely populated area is a bad idea.
>That does not sound like Superman at all.
No it sounds like a reasonable untrained human character under those circumstances.
>Superman doesn't need to know "everything about everything" to know that dragging a super fight to a densely populated area is a bad idea.
He knew it was bad, hence trying to leave. He didn't know he was going there.
The problem isn't the tornado scene in of itself. The problem is Snyder can't do structure. He thinks "It'd be cool if Superman went apeshit here" so he has it happen. Even when he should've gone apeshit three scenes earlier for exactly the same reasons but doesn't because "It'd be cool of Jonathan got sucked into the tornado here".
He had even more years to pause and think that there would be consequences of saving his mother. But he doesn't.
Clearly he just loves Martha more. I mean hell, notice how right before the tornado scene Clark does that whole "you're not my real dad" thing in the car? You could make a good argument that he secretly resented Jonathan for denying him his destiny and LET the tornado take him.
I mean, that too would be giving more credit to Snyder and Goyer than they could ever possibly deserve, but at least it'd be a novel idea instead of "it's a great movie everyone else is wrong and just wants a perfect mary sue no consequences"
>It was a spontaneous rage induced act not a calculated one.
So letting his father die was calculated and he was able to put emotion aside then?
That and he seems a bit too comfortable with the idea of people worshiping him as a god.
Like the scene of all those Mexicans reaching out to him. It bugged the hell out of me, because Superman should adamantly refuse to be worshiped and instead tell them that he's no different than anyone else, just someone trying to do the right thing.
He seriously does NOTHING to quell peoples' worship of him? NOTHING to let down their idea of him as a god or savior of humanity? When you just brood and look silently uncomfortable, then fly away without saying anything, it does make him look oddly accepting of peoples' belief in him as a savior figure and makes it look like he has some sort of God complex, which is the opposite of Superman's thought process. So much of MoS or BvS could've been good if they had just written or directed certain things differently (and made better casting choices, no doubt).
>He thinks "It'd be cool if Superman went apeshit here" so he has it happen. Even when he should've gone apeshit three scenes earlier for exactly the same reasons but doesn't because "It'd be cool of Jonathan got sucked into the tornado here".
What are you talking about, where should he have gone apeshit before Martha was threatened?
The only reason this Superman never tests his limits is because he's afraid. He had 30 years before Zod showed up to find out the extent of his powers and he only barely scratched the surface because "maybe something bad will happen".
MoS Clark is a fucking coward and you wonder why maybe people aren't as in love with him as you are.
>No it sounds like a reasonable untrained human character under those circumstances.
Lots of untrained human characters do things differently under those same circumstances.
>He knew it was bad, hence trying to leave. He didn't know he was going there.
He should've known it would go there, again, he KNEW the damn place. He should've accessed the situation, even when angry, and took it somewhere else in the first damn place.
>He had even more years to pause and think that there would be consequences of saving his mother. But he doesn't.
No there wouldn't because the world already knows about him now.
And the idea of him flying into town never occurred to him or he would not have done it.
When his dad is in mortal peril
When you get right down to it Man of Steel does this.
Dad is in mortal peril.
>I can save him without even really using my powers, but I shouldn't be cause something bad might happen.
Dad dies.
Mom is in mortal peril.
And here's the thing. That scene? That whole "You think you can hurt my mother?!" thing? That's my favorite MoS scene. It's one of only two scenes in the entire movie that I like, in fact.
I just wonder, where was that devil may care recklessness in the pursuit of saving lives when Jonathan was going to die?
Yes. He had years fearing the consequences of being discovered.
A tornado is a force of nature.
Zod is someone tangible he can direct rage & anger at in reaction to them threatening the most important person on earth to him.
>he hasn't read For The Man Who Has Everything or Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow or Secret Identity or Astro City #1
I pity you son
If he had a god complex he would be happy with the worshiping, he was uncomfortable with it but didn't know how to handle it. He didn't want to disrespect their appreciation of him helping the girl.
Restraint for the greater good isn't cowardice.>He should've accessed the situation, even when angry, and took it somewhere else in the first damn place
Once again your asking him to be perfect and not make mistakes.
>Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow
The thing is that story starts with a sentiment that flies in the face of the DCEU's need to ground the man we're supposed to believe can soar.
So citing it isn't really a good idea.
>He didn't want to disrespect their appreciation of him helping the girl.
And he still should've turned down their worship in a friendly, amicable, and humble manner.
And then people might understand that he's not a god, but just someone trying to do the right thing.
I'm not really saying he had a god complex, I'm saying that it was odd and out of character for Superman.
what about when he fought Captain Marvel and refused to listen to him doh that wasnt upbeat or happy
Say what you want about Superman Returns, but at least it was inspiring and fun. To me anyway.
>You say the world doesn't need a savior. But every day I hear people crying out for one.
>I'll always be around, Lois.
>*smiles for the camera*
>>I can save him without even really using my powers
No he could not they were too far apart. The poor editing of the scene obscures this but he could not have.
>Restraint for the greater good isn't cowardice
It is when he doesn't try at all to understand his powers.
His dad has a huge plot of land out back for him to jump around in and try his heat vision on bales of hay and try and lift tractors to get a feel for controlling his strength. That's what Clark does in his youth in COUNTLESS stories.
Here he's just scared of what he can do.
>Once again your asking him to be perfect and not make mistakes.
He can still be flawed and not make incredibly stupid, reckless decisions.
lol no it doesnt you dummy, its literally a story about how Superman is transitioning from one tone of story to another, but can still retain his core character elements, which is exactly what BvS and MoS do.
pls stop being a dumb fetus
>Restraint for the greater good isn't cowardice
It is when he doesn't try at all to understand his powers.
His dad has a huge plot of land out back for him to jump around in and try his heat vision on bales of hay and try and lift tractors to get a feel for controlling his strength. That's what Clark does in his youth in COUNTLESS stories.
MoS, he's just scared of what he can do. He doesn't bother with any kind of stretching of his limits until Jor-El tells him to. And where was that restraint for the greater good when he was flying all over the place for the first time? What if people saw him?
What exactly do you think the preface means, then?
Do you even know what it is?
>You Snyderfags seem to be under the impression that before your hack filmmaker got ahold of him Superman was some completely perfect an unrelatable god (which is ironically what Snyders Superman is) that couldn't be further from the truth.
Which is he, user? Is MoS Superman flawed or perfect? You seem to be flip-flopping within one post.
I actually like Superman Returns. It's a bit of a wasted opportunity, as we really should've gotten a reboot, but we got a good Superman, a good Lex Luthor, some good scenes and quotes, and some good music out of it anyway.
I actually credit it with helping me get more into Superman, in all honesty. I was always a fan of the character but Superman Returns is what pulled me into the Superman mythos.
>I actually credit it with helping me get more into Superman, in all honesty. I was always a fan of the character but Superman Returns is what pulled me into the Superman mythos.
That is what Mos did for me.
>And where was that restraint for the greater good when he was flying all over the place for the first time? What if people saw him?
user. By that point, he was already Superman. He was ready to make himself known to the world. He wasn't ready before that.
I cant even understand your autism, the preface just sets the tone for a Silver Age Superman. Its about the transition from Silver Age to Bronze Age.
Are you a bit slow?
I'm saying that you all go on about how Snyders Superman is more 'realistic' and 'relatable' than Superman has ever been, but that's bullshit. He's actually one of (if not THE) most distant and god like (non evil) Superman we've ever had.
Then I feel sorry for you.
>autism autism
Is that the Snyderfag mating call or something?
I guess I'll have to explain it to you
>This is an imaginary story, aren't they all?
Posits that if all stories are false, why focus on realism? It's not real, so why not be fantastic?
That is quiet a stretch there m8. He isnt saying that at all, its literally a story that does indeed focus on realism, while still mixing it with the fantastical.
And part of the whole point of BvS was that the world is transition from a more realism focused one to a world thats more fantastical and ideal, thanks to Superman. I mean just look at Squad, it goes full crazy comic universe.
>Are you a bit slow?
Actually no. I pointed out how you said MoS Superman was "perfect", but then the rest of your argument discusses how flawed he is.
>He's actually one of (if not THE) most distant and god like (non evil) Superman we've ever had.
Read DC One Million. Read Superman Tangent. Read Earth One. Read Secret Identity. All of these are examples of Superman detached from the world, and sometimes humanity.
You like to bitch, but you don't really know anything about the character.
>the world is transition from a more realism focused one to a world thats more fantastical and ideal, thanks to Superman. I mean just look at Squad
But literally none of those people are a result of Superman. They were all around before him.
>, its literally a story that does indeed focus on realism,
Where the hell does WHTTMoT it do that?
thats not the point, Flash existed before Superman showed up, and so did Wonder Woman. The point is now they will come out and reveal themselves, now the world is ready for them.
>Jimmy Olsen is dead
>Supermans identity is already revealed to the world so no more Clark Kent
>Cant use Bizarro or Parasite since they where both combined to make Doomsday
these guys really wrote themselves in a corner
The only thing that can save this series is going into the future to meet the Legion of Superheros so clark can learn to be a real hero again
By having Superman die? By taking Bizarro to its "real" logical extreme? By having Myx by a giant demon instead of a normal little imp in a true Bronze age fashion?
goddamn, Cred Forums is getting dumber every year
Superman's identity was never revealed to the world. At the end of BvS they literally have two separate funerals you fucking retard.
>By having Superman die?
Superman doesn't die in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow.
Giant demons aren't any more realistic either.
I'm thinking maybe you just saw the comic mentioned on reddit and thought you could bring it up.
Why would you bother using any of those when you can finally have Brainiac onscreen? We've already been blue balled for thirty years as is (and ended up using an OC, Nuclear Man, instead of him). Can you imagine if they did so again?
well duh he doesnt actually die, but having him pretend to die is the point of the story. Its him dealing with "real" and "deconstructive" elements of the bronze age but injecting the silver age core to it as a last farewell. Silver Age Superman died, and here comes the bronze.
Also fuck you, it was one of the first comics I ever read and ive re-read it more times then I care to remember.
>well duh he doesnt actually die, but having him pretend to die is the point of the story.
Backpedaling only reveals how little you've read.
Just go to wikipedia and get a summary next time and spare yourself this outing.
As long as he recognizes the faults of the movie, then I see nothing wrong with that. I can't watch SR anymore but it did help me get into the character more.
no, I said it right here before:
>Superman is transitioning from one tone of story to another, but can still retain his core character elements
I'm glad your memory is so short. You asked how it dealt with realism, I highlighted a few "real" elements. I mean its just as more "real" as Doomsday being the result of Lex Luthor instead of being from Krypton, since this was originally about how WHTMT doesnt contradict BvS
the clark kent is persona is still dead tough
sage bump
ultra sage
I would just like to autist out for a moment and point out that his name is Christopher REEVE.
Not Reeves. George Reeves was the guy who played Superman before CR.
>I'll just ramble gibberish until people get tired of arguing with me. That means I win!
I assume that shit works on Cred Forums?
>being THIS reductive
twitter mite b more your speed
She puts a shock to my system!
But she'll never be in a live action movie.
>They should just use Lex and make it a more classic Superman vs Luthor story.
We already have several movies about this. Time for new stuff.
I remember the early threads when BvS was announced. People were angered because they were looking forward to a proper Man of Steel 2 instead of sharing a movie with other superheroes.
>Superman, these super terrorists need to be killed
>im stronger than you LOL
what a powerful message
fun means you enjoy it, it creates feelings of pleasure and excitement
comfy means it doesnt make you fell bad it was so poorly done/isnt sad and harrowing
they are emotive words, not meaningless and that right there is the problem i have with snyders filmography : its all style and logic with no emotive substance
a good example is the final bvs fight scene: it is logically different to mos as the buildings are empty and no one dies, but the destruction is still there all the same
man of steel 2: blue steel man
I'd say "comfy" means a lack of tension or suspense, thus leaving a comfortable feeling that any "conflict" won't be very big. Fun has more to do with light-heartedness, so usually they go together.
Despite this, something can be good without being "comfy" or "fun," such as a drama or tragedy.
oh definitely, but I would say a big summer blockbuster based on iconic heroes beloved by children of all ages for their coolness and excitement, nostalgia and representations of hope and making a difference isnt a great fit for drama or tragedy
dcwb should have just given snyder specter and dr fate to play with and build up.