ITT Cred Forums characters that remind you of yourself as a child

I was a sweet and innocent kid, whos only friends were his toys.

Choji from Naruto

How so

My family is exactly like moral Orel family down to the mentally challenged sibling constantly hurting herself with nobody paying attention
I'm nothing like Orel tho, I'm like the realistic version of how Orel would have ended up

>I'm nothing like Orel tho, I'm like the realistic version of how Orel would have ended up
Bitter and a hatred for christianity? Also, why does your retarded sibling huet themselves?

Oh, no thee where no religious things, just my dad who was severely mentally ill and my incredibly irresponsible mom who only cared about herself.
But yeah bitter, hateful, shut in, lonely


Im sorry user. Im in kind of the same boat, only it was my mom who was an abusive cunt and my dad was a spineless cuck and did nothing. I hope you get better from your situation

It was just my sister, she is 11 now and only knows 5 words
She just run around the house with 0 supervision, she didn't go to school because Normal school wouldn't take her and she was always breaking stuff and playing with knives, glass bottles, etc

did you fuck her retarded brains out?

The difference between having a crazy mom and a crazy dad is that crazy dad beats you up.
I'm bipolar and there is no getting better for that, also I refuse to take any medication for it even if it means getting random episodes where I can't do anything for days.
I'm also a neet and fat and i haven't seen another person in person in about 5 months

No, why would I want to do that?


Fat and useless

i don't talk with my parents anymore

I was constantly sick and missed a lot of school. Some classmates and teachers would even forget that I even existed.
But I also had one teacher who would often joke that I was "back from the dead" when I did manage to make it to school.
My family also lived below the poverty line for the first 12 years of my life...

Could be worse

I want to say Mandy since any picture/video of me and everyone who know me always said I was quiet and angry, always had a pissed off look, could easily see through bullshit, etc.

And to this day I have an issue that everyone thinks I'm mad since this is just what my face looks like.

Christ dude call CPS or some shit. I don't want to turn this into a blog post but you CAN help being bi-polar. I'm full of mental illness, most of my family has at least two diagnoses each and I went from complete batshit to having a job and my own place. You know what helped a good 90% of my problems? Getting out of that hellhole of a family. Even if you don't think it bothers you because you're 'used' too it, whoa boy you'll be in for a surprise when you do. If you're aware of this shit then you're not past the point of return, unlike my mom. Who rolls in the dirt like a dog, can't shower by herself, screams bible verses all day in fits, etc. Been months, don't think she will get better now even she's back on meds but fuck it. I know tons of older bi-polar people and even completely functional schizos. You're just so used to shit since you still in it, and it's not going to get better until you fuck outta there.

Oh I live alone because my shitty crazy family is wealthy
My dad leaves an envelope with enough money to eat and pay utilities every month and we don't speak to each other
I don't want help I just want to be left alone

For me it’s Kefka – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>My dad leaves an envelope with enough money to eat and pay utilities every month and we don't speak to each other

>free rent for a place of your own
>free bills without screaming and yelling even though you stopped flushing your pee, wake up in sweat pools and take military showers

I know you don't take this for granted completely, but still. Lucky son of a bitch.

Oh, then. Good luck. I sure as shit wish I had a dime when I left. Should probably still go see a therapist and get a job though. Your parents are going to die eventually.

It's not even rent it's my own place, and yeah I'm lucky I get to live alone, not so lucky tho since my equally wealthy cousin gets everything he wants an i can't afford McDonalds but yeah
When dad dies I'm getting a lot of money, not that I'm counting on it or have any plans for it, I will just keep living like this, probably afford more McDonalds than now. I don't really want anything

Do not buy McDonalds, make McDonalds.

I was so obsessed for so long. I had countless encounters with the paranormal even among other witnesses and yet still could never capture material proof. Something always went wrong. At this point i have given up.

Thought highly of by a lot of people who tried to foster my potential, was able to do whatever I wanted. Despite my supposed perfections I inadvertently looked down on a lot of people.

Tried really hard not to have emotions, occasional bouts of violence.

So you are like his teacher.


It was his guidance consuler
What happend exactly