Beta Ray Bill

Where is he and why hasn't he stepped in to deal with Jane and Odinson?

Not a minority and not movie synergetic. Expect him to remain benched except for the occasional appearance in straight-to-cancellation joke books.

He may appear in The Unworthy Thor, right? ...right?

I want more BRB, he's my second fav Marvel character

Isn't he still dead after Battleworld?

Aaron said he was going to use him but who knows when or where.

Hopefully he pops up in Unworthy Thor.

Aaron is a hack and I wouldn't want him to use Based Bill.

nowadays it's hard to argue

Last seen either getting his ass kicked by Thanos or hanging out with Kid Nova, depending on where Starlin's OGN falls in the timeline. He was also in Thors, but I don't think that counts.

Also he appeared on the cover to the current volume of Mighty Thor, so presumably he's going to be showing up at some point.

I mean Cosmic War is coming so....

For clarification: he appeared in the 1st issue spread cover that was one of those "what to expect from this run" covers.

Pic related.

Also kinda weird that Cul wasn't on this cover considering he's clearly one of the main antagonists of the current volume.

>Not a minority


Beta Ray Bill is a homeless black Canadian veteran, and has been since like 2004.

It's just he hasn't shown up as that form since like, Omega Flight.

>people claim godbomb is one of the best Thor comics and hate on Aaron in the same breath

>Guy accidentally produces one great comic
>He's untouchable when he makes garbage

I maintain that Thor losing his powers again and his replacement being cancerjane is actually a really good concept let down by shit writing

So he's black in the same way J'onn J'onzz is black?

>Bill will never show up in the MCU

>hulk talks his place in 3

Fuck Kevin

J'onn was legit black because he was a Green Martian.

But Bill wasn't a minority of his species.

This is much more of a Jake Olsen situation.

Simon Walters is a very real dead guy that Beta Ray Bill is riding around like a meat Gundam. And not using in like a decade.

Thor loses Mjolnir in Thor 3, right?
Maybe they find it with Bill

We talking about Garth Ennis now, or...?

what the fuck you talking about, he's a one of a kind. He was genetically modified till he was unrecognisable and disgustingly ugly to his people. But he didn't care, he took his duty more seriously than any comic character and took the hideous look in stride, he even kept his pride cause he knew there were much more important things than looks.

J'onn being "black" makes sense because in his own species he was a minority.

For Bill it doesn't.

Pretty stale bait.

>implying he did anything of actual quality outside of Hitman
Care to bullshit some more?

But Bill was turned into a horrifying cyborg monster too.
Although he was worshiped for it.

Has anyone made an Adam Jensen/Beta Ray Bill cross over yet?

Battlefields and Fury MAX. Preacher and Punisher aren't amazing but they're good. Can't say I've read his run on The demon or Hellblazer, but I've heard the latter is pretty good.

How is being a Green Martian like being Black? Green martians weren't a minority, at least not before they all died (but got better in nu52).

Sure there are multiple races of Martians (Green, white, red) but green is more like the Caucasion race, with White being generically evil race.

His Hellblazer is the only good one you mentioned

But you just admitted he still did something good outside of Hitman, Thanks for the rec though.

>but green is more like the Caucasion race, with White being generically evil race.


you are welcome, I find Ennis too try hard in edgyness. I don't mind edgyness but he seems to put it in everywhere and it gets boring. Hellblazer is the time he didn't do that, he used it just enough to fit the character.

>Where is he and why hasn't he stepped in to deal with Jane and Odinson?
How exactly is Bill supposed to "deal" with Jane and Prince Odinson?

Godbomb was a good solo Thor story that starts with a good exploration of what being a god means but in the end doesn't do much with it. Also the past-present-future Thors worked well as a gimmick, once. Then Aaron just starts writing bad Conan fanfiction -considering Thor becomes a dumb brute with barely any notion of nobility, who doesn't fight smart and is drunk most of the time.
He doesn't inspire people, he fails them instead. He's too brash to be a leader. His relationship to Odin is the one of a teenager. Malekith is doing whatever he wants and Thor doesn't really do anything that stops him nor investigates his plans or alliances.

You know what happens after Heimdall tells Thor that shit is going down in this page? He fights some trolls the next page while still thinking who could the new Thor be and then all we see him do for the rest of his appearances he keeps trying to find out that by going to all the ladies he knows.

At least go see Thor and be like "Hey bro, I heard you weren't worthy any more. As someone who is worthy, you want to talk about it?"

What LSD hightened fever dream spawned this character?

arguably the best writer Marvel ever had. There is Claremont, Simonson and... who else?

Is he still pounding her yellow pussy?

Starlin and Byrne are contenders, at least. Engleheart, Stern, Louise Simonson, Gerber, and Mantlo all pulled weight at a lot of times, too.