
Aku is a weird villain.

In one episode, he can be a light villain with a trolling sense of humor, but in the very next, he can act like some alien parasite that acts like Fear & Evil incarnate. Why is his/its personality so unpredictable Cred Forums?

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Bad and inconsistent writing.

It's not human

The episodic nature of the show means the Villain is whatever you need him to be at the moment

Its funny because he has shapeshifting powers too.

Pretty much this.

I imagine with a clear ending in mind, the final season will show Aku being far more malicious and focused. But when the show was episodic without a planned ending, Aku didn't necessarily need to be hellbent on killing Jack every episode. Just needed to provide proper motivation for the individual episode's plot.

An overwhelming sense of complacency. He doesn't need to be serious all the time because he feels he is so above mortals.

Evil has many faces, and Aku represents that with his unpredictability.

he's literally primordial evil and most of the time he's just doing shit for his own amusement with varying levels of trying to protect himself from Jack and the sword.

I haven't watched the show in about a year, but it feels weird that the same villain from the first three episodes that makes every race he encounters extinct or work slaves, is literally a parasite that corrupts or destroys matter around it. (the black forests and black tar pits), Vaporizes a random civilian for the slightest provocation with no sense of remorse, Turned the entire planet into Fallout/Mad Max, and does horrible punishments to people who try to resist him - is the same entity who can be extremely incompetent to the point its comedic, and mostly just tries to harmlessly/playfully troll Jack on episodes that are not setup-ing something important.

Most invincible, yet entertaining villain yet.

He only loses battles because the writing says so.


Because it's a children's cartoon


He isn't actually incompetent.

And he is petty, he can't KILL Jack, so he makes his life hell.

This. OP is just a retard.

one of the best evil laughs in a bit.


Not really.

I don't think Aku is inconsistent. He's always stupidly evil, like when he tricked some fish dudes into killing Jack by promising them something and he goes "lol actually I won't keep my promise, tricked you suckers!" BEFORE Jack is dead, so of course the fish dudes free Jack and Jack kicks Aku's ass. Or when he asks a scientist to make him super robots to kill Jack and then proceeds to destroy the scientist's city. Guess what happens next.

Can a villain not have more than one personality?

Aku is a demon. Demons shit over the mortal realm for FUN.

I want him to turn into a girl so I can fuck his pussy.

He's a nearly immortal abomination of humongous power who has subjugated several species and planets. I´d get bored of being the greatest evil in the universe all the time; sometimes I´d like to be a regular kind of douche evil.

He´d probably add teeth to his pussy just to screw with you.

He'd probably get pregnant and force you into taking responsibility just to screw with you.

Aku was too meta for this fucker

Hell yeah! I can raise my little hellspawns and use them to conquer the world!
Unless they are born retards. And taking in consideration who the father is, they might be.

He is both of those things simultaneously and can alternate between being funny and terrifying several times in an episode. This is what makes him entertaining.



>these could have been alt covers for the comics by Genndy
>the two on the left


Personally I think that's what made Aku GOOD. He could be both menacing and entertaining, often at the same time. He had personality bursting out of his every eldritch pore.

>that fucking face in the last panel

Aku is Him from the Powerpuff Girls

No one posted it yet?

This. I have no problem with Aku being a comic relief and next second switching to grim reaper.

In fact, I find this feature terrifying.

I will never understand this ship/shit.

The concept might be fucking insane, but this comic always makes me laugh

What in the name of God was that?

It's even weirder because if Chemical X is part of Aku, this is some kinda fucked up incest or something.

I won't either. I just thought of it because this artist's Aku is way too accurate

>reading his lines in Mako's voice
its so perfect and horrible at the same time.

Aku is a demon of many facets. He must be being the embodiment of cosmic negativity.

More please

because he has FLAMING EYEBROWS


I don't understand it in the slightest, but Aku is so well written and this version of Blossom is so hot that I can't bring myself to hate it.

Always wondered how Aku was never threatened by the actually powerful wizards that were roaming around Earth. If a few were a bit too much for Jack to handle, how would they keep on living under Aku?

Who wins, Aku or fully powered Shendu?

Aku already won.

> TFW they were ALL your own kingdoms

This is my fetish

I mean they probably would be retarded and evil since Aku kind of is.

If it was drawn in crayon it would be autism supreme, but the way it is, it's a masterpiece.

he's a shapeshifter. he changes not just in shape but in personality.

The only thing that can fuck with Aku is the sword. Not Jack, his sword.

Shipping is an art that you need to learn with time.

Well, the sword and actual gods. Remember, the goddess protecting Neptune's Jewel beat the fucking tar out of Aku when he went to try and get it for himself.

There's a difference between beating and killing. Those elementals were strong enough to beat him in a fight, however, only the sword has the power to actually slay him.


Oh I know, the post just said "fuck with Aku", and I'd consider getting the shit beaten out of him fucking with him.

Also I'd bet if Odin, Ra and Vishnu weren't such lazy faggots they could kill Aku, since they were the ones who killed the majority of the evil that Aku spawned from.

They'll definitely could. I however think gods have this mindset of "we did the hardest part, now you mortals just have to clean up the last pieces."


If you're born as powerful as Aku, you never have to mature. He's forever frozen as an impudent 2 year old, breaking things because he likes to see them break, because he's bored, whatever. Because he's that powerful, he doesn't have to rely on others, and in doing so accept responsibilities towards them, he doesn't have to learn how to quiet his mind and desires because he has learned his limits, etc.


>I however think gods have this mindset of "we did the hardest part, now you mortals just have to clean up the last pieces."

That's probably a safe assumption, although given what we know from The Birth of Evil and the Minions of Set episode, it's really easy to come to the conclusion that the gods are just being lazy and taking any opportunity to get out of helping with the problem THEY created (treating Jack's dad accidentally awakening Aku as if it was his fault that the evil shard landed on Earth in the first place and refusing to help Jack find a portal back through time to clean up said mess).

I wonder why religions always picture their gods as such tremendous assholes.
Well, I know they did because people wanted to put the fault of their misfortunes on someone, but still, why would I want to praise such dicks?

You were meant to fear and obey your gods, user.

Not all religions demand worship in the way Christianity does. A lot of the offerings and things weren't worship so much as a kind of respect thing, or trade thing. It's kind of like how you'll always be polite to the boss when he says hi.

Also the gods are often pictured as tremendous assholes because the world is brutal. The gods served as science before there was science, so they needed to explain things or at least seem true to the nature of things.

The sword does not kill him either, that's why Jack's father did not finish him. Aku does not really die.

> seven
> Deadly sins

>Also the gods are often pictured as tremendous assholes because the world is brutal. The gods served as science before there was science, so they needed to explain things or at least seem true to the nature of things.

Yeah, that one I knew.
I just would like to know how you go from coming up to an explanation for the existence of the Sun to start thinking that unless you have human sacrifices every week the Sun will go off.

Aren´t the 7 Deadly Sins a Christian thing? Why bringing that to an evil god of Asian ancestry?

Because ritual is an institutationally regulated mode of creating identity in reference to transcendant discourse.

Confusing correlation with causation, and reasoning by analogy.

You wonder one day, what if I could appease the crops like I can appease the tribe, by singing to them regularly. You sing for them regularly and they grow super big because of luck or whatever, and so you tell everyone else it worked, and then a few other people make the same mistake in reasoning, making you think its true.

Because Blossom is a Westerner, so Aku's evil seed probably latched on to her ideals of sin.

If she was Asian she'd have so many goddamn demons growing right now.

So, a guy ripped someone's heart out and when he was questioned about it he just went
>I did it so the Sun won´t go off!
And since the Sun didn´t go off they took it as a sign to keep killing people?

It's in the filenames
That's how I found it and pic related, jesus christ I haven't kekd this hard in ages

Shit, demon biology is fucking hard.
So, if a woman had a kid with an Elder god, the kid would think himself to be the Anti Christ?

I think the seven babies is a reference to the SDCC leak about Aku's daughters


>implying the core of evil isn't total, compassionless self-interest
Abusing the residents of an entire planet just for shits and giggles is the ultimate evil


Dude, stop listening to the people of this thread saying shit.

They are neets talking about cartoons, not anthropologists. Go read Franz Boas, Durkhein and Evans Pritchard, they are people who actually study the ritual fenomenom, the faggots here are taking their info out of their asses and not based on what the natives say.

>So, if a woman had a kid with an Elder god, the kid would think himself to be the Anti Christ?

If he was capable of rational thought at all, yeah.

> A planet
Aku's reign spans the galaxy, if not the universe. Which is a bit weird when so many gods can whoop his ass.

It's a less literal and more elaborate version of the same process.

>Which is a bit weird when so many gods can whoop his ass.

Well, he probably stays away from the worlds that have gods that can kick his ass and restricts trade with those worlds. There may be entire planets full of people who have no idea that Aku and the rest of his intergalactic empire exist.

As far as the overarching gods go, I assume they're taking a technical approach to the whole situation. After all, Aku isn't really DESTROYING the universe so much as ENSLAVING it. People are still technically alive (barring the occasional resistance here and there, which doesn't count against Aku because they CHOSE to fight him), so they have no reason to chase him down (as opposed to the formless evil he spawned from, which was just pure unrestricted destruction).

Does anyone have the comic where Aku fools Jack by turning into a woman AGAIN purely to fuck with him?

well, the universe is a MUCH bigger place so it's not entirely crazy that he'd have dominion over a galaxy. Maybe the other gods are too bust in andromeda or some shit to pay attention

Kinda makes sense. Gods in stories generally don't care what happens as long as they claim their share of sweet tasty souls in the end. Aku isn't really disputing their afterlife.

Who /Geertz/ here?
I actually prefer Lincoln

Hanabi is too fucking cute holy shit
I would sell my eternal soul to be able to snuggle with her for thirty minutes

He's been alive for countless millennia. After a while, having already conquered all there is to conquer, he became bored and more lax. From countless past experiences, he knows no one can ever even come close to beating him, so he toys with them for his own amusement. Most of the time it's never a serious threat. However, when the stakes are high and the moment calls for seriousness, he'll remind you all exactly why he's the ruler of everything in the first place.

Wasn't there a horror movie like this?

Aku is a huge threat, but you've gotta realize that Jack has the one and only thing that can stop him from obliterating him. When he gets shit done, he gets shit done, but when he doesn't have shit to do he just kind of lazes around and entertains his own self-interests. Jack's sword puts him in a bit of a stalemate, so he spends a lot of time without anything to do and he ends up occupying that time with unsuccessful schemes to get rid of Jack, or petty schemes just to make Jack's life difficult.

I think their mindset is much like this:
>If you do too much, people get dependent on you. And if you do nothing, they lose hope. You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket.

Or a guy who burns down his bar for the insurance money?

Yes, if you make it look like an electrical thing. When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

I always thought that Gods would draw the line at, well, other divine intervention. Ok, your God won´t descend from the heavens to stop a war, but if an ancient evil deity comes to enslave a galaxy or even more you´d think they´d get more involved since the whole "keeping the existence of gods ambiguous" falls apart rather quickly with that.

I wonder how far Aku's dominions extend. The planet of the Huntsmen seemed rather free of his influence even if there wasn´t much there for him to conquer, that we saw.

Aku. Shendu is immortal and cannot be truly harmed but magic is a major weakness.

Makes sense. Different question; who do you think would be more troublesome for Jack to kill; Aku or Shendu?

>I just would like to know how you go from coming up to an explanation for the existence of the Sun to start thinking that unless you have human sacrifices every week the Sun will go off.
Well you generally don't. Unless you're an Inca and thus pretty weird to begin with. But most cultures interpreted gods as well meaning but fallible and at worst just trigger happy. A lot of how we see ancient gods is skewed by the values dissonance of the last 2,000 years.

Teacupballerina is a godtier artist despite the weird ships that they make. His current comic drawing is actually fucking on point with the show, and to be honest, not that bad at all.


Chapter 3 when TCB

I've just awoken everybody in the goddam house. That is the hardest I've laughed in two weeks.

Did you not watch "The Birth of Evil"?

The Gods tried to kill pre-Aku while it was still basically a mindless abomination and three of them working together couldn't do it.

Whatever the Emperor did gave Aku a name, a voice, a personality. A surprisingly human nature, if a twisted and terrible one. The Gods said "nah fuck that you're on your own now you broke it you fix it" and essentially abandoned Earth because they can't do anything; the evil of the human spirit made it too powerful for them, but the good in the human spirit can at least keep it in check.


There's a picture of her right on her page you dip.

Why on earth did TCB ever stop drawing adult Blossom with hands, this shit's so good.


Oh shit what up /tcbg/

Reminds me of Megabyte. Or Megatron. Or like Bowser.

Long ago in a distant hood
I, NIGGU, the shape shifting nigga of blackness unleashed an unspeakable niggary...


But a foolish crackerai warrior wielding a magic Glock, stepped forth to oppose me.

*Bangity bang bang *

Before the final shot was fired I tore open a portal in time flung him deep into future where my beats are big. Now that cracker seeks to return to the past and undo the evil that is NIGGU.

Man, you can't just insert racist words into anything and expect it to automatically be funny.

Make an effort next time.


By estimation, how long do you think Aku took to conquer Earth, get bored with it and set his sight on the rest of the galaxy?

>Tfw I was part of that

I feel special now.

Pic related
>mfw she draws Blossom with hands

If she posted more often we would probably need one

>Mfw I think this ship is pure autism
>the drawing is fucking good though
>I'm actually starting to like it


This ship is so bizarre you´d think Bleedman came up with it.


Did he?

Bleedman is too busy drawing panty shots every panel of whatever comic they're drawing Also they shipped Dexter and Blossom.

Depends on what you believe about Chi's parentage.

Think about it, Chi being Blossom's daughter would make MimixChi incest.
Now who do we know who loves child incest?

That's what I was concerned about. So, Chi wants to fuck her half sister? The same way Mimi wants to fuck her half brother. Seriously, what the fuck Bleedman? I can tolerate the loli but all this incest is making me question several conceptions about your persona!
Also, it's kinda creepy.

Regardless, Chi first appeared in '13, whereas TCB's been doing this since '09.
It's clear TCB did it first.

I wonder if that artist also ships Samurai Jack and Buttercup.

Dexter/Buttercup a best

Not really my thing, but I won´t deny that adult Buttercup looks fucking cute.

>TCB's been doing this since '09.
>sucking your autist crack ship's dick for 7 years
What motivates her?

There's a fine line between polishing a turd of a shit idea with good art, and using good art as a means of introducing weird and interesting ideas to people who would otherwise dismiss them.

Pretty sure this is the only time she tried to explain it.
Takes heart to take something so stupid so far.

According to a different deviantart artist, this is the end result of blossom x aku

>I haven't watched the show in about a year, but it feels weird that the same villain from the first three episodes that makes every race he encounters extinct or work slaves, is literally a parasite that corrupts or destroys matter around it. (the black forests and black tar pits), Vaporizes a random civilian for the slightest provocation with no sense of remorse, Turned the entire planet into Fallout/Mad Max, and does horrible punishments to people who try to resist him - is the same entity who can be extremely incompetent to the point its comedic, and mostly just tries to harmlessly/playfully troll Jack on episodes that are not setup-ing something important.
Hes neither incompetent nor stupid. He cannot kill or fight jack head on. JACK WILL END HIM.
He has to play the long game so in the meantime why not make your archeenemy's life as miserable and awful as you can? Because you can.

Aku can literally wait out until Jack dies of old age, unless he gets bored enough to make him immortal so their little game can last forever.
In any case, time is on Aku's side, which means he has the upper hand in their entire relationship. He´s just fucking with Jack for shits and giggles; if he really wanted to win he´d just rule the world from a different place every day until Jack passes away.

If the Powerpuff Girls were made from Aku, doesn't that make Akubloss incest?

Chaotic Evil

Do you think shippers would care?


I once read some Invader Zim fanfiction and fell into a similar pit of faggotry. It's a slippery slope.

He's not related to them though. His magic/DNA/inky stuff brought a bunch of sugar and spice to life. If professor Utonium got it from Aku himself or chemical X is just an element in their world is never explained either. They could all be the same being you know depending on how chemical X works and how much of it is magic.

I think that's what he did.

You mean by the time Season 5 comes?

Wow is there any way for Cred Forums to have a thread about PPG or Jack without it devolving into tcbposting?

I guess I'll try to catch up

It can go either way depending on the story and where you want it to be on a scale of 'adorable' to 'competely fucked'.
You'll see where that particular comic falls on that scale when I start posting it tomorrow.

This user understands.

>What motivates her?
Things come into my head and then I draw them.
I basically have no will of my own.

Pic related is what I think will end up happening

>wol storytime confirmed

But if utonium is connected to jack, then that means jack is very distantly connected yo his arch nemesis?

Jesus christ, Cred Forums has really fallen into some bad times

>It can go either way depending on the story and where you want it to be on a scale of 'adorable' to 'competely fucked'.
On a scale of cute to fucked where do you stand?

Though I think Jack and Aku are already kind of like siblings, thanks to the Emperor. If you think about it, Jack's father accidentally created Aku in a similar way Utonium accidentally created the Powerpuffs. He's technically the closest thing to a "dad" that Aku has. Pic somewhat related.

So if Aku is then linked to the girls through being Chemical X, then he could be considered their brother, great-great-great-grand-uncle, one of their three dads, and/or a previous incarnation of the girls themselves; Maybe even all of these simultaneously.
And if he takes one of them as a companion, he will then become Jack's half-brother and great-great-great-grandson-in-law.

He fucks up everything.

I'm not picky.

Everyone knows Samurai Jack is flawless dont even bother vomplaining about Aku.

>TFW I won't be able to accept the new voice no matter how good he is at the impersonation

ppg and samurai jack aren't in the same universe.

In SJ, Aku starts to take cover all the way back in the medevial ages and likely then took over the rest of the world in the next few dozens of years, Humanity's technological development was probably overseen by him for his own purposes.

He explained it in a very logical and obvious way, assuming you had the sensibilities, cosmological understanding, mythological knowledge and moral values of an ancient aztecan.

Context is everything.

Nigga, I don't see Boondocks seasons 1-3 or Megas XLR on that list.

>Why is his/its personality so unpredictable Cred Forums?
If you ruled for hundreds of years you'd be weird too

Well, a third of that is correct
8/10 is way better than "Okay" though

>buttercup goes for an orange haired boy. blossom has orange hair
>blossom goes for a black haired demon. buttercup has black hair

the sisters have some unresolved feelings

Yeah, we know they aren't in the same universe, because the entire premise of the theory is based on the idea that they aren't.
One show is taking place in a stable time loop that shouldn't really exist.

Aku was born weird

Actually this

Samurai Jack always had a generally bad story filled with interesting settings and episode premises

Literally just describe any plot development throughout all seasons


Why do you keep posting this?

If you don't update tomorrow I swear to god


different kind of intelligence. he's clearly not human

>infodump chapter finally happening

i-is there any lewds to this from the artist?

Are you retarded? The gods obliterated the Primordial Darkness that spawned Aku, barely a finger escaped their notice. Aku is barely a demi-god, that thing was a fucking Elder God abomination, and they fucked it up. That random godess completely fucked Aku's shit up, fuck, even her servants did. If Odin, Ra or Vishnu gave a fuck, either of them could wipe his ass with Aku. Jesus, how can someone misinterpret a fucking cartoon this badly?

Yes but they're shit

Into the fucking garbage it goes.


Aku is extremely competent.
>I can't kill my enemy head on, so instead I will change the scenario so he will be a threat AFTER I conquer the known universe
>When Jack and the sword aren't in play, I conquered every life form known to exist
>With advanced technology and races at my disposal, I can find a way to kill my nemesis so I don't have to die

That's extremely competent. Jack is a massive threat to any major world conqueror, doesn't matter who.

Well the ancient evil whose part he used to be was chaotic...

He's basically Nyarlothep.

One of the few ancient cosmic evils that devotes its life to fucking with humans.

>when I start posting it tomorrow.
You better deliver on this, you hear me.


>Aku is extremely competent.
Aku never fights Jack at full size, and there's nothing Jack could do if Aku just went predator drone and nuked him from several thousand feet up, or used his telekinesis to steal the sword while he slept, or swamp him with armies of robots in a hostile environment. Aku loses because the plot needs him to, like most villains in fantasy.

this is from an official comic.

Aku is extremely tsundere.




>You'll see where that particular comic falls on that scale when I start posting it tomorrow.

I hope you realize you are the exception to the rule, because your pairing is JUST interesting enough to warrant my attention.

Seriously, though, I'm a bit excite.

Fortunately for you the comic I'm going to update does not have shipping.
Even if the official comic it's based on had Terms of Endangerment

How can one blob of manly shadow goop be so damn smug?

>Teen Titans higher than Batman:TAS
I know this is bait, but damn if it isn't working

> that family tree
My mind=blown, put back together, then tactical nuked
I tried to ignore the fact that Jacks dad continued to aku, bit this family tree just won't let me. This story is crazy in a great way

If Aku beat Jack with a nuke there'd be no entertainment for either the audience or Aku himself. He wants to break Jack, to beat him ensuring not only that it's painful, but also that Jack has time to realize how useless his quest was and how much he sacrificed for nothing.

^ with this guy, y'all fucked up on those two,

Perfect, just perfect. That's exactly the nature between Jack and Aku's relationship. And unlike the Batman and the Joker's, this one hasn´t been repeatedly violated by a bunch of hack writers to the point it's unrecognizable

I never knew akuxblossom was a thing.

Now I have to look into it.

Fuck you, Cred Forums.

>that quote
Hoooooooly fuck

If you haven´t read Frankenstein you need to do it. It's one hell of a good story.

Do what this guy says, then go read itos version.

>Chowder 7/10

I've read Frankenstein. I understand the relevance of the quote and pretty much the rest of the book now.
Fuck you tcb I could have lived without you making me feel pity for Aku of all things

I liked that though

My memory is a bit fuzzy, but how does this exactly fit Aku? I thought he was literally comprised of evil, not made evil by his experiences with humankind.

>tfw all the Aku x Blossom
>tfw I'm reading all of this in Mako's voice
>tfw the autistic side of me is enjoying it

You think this is how he'd want to be remembered?

>If Aku beat Jack with a nuke there'd be no entertainment for either the audience or Aku himself.
Aku has never given two shits about fighting fair or breaking Jack if it was going to cost him a win.

Aku knows that Jack is destined to defeat him. He is also very trope aware, which is why he would rather mess around with the Samurai and delay him incessantly, rather than force a showdown he's doomed to lose.

It's even in the intro. Aku flung Jack into the future just as a stall.

He lives forever this way

Speaking of vouce, I hope the new guy does as good a job as Aku as he did Iroh.

>Aku knows that Jack is destined to defeat him
Aku states in the first episode he doesn't believe the sword has the power to destroy him. He doesn't believe he's destined to lose, he thinks he can't take Jack with the sword in a direct fight.

>Aku flung Jack into the future just as a stall.
Aku flung Jack into the future to save himself and because he thought his increased powers would be able to handle Jack.

Is Aku even that bad of a ruler?

The earth, under Aku's rule, has developed to be very technologically advanced, trades with dozens of alien civilizations, and is seemingly not at war (besides those who oppose Aku)

I think the only major problem would be that Aku encourages criminal behaviors and would oppose the creation of a police-like force.

>entering slavery and servitude for technological gain

Also I don't know if you noticed but despite the technology most places are shitholes full of roaming half-man-half-alien-half-robot hybrid gangs and bandits who'll kill you over trivial things. It's hardly the ideal place to live.

He doesn't need a police-like force, HIS EVIL IS LAW, and he has robots and minions that enforce his laws and bounty hunters for when the robots and minions aren't enough.

Aku has good reason to believe that he cannot be completely destroyed forever. Nigga survived three gods AND the sword that was created by those gods and intended to be the only thing capable of defeating him. But that doesn't mean he's just going to let himself get imprisoned again. To Aku, that would be a fate worse than death.

There are three reasons Jack is still alive:
>Aku wants to prolong Jack's suffering while also making sure to cover his own ass whenever possible
>Aku has nothing better to do
>Jack has plot armor

>>Aku wants to prolong Jack's suffering while also making sure to cover his own ass whenever possible
And christ he sure did for the sequel

forgot to reply

Been looking for this page, thank you.

>Nigga survived three gods
The primordial darkness survived being completely eradicated by gods. Aku is far below that darkness. As for the sword, part of it seems to be due to the wielder being a human.

>But that doesn't mean he's just going to let himself get imprisoned again.
No, but if he was it wouldn't be the end of the world. The last time it happened he was only trapped a few years.

>There are three reasons Jack is still alive
Plot armor is the correct answer. Aku would kill Jack if given half the chance *as he's shown in the zombie episode*. He isn't afraid of being bored without Jack, as he went without seeing Jack as he was being flung into the future, which was likely hundreds if not thousands of years later.

Pretty much any ridiculous idea, if presented well enough, is strangely captivating.
Such as this AMV in which Jane from Tarzan falls in love with Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet and then they fight the bad guy from Osmosis Jones.

You mean yandere
>disguise yourself as an ally and get close to someone
>spend seasons together letting the person get attached
>finally reveal your secret identity as That Fucking Stalker Asshole
>because you fucking own their life and you will make sure they never trust anyone ever again
>because they belong only to you
>only you can decide their fate

>Chowder at the bottom

Opinion disregarded.

Why didn't Aku just portal Jack into deep space to die?



The one issue with nuking Jack from orbit is that Aku would never be able to confirm that the sword was destroyed. There could have been some benevolent magic force that saves Jack and the sword at the last minute and the fallout from the nuke would leave Aku none the wiser. I think that's part of the reason that Aku used so many bounty hunters, because they would provide solid proof of Jack's demise rather than all evidence being lost in nuclear hell-fire.

It's akin to swatting at a spider full force but not being able to find the body later; yeah that SHOULD have done the job, but you can never know for sure. If I can't find the spider, then it's alive. I'm sure that Aku thinks the same way.

They constantly call him a wizard throughout season 1

You see it's all because of GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS


Eyebrow mind?

>The one issue with nuking Jack from orbit
By nuking I was only referring to killing him from a distance Jack couldn't hope to reach, there's no need for Aku to go all out *which would end Jack in a direct fight anyway*.

>Aku would never be able to confirm that the sword was destroyed.
Aku can scry things even in he doesn't know where they are or what he's looking for. The sword is indestructible, Jack is the issue, after he's dead Aku can trivially retrieve the blade.

>I think that's part of the reason that Aku used so many bounty hunters
Aku uses bounty hunters because they provide colorful mooks for Jack to fight in unique ways. There's no reason he couldn't send army after army of robots after Jack to keep him for fighting weeks on end while flooding the environment with radiation and poison.


He's the shape-shifting master of evil.
