Renew Your Vows Promises Spider-Man Fun, Family-Style Heroics

>In 1987, David Michelinie, Jim Shooter and Paul Ryan told the tale of the wedding between Peter Parker and his long time girlfriend Mary Jane Watson, a marriage that lasted 20 years, until 2007. As a result, an entire generation of Spider-Man fans grew up with a web-slinger who was married. Alas, the Marvel Universe is a place of cosmic disappointment, capable of altering a heroes reality, even retroactively. That’s what happened to Spider-Man’s marriage, when Mephisto piped it from ever having existed, leaving Spidey a single hero, who fondly remembers the long, nuptial-free relationship he had with Mary Jane.

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This November, fans will get a chance to see what Peter Parker’s life would be like had he and MJ remained married and started a family in “Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows,” a new ongoing series by writer Gerry Conway and artist Ryan Stegman. The book is set on a world where web-slinging has become a family affair for Peter, Mary Jane and their daughter Annie, and while Conway and Stegman promise lots of Spider-family fun, there’s plenty of excitement in the Watson-Parker family’s future as well.

CBR News: Both of you have experience and an affinity for the world of Spider-Man, but what made this series an appealing assignment for you guys?

Ryan Stegman: For me, it’s Spider-Man, so that’s a pretty easy sell, but for a while now, I’ve felt like there hasn’t been very many love stories in comic books as I’ve lamented publicly on Twitter quite a bit. I’ve always loved Peter and M.J. Then, the fact that they have a kid in this book is really appealing to me as a father of a five-year-old and a two-year-old. So a book about love, parenthood and superheroics is right up my alley.

>Gerry Conway: I agree with everything Ryan just said. My interests in this book was to portray a loving couple that may have problems, but their marriage is not a problem. Their relationship is solid. There’s no conflicts, other than the normal ones that come up in a marriage. I don’t think that’s something that people have done too much with, so I thought it would be fun to do.

Gerry, did you get a chance to write Peter and Mary Jane as a married couple much when you came back to the Spider-Man books in the late ’80s?

Conway: I did, but because I was writing “Web of Spider-Man” and “Spectacular Spider-Man,” I couldn’t really do anything with the main character arcs. Those were being handled by David Michelinie in “Amazing Spider-Man,” so I spent most of my time with supporting cast members, like Robbie Robertson and Gloria Grant.

One of the nice options we have doing this book is that we can write the main characters and we don’t have to worry about bumping into anyone else’s story. That’s a lot of fun.

What can you tell us about the world of “Renew Your Vows?” How similar and how different is it to the current “Amazing Spider-Man”?

Conway: Visually, it’s Manhattan. We didn’t take the direction of the “Renew Your Vows” miniseries that was published during “Secret Wars” did of a futuristic Manhattan. The notion here is our world was the Marvel Universe up to the point of “Brand New Day.” Then things continued without that big change. Things have also gone off track in certain ways, though. Some of the stories in our world developed in a different way.

Our first arc features the Mole Man, and the Mole Man as we’re doing him is a lot different from the one that appears in the mainstream Marvel books.

Ryan, did you get a chance to redesign his look?

Stegman: Oh, yeah. Because we’re in our own sort of corner, I get to sort of do what they did in “Ultimate Spider-Man.” Any character that appears, I can do them my own way, and that’s very liberating.

So far, the Mole Man looks totally freakish and completely in my own style. I definitely took some liberties with him.

I know you love drawing strange looking characters.

Stegman: I love ugly characters! [Laughs] That’s Spider-Man’s rogues’ gallery. If you look at the way Ditko drew them or what they’re named after it’s always kind of obvious what they were going for. The are no handsome villains in Spider-Man’s universe.

Conway: Ryan mentioned the Ultimate Universe and that was sort of an attempt to make heroes and villains realistic, but we’re sort of doing the opposite of that where it’s more heightened and more fantastic than it would be in the Marvel Universe.

>Alas, the Marvel Universe is a place of cosmic disappointment
Couldn't have said it better myself

How long have the Parkers been a crime fighting family when you pick up with them in “Renew Your Vows” #1?

Conway: What do you think, Ryan? I’d say about six months to maybe a year.

Stegman: Yeah, that’s how it felt to me, script-wise. They’re still figuring things out.

Conway: They also have sort of conflicting motives. Each of them is coming at it from a different direction. So there’s going to be some bumping heads, at least initially, until they figure out what their common strategy is going to be.

Ryan, both Annie and Mary Jane will be wearing new Spider costumes designed by you. What inspired their new heroic looks?

Stegman: Mary Jane is a former super model. She’s very fashionable, and that’s what we were going for. We wanted something that looks Spider family, but have it also be something that she would wear. She wouldn’t put on just any costume. She’d definitely have an opinion on what she was wearing.

Another thing was that I was trying to make them look like a family, but Mary Jane is not going to wear a full spider mask. She’s got a different hairdo every day, and she’s not going to mess that up just to wear a spider mask. I worked around that and came up with just the eye mask.

During the time I was designing Annie’s costume, I was also teaching my son how to ride a bike. I was padding him up much more than I ever remembered being padded. I made him put on knee pads and elbow pads and a helmet. I also wouldn’t let him ride on the cement, and was pushing him on the grass. So I was thinking about how a parent would react if their child had Spider powers and they were gong to go swinging around the city.


Regent was the villain in the “Renew Your Vows” miniseries that took place on the “Secret Wars” Battleworld. Is the continuity of your series linked to that mini?

Conway: The Regent did exist in this universe. My thinking is that after “Secret Wars,” this universe was reestablished, but much of the stuff that happened in that miniseries still occurred. So, as I mentioned, we don’t have the high tech future world from that mini, but the Regent did attempt to take over the world and he was put down by Peter, Mary Jane and Annie, together.

That’s why his tech is very much a huge part of an ongoing storyline for our series.

What about the Parkers’ day to day, out of costume lives? Are both Peter and M.J. employed when the series begins?

Conway: Yes. I don’t think the Internet has gone as far in this universe as it has in ours in destroying the newspaper business, so Jonah Jameson is still very much a force to be reckoned with as a newspaper publisher, and Peter is doing his Spider-Man photos freelance for Jonah. He’s making decent money at it, though. He’s not struggling the way he used to struggle because he gets the best photos.

M.J. owns a small boutique, and she’s dealing with the problems of being a small business owner. She also has a fashion blog that she runs on the side. It’s actually starting to get her some attention as a serious commentator in the world of fashion. Her career is very much a standalone career. She doesn’t need Peter, and Peter doesn’t need her. That makes them the perfect match for each other, because they’re co-equals.

Annie is eight years old. She’s in approximately second or third grade. She’s your basic “thinks she’s smarter than she is” kid. She’s a bit more aggressive than she should be, but she’s got a really good heart. She really wants to please her parents, but she keeps getting into trouble. That’s their family dynamic.

Will “Renew Your Vows” feature a lot of Spidey’s classic cast?

Conway: Yes, for the most part. We also have a master villain who will remain slightly secret for now, but we’re going to have some fun with that character over our first sequence of stories.

Would you describe the series as having classic Marvel, almost Fantastic Four-style, heroics?

Stegman: I think that’s an apt description. One of the things that appealed to me about this is my favorite things at Marvel are probably Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four. This is a nice combination of both of those.

Conway: Yes. It’s bigger than life and tons of fun.

Speaking of the Fantastic Four, what can you tell us about your larger sort of heroic landscape? Do you have plans for groups like the FF or the Avengers?

Conway: Spider-Man’s world is pretty big on it’s own, and there’s a lot to focus on and develop, but those other characters will be available. At some point, I’d love to do a Human Torch story because he and Spider-Man were always hanging out together. It would be fun to see that.

Ryan, how would you describe the overall look of the book?

Stegman: It will be relatively cartoony, but I’m already cartoony, so it will look similar to my work on “Superior Spider-Man.” I’m really trying to pull out all the stops with the action.

Conway: Ryan is also doing a lot of great character stuff. When you see Jonah Jameson, it will be the classic, blowing his top-style Jameson, which is just great.

Stegman: There’s a page of just family stuff that might be my favorite page that I’ve ever gotten to work on. I doubt anyone would think anything of it because it doesn’t involve people being punched in the face.

Conway: That’s kind of the core of the book, though. It’s really good stuff.

Ryan, how would you describe the overall look of the book?

Stegman: It will be relatively cartoony, but I’m already cartoony, so it will look similar to my work on “Superior Spider-Man.” I’m really trying to pull out all the stops with the action.

Conway: Ryan is also doing a lot of great character stuff. When you see Jonah Jameson, it will be the classic, blowing his top-style Jameson, which is just great.

Stegman: There’s a page of just family stuff that might be my favorite page that I’ve ever gotten to work on. I doubt anyone would think anything of it because it doesn’t involve people being punched in the face.

Conway: That’s kind of the core of the book, though. It’s really good stuff.

Speaking for myself, this is the most fun I’ve had working on Spider-Man since at least the ’80s, because while I enjoyed working on “Spiral,” the recent Spider-Man miniseries I did, it’s really kind of nice to have this ongoing project where you know you can plant some seeds, put some stuff out there, and see how it all blooms. That’s a lot of fun

Plus, working with Ryan is just such a treat because his stuff is so dead on to how it looks in my head.

Stegman: Yes, issue #1 is one of my favorite scripts I’ve ever worked on. I didn’t say that for the longest time, because I was trying not to be hyperbolic about the project, but when I finished the issue and looked back at it, I thought, “No, that legitimately is one my favorite things I’ve gotten to work on.”

Gerry’s scripts are really descriptive. He seems to be a visual thinker and some writers can have difficulty with that. So, really, I couldn’t be happier working on this book.

Between this and Cage I'm buying two Marvel Now books

>Not RYV/Secret Wars continuation

Wait to see if it is good before buying.

Also looks like they are trying to mimick Rebirth, which is good.

>The notion here is our world was the Marvel Universe up to the point of “Brand New Day.”
Does this mean that old bitch May is finally fucking dead? Please Conway save us from Slott.

>Universe with Spider-Man's daughter where May is dead.

Truly, MC2 reborn.
Although I doubt we're gonna get Juggerenaut's half Japanese son this time.

>Ryan mentioned the Ultimate Universe and that was sort of an attempt to make heroes and villains realistic, but we’re sort of doing the opposite of that where it’s more heightened and more fantastic than it would be in the Marvel Universe

Thank god

>We didn’t take the direction of the “Renew Your Vows” miniseries that was published during “Secret Wars” did of a futuristic Manhattan. The notion here is our world was the Marvel Universe up to the point of “Brand New Day.” Then things continued without that big change.

This is the book I've wanted for years!

Based Conway!

wait...then how did they find Annie? At that point she'd been missing since Norman's return from the dead?!

Who is that fem spider?



So it'll be a brief "what if" of what things would be like if Marvel hadn't gone to completely unredeemable shit? I'm sure they'll still fuck it up somehow.

It's an on-going series. Marvel is copying DC's Lois and Clark series that brought back Post-Crisis Superman. This seems to be a potential set up for Marvel's own "Rebirth" if it does well.

What are the chances of this book outselling Amazing? It woul show Marvel the error of their ways

somehow I doubt she's gonna be as endearing as MayDay was

sure, but Mayday was a teenager, this is a precocious 8 year old.

>new ongoing series


Have they talked about why MJ is going out and about? Has she gotten powers or is she using some kind of technology Peter made?

>A married Peter teaching his daughter how to be a superhero

> yfw when this outsells the actual main book during it's mega event no less.

Annie isn't Mayday.

MJ's costume is way to hot for me. goddamn

>what if Audrey Hepburn was a superheroine

Always remember to say no to anime

>more spider-characters

I really miss when there was just Peter and Ben Reilly

Miles makes no fucking sense in the main universe

Why did he start using the Spider-man name if Peter wasn't dead?
Who pushed him to be a hero when he didn't want to be?
Does his Spider even make sense in the main universe? I don't think Norman's been making Oz Formula spiders

Dare I hope for a world where this is done SO WELL, and garners such a following that they find someway to make this the main universe storyline and trash what's going on with the Spiderman books now.

But I know no matter how great it might become they'll never toss Miles. Instead Bendis will write Annie into his book and give her a HUGE crush on Miles to tie him into the family.

Well ASM is hitting 70k before we get slammed with Slott's Clone Cocksucking Conspiracy.

Sounds somewhat MC2. Wonder if the Maydayfags will flip out like this like they do any other "slight" against May.

won't have to. It'll be cancelled in a year

Conway's always been a good writer and his recent work on Carnage shows he's still got chops. Maybe this'll lead to some other older writers (i.e. Stern or DeMatteis) being given a chance on Spider-Man as well.

It seems to be Marvel setting themselves up with a no lose situation. Either it does well and the book continues and they can have their cake and eat it too with both single and married Peter or it fails and they can go "HAHA, SEE?! FUCK YOU".

Maydayfag here, I'm excited for this.


I'll always be mad at what Slott did to Mayday in Spider-Verse, but that's got nothing to do with this. I have faith that Conway will deliver.


Go away, Costa. Shouldn't you be busy ruining Venom?

Well, yeah that's pretty much a given.

Never forget Cyborg CSI Peter Parker.

fuck this alternate reality bullshit. Fuck you Quesada Fuck you Marvel, Fuck you Disney

What? This being in an alternate reality means that the creative team can rewrite canon to their liking, giving them more creative freedom. This is a good thing, user.

Not really. Everything is taking place in another earth. not the one we have been following.

>Bendick is gonna ask for Annie May for his book
>Just like how he stole Flash and made him SPACE KNIGHT
>As a shallow attempt to get people to like Miles more

I hate him, I hate him so much.

I miss when it was just Peter and Eddie.

>that spoiler
I literally groaned just considering the possibility.

I'm just mad at Slott for still being on the goddamn book

What's that in the lower right? Looks like a leg but Spideys legs are forward, and the daughter is infront of him.

>Alas, the Marvel Universe is a place of cosmic disappointment

I just realized they named their daughter Anime Parker

>seems to be a potential set up for Marvel's own "Rebirth" if it does well.

No, it's not. Stop comparing it to what DC does.

I doubt that even of the book does well that they would go full Rebirth and replace 616 Peter with RYV Peter. Marvel hates Peter's marriage and MJ too much.

And even if they for some reason did, they would just replace Conwy with Slott since he's the head Spider-Man writer. And since he hates MJ, he would just shit I the marriage as would most of te people working at Marvel.
Or thy would kill both Peter's off and have Miles date Anime.

Did you forget the most important part every Nerd looks for before buying a comic.

It's called Prime Earth for the stupid fedora fat neckbeard but it'll always be 616 for us.

If it isn't 616, the Nerds won't even look at it. We're doomed.

>>Conway: Visually, it’s Manhattan. We didn’t take the direction of the “Renew Your Vows” miniseries that was published during “Secret Wars” did of a futuristic Manhattan. The notion here is our world was the Marvel Universe up to the point of “Brand New Day.” Then things continued without that big change. Things have also gone off track in certain ways, though. Some of the stories in our world developed in a different way

>copy-pasting the entire interview in one fell swoop, unedited


The only person who calls it that is Brevoort because he hates it being called Earth-616. Hickman called it Earth-8 FWIW but nobody uses that either.

I met conway irl once, he's wonderful, and yeah he still has his chops imo
>This seems to be a potential set up for Marvel's own "Rebirth" if it does well.
lmao thats a bold-face pulled out of your ass lie, kek
the MU and DCU landscapes are completely different, and "Rebirth" is a pretty standard reset for DC who has some massive continuity changes every 5 years or so since IC
yeah how would one even swap them out?
at best, they'd just allow peter to settle down

>Why did he start using the Spider-man name if Peter wasn't dead?
>Who pushed him to be a hero when he didn't want to be?
>Does his Spider even make sense in the main universe? I don't think Norman's been making Oz Formula spiders
my head canon is that he's still from 1610, he just thinks hes from 616, bc when reed remade the universe he changed that

How does MJ have powers now?

that leg is Annie.
MJ is the one in the front

It's sad but true. Nerds only care when it's an """important""" book and part of the main universe and is the main book.

I still hope it sells tho. But it probably won't.

>How does MJ have powers now?
You know how rolling around in toxic sledge might give you superpowers? Well, it turns out that mutated spider-DNA cum rolling around in your womb could give you superpowers too after some time and enough injections.

This is like the opposite of Reign.

If all/most of the stories in 616 still happened more or less, I'm guessing she keeps her powers in the aftermath of Spider-Island.

We got that over a decade ago

Man when you said May I thought you meant Mayday and technically if it's up till BND it is a universe were Mayday died :(

Unless Conway brings that little plotline back and Mayday was just stashed away and no one knew about it and Peter and MJ thought she died (which is why Annie is just called Annie here and not Annie May) and Mayday ended up growing up with her Uncle Kaine who finds her and raises her in his own Kaine way

Of course it won't happen but I can dream.

That was Mayday, if it's up to BND then Mayday died or is lost somewhere out there.

Honestly she's like a fucking Schrodinger's cat, she might be dead or alive but no one bothered to check.

I would be extremely happy.

Except we didn’t really because MC2 Peter never wanted Mayday to be a hero and he did everything to prevent her from being Spider-Girl.

Mayday mostly had to teach herself or rely on Darkdevil and Kaine whose brand of training was being hard on her, make everything so she would fail, and then just be full of tough love when they found that she was serious about the hero business.

>Unless Conway brings that little plotline back and Mayday was just stashed away and no one knew about it and Peter and MJ thought she died (which is why Annie is just called Annie here and not Annie May) and Mayday ended up growing up with her Uncle Kaine who finds her and raises her in his own Kaine way
i would love that
suddenly having a teenage daughter would also be pretty cool if you ask me
if Annie is 8 then Pete and MJ are what 35ish?
since Pete's been mid-late twenties since the 80s

Am I the only one who thinks that having your eight year old daughter fight crime with you isn't the most responsible thing to do? Like at least wait until she's a teenager.

But we had that, it was called spider-girl

Maybe it's just me but I'm getting a 90's vibe from how Spider-Man is drawn here, at least with how his head shape and eyes look in the lower right panel.

I wouldn't say that, I already loved her to death in the original mini.

I'd still put Spider-fans into a seperate category.

In my Marvel Universe?? Yes, there is to be excitied for this book. It gives me hope

>Truly, MC2 reborn.
Ultimate MC2

Also, Gerry Conway just confirmed on twitter that their universe's versions of the avengers and X-men are alive and well, so it's good to hear that Regent didn't kill them like he did in the secret wars mini.

Hickman called it UNIVERSE-8, and it was a reference to the whole 8th Iteration of the Universe explained by Ewing.

Basically, it's 616, 8th Edition.
Pre-SW is retroactively 616, 7th Edition.
(X-Men Animated was 616, 6th Edition.)
Space Wizard Chtulu's was 616, 5th Edition.

Am I the only one who fears it won't pass the 12 issues and it will be pointed by Marvel as the ultimate failure of a married Peter?

>still no happy ending for Felicia
>even in the What If? where he marries her, he still ends up with Silver Sable by the end of it

That's probably why they're doing it actually.

Into the trash it goes.

>(X-Men Animated was 616, 6th Edition.)

I think there was debate on the Marvel wiki over that when people looked over the comics again.

I wish I could just stop caring about these characters. Then the pain would go away.

I just preordered this today, can't fucking wait.

She is using the technology Regent used to get powers from other heroes to get powers from Peter

it's... sad, really. I don't think me buying this will change anything, since I'm not an american.

Nova was a good teacher

>not bringing back Mayday
I'm so confused

He is still Miles from 1610 I think, he survived Secret Wars

came here to post this

Has another spider book ever beaten the main one ? Not rhetorical question.

He still remembers everything from pre secret wars, the authors just choose not to use good material like seeing his mother again.

Why is current Marvel so spiteful and shit? Jesus.

Dude let's face it, Mayday got fucked by Spider-Verse and spent the rest of her days in a shitty multiversal team-up book that barely gave her any focus. If there was a chance of her making some kinda big comeback, the opportunity to do so has long since left the building and with Slott already setting up Anime in RYV it's far too late to change the foundation now.

Just enjoy the good times we had with Mayday back then and look forward to the stuff Conway is writing up for us now since it's shaping up to be leagues better than anything Slott has put out for the webhead so far.

I think he 'is', but has no memories of it because he was integrated into 616-8

>shaping up to be leagues better than anything Slott has put out
You could say that about anything

who'll be the unfortunate schmuck to clean up Slott's mess?

>Throwing out the Reily suit for Peter's shit when it looks horrible and painfully uninspired on a woman.
>Changing her name to Spider-Woman when the title is basically a sure-fire sentence to obscurity and mediocrity.
MC2 Pete's death was the despair event horizon while this was the final nail in the coffin.

Fuck Slott.

mj's super hero name should be red tiger or jackpot

Isn't Miles' ongoing selling better than Slott's shit right now?

and mayday should inherit her name

How about Jackpot Tiger?

Seems good enought for a Megaman X boss

No one seems to care, judging by the lack of response to you.

What are the other 4 editions?


>The title of Spider-Woman is basically a sure-fire sentence to obscurity and mediocrity.
How the fuck did this curse even come to be? Every "Spider-Woman" I've seen introduced seems to either fall into obscurity or kept around by writers for some arbitrary reason.

"Jackpot Tiger"

Red and gold symbiote, goblin serum a la ultimate universe, Spider-Powers or something else?

>Every "Spider-Woman" I've seen introduced seems to either fall into obscurity or kept around by writers for some arbitrary reason.
The first, Jessica Drew, is the most well-known in 616

i like running with the idea of "good guy with goblin serum"

she can even have a "tiger glider". it still rhymes!

>lmao thats a bold-face pulled out of your ass lie, kek
Key word there is potential Marvelcuck. I'm not claiming my dad works at Marvel. I have no clue what's going on.
The two literally copy one another all the time.

It'll be wholesome fun until they make a cover featuring Miles making out with Spider-Jane.

>Also looks like they are trying to mimick Rebirth, which is good.
That's utter bullshit, user. This isn't even a story within main continuity. This is Marvel tossing us dogs a bone after waiting 10 years for a return to quality. TEN YEARS. And they give us this shit.

Fuck that.

Isn't she a little young for that?

Did'nt DeFalco hint this wasn't the real Mayday, just another double? I remember Slott really freaking out at that and insisting otherwise on CBR, the Spider-Man Unlimited game also kept her long hair, so there is a different version out there (though I think she also dealt with the Inheritors in the game)

dont know the last

>because it hasn't been revealed
The only Universes we know about are
The first 4 we know nothing about.


Will Uncle Kaine teach his Annie how to talk to spiders?

I'm tired of all these damn spider characters. Just keep Peter as main, Kaine as a sorta dark mirror to Peter that he can develop off of, and Miguel in 2099 who only comes back for major events. Symbiotes don't count as spiders.

Yep. DeFalco did his best to suggest that Slott's Mayday was just another AU doppelganger during a one-shot in an attempt to give fans some hope that the MC2 Parker family are all alive and well. But Slott squashed that shit quick in future issues.

He also disregarded numerous universe designations out of laziness and stated that 90's cartoon Spidey and Unlimited Spidey were the same guy in an attempt to kill two birds with one stone.


im pretty sure 90s toon spidey and unlimited spidey were the same universe.

at least the story in unlimited's 1st ep, framed it as if the events were after the end of 90s spidey, where he and madam web rescue MJ from the vortex.

they having a proper relationship after those events in unlimited ep 1 is not that imposible.

God that shit was stupid. So was Flash marrying and having kids with freaking Felecia. Like seriously those guys would last long enough to make children?

Don't even get me started on the freaking Buzz.

tfw they introduce miles as a love interest for Petes daughter.

tfw this board explodes as another character gets blacked

>tfw I want Kaine to show up
>tfw I get Miles instead


Stop injecting your fetishes into this.

If he's to Annie the way he was to Mayday then he'll be kind when she's little but an asshole full of tough love when she grows up.

How did Slott squash it? Still there's always a chance that DeFalco can always come back and disregard that shit and just pick up where he left off.

Which I kind of want to because he needs to resolve and tighten some loose ends in the Spider-Girl story.

Miles would be like 3x her age

The entire point of Peter and Felicia is that they're good for quick fucks but not a real relationship because she's not in anyway attracted to Peter, only Spider-Man.

I dunno, people who you don't think are the marrying type sometimes get together and do last awhile before the eventual divorce.

Felicia did fall for Flash in the comics but when he found out she was just using him to get to Peter he broke things off.

That said I got Felicity Thompson and Bisexual Felicia so I am cool with MC2.

Meh J2 wasn't bad or good he was just there and it was actually kind of cool to have a heroic Juggernaut (he debuted before Marko joined the X-Men in the main universe).

Now Wildthing, ugh, that was such a shit concept.

Only because of Bendis being in love with her and spending 10+ years pushing her down everyone's throats. She was used as nothing more than a costumeless supporting character for like 20 years before New Avengers.

>im pretty sure 90s toon spidey and unlimited spidey were the same universe.
They're not. They're different shows/universes; Unlimited was originally supposed to be a 2099 series hence the futuristic looking design of the Unlimited suit.