Monsters Unleashed details released. It's all of the 50s/60s Marvel monsters (and Devil Dinosaur) come for revenge on the superheroes who replaced them.
Monsters Unleashed details released. It's all of the 50s/60s Marvel monsters (and Devil Dinosaur) come for revenge on the superheroes who replaced them.
>even the marvel horror book is heroes vs. heroes
>Cool idea at the "House of Ideas" for once
Fuck, Bendis is gonna ruin this, isn't he.
>marvel thinking they're even going to survive until 2017
Nice concept, but it's marvel. It won't be good but it might have a few cool moments. Spiderman vs the giant spider?
Is that a Black Bolt with purple added to the costune or someone new on the far left?
Super okay with this, there were like 4 people in the original reveal thread who were excited for this and I was among them
This is Deadpool's fault, right?
Here I was expecting some Morbius, werewolf by night or manthing, but it's just shit.
That's actually cool idea.
Shame they probably going to ruin the execution.
It's marvel
Yeah but how?
greg land is part of it
Sounds like an interesting concept. Hope they don't fuck it up (or put Bendis in charge of it).
Is another hero vs thing instead of horror stuff.
There ya go now that lowers my expectation.
Technically, only a few of the giant monsters could be categorized as heroes.
It's still marvel
This could be mildly interesting, but Marvel has crushed my spirits.
Bunn is writing it.
Goddammit, I was expecting horror comics not more cape shit. Bunn sucks at cape shit, he's at least pretty good at horror.
>Cullen Bunn
He can occasionally write villains (Sinestro/Magneto) but his work for hire stuff is just so weak on average.
In the back issues bin.
>but it's marvel
couple years ago, I would've been triggered by this post, but right now, I agree
Maybe they'll spin a solo book or two that's not just capes fighting capes trash
Your mistake was having expectations.
Looks like darkhawk to me
It's Blackbolt in his shitty McNiven armor.
a little bit
Fuck yeah Kirby Monsters!
I thought for sure that it was Black Bolt but now that I'm getting a closer look it's actually hard to tell. The wings are way longer than they should be, and that purple looks like its seperate parts of the suit rather than just weird lightning making it appear purple.
I'm going to assume that the artist just went off-model with Black Bolt, but it is pretty weird.
Fuck off, the Kirby Monsters are great and never get any attention outside of the occasional background monster to get beaten up while heroes quip at each other.
The 70s monsters on the other hand show up fucking constantly in supporting roles. I mean shit, it wasn't that long ago that Morbius got his own ongoing.
It is kind of weird that they're using Monsters Unleashed (which was a 70s monster title) for a 50-60s monsters event. You'd think they would have gone with something more closely associated with them like WHERE MONSTERS DWELL!
We already know the whole creative team attached. It's Cullen Bunn writing with a rotating artist team of:
Don't you tease me like that!
I don't know where you got that from the article. It just sounds like someone is mind controlling classic Marvel monsters, including Devil and Groot.
If anything, this is going to feature the superhero community in a climate similar to Secret Invasion, but with somewhat less animosity.
>being this stupid
>USAvengers tie-in where American Kaiju fights them
Here's hoping!
they recently used where monsters dwell for that secret wars mini
What a waste of a get.
>classic Groot is one of them
Wait, what the fuck? Are they going to retcon it so GotG Groot and Kirby Groot are different characters.
Quints confirm American Kaiju!
This wasn't at all what I wanted marvel, not at all.
>a waste
Sounds like someone has shit taste!
Groot's backstory is in desperate need of clarification, but I fear it's going to get even more convoluted.
More than likely. Maybe a splinter from the original groot that gained sentience and became part of the guardians..
>hating America
I bet you're a fucking LEAF.
I dont think so. Its still canon that gotg groot came to earth back in the day.
I hope the Guardians have a tie-in that brings up what Groot USED to be like.
>an anthology book
>working for the big 2 in current year
I trust Bunn. Demons and Monsters have been his favorite topic, and this seems like he's having a ball. I mean, even back during Fearless Defenders, his goal was to include every marvel female ever in the book. This book boasting it will have every monster Marvel ever made seems like a fun idea that he really wants to do.
I'm game.
Has anyone else noticed the huge up-tick in Fin-Fang Foom usage? Was the focal point for arcs in Drax, Totally Awesome Hulk, and All-new Wolverine (which all came out in pretty quick succession), appeared in Lego Marvel, and now this.
Well, considering that image has a picture of Rocket shooting Kirby-Groot, that seems pretty likely.
>I trust Bunn.
What connection do the x-men have with monsters ?
I know that frankestein was introduced in an x-men comic but they are more related to demons and aliens.
Are you blind dude, it's obviously Blackbolt in his new costume with the colors fucked up. You can see lower half of his face.
I'm only interested if they reference Fin Fang Four.
And Devil Dinosaur ends up joining the USAvengers.
Where is Land going to get porno stills to trace these monsters from?
They always do anthology books for whatever event is happening at the time, and those tend to do alright in sales. Also A+X was an anthology book that had some legs to it.
I really don't see why the Big 2 are so adverse to anthology books. I mean, I get that they don't sell that great, but when they do do them, the sales are rarely that low. You'd think having one ongoing anthology book like a Marvel Presents or something would work out well. It's the perfect place to stories for all the c-listers that can't get their own books but should be checked in on every now and then.
Land is good with monsters
Did you not see how low Legends of Tomorrow sold
They should have headlined it with a Batman story or something. Fucking Firestorm and a title taken from a CW show, especially the DC one that did the lowest ratings, weren't enough of a draw.
>5 issues
>shipped bi-weekly
>different artist per issue
Neat. Sounds like a nice little one-and-done story. But the real question is: will "X, the Thing that Lived" appear? He's my favorite Kirby Monster.
Wait why are Marvel and Ironman fighting monsters together?
Aren't they in the middle of a civil war.
I want to be excited for this, but I'm so fucking tired of marvel heroes being written like shit. If it were just about the monsters it would be different.
Who's on the top left? Next to Chulk?
That's not Tony, he's retired.
Well first off, that's probably Ironheart, not Tony. Second off, this takes place after Civil War II. According to the interview, the plot is:
>The heroes of the Marvel Universe are all divided and at each other's throats as a result of CWII but are forced to unite and work together to stop the monsters' attack
So it's a "set aside our difference to stop an impossible threat" event. Though, quite frankly, I'll be rooting for the monsters this time around.
A retirement that'll last till what?
Iron Man 4? The next Avengers movie?
All it takes is RDJ on screen again and Tony is back like he never left.
So after the big divide event, they're using an old monster title as an excuse to have a everyone kiss and make up for team up event?
The article says that if you leave a mention on the #Monstersunleashed Hastag on twitter, they will remember to put them in.
A year or two, they have to at least push Riri for awhile if they want to want those diversity points.
Infinity War is 2 years away yet, so yeah, 2 years sounds about right. That gives Riri long enough to establish herself, and if she's well-received, can spin off into her own book and if she's not well-received, can just be canned. Meanwhile, I can't imagine Marvel having Dr. Doom calling himself Iron Man for longer than 2 years. Even Superior Spider-man didn't last that long.
Yes, they need the heroes to be friends again so that they can tear them apart with the next shitty event.
Pretty much. Which would have some actual weight to it if there was a notable gap between CWII and Monsters Unleashed, but thanks to CWII's delays pushing its last issue into december, we're literally going to be going from CWII to Monsters Unleashed in a matter of weeks.
I think they already did in Howling Commandos or something.
Maybe they'll rewrite the ending to Civil War II to setup Monsters Unleashed?
Like the monsters were somehow responsible for part of their bullshit?
Kinda like how Quicksilver was able to divert some of his problems by blaming them on Skrulls after Secret Invasion.
>Quicksilver was able to divert some of his problems by blaming them on Skrulls after Secret Invasion
I love this guy
I don't know if this'll be GOOD but Kirby Monsters bent on revenge for Heroes replacing them is a hell of a pitch
>Bendis rewriting something for OTHER WRITERS' benefits
Haha, fucking no? CWII's ending was supposed to set up the War for Hydra going on in the Captain Hydra book, but then Bendis went "nah, I've got a better idea" and decided to change it. Fucking over Spencer and delaying the book into December in the first place.
Make no mistake, it's other people's jobs to cater to Bendis, not the other way around.
Isn't the first Rebirth Batman crossover next month a kaiju story as well?
I ain't complaining but what's going on here?
marvel copying dc like usual
I don't even think Bendis understands the events he doesn't write. Look at Ultimate End for example. Better yet, look how he dodges the Clone Conspiracy by having Miles crossover with Spider-Gwen
>what's going on here?
It's called HYPERCRISIS, user.
Groot wasn't in that, Man-Thing was.
The thing about Ultimate End is that it's pretty clearly a reworked script that originally had nothing to do with Secret Wars. The way the domain fusion works and is presented makes it abundantly clear that this was going to be some Spider-men 2 or something similar, then when the news came down that the Ultimate Universe was getting destroyed, Bendis just altered that script to accommodate Battleworld/Secret Wars, then just stopped caring about halfway through.
It's a revamp of an early Batman story
So how are they going to make it so that Man-Thing jobs to....oh I don't know; let's say Squirrel Girl
Anyone remember this? Sounds like a similar kind of event....
>Not hero vs hero bullshit
>Pulling old properties out of the archives and revitalizing them.
>Not Bendis
Color me interested.
I miss Seth Fisher...
Doesn't this look like the "Monster Men" Batman related crossover DC is doing right now?
>Seth Fisher
Now I'm sad.
Batwoman fights monsters.
They're like her Brainiac. Shows up every 5 years and she has to deal with them while they're hyped as one of her bigger stories.
It happened with the crime bible cult full of werewolves and other monsters and murderers.
It happened with the story telling cult who was able to pump every lizard mythos into Killer Croc turning him into a legit dragon kaiju.
And idk what caused that giant bat gryphon in your pic, but it is up the greatest lesbian in all of Gotham to shove her military grade boots up its ass.
I wonder if Fin Fang Foom will put anyone in his pants.
He was a support member of the team in the 2006 series.
The Groot series from a little while ago made it clear that GotG Groot and OG Groot are separate characters. The latter was last on Monster Island in an issue of X-Men.
You might be onto something
He did the same thing in Guardians of Knowhere, which was just a showcase for two nobodies he was going to introduce in future issues of GotG, and his general misunderstanding of the nature and origins of Battleworld
>Night of the monster men
>Monsters unleashed
What's with the recent kaiju obsession?
Beyond Godzilla kaiju stuff is way too overlooked.
Even in comics.
>what is Legends of Tomorrow
a shitty selling book, that's what it is
>03/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #1 -- 18,753
>04/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #2 -- 12,728 (- 32.1%)
>05/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #3 -- 11,354 (- 10.8%)
>06/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #4 -- 9,677 (- 14.8%)
>07/2016: Legends of Tomorrow #5 -- 8,681 (- 10.3%)
>yfw Fantastic Four Return
Maybe trade sales will be good?
Old Man Logan is crazy because the first issue is great and appears as if Bendis has a very clear grasp of Battleworld's mechanics. Then in the second issue, suddenly there's a dozen contradictions with how it works and even contradictions with how Bendis explained how it worked in the first issue! Then it becomes Old Man Logan's tour of Battleworld that remains equally all over the place.
It's like the editor put in a bunch of work to fix Old Man Logan #1 then stopped caring for the rest and let Bendis just write whatever.
The thing about the Secret Wars tie-ins is that depending on the creative team, it was either a chance to go all out and create something great or an excuse to 100% phone it in while they work on other projects. Bendis clearly treated it in the latter fashion. But meanwhile you had Gillen writing one of the best Marvel books he'd done since JiM ended and creating an endcap to his time writing Marvel books or Weaver bring his A-game for Infinity Gauntlet.
I'm still a bit bummed that The Spider-man didn't get a cameo in Infinity Gauntlet though.
>trade sales for d listers being high
Firestorm is probably the only one that will have respectable trade sales.
Man-Thing isn't a Kirby Monster. He probably won't be in this.
It's more likely that we'll get something like Squirrel Girl vs. Gargantus, The Thing that Walks Like a Man. And the answer to how she'll beat him is squirrels.
Hypercrisis is a helluva drug.
To be fair the only Spider book tying into that is Silk
Fuck off kekwing fag
Nice dubs tho
Can I hijack for a minute to ask for recs for the next era of monster comics?
What is the best Bronze Age horror stuff from the Big 2? I'm reading Tomb of Dracula now and it's based as fuck
You had terrible taste a couple years ago then.
You're already reading the best. Also check out Gerber's Man-Thing if you haven't before. That's a Marvel must-read.
Both Swamp Thing and Man Thing.
Tomb of Dracula is the other big one.
Oh wait, you said Big 2, not just Marvel. Then also include Moore's Swamp-Thing which is the best of the three.
I like the armor look. I've never understood why the king of an isolationist country goes around wearing a skin-tight, spandex superhero costume anyway.
Cullen Bunn headlining an event, we've really gotten to this point.
(granted if anyone should be doing a "monster" thing, it's him, but still)
He introduced those two nobodies in his regular GotG comics and he made a big deal out of them and then just forgot about them.
>forcing Ms. Marvel and Miles into every single event
Poor Terrax, with Fin Fan Foom gone he's gonna have to manage the farm all by himself.
How is it hero vs hero? It's hero vs monster.
It was bound to happen, they have way too many events a year.
This doesn't really seem like it's much of an event. Just a mini with a small handful of tie-ins. Though I guess that's enough to make it an event, albeit a small one.
>forcing the new character they're trying to push into everything
welcome to capeshit
Sounds like a total rip-off of DC's Hanna-Barbera attempt tbqh
What? Not even remotely. If you're going to make the "i-it's just a DC rip-off!" complaint then at least go with Night of the Monster Men.
In what way?
Any of y'all seen the Marvel Dracula anime movie?
It is hilarious, with a story so ridiculous it may be accurate to the comic.
Why is darkseid a farmer in the Marvel universe?
Did he hear Thanos did it and he didn't wanna be upstaged?
>Fin Fang Foom
I cannot imagine how annoyed he is.
Byrne wasn't trying very hard when he came up with Terrax.
Finally it's Xarggu's time to shine. Also I guess this is why the American Kaiju's foot was on that teaser.
Probably going to be shit like Howling Commandos.
Marvel is now an accident waiting to happen.
They ARE the monsters. Mutants appeared in anthology series all the time before the X-Men were a thing.
He went from the tyrannical overlord of an entire universe that was a mixture of madness of brilliance and rotted and aged things to the touch to being bullied by a bunch of suits. Poor Mojo.
This is gonna be complete shit
Don't you mean Marvel is NOW! an accident waiting to happen.
The Yu and McNiven issues could be good. I can't wait to see how hard Land and LaRocca phone it in.
Most likely. Although you'd think that would have Duggan headlining...
That sounds actually very nice.
>modern Marvel
Welp. Let's hope for one or two interesting tie-ins.
This sounds like a quite a goofy event and I am down for that. Looks like Iron man isn't going anywhere.
>even Kidclops
>no Nova
C-Could it be finally happening, bros?
Hoping for the Gibborim and Krobaa to appear here
That's Riri.
Wait is Mojo on the Disney board of directors?
Nova is busy banging Viv
What would this have to do with Deadpool? These guys aren't from the Monster Metropolis. That's more supernatural monsters.
Maybe Hawkeye is getting a new costume with wings
Chulk was fighting and shrinking monsters in his Korean bbq truck. So it could be Amadeus' fault
>TFW you're right
Yeah, I could at least see Chulk getting a tie-in given what his MO was before he got sidetracked by crossovers and shit.
It only showed up for one page but damn it I want this in there
Then you know what you have to do,
All I can hope for is a fun Colossus and CHulk buddy team-up issue. This would've been a lot better next month, so this must've been a response to DC's monster men.
I did it, Hopefully they actually stick to their word
Now that you mention it, he should have a main role