Heroes For Hire v2 Storytime (Part 1)

Welcome back, Anons. Yesterday, we read Civil War, which ended up being the most popular thread I've done. Today, we're continuing our break from Bendis (we'll get back to him eventually), and instead reading the second Heroes for Hire series!

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Sorry the thread's late today Anons, I had a bit of a family emergency I had to resolve first, before stopping at my LCS for some comics.

This series is basically the sequel to that Daughters of the Dragon mini from the other day, with an expanded cast.


inb4 That cover

were Palmiotti/Grey on it when that happened

They're on it this ENTIRE series, user.

So while I was at the LCS, I picked up a copy of the new Power Man & Iron Fist series, since Cred Forums isn't storytiming it anymore.
Colleen, Lin Sun, and Lotus are in it, and Misty FINALLY showed up. Oh, and Danny isn't acting like quite a dumbass anymore.

Yay, Shang-Chi...

that cover makes so much more sense now

Is Jessica still super naggy wife? that really bugged me

And I have no idea who this woman is, or if she appears anywhere else.

>Is Jessica still super naggy wife? that really bugged me

She's getting better.
Fuck it, when I finish this, I'll post the issue in another thread.

Peter seriously. The fuck are you hanging on to?


>"Try to understand where I am coming from. I'm a black woman living in America. You are all white bread affluent males."
>"Maybe not so affluent in your case, Spidey..."

If that that whole "muh people" bit was just an excuse to make a "lol, Peter's poor" joke... I'd be completly fine with that.

Black Tats when?

Remember this entire series the whenever Slott writes Black Cat as a crime boss.

You joined at the right time, user!

She was created for the series I believe


I'm starting to think it wasn't just Slott's idea but more editorial. I mean, it seems that Dan Slott is done with the Black Cat plot and turning her evil, and now she's bouncing around as the villain in Hellcat, Spider-Man (Miles) and Deadpool and Hawkeye. Fucking Silk is the only book that's giving her shades of her old self.

I bet you it's because "Black Cat is too sexy. Let's make her evil so we can only have good role model females as heroes". Guess we gotta wait til she appears in the MCU to be fixed.

Who's the bondage reject up top?

Going by the line about "it's like she just appeared", I figured she was, but I wasn't certain.

Cred Forums went crazy for her back in the day.

>Humbug front and center like he's the freaking leader

Isn't this the series that made humbug real creepy and disturbed?

I feel like if they just had her appear in other books, where she displayed traits beyond "wanting Spider-Man's junk", that wouldn't be a problem.

What a strange time that was

Spoilers, user.
But yes.

I agree. Why screw over Felicia like that?

>Humbug has a thing for Colleen


Funfact, all signs point to this roster of H4H getting added to Marvel: Future Fight next week. Although not confirmed, it's sounding like Shang-Chi, Colleen Wing, and Misty Knight are going to get added while Black Cat is getting a big buff.


What about this half of the team?

>Next Target: Captain America

Remember, this is all a tie-in to Civil War


So, you know, to give you an idea when this takes place.

>Shang-Chi interrupting the grieving to go full Zen

Not the time, man.

>Paladin continues to not give a fuck

For some reason I get a kick out of the trail off epilepsies

I don't know weather to comment on Misty's ass, or Colleen teasing Humbug.

It's like he knows he shouldn't say it, but can't help it.

>"That sounds dirty. What's a pixu?"

If it wasn't for that second part, and it was it's own panel, that would be the "Is this a sex thing?" of it's time.


>ever getting added to a video game as playable characters
Nah, son. Add Tarantula to that list for that matter. Talk about characters that got thrown into limbo.

Shang-Chi, Collen, and Misty are going to be in the Netflix shows so no limbo for them. Which reminds me, if we don't have a Daughters of the Dragon ongoing and a Master of Kung Fu ongoing by whatever the relaunch is coming after next summer's event (NOW 2.1? It even keeps Marvel's stupid .1 obsession) then I'll be furious.

>"That was our old friend, Detective Benny Simmons."

If they did their research, it probably would've been Rafe instead.

Wait until after the Iron Fist Netflix series to get casuals invested in the idea.
I mean, would you have guessed last year that Jessica Jones would get ANOTHER solo?


>"Or there's a bunch of sick Skrulls in Manhattan."

Remember, this is years before Secret Invasion, so that was probably a coincidence.

>that casual reference to the time he made Skrulls think they were cows

Speaking of, that reminds me. Didn't the Cow-Skrulls end up coming back in the original Kree-Skrull war? How did they get eaten by the Skrull Kill Krew later on?

I read the whole series a few months ago on Marvel U 'cause of THAT cover.

Pretty good series, all things considered. OP are you doing the whole thing or jst the Civil War tie-ins?

correct! i assumed one wandered off and died? shrug it was a skrull/cow that was just off panel

Okay, so this page is setting up the idea that getting Skrull organ transplants can give superpowers.
You'd think that would come up more.

Yes, actually. The Marvel 75th Anniversary one-shot had a back-up story by Bendis/Maleev that set-up a new ongoing. But then a couple years passed and fucking NOTHING. So if anything I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

I'm doing the whole thing. I'm not doing any other Civil War tie-ins, after all. Remember, despite the traffic we got from last time, this is still primarily a Power Man and Iron Fist series. I just extended it to Misty and Colleen since they're supporting characters to the two, who get their own books occasionally.
So I won't be doing Back In Black or Wolverine's Civil War tie-in, at least in this thread. I may do them some other random time on a whim, but not with the name, I prefer to use it to make it easy to find these threads in Desu.

>Wait until after the Iron Fist Netflix series to get casuals invested in the idea.
That'll be early 2017, next relaunch will be late 2017. Around the time Defenders is coming out.

Well in the original Fantastic Four story there was a fourth that didn't get turned into a cow, so that may have been what happened in that.
I probably should read that again eventually, especially if I plan to do my next storytime.

Well Misty's gonna be in Luke Cage, so maybe people will just want to give HER a solo?
I've seen stupider premises for a comic, after all.


Fucking Paladin.

Remember that fourth panel.



So yeah, Paladin's a dick.

All right Anons, last issue for the day.

Have you read the 8th issue preview, too?

Look pretty good, too.


I can only assume they added the "mercenary" in there because otherwise you'd be talking shit about Hawkeye. And as long as he's not being a total ass, which is sadly frequent, he's a good guy.


And going by the Ulysses vision from the last issue, Luke's plan is "fuck it, RIOT"

>it took all this time for them to realize Shang-Chi and Luke Cage weren't around

Hnnnng, God Felicia, you do things to me

>Misty spent the last few minutes beating the shit out of Steve Rogers

God damn it Humbug, get over your man-crush for at least five minutes!

So Paladin looks like John Walker?

Peter, don't you have lives to be saving right now?

As if Peter cares about that

Wait, are you saying he doesn't care about saving lives, or that he doesn't think Black Cat is hot?

I feel like they're supposed to look nothing alike, but, well, know know how hard it is making faces look different in comics.



>that anatomy

since when is stilt-man asian?

>that Wolf lady

In case you don't remember her from Busiek's Power Man and Iron Fist, that's Fera. She's famously one of the very wolves that killed Danny Rand's mother, who was turned into a humanoid by Master Khan.

I swear to god, I didn't make that up.


This series has just as much fanservice as you'd expect from THAT cover.

>In case you don't remember her from Busiek's Power Man and Iron Fist, that's Fera. She's famously one of the very wolves that killed Danny Rand's mother, who was turned into a humanoid by Master Khan.
Of course.

>Iron Man just immediately walks away the moment Humbug talks to him

The man gets NO respect.

>There's a hole in Misty's afro

In case you skipped the Daughters of the Dragon mini, Otis is they're invincible sectary.

So yeah, surviving an explosion like this? Not out of the ordinary with him, given that he got shot multiple times and only seemed annoyed.



And that's it for today, Anons. See you tomorrow, as we see how Ricadonna goes about getting revenge on Misty and Colleen for what happened in the mini!
See you then!


Not a problem, mate. I always arrive here late, but I've been here since deadly hands and I'm loving these threads a lot.

>I've been here since deadly hands
Well Marvel is releasing an Omni for Deadly Hands in November, so if you enjoyed those threads, support the books.

Could she get the whole girth inside?

>Sorry the thread's late today Anons,
No big deal. Posting at noon EDT means you're posting when I'm at work.
A couple Wednesdays the threads have even died before I even got home.

If this narration is, as I assume it is, Misty, then man, that's a harsh assessment of people who were your friends. (Seriously, I'm not stretching, I think, to say that Misty was probably friends with Nita after the Byrne Namor series, and she used to room with Jean Grey- some of her best friends are mutants!)

I had honestly assumed the white jumpsuit look was something older than that Daughters of the Dragon mini until we read through most of their history and it never showed up.

Hot damn, she straight up kicked that guy's jaw off.

Is this the first time Colleen's Japanese grampa got a name?

She's a new character based on an old Spider-Man villain, IIRC.

In this case it's a non-complaint. Look at the first panel- he's got a web line on one of the struts of the Watchtower parts of the building.

>Well Misty's gonna be in Luke Cage, so maybe people will just want to give HER a solo?

Misty without Colleen? We get that bullshit too much already. Strongly Disagree.

I guess Shang's time with Danny, Misty and Colleen was before Luke showed up then? Can't remember if he showed up at all later on besides that one Madripoor story arc.

Cap's teamed with Paladin before. He probably should have seen this coming.

The last eight issues were done by Zeb Wells though.

She's probably get it in the show, though. Jessica hinted at such. Same with Misty and her golden arm, it's all about the modern iteration with this lot.

Man, sucks that these goggles stopped existing for Secret Invasion, huh?

Was Flame the super racist arsonist from the Power Man era?

>I guess Shang's time with Danny, Misty and Colleen was before Luke showed up then? Can't remember if he showed up at all later on besides that one Madripoor story arc.

He's met Shang-Chi before, they worked briefly on that Marvel Knights team. He's just saying he doesn't trust him as much as he trusts Colleen and Misty.

But user, those Skills were totally undesirable, from Reed Richards's greatest machines, mind scans, or even magic, or any other logical way they'd be noticed!


...is that a xenomorph in the background?

She seems Misty levels of remorseful over the death of her friends and Misty levels of paranoid about the gov attacking Mutants

I get what she's saying, she's just drawing lines from similar situations to similar situations. She was made in the eighties, shit was still pretty ducking terrible for inner city blacks in the eighties.

Not to be that guy, but she was made in the 70's. That's why she has that amazing afro.